The Best Small Farm

Chapter 2519: Double Lobster Festival kicks off

   Chapter 2519 The curtain of the Double Lobster Festival opened

   "You're planning to go to the battlefield." Li Han, dumbfounded, looked at Liu Xiaoxiao wearing it like a medieval warrior.

   "It's not like it's going to be a war, don't you feel very imposing wearing it like this?" Liu Xiaoxiao said with a complacent look, this was bought with his own private house money, hundreds of dollars, it's deadly expensive.

   "Question, you forgot your job today, what did you do?" Li Han was really speechless, serving dishes, delivering lobsters, cleaning lobster shells, these work, to wear such a job, it was a joke, driving to the sky.

  Liu Xiaoxiao pouted, looking unhappy. "I like to wear it like this."

   said, he even ignored Li Han and left alone, Li Han shook his head slightly. But waiting for Dudu to come out with clothes on, Li Han was completely dumbfounded, exaggerating that he was a few grades higher than Liu Xiaoxiao.

"what is this?"

  Li Han squeezed the big pliers on Dudu's arm with his hands. "Lobster outfit, looks good." The villain had a smug look on his face.

   Each one looks like a cooked crayfish, bright red, a row, several, enough to eat.

   "What is this buy?"

   "I went to buy it with my little sister yesterday." Dudu said.

   "Okay, let's go." No wonder, Li Han was not surprised when Liu Xiaoxiao bought a crab suit together.

   came to the temporary shed, Li Han turned around, several big fans were turned on, and the air circulation of the whole shed suddenly improved. "good."

  Wait, everyone is here, Li Han has a morning meeting. "Today's task is quite heavy. Everyone has worked hard. There are a few points I want to talk about. The amount of seasoning and spring water must be in accordance with the requirements. The other one must be stable, and the quality of the lobster must be up to standard."


   "Okay, get ready, the tourists should arrive in two hours."

  Li Han looked at the time, it was half past six.

   "You little guys, don't stay here. Divide the dishes first." Li Han pointed at the little people.


   There were about ten little people, and the dishes were placed, and Liu Xiaoxiao came here. "Hey, change your clothes."


   Liu Xiaoxiao, I don't want to talk to you.

  Li Han smiled. "That samurai outfit is quite suitable for a reception like a masquerade."

   Liu Xiaoxiao snorted. "What do you need me to do?"

   "The guests haven't arrived yet, so let's take a rest." Li Han said.


  Hank Farm started preparing lobsters, but Mi Xing Lobster Association started preparing the same.

   "Is the stage set up?"

  Piro asked the staff.

   "Yes, I invited a band from the small town of Buton, and a hip-hop troupe."

   "Understood, tell the host that the president will speak for about five minutes." Piro said.


   "I don't know what happened to Hank's farm?" Piro frowned slightly. After listening to the chairman yesterday and talking about some of the deeds of Hank's farm, Piro was somewhat worried.

  I didn't do my own thing well, causing such a big mess.

"Piro, don't worry, you forgot, now our association can expand to 24, accounting for almost 80% of the tourist farms and ranches in Kemising Town. Hank's farm is strong, but this time, we can compare Not money."

   "Yes, I heard about Hank's Farm, but a chef from Louisiana didn't invite him. That Chinese boy went out in person, hahaha, this time, I think he shot himself in the foot."

   "Yeah, so I can rest assured." Piro said with a smile.

   "I really don't know, this guy is really stingy, or he is too selfish, and he really thinks he can do everything best."

   "Stop talking, it's time for us to work hard. Are the girls who greet the tourists here?"

   "Come on, it's the University of Montana cheerleaders, what a bunch of pretty energetic girls."

   "What about Hank's Farm?"

   "Like a bunch of kids."

   "A group of children?"

   "That's right."

   "That Chinese boy, is it really crazy?"

   "It's unimaginable."

   The same conversation is going on between Ronald and Marbury. "Ronald, do we really have to sit back and ignore this matter?"

