The Best Small Farm

Chapter 2370: The bee sequelae of dongdudu adult baby

   Chapter 2370 The bee sequelae of the daddy and baby

   Gao Min touched Guo Yang, who was stunned for a moment. "What's wrong?"

   "Speak up, stand stupidly." Gao Min, really couldn't help Guo Yang.

   "Hehe, Professor Quan, you're right." Guo Yang whispered.

   "It's really a pig's brain." Gao Min, really helpless, rolled his eyes at Guo Yang, turned his head and pulled Dudu with a smile. "Dudu, after selling these things, what kind of charity do you want to do?"

   "Dudu is building a school for children in the mountains." Dudu said.

   Quan An Guo was taken aback for a moment and looked at Dudu. "It's a pity that these cultural relics are sold."

"Why, my father said that all things are dead, people are alive, and things can be found again, but people's hearts can't be found, Dudu doesn't understand what it means, but my father says, Dudu Selling and building a school is a good thing," the villain said.

   Li Han smiled wryly, how could this little devil tell himself. "Professor Quan, so, if the value of this batch of items is enough to build the school and improve the living conditions of the children, there is still some leftovers, and I will donate some of the remaining items to the museum."

  Quan Anguo, sighed. "All right."

Don't look at Quan Anguo, he is hard-tempered and upright, but after all, it is not unreasonable and eccentric. When you meet Dudu adults, you can't get up. The starting point is not for myself, but in the end I want to say, I still want to take something from a child's hand, and it's really bad to say it.

   "Is this your classmate?" Quan Anguo, without mentioning the donation, turned to ask Li Han.

   "Guo Zi, this is Professor Quan." Li Han said with a smile.

   "Professor Quan Anguo?" Guo Zi, just in a daze, finally remembered who this was in front of him.

   This is the director of the Palace Museum, Guo Yang's idol, absolutely. "It's really you, I can't believe I can see you here."

   "Guo Yang, don't get nervous." Gao Min pulled Guo Yang and whispered.

  Let's introduce you to Li Han, don't screw it up. "Gao Min, you know, Professor Quan is the director of the Palace Museum, the person I admire most."


   Gao Min, exclaimed, this is incredible, Director of the Palace Museum, this is the biggest person Gao Min has ever seen.

   You must know, Wang Shufeng, Professor Wang, before meeting Li Han again, for Gao Min and Guo Yang, for Gao Min and Guo Yang, they were the most outstanding people, but compared with the people in front of them, they were worse than heaven and earth.

   "Hehe, Xiao Guo, that's not right, I've already retired, I'm not a dean anymore." Quan Anguo said.

   "No, you have always been in my heart." Guo Yang blushed, excited, adored, and said firmly.

   Li Han smiled, Guo Yang, these words came from the heart, this kind of words that are not like flattery and even more flattering are more useful than deliberate words.

   "Old Dean, I can study by your side, even for a minute." Guo Yang said.

   Quan Anguo saw Guo Yang, spoke from the bottom of his heart, and nodded. "Okay, huh, but, don't be too happy, I'm very strict, I will test you, do you know this thing?"


   Guo Yang took it over. This is a black circular object with a round hole, and there are words on it. "right."

   "Just now, Xiao Zhang and Xiao Li didn't recognize this thing." Quan An Guo said with a smile. "Speaking of which, this thing is quite rare."

   "Quan, I think it has something to do with weights and measures. In the Warring States period, this is a weighing instrument." Guo Yang said. "However, this thing is rarely seen, and it is easy to be mistaken for an ancient coin, with very few words."

   "Hahaha, yes, yes, that's right." Quan An Guo nodded. "You stay, but, I'm going to be ugly. You're only an entry test, and there's more to follow. If you don't pass, I won't be polite to you."

   "You can test." Guo Yang said.

   "Okay, sister-in-law, Guo Zi, you are really amazing." Li Han said with a smile. "This black ring, I have been in front of the iron ring on the ship."

"Haha, Guo Yang just happened to be." Gao Min showed a little lust, her husband, showing his face, as a wife, don't be too happy, you must know that Gao Min and Guo Yang are married, but the family is not optimistic, Guo Yang speaks and behaves carelessly , Not much scheming, and, to friends and relatives, too honest.

   Gao Min came together with Guo Yang under the pressure of the family. Speaking of which, Gao Min came forward for many things at home. Although this woman is a little philistine, she is also the most suitable person for Guo Yang.

  Guo Yang passed the Quan Anguo and asked questions casually. He was qualified to participate in the cleaning and appraisal of Li Han's batch of cultural relics. "That, Gao Min, I may have to stay and help the dean to identify these cultural relics. If you go to the hotel first, I don't know how long it will be here." Guo Yang said.

   "Guo Zi, don't worry about your sister-in-law's side, just work hard."

  Li Han said with a smile. "I'm afraid, I can't entertain my sister-in-law well."

   "That, man, that's not what I meant." Guo Yang, scratching his head a little.

   "Okay, go get busy, I will take care of myself." Gao Min said.

   "That's good." Guo Yang nodded with a smile.

   "When did Professor Wang come?" Gao Min asked, Quan Anguo meant that he didn't want to accept Guo Yang as a student. This time, it was a face for Li Han, of course, it had something to do with Guo Yang's knowledge.

