The Best Small Farm

Chapter 323: ridiculous threat

   Chapter 323 Ridiculous Threats

This new friend, Chris, came from the British Candy Brothers. The two are known as the biggest dark horses in British real estate in the past ten years. They have hundreds of billionaire mobile phone numbers and can call more than 40 billionaires at any time. Telephone.

   It's just a pity that the 2008 economic crisis not only affected US real estate, but UK real estate was like a typhoon. The Candy Brothers suffered heavy losses. When Liu Ming talked about these two last time, Li Han admired and sighed at the same time. He didn't expect to see them so soon, even though it was just his brother.

   "Good evening, Nick, welcome to Montana, and I wish you a pleasant journey." Li Han raised his glass, and Nick Candy thanked him. "That's a good drink, Chris, Han, I wouldn't recommend another drink." "Thanks, of course, please."

  Li Han and Nick had a chat, the impact of the economic crisis made the Candy brothers pay more attention to China, intending to deepen their ties with Chinese rich people, maybe this will become a good market. "Ming, long time no see."

  Liu Ming pouted, originally he didn't want to come over, but he didn't come after seeing Li Han for a while, and a few people around him were a little ignorant. The upper class circle is not big, Nick and Liu Ming have met a few times. "Nick, there are no clients of yours here." "No, no, I'm here to make friends, not to talk about business."

  Nick Candy smiled quite a gentleman, nodding, smiling, or toasting to the guests from time to time. "Really? Han, maybe you want to buy a nice villa, Nick can help you." Liu Ming was holding red wine, and judging from the tone of his voice, it seemed that he didn't quite deal with Nick.

  Li Hanxin said, no wonder Chris introduced himself and Nick Candy to him alone. "I think maybe one day, but not now." Li Han took a sip of red wine, made an excuse, and walked to a corner with Liu Ming.

   "Why, there is a contradiction?"

  Li Han was curious, Liu Ming frowned. "It's not a contradiction, it's just that this guy said a few words in the past two years that are unpleasant." "Oh, he doesn't look like a person who talks in a frenzy." Li Han's impression of Nick Candy is not bad. .

   "I can't tell the right and wrong nonsense, but I have a bigger tone." Liu Ming said and took a sip of red wine. "Stop talking about this, how about it, your dried fish factory has been implemented." "Jennifer helped find the factory. It's not bad. Sign the contract tomorrow."

  Li Han changed a glass of beer and took a sip. "I took a look at the factory today. It's enough. It just happened that the problem of the horse farm's feed was solved together. It's a good harvest." "Hey, Gray Wolf is here. This guy is a little interesting. here comes."

  Liu Ming held up his wine glass and signaled that he was coming over to Big Wolf and the others. Li Han smiled, and Chris was the one who pitted him. George might be happy to have the information. "I'll go over, an old friend is here, it's not good not to say hello."

  Li Han put down the beer, picked up half of the red wine he had just drank, and walked over with a smile. "Mr. Gray Wolf, but it's late." "Mr. Li, I'm so glad to see you, I'll give you a toast." Gray Wolf smiled and bowed slightly, politely. "You're too polite, the wine here is good." Li Han smiled at Big Big Wolf, holding the sake, really patriotic.

   Big Big Wolf smiled apologetically. "I'm sorry." "Mr. Grey Wolf, welcome." Chris said indifferently, without even introducing Harry to Grey Wolf. "Chris, my old friend, bless you."

Grey Wolf prepared a gift, worth at least one hundred thousand dollars. It was a rich guy. Chris frowned slightly, smiled and whispered a few words to Harley, who had a bad face, and Harley reluctantly accepted it. . "thanks."

   Big Big Wolf's face grew even thicker, he raised his glass with a smile, Li Han, Chris, the three toasted. "I'm sorry, someone told me to wait a moment." Seeing Jennifer coming over, Li Han smiled and nodded to Chris, and said sorry to Big Wolf.

   "Jennifer, this dress is really beautiful, Lingna, it's hard to look at tonight." Li Han praised with a smile, and Jennifer showed a faint smile. "Thank you, isn't pandora here?"

  Li Han shook his head slightly. "Pandora has something to do at night." Li Han didn't quite know what Dudu was doing every day these past few nights, and the little guy was willing to show it to others. "Jennifer, take a seat, the engagement ceremony will not start in ten minutes."

  Li Han took a glass of red wine and handed it to Jennifer, and came to a corner. "Good evening, Jennifer." "Good evening." Jennifer handed the gift to Lingna and handed it to Harry. Li Han smiled and pointed to the guests who gathered in groups at the reception. "I have to say that foreign receptions have some merits. If they are domestic, invite a table of people to eat people. This guest's background, preferences, and who is related to whom should be carefully weighed, otherwise there will be problems sitting at one table. The atmosphere was awkward, and nothing could be done. But the reception was different, okay, a group of people who are familiar with each other and get together to chat, want to get to know each other through the introduction of the host, and chat a few more words, if you can't talk, leave politely , to avoid the embarrassment of a bad atmosphere."

  Jennifer has been studying a lot of Chinese culture these days, and she was very interested in wine culture. At that time, Li Han still explained it. "Han, what do you think of the two wine cultures, which is better and which is worse?" Liu Ming shook the wine glass in his hand, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, this guy didn't care.

