The Best Small Farm

Chapter 289: Inviting at the celebration party

  Chapter 289 Celebrating the invitation at the party

   In the evening party, Li Han invited more people than usual. In addition to the familiar friends from Mi Xing Town, there were also some friends from farms and ranches to celebrate. "Hi, Mark, Tim, Hamton." Li Han hugged and patted the two tall white young men, somewhat pleasantly surprised, but the power beside Li Han snorted a little annoyed at Hamton.

As the captain of the Hamilton Township baseball team, Hamton has never left any good memories for the town of Kemising, but he is extremely enthusiastic about the two main players of Mark and Tim, the town of Kemising. A warm hug.

   "Here's a beer." Li Han smiled and took a beer and handed it to Hamton. It was a little surprising that the three of them came together. "Congratulations, Han." "Thank you." Li Han and Hamton chatted a few words, it turned out that the three of them are in the same baseball, could it be from the small town of Buton. "I can't believe it, Mark, Tim, you guys are teammates with Hamton." Willie looked at the two with a look of surprise, and Mark smiled and held a glass of beer. "Hamton's a nice guy, maybe we should look at it from a different angle, shouldn't we?"

  Tim nodded slightly and held up the beer to indicate that Li Han and Hamton got along very well, didn't they? "No, I'm not Han, will smile at Hamton, I think I'd rather be friends with beer."

  Mark and Tim smiled and held up their beers. "Hank Manor, it tastes really good." "Of course, Hank Manor is the best beer in Kemising, no, it's the best beer in the whole Buton. I dare to say that Hank Manor is one of the best beers in America."

   Li Han and Hamton chatted for a while, then came over to chat with Mark and Tim for a while, and the three of Mark didn't bother Li Han anymore and went to the yard. "Good evening, Anderson, Andre." Andre and Li Han hugged, patted their shoulders, and Anderson and Li Han shook hands. "Oh, nice party, I can already smell the beer." Andre smiled and handed the gift, Li Han greeted the two and chatted a few words. When Marbury and Ronald arrived, Li Han said he was embarrassed to greet them.

The   party started, and most of the farmers and ranchers in the town arrived. Li Han's 5,000 high-pressure mouse traps and his participation in the mouse-catching team won the respect and recognition of many people for Li Han. There were more than 200 guests in the courtyard, some of which exceeded Li Han's expectations. Fortunately, food and drinks were well prepared.

  Whiskey and red wine, Liu Ming just sent some, and the No. 1 work from the Chris family, beer, there are enough Hank Manor in the Li Han storage room. "Jennifer, Lingna, welcome, Lambton." Li Han took the gift from Lambton with a smile.

   Lambton was a little surprised. There were so many guests, but most of Mi Xing and the farmers and ranchers around him were there. Even if Xiao Wang Farm held a reception, he might not be able to invite so many. "In Lambton, please, Jennifer, if Lingna is noisy, the bar is quieter."

  The entire small farm has become a party venue, and the streetlight extension bar has guests. "It doesn't matter, the atmosphere here is very good." Li Han didn't expect that Jennifer and Lingna would send gifts. "Pandora, are you better?"

  Li Han smiled. "Weili helped pandora make some pumpkin carts. Pandora has already forgotten about the pumpkin race and is actively preparing for tomorrow's pumpkin cart race. I think there will be a good harvest." Li Han poured two glasses of red wine and handed them to Jennifer and Lingna. "Ming, it tastes pretty good." "It's very good red wine, Ming's vision is really surprising." Jennifer really likes red wine, but Orchid is good for sleep and tastes better than ordinary beer.

"Maybe next year, Hank's Farm will be able to produce some wine." A vineyard will be built on the hillsides on both sides of the Lihan Oram Lake. Although Montana is not the best place to grow grapes, if you want to have spring water to nourish, the grapes will be good, and some wines will be made. Drinking grapes by himself is enough. In terms of taste, although Li Han cannot guarantee that it will be very good, it will not be too bad. "Really? The King's Farm Vineyard hasn't been doing well."

   There is a small vineyard in Xiaowang Farm, which was left by the previous owner, but it is not well maintained, and the taste of the wine has not been very good. Most of it is used to raise beef cattle. "Oh, that's such a shame."

  Li Han doesn't know much about growing grapes. He has been growing crops on small farms, and the organic flakes are not large and fenced pastures are used to raise cattle and sheep. "Stop talking about this, Han, let's have a drink." Li Han and Jennifer chatted for a while, Dudu didn't know how to hear her mother coming, so Dengdeng ran out, and took Jennifer and Lingna to the children's house. Go to the living room to see Dudu's pumpkin cart.

   On the other side, Jem and Houghton, Doles, Dinah, Sarah, Lulu, Colt, and Smith came together, and Li Han specially invited them over. "Han, it's really lively here." Lulu changed into casual clothes and looked very good.

   Jem and Houghton gave two stuffed deer heads, and Lulu and Sarah gave very interesting gifts. "This is a chandelier made of twenty deer antlers. Sarah and Lulu put a lot of thought into it." "Thank you, Sarah, Lulu."

