The Best Small Farm

Chapter 2119: On the Monkey Ranch Association

   Chapter 2119 On the Monkey Ranch Association

   Natalie was delighted. "Han, is your nose allergic to feathers? You sneezed three times at noon."

   "It's really possible." Li Han touched his nose, but no, he sneezed three times.

"Forget it, let's talk about it, I'll go over to see the little devils in pandora, what are they doing, Eric calls me, a group of children, there is nowhere to go, Eric is irritated. "

  Li Han smiled wryly, Pandora is a villain, just go to a picnic and barbecue, and bring a group of villains to accompany her to a party.

   "I'll go too." Natalie said with a smile. "Han, if you can't bear to spank pandora, I can do it for you."

  Alta and Lingna were amused by Natalie, and Li Han rolled his eyes. "I will do this myself."


   In the end, several people followed.

   "Is the barbecue delicious?"

  Dudu was slicing roasted meat and handing it to everyone to eat, when suddenly a familiar voice sounded from behind, the little man turned his head stiffly and saw a big, familiar face.


  Dudu villain, after calling, he lowered his head, two little feet, and kicked.

   When the little man saw his uncle, he let out a wow. The barbecue in his hand fell onto the grass. Li Han squatted down and picked it up, without the dirt, and smiled. "It's not dirty, the baby is so happy to see uncle so happy."

   "And you, Dudu, don't you invite Dad to eat barbecue?"

  Li Han, rub the little man's head.

   There will be a lot of people here, and the little **** can't be spanked, but the little ears still have to be lifted.

   "The barbecue tastes good."

  Natalie was even more rude than Li Han. She squeezed the barbecue and put it in her mouth, without being polite.

   "This wild vegetable salad tastes good, Jennifer, try it." Lingna used a fork to fork some wild vegetable salad, put it in her mouth, turned her head and said to Jennifer with a smile.

   "Oh yes, I'll try it." Jennifer, took the fork and took a bite. "Crispy and well seasoned."

   "Then I'll try it too." Arta was also interested in wild vegetable salad. "It's very good. It's a perfect match with grilled meat. The grilled meat is a little greasy, and this wild vegetable salad will solve it at once."

   "That's all for lunch, wild salad and grilled meat."

   Li Han asked.

   "And fruit and drinks." Baby, the villain said.

   "Well, and cereal." Maria pointed to the big cereal box.

   "It's quite rich."

  Li Han said with a smile.

"do you have anything else?"

   "No, this is all a picnic." Dudu, the villain, raised his head and said.

   "Picnic, don't call daddy."

  Li Han tapped Dudu's little head.

   "No picnic in the afternoon without calling Dad."


   "Okay, Dad will make you a broth."

  Li Han said with a smile. "When I came here, I saw some mushrooms growing. I'll make you a mushroom broth after washing it."


   "Daddy's mushroom broth is the best."

   "Stop flattering."

   "Han, it's true, just say a few words." Natalie, full of regrets, I didn't see the grand occasion of Li Han spanking pandora's ass, which is very regrettable.

  The picnic at Termite Hill doesn't end until two o'clock. Li Han, let the villain send it off, invite guests, go back, and come to Eric's office. "Mary, I think you should lose weight."

  Li Han saw Mary holding a pile of documents and said.

   "No, boss, I didn't plan to lose weight, I think I'm great now." Mary said with a smile, turned around, and left the office.

   "Eric, I brought everyone back to you, don't worry now."

  Li Han said with a smile. "These are the list for the grass field party tomorrow, there are a lot of people."

   "Boss, this is the tradition of Kotura Farms and Ranch. The successful planting of new pastures will require local farmers and ranchers to come as guests, and the hosts will have the best barbecue to entertain everyone." Eric said.

   "It's interesting, Barton is also among these people?" Li Han asked.

  Eric shook his head slightly. "Patton is our enemy."

   "Hehe, Eric, add an invitation."

   Li Han said. "I'd like to meet this Mr. Barton, and I have some questions to ask the farmer who only knows his name."

   "Oh, okay," Eric, said. "Barton, an extremely cunning old man."

   "I understand." Li Han said with a smile. "Barton wants to convince me to sell St. Andrews Farm, which is absolutely impossible."

   Eric was worried, Li Han knew a little bit, saw Eric relieved and said with a smile. "Eric, don't be nervous, San Andreas Farm will get better and better."

