The Best Small Farm

Chapter 2156: The limelight is the same [change in the

   Chapter 2156 The limelight is unique [Change in the morning]

   The second thousand one hundred and fortieth chapters are in the limelight

  The reception is in the largest Arya Room, with an area of ​​nearly 20,000 square feet, which is one of the largest banquet halls in Houston.

   "There are so many people." Liu Xiaoxiao glanced.

   "Today, the most important people in the entire Texas animal husbandry industry are here." Natalie, said. "Texas media reporters are all present."

   "No wonder, doesn't that mean that Han has a face?" Liu Xiaoxiao glanced at Li Han who was looking for dim sum with Dudu.

   Natalie smiled and nodded. "Let's stay away from Han."

   "Hehe, I see." Liu Xiaoxiao, grinning, nodded.

   "Wow, Dad, there are a lot of small cakes here." Dudu pulled Dad and pointed to the dessert table, all kinds of high points, placed in different high and low utensils. "it's beautiful."

   "Dudu wants this."

   "Uncle, Dad wants that one to look good."

"it is good."

  Li Han, busy with snacks, all the guests who passed by looked sideways and pouted slightly.

   "An unseen hillbilly."

   "Donne, shut your mouth."

   "Emily, maybe you'd like a snack too?" Donne snorted, as if he didn't really care about Emily.

   "Sorry, hello, I'm Emily."

   "Hello, I'm Han, it doesn't matter." Li Han wouldn't care about a young boy.

   "Pandora, baby, don't eat too many snacks," said Li Han. "Daddy's taking you to get some steak, maybe lobster."


   Li Han nodded to Emily, and took three little people to the cooked food area. Lobster and seafood were Li Han's favorite. "Hank Cow?"

  The steak used was Hank beef, which was beyond Li Han's expectations.

   Dudu villain, clipped a piece. "Hey, really, it's all beef from Dad's house."


  Li Han, taste it. "That's right."

  Li Han took the villain and moved in the food area, which attracted many people's attention. Everyone didn't say anything about it, but their eyes were weird.

   "Sure enough, fortunately, we are far away from Han and the others." Natalie said.

   "Hanzhen, it's really embarrassing to bring some pandora snacks." Liu Xiaoxiao said. "Natalie, thank you so much for the reminder."

   "It's fine." Natalie smiled.

   "I really don't understand, Jennifer and Lingna, Arta is so beautiful, how could she like Han?" Liu Xiaoxiao muttered.

   Natalie paused, then laughed out loud. "Oh god, no kidding, Jennifer is mom pandora, as for Lingna, it's Jennifer's assistant, Alta and I are just Han's patients."


   Liu Xiaoxiao exclaimed in surprise. "Han, it's a doctor, no, it's not true?"

   "Yes, it's hard to believe, but it's all true," Natalie said.

  Liu Xiaoxiao, why can't Li Han and the doctor be linked together, God, this is not true.

   "Oh, it's time to start."

   "What auction."

   "Charity auction?"

   "That's right, the rich people's favorite game." Natalie pouted, with a little disdain.

  Liu Xiaoxiao, nodded, domestic, seems to be slowly liking this kind of game.

   "Mr. Oreo, President of the Texas Cowboys Association."

   "Pfft." Liu Xiaoxiao almost couldn't hold back. "Mr. Biscuit?"

   "Haha, that's right."

"Good evening, everybody."

   Although the name is a bit funny, but the person is really handsome.

  Oreo first expressed his gratitude to the guests, and then highly praised this year’s Stampede, when talking about this year’s livestock trade. "I just got the news that San Antonio's St. Andrews Farm and Orson Ranch, Kili Ranch, Disney Ranch have made a multi-billion dollar deal, which is amazing."


   Forget about the reporters, everyone’s eyes were red with excitement, and the ranchers and farmers, as well as the top management of the large cattle farms, were all shocked.

  God, a big deal of hundreds of millions of dollars, this is a big deal for many years, especially for a little-known farm.

