The Best Small Farm

Chapter 291: Pumpkin Race [Monthly Pass Plus Update]

   Chapter 291 Pumpkin Competition [Monthly Pass Plus Update]

   Sure enough, Chris nodded in agreement after thinking about it, and even offered $30,000 to organize the hunt. Ronald and Marbury were overjoyed, and the problems that had plagued the town for days were easily resolved. Ronald and Marbury were in a good mood and had a few more drinks.

  Fortunately, Harry was there, and after a few words of persuasion, Ronald and Marbury stopped. It was not early, Ronald, Marbury, Andre and others planned to leave one after another, and Li Han sent them away one by one. Back in the living room, Chris walked over with a smile. "Han, Zhang Dongwen and his wife have been here." "I'm still curious now, this couple and I are just one-on-one." Li Han gestured to Chris, sat down, and Li Han poured Chris a glass of red wine .

  Chris took the red wine, took a sip, and said. "Nice red wine." "Thank you." Ming walked into the living room with a smile and sat opposite Li Han. "Sorry, Han, something happened just now." "It's okay, Dudu likes you to give her a gift." Li Han took the wine glass and poured a glass of red wine. "If someone borrows flowers to offer Buddha, I will borrow your wine to toast you."

   Liu Ming smiled and shook his head. "Chris, see, Han, but he's very stingy. I still want a cup of luna." Liu Ming took the red wine and gestured to Chris, and the three laughed and drank a cup. "Ming, there's not much luna left. I want to drink it and come earlier next time."

  Liu Ming pouted, really stingy, Li Han laughed, but Chris didn't interrupt. "Chris, how is the manor recently?" "The impact of swine flu is unlikely to be eliminated in a short period of time."

   "It will get better." Li Han was not talking about this issue, the three of them talked about light-hearted topics and talked about hunting, but Liu Ming was quite interested. "Han, when are you hunting, I'll see if I have time, and take some time to play for two days."

"It may take two days to prepare. I will let you know when I will." Li Han plans to go to play for a few days. There are not many things at home recently. The renovation of Pearl Flower Ranch is on the right track. Hank's farm has been harvested forage, enough for cattle and sheep in winter. .

  Jem and Houghton kept the farm in good order, but Li Han was a lot more relaxed. It was not bad to go out and play in his spare time. "When the time comes, get ready, do you have time for Chris?" "It's a pity that I need to deal with some things in Chicago recently, and it may take a while."

  Chris shook his head regretfully, took a sip of red wine, Li Han frowned slightly, Chris had some thoughts, of course Li Han didn't have the habit of inquiring about other people's secrets. Li Han accompanied Chris and Liu Ming for two drinks. Chris and Liu Ming were very tight and left after a while.

   At half past ten, the guests had almost left. Except for Kady and Houghton, everyone else had left. "Han, let's go back first." "Rest early, Jennifer, Lingna, slow down on the road."

   "Mom, come to cheer on pandora tomorrow." Dudu took Jennifer's hand and looked up at Jennifer with her little head raised. "Mom will definitely come over early to cheer for pandora." Jennifer squatted down and kissed Dudu.

  Li Han sent Jennifer and Lingna away and returned to the small yard. Kady and Bill, Cynthia, Houghton, Jem, Doles, Dinah and others were helping to clean up the tables, chairs and benches. "Jem, Hutton, go back and rest, I'll clean up here."

   It's getting late, Jim and the others still have jobs. "Han, let's go back first." The yard was almost cleaned up. After a while, the tables, chairs, dishes, and knives and forks were cleaned up. Kady, Bill, and Cynthia also plan to leave. "Cynthia slow down on the road." "No problem, Han, pandora, baby, goodbye." Cynthia didn't drink at night and was in charge of driving, so Li Han felt more at ease. "Caddy, Bill, go to bed early."

  The guests are sent away, and the yard is relaxed and returned to the living room. "Mom, sister, wash these in the dishwasher." "It's okay, it will be washed in a while." The old sister brought Dudu and the baby, and the two little guys stood on the small stool and wore small gloves to help with the washing. Tableware.

  Li Han picked up the trash with a smile, washed his hands and put on gloves on his side to join the dishwashing ranks. "Dad, Dudu has a lot of bubbles." Dudu waved his little hand, covered with white bubbles, for Li Han to see. "Dudu, don't be naughty."

   "Hee hee." Dudu grinned and made a little face at Li Han, grabbed a handful of bubbles in the pool and played with the baby. The two little guys had a great time playing. Li Mei and her mother smiled and didn't blame the two little guys. "Little Han, take a bath with Dudu and the baby, it's getting late, go to bed early."

   "It's okay, grandma, Dudu is very good at sleeping, and fell asleep as soon as she fell asleep." Dudu's words were amused, Zhang Xiuying and Li Mei, and Li Han laughed. "Sister Dudu, pigs only sleep." "But Dudu is also good at sleeping." Dudu said with big eyes.

   "Hee hee, sister Dudu is a pig." The baby clapped his hands full of bubbles, hehe said with a smile.

  Dudu pouted, hum, Dudu is not a pig. "Sister Bao is a little pig." "Stop making trouble, wash it, take off the gloves, wash quickly." Li Han rinsed the dishes and put them in the dishwasher for disinfection.