   "Yes, boss, I believe it will."

   said Eric. "I'm going to prepare the invitation letter."

   "Don't worry, I'll prepare the barbecue tomorrow."

   Li Han said. "My master, I always have to do something."

   "Boss, there are quite a few barbecues." Eric said worriedly.

   "Hehe, don't worry, I know what to do."

Li Han, I still have confidence in this point. I just read the list, but there are only about 60 people, each with a female companion, and a daughter or join, at most less than 200 people, this barbecue, Li Han You can still get busy.

   Just prepare in advance, Li Han thought, and there is a pandora barbecue car, which is enough to deal with without even having to use other barbecue cars.

   This is the benefit of the rotisserie cart, which can deliver a lot of meat faster than a single oven.

  Things were discussed and settled down, Eric arranged to meet the Ranch Association.

  Li Han returned to the manor with pandora and baby, Maria and Hamdan.

   Dudu villain and baby villain, Maria three hiding behind Li Han, Zhang Xiuying staring at these villains. "Are they all back?"

   "Well, grandma, Dudu brought you a lot of wild vegetables, all of which were dug by Dudu and Sister Baby and Sister Maria." The little Dudu said with a smile.

   "Mmmm, baby spends a lot of time digging for wild vegetables." Baby boy, also sticking out his small head, whispered.

   Maria, standing beside them without speaking. "You little brats, what time is it?" Zhang Xiuying pointed to the clock hanging on the wall.


   Dudu villain, said.

   "What time did you go out?"

   "9:30." The baby whispered.

   "You little fellows, having a picnic outside is fun. Can you cook? You're not afraid of starvation." Zhang Xiuying felt wrong after saying that.

   That's right, a few little devils seem to be able to cook, Li Han laughed, and when he saw his mother looking at him, he immediately held back. "Grandma is right, you little **** kids, going out for a picnic is just fooling around."

   "Dudu will not dare next time." Dudu villain immediately admitted his mistake.

   "Baby doesn't dare anymore."

   "Mary will be good."

"All right."

   Zhang Xiuying glared at her son. "When you go out to play, grandma agrees, but you can't help but tell grandma and go out secretly."

   "Dudu posted a note."

   "The wind blew away, and the sticker was not firmly attached." Li Han said with a little pouting of his nose. "Don't stick it on Dad's nose next time."

  Dudu little man sticking out his tongue and giggling. "Dudu knows."

   "You, don't dote on the little guys too much, they're about to go to the house." Zhang Xiuying glared at her son angrily, then turned to ask Dudu and Baobao if they were hungry.

   "I'm not hungry, I'm not hungry. Grandma and Dudu have roasted meat, but it's delicious. Big sister, brother, younger brother and sister all like to eat." Dudu said with a small hand.

   "Well, Dudu is so capable, please invite a lot of big brothers and sisters to eat barbecue." Zhang Xiuying smiled and touched Dudu's little head.

   "Well, Dudu is amazing."

   "The little tail is up again?" Li Han snorted, and the villain immediately lowered his head obediently, pretending to be pitiful.

   "Jennifer, if you say Han, will you really spank pandora's little ass?" Lingna asked.

   "Hehe, pandora is full of ghosts, I see, Han, this time it will be like the previous few times, it's nothing." Natalie pouted, this is almost done, and the repertoire is fixed.

   Sure enough, a few villains came out nibbling on the buns, all grinning like they were being spanked.

   "Be good next time."

  Li Han, seeing a few people looking at him, said sternly to a few villains.


   A few little people, nodding their heads vigorously.

   "Hehe, I almost forgot, you guys wait, I'll get coffee." Li Han looked up and saw Natalie staring at him, and said with a smile.

   "This guy, Han, really is."

   It was so noisy in the afternoon. The next morning, before the people from the Ranch Association came, Natalie had already carried a stack of newspapers and ran into the living room happily.

   "Look, Han, so many newspapers are talking about the St. Andrews Farm pasture."

   "By the way, and about your Han, look, these newspapers rate you, it's really interesting." Natalie said with a smile.

  Li Han pouted. "It's definitely not much better than yesterday."

   "Okay, hahaha, Han, what you think is too beautiful, offend the group of reporters, think well, but it will be difficult." Natalie smiled and held up the newspaper.

  Li Han was too lazy to raise his eyes. "Hehe, today, these guys, how do I look up."

   (end of this chapter)