   "Hank the cow?"

  Everyone inquired about it, and after a while, everyone knew about it. "Hank Cow, never heard of it."

   "The meat quality of the livestock is the first, and the overall second place."

   "Meat quality first, comprehensive second, this is not easy."

   "Of course, you must know that there are five major farms and three cattle farms, and they can get the first place in the meat quality rating. I don't think anyone can do it except for the short and short Wagyu cattle."

   "No wonder it is worth hundreds of millions of dollars. You must know how big the wagyu market is every year. Old Orson is really old Orson."

   Old Orson's face is not very good-looking. You know, this matter, Old Orson did not intend to announce it so soon, it will not benefit Orson Ranch much.

   "Han, did he do this?" Old Orson frowned slightly and glanced at Li Han, who was also surprised.

   "Isn't it?" Old Orson thought for a while and looked at Disney Ranch, the owner of Disney Ranch. He didn't come today. You know, that guy likes to be lively, could it be him.

   Little Orson's face was not very good, so he returned to his father and whispered. "It's Disney Ranch."

   "This bastard."

   "Disney Ranch's reputation has dropped a lot in the past two years." Little Orson said. "This guy wants to take this opportunity to return to the top five ranches."

"Short-sighted guy." Old Orson, how long did it take to convince Li Han not to announce this news, this is also counted, Han realized that he promised to give up the DZ market, but he did not expect that because of what Disney ranch did, the time was greatly advanced. , which made the old Orson sad.

  Li Han wanted to laugh, but he held it back. Haha, I don't know, who did this, I think it's only one of the three ranches. Li Han glanced at it, the guy from Disney ranch didn't come, 90% of it was him.

   "Han, it's Disney Ranch." Tom, walking to Li Han's side, whispered.

   "I see." Li Han and Old Orson, as well as the owner of Kili Ranch, the manager of Disney Ranch were invited to the stage.

   "It's him?" Emily was a little surprised.

   "How could it be this hillbilly?" cried Donne.

   "Hillbilly, Donne, this is a billionaire."

   "Yes, so young."

   "It's shocking to hear that Hank cow was bred by this man."

  Donne didn't say a word, his face flushed slightly, what did he just do, he even said that a billionaire is a hillbilly.

  Li Han's expression on stage made Liu Xiaoxiao look at him with admiration. "It's quite a tabletop."

Li Han was besieged by reporters from above and below the stage, and he had to introduce Hank cattle. It was hard for Li Han to learn that Li Han owned nearly 200,000 acres of high-quality pastures and nearly 150,000 acres of farmland. Irrigated farms and nearly 100,000 acres of semi-barren pastures.

  The reporters were shocked. There are 450,000 acres of large ranchers, which are not found in Texas. Although some people own more land than Li Han, they are really better than ranches and farms, even if few people in the United States can compare.

   Especially private ranches, needless to say, how will the newspapers be the next day.

   "450,000 mu?"

  Li Han, dumbfounded. "Damn old Orson."

   "Han, what's going on?"


  Li Han glanced at the smiling old Orson.

   This guy, in order to transfer the transaction of Hank cattle, actually announced that Li Han owns 450,000 acres of pastures.

   "Han, your face is not very good."

   "It's okay, maybe I'm tired of roasting today." Li Han took the wine glass and found a quiet place.

   "Han, that's great."

"You are?"

   "I'm Andy from the Houston Sports News." Andy looked surprised.

   "Reporter?" Li Han's face changed.

   "Don't, Han, you know, I don't want to disturb you." Andy was so scared that Li Han turned his face and left.

  God, you know, this is a 450,000-acre ranch with a net worth of billions. It's unbelievable that such a young man can have it.

   "I want to take a break, you have five minutes." Li Han said helplessly.

   "Thank you so much." Andy was overjoyed.