   "Mom, sister, let's clean up here tomorrow, it's getting late." Li Han looked at the time, Zhang Xiuying and Li Mei washed their hands and nodded. "Go to bed early, Dudu, don't make trouble baby, go take a bath."

   After the two little guys washed their hands, they played with each other and played with each other. Li Han caught them and pressed them upstairs to take a bath. "Stop playing, bare ass, don't be shy." The two little guys were playing in the bathtub, playing in the water, Li Hanzhen was helpless.

  Two little bare bottoms grabbed the room, and put clean clothes on the two little guys. "Dudu put on diapers first." "No." Dudu shook his head vigorously, no, Li Han was helpless, Dudu ran from the end of the bed to the head of the bed, far away from him. "Good boy, we're bed-wetting. Tomorrow, Dad won't take you to the pumpkin car race."

  Dudu put on a diaper with a small mouth, and the baby sister laughed. "Sister Bao smiled." "No more." Li Han said with a smile. "Baby didn't laugh at sister, right." "Well, sister Dudu is still young, baby doesn't laugh."

   "Look, baby sister didn't smile." Li Han helped Dudu to stick his diaper, put on his trousers, and put on his padded clothes. "Sleep obediently." Li Han waited for the two villains to sleep well, then turned off the lights and walked out of the bedroom.

"Little Han, the baby and Dudu are sleeping." "Well, sleeping, sister, I haven't slept yet." "It's okay, I'm talking to your brother-in-law." Li Mei just called her brother-in-law Zhou Bin and talked about the past few days things, especially today's pumpkin boat race.

   "Sister, you also go to bed earlier."

  Li Han returned to the bedroom, washed, opened the space, and the grass seeds could be harvested. "Let Dudu come and collect it tomorrow." Li Han put on the quilt. He was very tired all day. At night, Li Han did not rest. The owner of the alpine ranch came over today and talked with Li Han about cooperation. Li Han thought about it and didn't give an answer. Now he thinks that it is a good business to do forage. "I don't want to." Li Han turned off the light, and after a while there was an even breathing sound in the room.

   Early in the morning, Li Han was awakened by a knock on the door and opened the door. "Dudu, baby, why did you get up so early." These two little guys got up really early. "Dad, Dudu has a lot of pumpkin cars, help Dudu pack it up."

  Li Han was helpless, washed his face and followed Dudu to the bar, there were quite a few pumpkin carts. "What did Uncle Willy and Uncle Cady say?" "Uncle Willie and Uncle Cady said they'd come over after a while and then help Dudu make more pumpkin carts to sell."

  Dudu put the pumpkin carts into the box one by one, raised his head and said. "Really?" Li Hanxin said, the two guys agreed very well, but they made him sleepy in the morning. The pumpkin cart was transported back to the small yard, and the back and forth were finally finished.

   Li Han only had time to wash up at this time, and the two little guys followed Li Han with a small basin. "Brush your teeth well." Li Han saw that Dudu toothpaste squeezed a lot, put it in his mouth, and knocked Dudu's little head.

  Dudu pouted and hummed, the small toothbrush brushed hard, and after a while, the mouth was full of bubbles, and a small pile was spit out. "Baby sister, look, there are a lot of bubbles in Dudu." "Baby will too."

   The two little guys began to blow bubbles one by one, a small bubble pile, and they had a lot of fun. Li Han shook his head slightly, and there was nothing he could do with these two little ones. "Brush your teeth, let's clean the stables."

"Yeah." The two little guys agreed well, but the bubbles spit out a lot, and the teeth haven't been brushed yet, so Li Mei came out, and the baby brushed her teeth obediently. Dudu saw that the baby sister was not compared with Dudu, Dudu is small mouth.

   Brushing his teeth and washing his face, Li Han changed the two little guys into the cowhide suspender pants that Colt and Smith brothers sent last night. "What a beautiful dress." The old sister saw the yellow cowhide trousers with some exquisite patterns on them, which were very delicate.

   "Xiaohan, where did you buy it here? It's very beautiful. I'll go back and get two for the two children of Baobao's aunt's family." Li Mei touched it, just right, the clothes are wear-resistant and look good. "This is a traditional German cowhide dress, a gift from Colt last night."

   "That's right, it's a pity, I want to buy two more." Li Mei felt a little pity.

   "Sister, you said to go back, can't you stay for a few more days?" Li Han asked. "Well, mom, don't go home, okay?" The baby pulled his mom. "Baby, mom is going back to work, okay, dear, mom won't go back now."

   Li Mei touched the baby's little head, the baby's mouth was deflated, oh. "Baby, let's go and bathe the little red jujube, Dudu." "Well, baby sister, milked, Dad, pig head." The Dudu points card came out.

  Baby's mood is a little down, but in the morning, Dudu and Li Han comforted them. After all, the child, after a while, will compete with Dudu Wawa waving the brush, who will brush more bubbles for the little red dates. The noise was full of bubbles, and the little red jujube twisted nervously.

  Li Han patted the little red dates, bear with it, I have to bear it, you can bear it more. "Dudu, wash the little red dates with water." "Yeah." Dudu took the little red basin and scooped a basin of water and poured it over. "Dudu."

  Li Han reluctantly wiped a handful of water droplets from his face, Dudu held a small red basin in one hand, and a small fist in the other hand and put it to his mouth with a guilty conscience, and slowly twisted his body to turn around.

   (end of this chapter)