The Best Small Farm

Chapter 232: Too many people hide and play

   Chapter 232 Too many people to hide and play

   Li Mei is a little curious, Dudu and Baobao are as familiar as they are at home in the hotel. "Han, do Dudu and the baby speak French?" Lily blinked. Lily's father was French, and Lily's French was not bad. Although Dudu and the baby were not speaking loudly, they could still be heard.

   Li Mei was stunned, watching what the two little guys and a middle-aged chef were saying, and after listening carefully, it really wasn't English. "Dudu French is not bad, and the baby can speak a little bit." "Really?" Li Mei didn't expect that her daughter was not only good at spoken English, but also spoke French.

  Li Han explained, and heard that the two little guys learned French in order to come to the restaurant to order food and order their favorite desserts. Li Mei, Li Xueer, and Lily were a little dumbfounded. "Actually, it's much better than learning French for the sake of learning French. At least the two little guys learn French for the sake of being useful, and they are quite motivated to use them at ordinary times, aren't they?"

   After talking, Dudu and the baby came back after ordering, and the little guy climbed into the chair. "Have you ordered the food?" Li Han asked Dudu with a smile, and Dudu nodded his head vigorously. There are not many people eating dinner in the restaurant. The restaurant has a good environment. Dudu and the baby are full and go to play the piano.

   The two little guys sang a song about Swan Lake, which was very nice. After dinner, the two little guys jumped out of the hotel with dessert. "Mom, the cake is delicious." "Haha, it's delicious." Li Mei is in a good mood. The baby has been learning quite well these days. I heard that he has studied ballet, which is really good.

Back to the small farm, Li Han took Xueer, Lily and the old sister to the bar for a while at night. Unexpectedly, there were a few Chinese guests. After chatting for a while, Li Han confiscated the beer money, and three or four guests were still domestic. Here, Li Hanquan invited his compatriots to have a beer. I sent a few guests away and went back to the small building. It would be late. If my sister came over again, Li Han didn't plan to go out to fight mice at night. The two little guys didn't make a fuss. Li Han told stories, and Cher and Lily chatted with their mother until after nine o'clock, took a bath and went to bed.

A quiet night passed, and the next day just dawned, Li Han's alarm rang, Li Han picked up the small meat ball on his body, the little guy had a small buttocks, took a shower yesterday, and was stunned to stop urinating Wet, and in the end I didn't wear any panties.

   The fleshy little man was lying on Li Han's arms, hot, Li Han pinched Dudu's little nose, and the little girl rubbed her big eyes. "Dad." Xiaozui pouted, got up and pressed Li Han's chin with his little head.

   Li Han pretended to lie down, making Dudu giggle, Li Han sat down. "Get up and put on your clothes, don't freeze." Li Handudu's clothes were handed to Dudu to put on, and he led Dudu Xiaolou to prepare the ingredients for breakfast and lunch, beef, vegetables, fish and shrimp, and put them in order to keep fresh. In a box, in a pickup truck. Breakfast, simple rice porridge, toast, stir fry, plus a plate of cooked beef and salted duck eggs, milk.

   Arrange the shotgun and bullets in the carriage, get ready, finish the farm work early, and have breakfast. Li Han drove off in his pickup truck. The two little guys, Dudu and Bao Bao, who were sitting in the back row, were the happiest when Li Han handed each of the two little guys a PP gun, and they had a lot of fun.

Not long after Li Han left, a few pickup trucks arrived at the entrance of the small farm and stopped. The people who came were several farmers and ranchers from Kemising Township. Li Han did not have a good relationship. They just met, German. Americans don't like Li Han's identity as a yellow race. Li Han rarely participates in this circle. It is considered that the well water does not change the river water. Everyone greets each other when they meet. "Leo, we're really going to beg this yellow-skinned boy." "Luka."

   Leo roared at Luka with some anger, and Luka muttered and didn't speak again. "Leo, Luca didn't mean it, forget it." "Kors, now, we need Han's help. I think Luca needs to be more polite, Han, who is not a good-natured person."

   "Leo, I'd rather fight a mouse than ask him for help, it makes me feel ashamed." Luca had a bad impression of Li Han, and even laughed at Li Han on the spot, especially not long after the Anderson party.

   Luca didn't have the scruples to mock and ridicule Li Han at that time, and even said that Li Han was alarmist and spread rumors. At that time, Li Han's expression was not very good. "Luka, we need to think about far more than just our face, but our lives."

The situation of Leo and Luca is not very good, especially Luca and Coles close to the state grassland, Marcos Brothers Ranch, there was a small rat tide yesterday, a group of tens of thousands of rats suddenly entered Luca and Coles, Marcos Brothers Ranch, and there are intermittent rat tides, thousands more and hundreds less. Unprepared Luca and Marcos, the Coles brothers, had to find Leo, and Leo's farm was not very good.

  The warehouse mouse is beyond imagination. Leo can only ensure that his farm will not be affected too much now, and he is completely incapable of helping the three. Fortunately, Leo’s wife reminded Han that he might be able to help them. High-pressure rat traps are a good choice, and Li Han has some connections with several pharmaceutical factories. You must know that not only high-pressure traps, but Lingna also bought several pesticide factories. Jennifer Considering Li Han carefully, someone else might rely on this to make a fortune.