  Li Han's gifts are kept away, especially the antler chandeliers, which are really nice. It happens that the beer hut lacks a chandelier, which is really a good choice. The deer head stuffed and cowhide products are very good. The gifts from the Colt and Smith brothers are cowhide suspenders with patterned edges. "This is a traditional German costume from Munich in the 18th century for pandora and baby." "Thank you, Colt, Smith, for a drink."

   Li Han greets pours, beer, whiskey, and for red wine, no one likes it except Jem. "Han, I smell barbecue." Two barbecue racks were erected in the yard. Willie and Kady were busy, Dudu and the baby, Michelle, and Maria were waiting with small plates, Dudu wanted to help mother and Aunt Lingna served barbecue.

  The beef used for the barbecue was sent by Hank Farm to slaughter the farm beef cattle. The meat quality turned out to be good, and some snowflakes appeared. "Hey man, I think we'll do it." Jem, Houghton, and Doles frowned slightly when they saw Willie and Caddy roasting.

  Cady and Power Barbecue are okay, but far worse than Hughton and Doles. Originally, the guests were roasting and eating by themselves, but Dudu and the little guys found Weili and Kady. There was no way. The four little guys were waiting with their plates. "William, I'll come."

  Li Han took over the clip, the beef was marinated in the afternoon, and the slices were just right for barbecue. Li Han's barbecue skills are very powerful. Sure enough, the four little guys immediately surrounded Li Han, and Kaidi directly handed the clip to Houghton beside him.

  The aroma of barbecued meat is overflowing, attracting many guests. "Very good beef." For the first time, Li Han Farm beef cattle appeared in front of many farmers and ranchers, and Li Han Dudu put a few barbecue tongs aside. Jim and Houghton understood what Li Han meant, baked what they ate, and put the clips away.

  Some farmers and ranchers who raise beef cattle usually come here to bake a piece to taste the taste. After all, the beef of Lihan Farm is pink in color, white in fat, oily, and evenly distributed and looks good. The grilled meat tastes good too, the meat is tender and juicy, the oil is melted, the mouth is melted, and the taste is excellent.

   It was not a big place in front of the barbecue grill. There were many people around. The barbecue tasted very good. Of course, many noticed the source of the beef. Li Han accompanied Jem and the others to drink a few cups of barbecue meat. The beef was very good. Although it was not as tender as Kobe Wagyu beef, it tasted much better than ordinary beef.

  Jim and Houghton recently planned to sell some beef cattle, but Li Han stopped them. The price was too cheap. The price of pastured cattle was almost the same as that of cattle raised on cattle farms. Li Han didn't want this. Chris Hotel cooperated with Hilton, and a large part of Li Han found a way out for the farm's beef cattle.

   "Lingna, I have something to do with you." Li Han just finished eating the last piece of barbecue and wiped his mouth. "Han, do you have time?" "It's okay, Hutton, Jem, I'll go over first." Li Han followed Lingna to the living room.

  Jennifer and Lambton are tasting the roast meat that Doodle delivered. "It tastes very good, juicy and tender, Jennifer, this is a good Choice-grade beef, maybe some of it can reach the top." Lambton was a little surprised that Hank Farm raised such high-grade beef cattle.

  Unfortunately, it did not reach the first level. The US officially recognized the beef grading standard. The first is to see whether the beef has undergone a process of body precipitation after slaughtering. Based on these three standards, the beef is divided into eight grades, the first grade is the best grade, and most of the beef of this grade is sold to high-end restaurants. Most of the restaurants that sell this grade can see the word U.S. Prime at the door, which means that the selected beef is the highest grade beef certified by the US government. Of course, the price is much more expensive than other beef. Of course, Choice-grade beef is already considered to be relatively good beef. The beef cattle raised by Xiaowang Farm can only reach Choice-grade beef in many cases.

This kind of beef can be transported to supermarkets for steaks. The taste is very good. The third level is optional. The price of beef below the optional level is relatively much lower. Of course, considering the taste and health, choose high-grade beef, of course. is good.

  The best grade, with relatively little beef, less than 3% of the entire beef market in the United States, and the price is generally unaffordable for ordinary people. "Jennifer, Lambton, it tastes alright." "Very good, Han, you really amaze me."

   "Maybe, we can talk. Maybe Xiaowang Farm needs to introduce some good cattle, doesn't it?" Li Han said with a smile, and Lamb paused. "Han, do you mean the quality of the meat can be stabilized?" Lambton sat up straight, and the meat quality was stable, indicating that the cattle breed was very good.

  Li Han nodded. "I want to cultivate another two to three generations, and the quality should be stable." Li Han is still somewhat confident that the quality of buying calves is better than buying adult beef. In the past, the quality of calves must be better if you only breed calves on pastures. Time to settle down.

  Jennifer interjected suddenly. "Han, whether the quality of beef has anything to do with the new pasture, I would like to know before discussing cattle breeds or selling beef, is that okay?" "It can be said that this new type of grass is more nutritious than the current grass. The quality of the grass is higher, and of course the breed of cattle is also one aspect.”

  Li Han has been actively buying good cattle breeds and has cultivated good breeding cattle, and it seems to be good now. "A new grass seed?" Lambton was slightly surprised, but Li Han didn't hide it. It was a small living room here, and the conversation inside could not be heard at all.

   Bow down and thank you for your monthly ticket support. It's late today, but I will strive for the third update and add a new chapter first.



   (end of this chapter)