The Best Small Farm

Chapter 259: Pumpkin in donation box

   Chapter 259 Pumpkin Fundraising Box

Back at home, Li Han led the horse and accompanied Li Mei for a ride along the farm. After exercising, he kept his body warm. After returning to the small farm, he took a bath, dressed up and changed into casual clothes. In the evening, he will be at the Chris Manor Hotel. It is not suitable for a cowboy to dine in a western restaurant.

   Changed clothes and went downstairs. The old lady in the living room was talking with Liu Ming. "When did you come here?" "Just a while." "Little man, say hello to Liu Ming, I'll change clothes." Li Mei said to Liu Ming with a smile.

   "It's okay, Sister Mei, Li Han and I just have something to say."

   Liu Ming sighed slightly while waiting for Li Mei to leave. "Have you noticed any news from the US government in the past few days?" "I didn't pay much attention to this, what happened?" Li Han was a little curious, seeing that Liu Ming's face was not very good. "A major event, China and the United States are expected to have trouble again."

  Li Han waved his hand and said with a smile. "You're not a leader, the president, why are you worrying about it." Li Han poured a cup of tea for Liu Ming with a teapot, and Liu Ming shook his head slightly. "Han, I don't understand. If the two countries are in trouble, it will be difficult to do business."

"I'm just curious, why the trouble? It wasn't very good before. The economic crisis hasn't passed, so why is it starting to make trouble again." Recovery is very close, but the economic crisis is not over yet. The relationship between the two countries began to be troubled again, Liu Ming said with a pouted lip. "Next year will be the mid-term elections in Austria and Heilongjiang. Recently, the approval rate in the nominal survey has continued to decline. We always have to find an excuse to divert domestic attention. Besides, you know how much unemployment pressure is now."

  Li Han nodded slightly, it seems that what Ao Hei did, Li Han really didn't know Liu Ming clearly. Members of Congress may charge 16 percent anti-dumping duties on Chinese steel companies, and the Austrian and Taiwanese governments intend to sign arms sales of up to $6 billion.

   No wonder Liu Ming said that he was going to make a fuss, and there would be a riot just in the arms sales. "I want to make trouble, it doesn't matter, I can't fight, maybe it will get better after a while, I haven't seen my family's Dudu and the baby's fuss is serious, and it won't start, it will be fine, you don't have to worry about it, some people worry about this , we little people care about what to do with these."

   Liu Ming took a sip of tea and shook his head slightly. "Forget it, I'll talk about it. By the way, the vineyards in Napa Valley sent some red wine. I brought two cases, and the taste is not bad." Hotel reserved a table.”

  Liu Ming shook his head, suddenly leaned forward and asked in a low voice. "Han, you and Jennifer seem to have a good relationship, why do you have any ideas." "Where, it's just Jennifer's invitation to thank you. You know about the high-pressure rat trap factory. I originally wanted to invest in it, but I didn't expect to give Jennifer the lead. buy it."

   Liu Ming smiled when he saw Li Han's dodging eyes. "Han, Jennifer is not bad, but you still need to work harder, you are too lazy." "No way, your character is like this, by the way, the racecourse is built, and I have asked Jem to post an advertisement and recruit them. I also contacted Xiaohuaxi Ranch, and it’s not a big problem. Recently, due to the rat infestation, the price of pasture has skyrocketed. It is estimated that the price of horses may increase slightly in winter, but I think it is less likely to increase.” The price of sheep has fallen, and the price of horses has not fallen much, and has even risen slightly.

   "How about taking the time to visit in the next two days, and in a few days, I have to go back to China." Liu Ming thought about it and said. "That's fine. What are you free? Let me tell Xiaohuaxi Ranch that the price of horses has not risen recently."

  The two talked about the horse farm. Liu Ming left two boxes of red wine and went back to his farm. When Li Han sent Liu Ming out, he suddenly thought of something. "Liu Ming, wait a minute, I have something for you here."

  Li Han returned to the small building and took two boxes of truffles, and Liu Ming was slightly taken aback when he saw it. "You still have this good thing here, white truffle, from Italy?" "No, from the farm." "From the farm? You mean, you grew it yourself, don't you?" Liu Ming looked Li Han up and down , White truffles have not been successfully planted so far.

   "Of course, this is the first batch, not many. After a while, I'm afraid there will be thousands of kilograms of white truffles, and then you will be full." Liu Mingzhi shook his head as Li Han said. "I just said that you are lazy, and I take that back, but I think you should wait until you release the news. The economy has been sluggish recently, and the luxury goods market is too quiet. Such a large batch of white truffles may not be digested. "

  Li Han smiled. "I told Jennifer about the sales. It would be better if Jennifer helped me." "How could I forget that Jennifer also belongs to the Walton family. There is no better sales channel than them."

"On the Walton family's side, Jennifer estimates that it can only sell about 1,000 pounds. For the other part, I plan to discuss with the Hilton sisters, or Ivanka can get in touch." Li Han said, only going through one channel , not what Li Han wanted.

   Liu Ming nodded and said. "There are some channels on my side. If there are four or five hundred pounds less, there will be thousands more. By the way, tell me how much the next batch will produce." "There should be three thousand pounds." Liu Ming gestured with a thumbs up.