  Jennifer looked at Li Han with interest, and Li Han took a sip of wine. "How to say, European and American party wine parties are like the third-rate martial arts in martial arts. If you want to practice introductory, simple and easy to master, you can learn and sell now. There are more deep things in Chinese wine table culture, and all aspects of interpersonal relationships must be handled well. , like first-class martial arts, it is difficult to get started, and difficult to master, of course, learning it well is definitely more powerful than third-rate martial arts."

   As for the third-rate kung fu training, it is not impossible to pick the next first-rate master, there are always advantages and disadvantages, Liu Ming nodded slightly. "It makes some sense." "Papapa, what Mr. Li said is really good." A middle-aged man with an Asian face smiled and clapped his hands.

  Chris introduced with a smile. "Han, this is Mr. Gao from Tsingtao Brewery's US office." "Hello, Mr. Gao, it's just a lie, you're laughing." Harley came to Jennifer and sat down and thanked Jennifer for the gift. Love this gift.

  How did Chris get in touch with Tsingtao Brewery, but thinking that Big Wolf Asahi Beer is the second shareholder of Tsingtao Brewery, and Hill InBev is also a major shareholder of Tsingtao Brewery, Chris has a good relationship with the two, and it is not unusual to know Gao Sheng.

   Gao Sheng was very enthusiastic about Li Han, maybe Hank Manor at that time. "Mr. Li brews the Hank Manor series. I've been fortunate enough to taste it. It tastes amazing. It's the best beer in America."

  The best beer in America, Li Han didn't dare to take this hat casually, otherwise he might receive a lot of challenge letters the next day, and Budweiser beer alone is enough for Li Han to drink a pot. "Mr. Li, I'm too humble. I don't say I've drank all American beers. Most of them are of higher grades. I've tasted them. Few can compare to Morning Dew, let alone Youlan and Luna."

  Li Han was a little embarrassed. This guy kept putting on a high hat and singing praises to himself. Really, it was the first time the two met. "You're too good, I'll give you a toast." Li Han glanced at Liu Ming, and there was a hint of mockery at the corner of the guy's mouth.

  Li Han's face was slightly red, and he felt a little more vigilant in his heart. This guy came up with a lot of good things, and you were very embarrassed to say. "I respect you." Li Han and Gao Sheng drank three glasses in a row, and Li Han waved his hand slightly. "Mr. Gao is a good drinker."

  Li Han kicked Liu Ming when he spoke, this guy must be joking. "Manager Gao, I'm really sorry, there are friends over there looking for me, wait a moment." Li Han said with a glass of red wine, got up and left, and apologized to everyone, but Liu Ming said to Gao Sheng with a smile. A few words, be regarded as a high rise.

   "William, it's so late."

  Li Han patted Weili on the shoulder. "It's really good, this police uniform is pretty cool." "It's hard to die, two damned guys actually let me clean all day." Weili snorted and said to Li Han. "I'm going to change clothes."

  Li Han accompanied Weili and changed his clothes. "It's more comfortable, Han, what about Halle and Chris?" Although Willi didn't like Chris very much, after all, this time it was an engagement.

  Weili prepared a gift. Li Han took a look at it and was very careful about a gift. Although it was not expensive, it was very warm. "Chris and Harry, over there, but it's not a good time to be in the past." Willi still had something to do in front of the two of them. "Well, it's not that I don't want to give presents, Han, have a beer."

  Li Han accompanied Weili to drink two beers, saw Gao Sheng leave, and accompanied Weili back to Jennifer. "Will." Chris gave Will a warm hug, as did Harry. "It's a present from Ronald, and he'll be there on time."

   Ronald and Aunt Sybble arrived five minutes before the engagement ceremony. The time was just right. After announcing the engagement, Chris and Harry kissed passionately. The guests of the reception stood up and applauded. "Uncle Ronald, Aunt Sybble, congratulations."

   Ronald hugged Li Han. In fact, Ronald wanted Li Han and Harley. Of course, Ronald did not force Harley to be with Li Han. "Han, I think you'll be better off." "Thanks, Aunt Sybble, I think I will."

  William handed a glass of beer. "One more cup." "William, I've had enough." This guy, he had already drank a lot this evening. "Alright then." Willi drank the beer himself and took Li Han's beer. "William, I think you should drink less, too." "No, **** Quint, Han, **** the cop, **** it." "Okay, Willy, let's go sit down, I want to hear about you. ."

  Weili has just been working for the police for half a month, and he is all complaining, which is really surprising. "No, I don't want to say it." "That's fine." Li Han couldn't persuade Wei Li, but just accompanied him to drink less. "Lingna, I'm going to trouble you to show me off at night."

   "No problem, Han."


  Li Han accompanied Wei Li for a few more drinks, hey, how quiet. "Han, we met again." "George." Li Han raised his eyes and saw a middle-aged man in red wine, George Chris.

   It was a thunderstorm all day, and I didn’t dare to turn on the computer. It just stopped after seven o’clock, and I can only have two shifts today. Monthly ticket plus update and yesterday's reward plus update, two chapters, no thunder tomorrow, four more, thank you for the monthly ticket book friends.



   (end of this chapter)