The Best Small Farm

Chapter 338: I don't want to kill you and my surname

   Chapter 338 I won't kill you and my surname is Li Xia 【Seeking Monthly Ticket】

  PS: Roll around and ask for a monthly pass.


  Traditional Chinese Medicine Health Beer was unexpectedly popular in China. Li Han didn't know about the propaganda of the herbal soup last time. The domestic media have not stopped until now, and they have completely praised Li Han as a master. One person killed the entire medical system in the United States, and took the lead in conquering swine flu, completely becoming the rhythm of God.

   Originally, this was a good thing, the media bombarded him wildly every day, and Li Han's name was not a household name, but it was louder than the average star. This is not a master product, Chinese medicine health beer, the price is twenty-five dollars, it is not cheap, but Walmart has just been on the shelves for less than half a day.

  20,000 bottles of traditional Chinese medicine health wine were sold out across the country, and the scene was extremely hot. The news was sent back to the Walmart headquarters. Even Jennifer was shocked by the news, not to mention the top executives of Walmart. "I didn't expect that the Chinese market is so huge. Perhaps, we should pay more attention to this emerging country."

A Walmart executive, Houston, said with emotion, and many other senior executives also agreed. For the first time, China's spending power has been clearly shown in the eyes of many Walmart executives. At this time, attention has shifted from the Mexican bribery case for the first time. to this ancient eastern country. "Jennifer, the publicity is a little weaker. I think we should sort it out as soon as possible and put it on Walmart's official website." Byton, a senior assistant to the CEO, called Li Scott immediately.

At this time, such news is a pleasant surprise for Wal-Mart. As for the sales of Li Han's batch of traditional Chinese medicine health beer, if it is normal, even ordinary supervisors may not take a second look, but now it is different, and it is more meaningful. . For a company like Wal-Mart, the business growth in the United States has reached its peak, and it is difficult to make a major breakthrough. However, on the other side of the world, in a country with rapid development, these people see new hope.

   "Lingna, do it as soon as possible."

Jennifer's pale face had a tinge of blush, she was excited, this was a good thing, maybe this will become a new opportunity, although it will not help the Mexican bribery case, but for investors and a group of capitalists, this will make Great investment opportunity, Walmart, following Li Han Chinese Medicine Health Beer, may be able to open the door to this prosperous and rapidly developing country. Sure enough, the news has not been released, and many insiders have begun to buy back Walmart stock.

  When the bribery case was reported by the New York Times a week before, many shareholders began to sell Walmart stock after receiving the news, which also became a point of attack on this incident. Although Jennifer and other members of the Walton family tried to repurchase some stocks during this period to eliminate the impact, they had little effect. At this time, Jennifer felt that Li Han had really brought a lot of miracles to herself.

   Strange disease, no hospital can tell it clearly, there is not much life left in the light, and once made Jennifer close to collapse, it was the appearance of pandora that ignited Jennifer's courage to live. Li Han appeared, and like the hand of God, he used magical herbs to pull himself from the brink of death step by step and back to the world little by little. Several times when he felt, recognized and understood this person, Li Han always gave him new surprises.

  Li Scott received a call from his assistant, but he didn't respond for a while. Li Scott, who was having a headache with the Walmart bribery case, saw a major business opportunity at a glance. "Let Jennifer come to me immediately, no, the meeting is over, arrange the car now, not too slow, I want to have a good talk with Jennifer."

  There was an uproar among many high-level executives. Li Scott had never done this before. Li Scott immediately called Jim Walton, maybe this would be a good breakthrough. "My old friend, I can feel your joy, it's such a beautiful thing."

   "Yes, Jim, little Jennifer has brought us a miracle, maybe we should have a good talk with little Jennifer." Li Scott showed a rare smile, passing by the staff, seeing the tense heartstrings relax immediately.

   Lee Scott showed a smile, and the whole headquarters was like a whirlwind. Many people were worried, or their nervousness was relieved because of Lee Scott's smile. Perhaps this is the charisma of leadership. "Really? My old friend, I'll be back as soon as possible."

   Lee Scott didn't expect Jim to announce the news himself, and maybe that's for the best. "Well then, I should go meet our lovely little Jennifer, maybe we can announce the news to the outside world tomorrow." Li Scott breathed a sigh of relief, the assistant arranged for the helicopter, and the car was too slow.

  Ten minutes later, Lee Scott arrived at the branch, and Jennifer and a group of branch executives greeted him on the terrace. "My little Jennifer, this is really exciting news, I think we need to have a good talk, Byton is preparing a conference room." Lee Scott said to senior assistant Byton. "Yes."

  Jennifer didn't expect Li Scott to come over in person, and walked directly into the conference room without resting. "Little Jennifer, I want to know how this thing works." There were no other drinks on the conference table, only beer.