  Three thousand catties, such a large amount, will definitely have a big impact on the white truffle market, dispersing the sales benefits, concealing, and not easy to find. Li Han intends to plant at least until next year, the market is stable, and the news of artificial planting is spread out, but it is not a big problem.

  Li Han sent Liu Ming away, made an appointment to see the horse, and returned to the small building. "How is it, Xiaohan?" "Sister, this set of jewelry is very beautiful." "It's not bad, Jennifer gave it, Xiaohan, come and see if this is a diamond?"

  Li Han looked at it, there was no doubt about the diamonds, Jennifer was really generous, but thinking of the high-voltage mouse trap factory, Li Han felt at ease. "Sister is so pretty." Li Mei didn't understand when she saw Li Han's face. "Little Han, isn't this too expensive? I think it's better to give it back to Jennifer." "It's okay, sister, you don't know what happened between Jennifer and I. This money is nothing." Li Han can be sure that Jenny Fu earned at least tens of millions or even more this time, and this set of jewelry is at most more than 100,000.

   Li Mei really likes this set of jewelry, but the price is definitely not cheap, Li Han smiled and pressed the old sister's shoulder. "Sister, it really doesn't matter. Speaking of which, Jennifer should thank us." Seeing that Li Mei was puzzled, Li Han smiled and talked about the rat disaster and the high-pressure rat trap factory. "That's it, then I'll accept it." "I accept it, of course I will accept it." "Speaking of which, this set of jewelry is so beautiful, it's even better than what your brother-in-law gave for marriage."

   Li Mei looked at the necklace, and then looked at the earrings, bracelets, and rings. The more she looked, the more she liked it. "Sister is even more beautiful than a seventeen- or eight-year-old girl." "Go, what nonsense, by the way, I have to find clothes for the baby and Dudu."

   Li Mei said and went upstairs, leaving Li Han and sitting on the sofa casually. It was still early. Gao Feng and Fatty seemed to be going back these days. Li Han turned on the computer, and there was a lot of information about Gao Feng and Fatty. "Hey, what's going on?"

  Li Han saw the message sent by the fat man, and it seems that Jennifer was involved in the cooperation between Gao Feng and Walton Supermarket. Jennifer didn't mention this to herself at all. It was still early in the morning in China. Li Han originally planned to leave a message, but he didn't expect Fatty to reply within two seconds. "You don't sleep in the middle of the night, what do you do? You can't play games again." "Where, I stocked up today, I just came back, and I was going to sleep after taking a shower."

   "How's Gao Feng's business talks?" Li Han was curious, and the fat man was excited to talk about it. "I still want to talk to you about this. If I knew that my sister-in-law was actually with someone from Walmart, why did Gao Feng and I go to New York?"

   "I really don't know about this. Did Jennifer talk to you about it?" Didn't Jennifer resign from Walmart to concentrate on running the supermarket. "At that time, I was in the hotel, and Gao Feng said that she seemed to be the girl next to my sister-in-law. What was her name?" "Lingna?" "Yes, Lingna, when Gao Feng talked to Lingna, there seemed to be some people, and Lingna seemed to take it. I can talk about more than 100 supermarkets this time. Gao Feng was praised by his father. Hehe, I also eat a few more meals. My uncle also sent a lot of good wine and cigarettes. By the way, Gao Feng also gave Thank you for coming."

  Li Han muttered in his heart, more than 100, isn't this the number of supermarkets under Kroenke's name? It seems that Jennifer did not have a relationship with the Walton family, but a relationship with Kroenke. "This matter has nothing to do with me, the quality of tea oil produced by Gao Feng's family is excellent."

   "Tell Gao Feng about this, I'm going to bed first, I'm exhausted, I really envy you, get a farm, so I won't have to stay up late tomorrow if I'm busy." "This guy, I would like to thank Jennifer at night."

Li Han was leaning on the sofa, thinking about things. He didn't see any movement for a while. Don't think about it, he must be playing with the two little guys again. Li Han smiled and shook his head. . Li Han was often manipulated by his elder sister when he was a child. When Li Mei was a child, he ideally wanted to be a fashion designer.

  Dudu and Baobao are pouting their mouths, at least three bottles of soy sauce can be hung, and three sets of clothes are placed on the bed. Li Mei looked at it and frowned. "Baby, change Dudu first, and then try this set."

   It's not very good-looking, Li Mei pointed to the other two skirts, Dudu and Baobao pouted their small mouths and carried small clothes to change. "This set is good, let's turn it around again." The two little guys turned around like a spinning top, Li Mei nodded slightly, yes, yes, the small skirt is very suitable, with leather shoes, the small silk scarf is very beautiful. "Baby, change these little leather shoes, Dudu this pair."

   The two little people hummed, put on the leather shoes, and Li Mei took another look, it was not bad. "Issue Cards." Open the card development box, and have a whole row of color-issued cards. Pick a few and try them out. "Baby and Dudu have become little princesses, so beautiful."

  The two little guys stopped pouting immediately, they were happy when they said they were beautiful, and turned around in front of the mirror. "Mom, baby's hat." "You don't need to wear a hat, it looks best." "Oh." "Let's go, go downstairs, uncle is in a hurry, Dudu is going too, Dad is waiting for us."

   (end of this chapter)