   "Professor Wang, come over in a while." Li Han said with a smile. "Sister-in-law, you know that these professors are incomparable with their enthusiasm for what they like."

   "I don't know where." Gao Min said with a wry smile. "Guo Yang is such a person."

   "Hehe, sister-in-law, it's not me who said that, only by studying hard like this can you get results. I really admire Guo Zi." Li Han said.

   "You are too modest." Gao Min said. "Guo Zi is nothing compared to you."

  Li Han smiled and waved his hand. "Hehe, sister-in-law, it's not that I'm humble, I just have better luck."


   was talking, Natalie, Arta, Liu Xiaoxiao, Helen, came back from outside.

Gao Min stood up immediately, three blond beauties, plus a little beauty, the blond beauty who was the leader in talking, had a really good figure, with a bulge in front and back, sure enough, the foreign women were different, the other two were very good, one of them was talking The beauty of the beauty is comparable, almost on the side, and has a good temperament.

   As for the little beauty, Gao Min, I didn't pay much attention to it. I don't know, which one of Dudu's mothers is?

   "Who is this?" Natalie looked at Gao Min and was a little puzzled.

  Li Han stood up and introduced with a smile. "This is my old classmate, Gao Min, the wife of my good brother Guo Yang."

   "Hello." Natalie nodded with a smile.

   "Hello, are you Xiaohan's wife?" Gao Min, a little restrained.

   "Ah, wife?"

   Natalie was stunned for a moment, with a look of disbelief, and Arta was also surprised, only Helen was confused and didn't understand.

   Only Liu Xiaoxiao, hahaha laughed, clutching her stomach, unable to straighten her waist with laughter.

   Gao Min saw everyone's reaction and knew that he had said the wrong thing. "Sorry, sorry."

   "Hehe, sister-in-law is fine, this is Natalie, my friend." Li Han said with a smile, introducing Arta, Helen, and Liu Xiaoxiao.

   "Sister Gao, hello." Liu Xiaoxiao said with a smile. "Let me tell you, Dudu, this little devil's mother is in the United States, and she is beautiful."

   "Hehe, I knew when I saw Dudu, my mother must be a great beauty." Gao Min smiled and echoed, originally pouting, and being unhappy with the villain, a smile appeared in the building immediately. "Dudu is the cutest and most beautiful, and the most beautiful mother in the world."

   "Hehe, Jennifer is the prettiest, Dudu is also the prettiest, there are two most beautiful in the world." Liu Xiaoxiao smiled and pouted her nose.

   "Yeah." The little man tapped his little head vigorously.

   Natalie, Arta, Helen, all amused, Gao Min said with a smile. "Dudu is so cute."

  Li Han thought, cute is cute, naughty is not fake.

   was talking when the phone rang, Li Han said sorry, got up to pick up the phone. "Han, I have to wait here. I will go to the hospital now." Liu Ming said.

   "What's wrong?" Li Han said.

   "It's nothing, do you remember going to Sister Xiaofeng this morning?" Liu Ming said.

   "You are talking about the female director?" Of course Li Han remembered.

   "Yeah, I don't know how I stung a bee, it's pretty verified, and I'll be hospitalized for a few days." Liu Ming said. "You said, this is strange, the captain of the district also gave a bee sting, the situation is more serious than Xiaofeng sister, the whole face is swollen, Gao can't see anyone for a while, the doctor said, less It takes four or five days for the swelling to subside, and it takes half a month to be completely healed.”

   "There is such a thing." Li Han said in surprise. "Bee stings, so serious?"

   "Seriously, Captain Gao, I heard that it hurts and screamed. Sister Xiaofeng hurts a lot, but it's better than Team Gao." Liu Ming said. "That's it. I'll go to the hospital and come back later."

"You're busy."

   Li Han said. "Professor Quan, don't worry here."

   "Then I'll hang up first."

   Liu Ming hung up the phone, Li Han held the phone and pondered for a while.

   "Dudu, come here."

  Li Han waved at the little dudu.


   Dudu villain, Deng Deng ran.

   "Dudu, I ask you."

  Li Han looked at the villain. "What's the matter with the director's aunt and the captain's uncle?"

  Dudu blinked his big eyes and looked at Li Han blankly. "Little devil, you still don't want to tell the truth, do you?"

   "Hee hee." Dudu rolled his eyes and smiled. "Whoever makes them so bad will take Dudu's baby away."

   "You, next time not allowed."

   Li Han said. "By the way, will it be okay to sting?"

   "Hee hee, no, no." Dudu waved his small hand. "It only hurts for a few days."

   "It hurts for a few days." Li Han murmured, these two have learned a lesson.

   "Don't talk nonsense." Li Han said. "Uncle Liu Ming will come in a while, don't say anything."

   "Dudu doesn't know how to say it." The villain said with a smile. "That aunt is so fierce, and the big uncle, you know, he will spank his ass."

   "That's right."

  Li Han smiled and patted Dudu's little butt. "By the way, for Grandpa Quan, bees are not allowed.

   "Oh, okay." Dudu nodded.

   Li Han secretly squeezed the sweat for Quan Anguo, don't do it too much, otherwise, at such an old age, you will suffer.

   (end of this chapter)