But, Jennifer's purpose is not this, and the participation of the Walton family will not affect Li Han's name. Li Han has become a little mouse because of misunderstandings and rumors a few days ago. Don't say good things about Li Han. Although the wind has changed in the past two days, rumors have become facts. Li Han's image was very good at first. He used to have a good relationship, but the more he got better, many people have benefited. Always remember some kindness. As for the bad relationship, Li Han didn't pay much attention to it. These people didn't have much relationship at all. contact each other. Li Han certainly didn't treat him with a good face when he spoke badly and insulted himself.

  Luca and Coles, the Mars brothers and Rem went to the town sales point to buy some rat poison, but there was not enough, as for the high-pressure rat trap, there was no stock at all. It takes too long to make a reservation, and I can't wait. This is not Leo and came to Hank's farm.

   Brothers Luca and Coles, helpless to follow Leo, happened to meet Colt at work. "Leo?" "Oh, Colt, why are you here?" "I work at Hank's farm, are you looking for Han? It's a pity, Han went to Pearl Flower Ranch today, he's already there, and he's not here now, Maybe you can come back tonight."

  Leo said to Luca and Coles brothers a little annoyed. "Luke, I don't think breakfast should be eaten." "Leo, it's not our fault, let's go, let's think of other ways, maybe Yuri has a way, Yuri told me yesterday that he already has A good way."

"Mars, have you forgotten Yuri's lie, he is a shameless liar." Luca was very dissatisfied with Yuri. Yuri swore that the Montana government had investigated and there was no possibility of a rat infestation, but there were few God, there was a rat plague. As soon as the news was announced yesterday, Luca was completely stupid, and he became a clown who was ridiculed by others. The ranch is now seriously infested with rats.

  Leo said helplessly. "Luca, I don't think arguing can solve the problem, Colt, Han, what time will you be back." "Leo, I don't know about this matter, maybe it will be the afternoon, maybe tomorrow, oh yes, Han explained, if Someone came to find him, this is for him."

   Colt handed Leo a note. "Ronald's Farm?" "Yeah, you can find Ronald if you have anything," Colt said, pointing to the wooden sign erected outside the farm. "Thank you, Colt."

  Leo and Luca, the Coles brothers return to the farm gate. "Let's go, let's go to Ronald Farm." "Leo, maybe we should find a way ourselves." "Luca, do you have a solution?"

  Luca was silent, Leo launched the pickup, but Luca couldn't keep up. In the morning, Li Han had just arrived at the lakeside hut at Pearl Flower Farm. Three waves of guests have come to the farm, most of them are looking for Li Han to buy high-voltage mouse traps and rat poison. This time the rat disaster came too suddenly, no one expected.

Li Han didn't know that this matter had something to do with him. Li Han and Dudu cultivated a batch of rat species in the spring water left by the state grassland. These batches reproduced rapidly. Originally, due to drought and other reasons, there were more rats than usual years. A batch of rapid breeding, the rat plague broke out.

  Li Han was hiding at this time. These people wanted Li Han to help, but Li Han really couldn't help this matter and didn't want to participate. Management was Lingna's business. I left 5,000 units from Lingna's inventory. Yesterday, Li Han called Ronald to tell him about this. Li Han told Ronald to help him handle this batch of pre-orders. The price was based on the price set by the manufacturer. Batch orders, go directly to pick up.

   Ronald didn't expect Li Han to send such a big favor. Li Han is not without benefits. If 5,000 units start to be released, it is nothing, but today and tomorrow, these quantities are not too small. Li Han took out 5,000 units for Kemising Town, and he has done his best. Ronald is responsible, and more or less gets some favors. "I guess Uncle Ronald is going to have a headache now." Li Han thought to himself as he carried the beef and vegetables.

  Handon, the wooden house here is quite good. It is a villa type. It is close to the lake and hillside. The whole hillside is well maintained, the lawn is neat, and there are many hundred-year-old trees. It is a good place for vacation. "It's a very beautiful house." Lily and Li Xueer pushed open the small wooden door, stood in front of the wooden house, and looked at the wooden house. The house is not big, with two and a half floors. The whole wooden house has no bedrooms, six and a half bathrooms, three bathrooms, living room, dining room, and all the facilities and equipment are pretty good.

  The water and electricity were all connected, Li Han opened the refrigerator and there was still some beer in it, Li Han turned on the power and ventilated. "Little man, let's clean the house first." The sofa cover was removed, and after cleaning it, there was not much dust.

  The house is cleaned up, old lady, Cher, Lily clean the sheets and the like, leave it to bake, clean the whole wooden house in the morning, clean the sheets and the like, and you can stay for one night at night. At noon, Li Han was barbecuing in the yard, Xueer, Lily, Dudu, and Baobao went fishing on the log pier with fishing rods, and Li Mei was worried that the two little guys followed. Not to mention, there are really fish, Dudu caught a very large bass, and was excited to run back to his father to see.

  Li Han washed it directly and made a plate of sashimi. "Dudu, Dad has prepared these seasonings. You can bring them to your aunt and sisters to taste." "Yeah." Auntie tried it.

   (end of this chapter)