The Best Small Farm

Chapter 2247: President Bear

   Chapter 2247 President Bear

   "Don't these cost money?" Sarah looked surprised, and the pasta and drinks she ordered didn't cost any money.

   Not to mention Sarah, Great Mary was all surprised. "Pandora are you serious?"

   "Well, this discount coupon can be deducted from one dollar, this can be deducted 50 cents, no more money." Dudu, counting the discount coupons as he spoke. "Fifty pasta and twenty drinks in one car."

  Sara nodded vigorously and started to carry the pasta. This group of people would have been recognized as soon as they entered the door. There would be more than a dozen shopping carts, carrying pasta and drinks, which was even more eye-catching.

  Many people followed to take pictures, take videos, and even reporters appeared, but fortunately, Li Han and others blocked a little. On the supermarket side, the general manager of the supermarket in this area is here, not to mention the store manager.

  Although Sarah and Maria don't have many privileges, their father is the President of the United States, and that's enough.

   "Xiao Hei Hei, don't make trouble." Seeing Xiao Hei Hei pulling a lot of canned meat, Sarah crouched down and patted Xiao Hei Hei's head.

   Xiaoheihei, Sarah, this scene was filmed. "Han, this video was sent to Director Seth. It can really be a good role." Liu Xiaoxiao followed Li Han's instructions for half an hour, and her arms were a little stiff.

   "Don't worry." Li Han said with a smile. "You send it to Seth and talk about it."

   "Okay." Liu Xiaoxiao, a little suspicious.

  The video was sent for a while, but nothing happened, Liu Xiaoxiao pouted, Han, this guy is a liar.

   Seth MacFarlane, who was doing post-editing and production of teddy bears, received Liu Xiaoxiao's video, didn't pay much attention, clicked it, watched it for a while, and was stunned.

  Especially the surrounding discussions. The president's daughter, Seth, doesn't know Sarah and Dame Maria. I looked it up on the Internet, and sure enough, it was the little black bear beside them, Little Heihei, that really made Seth unable to sit still.

   "Is this true?" Seth immediately took out the phone and dialed Li Han.

   "Seth's phone?" Li Han smiled.

   "Why not give it to me." Liu Xiaoxiao looked unhappy, knowing that it was the video he sent him.

   "Seth." Li Han smiled and answered the phone, while Liu Xiaoxiao pouted Lao Gao.

   "Han, God, is that true?" Seth couldn't be more excited. Although the President of the United States seemed very easy-going, he always seemed to get along well with the common people, but most of the time, he acted like a jerk.

   Seth knows, yes, the words of the two presidents' daughters, teddy bears will be publicized, and a little bit of wind will be released. I don't know how many reporters are rushing to help promote it.

   Liu Xiaoxiao listened from the side, her eyes lit up, yes, why didn't she think of it. "Sarah, I'll help you." Liu Xiaoxiao immediately acted.

  Sara was a little puzzled, but with help, she could move more, and Sara was very happy.

  Liu Xiaoxiao, very happy to say, you know, there are more and more reporters around, and they will not let it go.

  Liu Xiaoxiao thought, she was on the news and sent back the scene in China, she couldn't help laughing, Sarah was startled. "Pandora." Sara Lala grumbled, pointing to Liu Xiaoxiao.

   "It doesn't matter, the little sister likes to giggle the most." Dudu waved his little hand and said.

   "There is no money for toothbrushes here." Dudu said. "You can take twenty at a time and give them to the orphanage."

   "That's good." Sarah, began to count, twenty toothbrushes in a car.

   After a frantic scavenging of goods, eight cars, plus two special shopping carts, totaled ten cars, and drove to the cashier.

   A group of reporters, the fat woman at the cash register, was a little nervous. "Auntie, pandora has discount coupons."

   "Yes, we have a lot of discount coupons." Sarah, said.

   A few villain discount coupons were handed to the fat woman at the cashier, who was slightly taken aback. The identities of these two girls, she already knew just now that this is the daughter of the president, even used a discount coupon.

   "Auntie hurry up, pandora has to send a lot of welfare homes." Dudu, the villain said.

  The reporters were excited when they saw Sarah and Maria using the discount coupons. This is big news. The use of the discount coupons by the president's daughter will definitely attract a lot of people's attention and even become a hot topic.

  Reporter, it's not surprising that I'm not excited. When Dudu said that they were sent to the orphanage, some reporters began to think about how to write a story for a while.

  Sara and Maria, a scene of counting discount coupons was filmed, Dudu and Xiaoheihei followed, and Liu Xiaoxiao was not appearing.

  Ten shopping carts, used, checkout for nearly an hour, and I got stuck three times just by brushing off a pack of discount coupons from Dudu. "Sorry, need to wait."

   The shop owner here, learning that there are too many discount coupons, immediately said. "I'll go to the office to change it."

The original limit of 1,000 discount coupons has been changed to 10,000. Of course, this limits the use of discount coupons. The main system problem is that this supermarket has never encountered more than 100 discount coupons. This is the first time The second time I encountered a thousand sheets, it was the president's daughter who came to brush them.

   "It's so slow." Dudu pouted, and a few people were waiting on the side.

   "Can't the pandora discount coupon be used?" Sarah asked worriedly, knowing that when she came out, Sarah didn't bring any money, and Michelle didn't give them much pocket money.

   "It's okay, it's okay, it will be fine in a while." The little guy waved his hand. This kind of thing has happened to little guys.


   "Well, last time, just wait for a while." Dudu villain said.

   "Great." Sara clapped her little hands.


   "I'm so sorry, it's alright." The store owner didn't dare to take a big deal with this little kid. You know, standing next to this guy is not an ordinary person, the president's daughter.

   "Okay, that's fine." The fat woman wiped off her sweat and sweated at the checkout. It was the first time she had appeared.

   "Fifty cents."

   "Well, great money." Sarah, happily handing over fifty cents.

   "This is the best car." Dudu said.

   "One thousand five hundred dollars." The fat woman was stunned, why so much.

   "Ah." Sarah and Maria were stunned.

  How could there be so much money, Dudu villain, calmly took out fifteen hundred dollars and handed it to the fat woman.

   "pandora, what's going on, how can there be so much money." Maria looked at the little dudu with a surprised expression.

   "These are supplements." Dudu said. "There aren't many discount coupons."

  This batch of supplements cost more than 2,000 US dollars in total. Dudu used the discount coupon, but it still cost more than 1,000 US dollars.

   "I see." Maria felt that there was less than a hundred dollars in her pocket, but how could pandora have so much money.

  Sara was even more surprised. "Pandora, why do you have so much money? Did Li give it to you?"

   "That's not it, pandora earns money by herself," the villain said. "Pandora had to save a lot of money to buy mosquito nets."

   "Mosquito nets?" Maria looked puzzled. "Are mosquito nets expensive?"

   "No." Little Dudu told the two of them that African children needed mosquito nets.

   "This is my pocket money, pandora, please donate it to the Mosquito Net Association." Maria took out her pocket money, but it was more than eighty dollars, and Sarah was less than fifty dollars.


  Dudu then pretended, this scene was filmed by reporters, all the reporters were curious, who this little guy is. Why, Maria and Sarah will give her money, why are the two crying, is there any story here?

   (end of this chapter)