The Best Small Farm

Chapter 220: Rat plague spread

   Chapter 220 Rat plague spread

Li Han first called Jennifer when he returned to the small building. He said his worries about the rat disaster. Jennifer did not delay to end the call with Li Han, and immediately called Lambton. After a while, Jennifer called again. Called. "Han, Lambton is already investigating, and there may be results this afternoon."

  Jennifer and Li Han chatted for a while and hung up the phone. Li Han started to get busy, first riding a quad bike and telling Colt to work in the afternoon. "Colt, do you have any friends? I need to hire three to five more people, and the salary may be slightly lower."

  The economic crisis is getting worse, Montana has been affected, and the unemployment rate has increased, Colt asked excitedly. "Han, really, oh, God bless, Han, I have a few friends who are struggling with work, and I think they'd be willing to work for you."

  The Colts are good, and if you want to come, your friends will not be bad, Li Han said. "So you go back now. It's best to bring your friends here in the afternoon. Today is counted as work, and I will pay you my salary." Li Han patted the hesitant Colt. "Oh, by the way, Maria and pandora are having a good time. You don't have to worry about it. Eat with me at noon. You drive the farmer's car first, which is more convenient."

"Thank you Han." Colt clenched his fists, his eyes flashed with excitement, cleaned up the farmer's car and rushed back to the rental house. This is a good job, and the salary is relatively good, especially in the context of the economic crisis, a job How hard it is to have a stable job.

   Colt went back to the rental house to call a few friends, excited and grateful that Colt's friends gathered in Colt's room after a while. Colt's wife also rushed back. Compared to working in a convenience store, it seems that the Han farm work is better and the salary is higher, and Colt can bring back some fresh vegetables and beef every day, which saves a lot of money for poor families. , especially Maria is having a great time these days.

   "Colt, how about we have some beer." "No no, we have to meet Han in the afternoon, I think we should stay and celebrate in the evening." Colt waved his hand. "Colt is right, I can't wait."

   Colt's friends were excited to discuss what to wear in the afternoon and what to pay attention to. Li Han happened to be discussing the renovation of the ranch with Jem. "Jem, don't worry about the woods and the wilderness, I plan to use deep ploughing here on the barren grassland. On the one hand, there is no pasture here. I will use the fertilizer half a month before winter to prepare for the grass seeding in the spring tomorrow, and on the other hand, put an end to rats. the possibility of disaster.”

  Jem nodded, that was a good idea. "Han, we need to hire more workers." "I've already told Colt about this. Colt has some friends who are willing to come and work, maybe in the afternoon. Jem, you help arrange the farm machinery and tools that need to be purchased. Make the order and I'll tell Kady."

  Li Han didn't want to waste time. It was the first time Jem saw Li Han so decisive without any hesitation. He knew that investing in ranches and farms was not a good choice. "No problem, I will arrange it, leave it to me."

  Li Han handed over the sorted documents to Jem and said. "Recently pay attention to the price of beef cattle, and also pay attention to the price of pasture." "Han, I understand, I will arrange it first." "Well, it's hard work." Li Han sent Jem away, went back to the bedroom, turned on the computer, Li Han Han sorted out a document and vouchers, intending to apply for a loan of 10 million US dollars. The Chris family contract and the newly purchased Pearl Flower Ranch became the main mortgage objects of Li Han.

   Hank’s farm had been mortgaged earlier. Li Han contacted Bol. Bol was very confused about Li Han’s purchase of pearl flowers. Li Han briefly explained it. Bol did not expect that Li Han and the Walton family had a good relationship. Bol and Li Han had a good relationship and promised to give Li Han an answer as soon as possible. "I hope it will be successful." Li Han had insufficient funds. Thinking of Kaidi's talk about the high-voltage trap manufacturer, Li Han still had a little idea in his heart.

   But, in the afternoon, Li Han was stunned when he saw Lingna brought a white man with a high-voltage mousetrap. "Lingna, I didn't expect it to be you." "Han, you are later than Jennifer." "Yeah, I didn't expect Jennifer to move so fast."

  Lina smiled and took the coffee that Li Han handed over. "This is a good business. I think anyone who sees it will want to win it, right?" "Of course, Lingna, should we talk about the price again?"

  Li Han was still a little depressed in his heart. He originally planned to get some funds to invest in this small factory, but he didn't expect Jennifer to cut her hair straight away. "Of course, Han, you also think the price is cheap, don't you?" Lingna's words left Li Han speechless, until Lingna laughed, Li Han knew that Lingna was joking.

   "Okay, please sign this document." Lingna's document was handed to Li Han, Li Han picked it up and looked at it, and asked a little puzzled. "Lingna, what does Jennifer mean?" Li Han's face was a little unsightly. Could it be that he still couldn't eat soft rice.

  Lina expected Li Han to be like this and said with a smile. "Jennifer said, it's not time for the Walton family and the Kroenkes to get involved in Comixing, Han, you have a good social circle in Comixing, and the Chris family will have no opinion on this if you think about it. , this plant is close to an Indian reservation, and no one is more suitable than you."