  Andy's first question, as expected, was about the 450,000-acre ranch. "This is a rumor," Li Han said. "Yes, I own Hank's Farm and St. Andrew's Farm, with a total area of ​​over 300,000 acres, that's true, but you know, there's about 150,000 barren land here, yes, it's still barren, There are nearly 100,000 acres of fallow farms, and no more than 150,000 acres of pastures can be used for grazing.”

   "Thank you for your answer." Andy was happy, it looked like 450,000 acres, not a rumor.

  Andy suppressed his excitement and asked about the Hank cattle deal. "Yes, yes, I just made an agreement with a partner in China to sell 250 Hank cattle, the transaction value exceeds 20 million US dollars, plus the internal transaction of the San Andreas farm, the transaction of Hank cattle breeds The amount has exceeded $200 million.”

   Li Han said. "Among them, Hank Beef has opened up the high-end market in Montana, with annual sales exceeding 50 million US dollars. Among them, it has reached a series of cooperation with Hilton and other hotels and restaurants, involving an amount of nearly 100 million US dollars."

  Andy was completely stunned. "God, god, is this true?"

   "That's right."

   Li Han said. "In the Hank beef transaction, Orson Ranch's transaction volume exceeds 50 million US dollars."

Andy specifically mentioned Orson Ranch to Li Han. Although he was tempted, he didn't think much about it. Li Han glanced at old Orson. This old **** actually opened his bottom. At this time, it was not Li Hanjue. at the best time.

   Look away, maybe, better, Li Han, thought.

  Andy walked away excitedly, and Li Han took a sip with his wine glass in his hand.

   "Han, I'm sorry." Old Orson came over with a smile.

   "It's nothing, this is all the fault of Disney Ranch, this **** guy caught us off guard," Li Han said.

   "Yes, that's right, Han." Old Orson and Li Han were not talking about Hank's cow.

   Just waiting for Old Orson to leave, Li Han smiled, waiting for Old Orson Li Han, Li Han rubbed his stiff cheeks.

   "Han, I only believe now that you are a billionaire." Liu Xiaoxiao, who didn't know when, came and kept hiding.

"What's wrong?"

  Li Han asked with a smile.

   "Too hypocritical." Liu Xiaoxiao pouted.

   "Haha, hypocrisy is rich?"

   "Of course not, but the rich are all hypocritical. I've seen them a lot." Liu Xiaoxiao said. "By the way, Han, I'm here to tell you, go see pandora and the baby."

   "What's wrong?" Li Han stood up abruptly. "Two little guys are in trouble."

   "That's not true." Liu Xiaoxiao said with a smile. "I don't know, who gave the two little guys alcohol, pandora and the baby were drunk."


  Li Han, didn't notice Liu Xiaoxiao, his eyes were a little too much.

"damn it."

   Li Han cried. "Where are the two little guys now?"

   "Dim sum area." Liu Xiaoxiao lowered her head and took a sip of red wine.

   "Hey, are you red wine?" Li Han asked.

   "Ah, what's wrong?" Liu Xiaoxiao thought that Li Han had discovered his little trick, and was a little surprised.

   "You're still underage and can't drink."

  Li Han said, grabbed the red wine from Liu Xiaoxiao's hand, and drank it in one gulp.

   "Hey, I am." Suddenly Liu Xiaoxiao stared at the cup in Li Han's hand and was stunned. "Ah, pervert."

  Li Han was confused and perverted, and saw the lipstick on the cup. "Ha ha."

   "I'm going to see Dudu and the baby."

   said, Li Han left quickly, no matter how angry Liu Xiaoxiao is, he has no goal. "This guy must have done it on purpose. He actually dared to take advantage of this young lady. I will let you know that I am amazing."

   Li Han was surrounded by a group of reporters as soon as he appeared to inquire. "Damn." "Sorry, please let me go."

   "Mr. Li, there are rumors that you own 450,000 acres of pasture, is this true?"

   "Yeah, Mr. Lee, please, tell us, this is true, God, if it is true, you will be one of the few in the United States with over 300,000 acres of ranch land."

   "Sorry, no comment."

   (end of this chapter)