   "Marbury, although I despise Consnick in my heart, I can't object to his position on this matter." Ronald, said. "He represents the interests of most farmers and ranchers. This is a helpless thing."

   "Could it be that Han can only let him sacrifice his own interests?" Marbury was a little unhappy. You must know that Han proposed to hold the lobster festival.

   Ronald sighed helplessly. "This is a helpless thing. Perhaps, it can only be Han himself. If Han wins, the Mi Xing Lobster Association will become a laughing stock. For Consnick, I will tell him."

   "But in the current situation, Consnick has contacted more than 20 tourist farms and spent a lot of money. It is too difficult for Han's Hank Farm to win this game." Marbury said.

   "We have to believe in Han, maybe Han will create another miracle." Ronald, clenching his fists, said with a hint of firmness.

   Li Han rubbed his nose, why was he sneezing again, did he catch a cold? That's not right, his body, don't say, it's fine, even if you soak in cold water for an hour or two, there is no possibility of catching a cold.


   "Oh, Xiao Hei Hei, are they all ready?"

   Just kidding, Xiao Hei Hei is now famous, as long as he takes the stage, he will definitely be hilarious. If he is really himself, he will not prepare for anything.

  The news of the website update has just come out, and the comments on it are like snowflakes.


  Pirro was completely dumbfounded when he got the news. "Little Heihei, that Hollywood star bear?"

   "Really Hank's Farm?"

   "Yes, there are rumors before." The staff member said cautiously.

  Piro, these are really a little flustered. Just kidding, these free tourists will definitely not go to Hank's farm when they get news.

   "Mr. Piro."

   "Let me be quiet first." Piro, waved his hand.

   "Mr. Piro, although the traffic of Hank Farm's website is good, a large part of the tourists who come to the town of Kemising are not very interested in the Internet." The staff said.

   "That's right."

  Piro exclaimed in surprise. "Why didn't I think of this."

   "Tell the band, the music is bigger."

   "We have a geographical advantage." Piro, with a smile on his face.

   You must know that the Mi Xing Lobster Festival is held in the central square of the town, which is a must for tourists.

   Even so, the appeal of Xiao Hei Hei is not guaranteed. Waiting for the weekend tourist bus to enter the farm, within half an hour, the number of applicants for the online Hank Farm Tour exceeded 1,000.

It's only half an hour, and more than ten local media have called Hank's Farm and asked. These media, all eyes are red, black and black, pandora, these two are now quite popular in Hollywood star.

Usually, some Los Angeles media may not have the opportunity to interview. I didn't expect, there was no opportunity at all, and something that I didn't even dare to think about actually happened. Good guy, these media are just catching up, and they even offered big money. To get an interview.

John and Baggio from Grizzly Bear and Grey Wolf, even more so, rushed over directly. The relationship between these two and Hank Farm is not very good. I heard that Xiao Hei Hei and Dudu are here. As soon as I hung up, I went straight to the editor's office.

   Not long after, the best interview cars and reporters from the two websites were all dispatched. John and Baggio met each other on the way to the town of Kemising. "You actually got the news."

   "John, don't think you're well-informed." Baggio pouted.

   "The news about the vampire last time was not stolen by me."

   "What's the matter, the news of pandora was reported by me as soon as possible." Baggio, not to be outdone.

  The two are completely on each other. Of course, in fact, the relationship between the two is much closer now than before. It is a work rival and a private good friend relationship.

  The two interview vehicles rushed to Hank’s farm for the first time. At the same time, the Kemising Lobster Festival and the Hank Lobster Festival officially kicked off, and the number of tourists on both sides was almost equal. Twenty-four tourist farms, more than half of which are picking farms, other riding farms, and experience farms, relatively few in number.

   It’s picking season. I have to say that if Chris Manor hadn’t supported Hank’s farm, Hank’s farm might have been beaten by these picking farms in terms of the number of tourists this time. There are too many people on one-day picking tours.

   (end of this chapter)