   "However, I won't take part in the management." Li Han didn't expect Jennifer to buy this high-voltage mouse trap factory in her own name, and Lingna nodded. "No problem, Han, I'll take care of it."

  Li Han nodded and said. "How about the rat plague, how about the Lambton investigation?"

  Lina's face turned a little unsightly, and nodded slightly. "Lambton checked the farm barn and storage bin. The situation was worse than expected. Perhaps, you guessed it, Han, the rat plague has come." "We can't hide this. I plan to tell Uncle Ronald. Now, invite all farms and ranchers to participate, this matter cannot be delayed."

  Lina opened her mouth but didn't say anything. "I know that maybe it will be beneficial for us to delay for two days, but I think it may be better to say it now, Lingna, you can increase production as soon as possible, I don't want it for two days, everyone will realize that the rat plague is serious. ."

  Lina nodded and said. "In this regard, Han, don't worry, Jennifer has already arranged it, Han, I'll go back first, and Jennifer won't be back in two days." "Wait a minute, this is spring water and herbal packs, the swine flu has been serious recently. , this is me making some medicinal soup, maybe it can prevent swine flu."

  Li Han herbs and several ingredients are ready, as well as a bucket of spring water. "Thank you, Han, Jennifer feels very good after drinking chicken soup these days." "Chicken soup should stick to it, Lingna, this is the same recipe as Jennifer's. I see that your face is not very good. Drinking some chicken soup is good for your body. better."

"Thank you, Han, I'll go back first." Lingna got up and hugged Li Han. This was the first time. Sending Lingna away, Li Han called Jem, Colt and others came together, pickup, four wheels The tractor pulls the trailer and begins to deliver the traps.

   Li Han explained things clearly here. He did not fall around the small farm, arranged several mouse traps, and warned Dudu, baby, Maria not to approach. The high-voltage current is too dangerous. The three little guys nodded in unison, and stood obediently and did not approach.

   Dudu pulled Li Han. "Dad, Dudu wants to fight mice." "Dad will accompany you to fight at night, darling, has the vegetable garden soil been turned over?" "No, big hum is not good, it's messy." .

   "It's okay, Dad will help you turn the soil tomorrow." "Yeah." "Let's play." Li Han rubbed Dudu and the baby's head, and touched Maria. Back in the small building, Li Han called Ronald. "William, is Uncle Ronald there?"

   "Han's phone." "Han." Ronald was busy competing for the mayor seat recently, and his voice was hoarse when he received a call from Li Han. "Uncle Ronald, do you have time? I have something to discuss with you."

   "Oh, Han, Anderson has a party tonight." Ronald said, and Li Han opened the hand to find the invitation. "Okay then, Uncle Ronald, see you tonight." Li Han hung up the phone and called Anderson and chatted a few words.

   just saved himself the trouble. Anderson invited many guests, most of whom were farmers and ranchers in Kemising Township, but this matter, I don’t know if anyone would be unwilling to accept it. Li Han doesn't have time to think about this now. I don't know how the acquisition of Pearl Flower Ranch got out.

   Li Han had a headache, and friends like Wei Li, Kady, Bill, Cynthia, etc. needless to say, Chris, Georgina, and even Liu Ming from China called. Li Han was slaughtered and lost five million dollars. This is not a small amount of money.

Li Han was comforted by answering the phone in the afternoon. Liu Ming and Chris both wanted to lend money to Li Han, but Liu Ming might be concerned about his friends, and Chris wanted Li Han to owe him favors, of course. Debt is better.

  The Walton family is under a lot of pressure. Li Han’s beer production has increased. It’s much better to go to Wal-Mart like Morning Dew than the Chris family’s wine business. It’s hard to guarantee that Li Han won’t cooperate with Jennifer. Not to mention the Walton family, Stanley also holds hundreds of shopping mall shares, and Anne Walton, the Kroenke family is also no small competitor. "Ming, thank you, it really doesn't matter, do you have two more days to go back to Montana?"

  Liu Ming has been back to China for a long time this time. "It may take a few more days. The old man in the family will have his birthday in two more days. The old man in the family will not let him go." The farm will arrange it as soon as possible, and I will buy some high-pressure rat traps here and send you a few."

   "Won't there be a rat plague?" Liu Ming joked.

   "Well, this may have already happened. Hanton, who sold the ranch this time, may have discovered it earlier. It's just flu and mad cow disease just coincidence." Li Han said with a wry smile.

"Han, your luck doesn't look very good, haha, thank you, I will call the farm and go back to drink." Liu Ming and Li Han talked about beer, Li Han hung up the phone and rubbed it. Cheeks, this is a mess.

Today's college entrance examination, time has passed so fast, it's been a few years, I was in high school every day, skipping classes, playing all kinds of games, I didn't go to school for a long time before the college entrance examination, and I almost didn't get the admission ticket. , Mixed two books, and finally mixed for a few years.

I don’t know if there are any book friends who have the college entrance examination. Don’t be nervous. Of course, the college entrance examination is just like that. It’s good to have a walk at night when you have nothing to do. Of course, don’t learn from the author. Exam, still tired.



   (end of this chapter)