  Hank Manor series of traditional Chinese medicine health beer, everyone is looking at this bottle of ordinary beer. "We have passed dozens of tests and received a bottle of Hank Manor every day. For a week, sleep and physical quality have been significantly improved, and it has the effect of suppressing the three highs, but the time is too short, and the last item is not very clear. ."

   A batch was previously produced to test the effect. This is the second batch, with nearly 50,000 bottles, exceeding the single production volume of Hank Manor. "Collate this information as soon as possible and send it to the Chinese branch to increase publicity."

  The publicity effect in the United States is not as good as in the United States, but it sells nearly 5,000 bottles a day. This is the premise that there is not much publicity in Walmart. At $25, it can be considered a luxury. Five thousand bottles, under the condition of unknown effect, the influence of the medicinal soup is evident.

   Although it is said that one third of the 5,000 bottles were purchased by Chinese or Chinese people, it has to be said that the initial goal was achieved. "China branch, I hope to send a batch of goods as soon as possible." "Jennifer, you can arrange this."

  Jennifer nodded. "There are a total of 50,000 bottles this time, and the second batch will wait at least five to seven days." Li Han didn't know it would be so popular, and besides, Li Han would be worried. The contract between Hank Manor and Chris Manor is terminated.

This contract is used as one of the mortgages. Wells Fargo has every reason to recover the principal and interest of the loan. The news that there is a problem with Li Han Farm is not a short time. rumor.

   Wells Fargo was afraid that Li Han would file for bankruptcy or run away. At this time, Li Han finally understood that George had no peace of mind at all. "Jill, please help me look at this contract, can you maintain the status quo first."

   Gilberger was very angry when he heard the news. He was completely fooled. He was a little proud yesterday. "Han, I will, don't worry about this." Gilberg likes to challenge the impossible, and Li Han felt a little helpless.

   I can't spend Dudu money. Li Han was still thinking about investment projects. He originally talked about the ranch. At this time, Li Han became timid. He didn't expect to be David Chris's the next day. At that time, Li Han didn't know how depressed he was when he saw David's proud pig-headed face.

   Wells Fargo’s debt collection is tight, but Gilberg will not apply for a fake mortgage to the court in a short time. Li Han was depressed, but at the end of the trouble, Pearl Flower Ranch didn't make any money, and he owed more than 33 million foreign debts.

  Jennifer was at least waiting for the ranch to be remodeled and sold. Li Han didn't take advantage of women for a long time. On the bank's side, Li Han originally wanted to use the Pearl Flower Ranch as a mortgage, but now the price of the pasture continues to drop.

   Wells Fargo Bank Li Han had previously known the supervisor Paul and transferred out. Li Han’s relationship was broken, and the difficulty of lending became even more impossible with this incident. "Hey, wait a few more days, the first batch of white truffles will be sold, at least one million will be used for temporary relief, enough."

  Meanwhile, Grey Wolf and Mr. Gao, George and David are toasting to celebrate. "I think Han's expression must be very exciting now." "Mr. Gao, this time thanks to you, I toast to you." Gray Wolf smiled and raised his glass.

   Gao Jin said with a smile. "Mr. Big Wolf, you are too kind. I hope we can cooperate more closely." "Of course, Tsingtao Beer and Asahi Beer are a family." "You're right, Tsingtao Beer and Asahi Beer Group have already become a family."

   "Oh, sorry, I took the call."

   Gao Jin was a little surprised. He went outside and saw that there was no one around to answer the phone. It was Li Han who called. "Mr. Gao, I don't know if you have time. I'll treat you to a meal." "Yes, Han, I've been busy with business recently, so I may not have time, I don't know." Gao Jin smiled faintly.

  Li Han said in a panic. "Mr. Gao, I have something I want to talk to you about. Recently, there have been some problems with the farm's funds. The winery has been banned from selling. in hand."

   Li Han looked sad, Gao Jin looked a little smug, and looked around. "I'm a compatriot, so let's do it. I'll find time in the evening and let's talk." "Thank you so much, Mr. Gao." Li Hanman replied in surprise.

   Gao Jin said with a smug expression in his heart. "Grey Wolf, George, I didn't expect that in the end, the consequences would fall into my hands. Li Han is an idiot, yes, he's really an idiot. If it were me, with such a good beer recipe in hand, he would have already become a billionaire."

   "Idiots are really stupid, and they will never be on the stage."

   Gao Jin was quite proud, but when he entered the door, he paused and said angrily. "I'm so sorry, the people in the branch can't even do trivial things." He poured a glass of red wine, held it up, and salutes a few people with a glass.

   "Mr. Gao, I'm joking, I'll give you another toast."

  Big Wolf and George just discussed how to bypass Gao Jin. Li Han is now like a lamb to be slaughtered, but the secret recipe of Hank Manor series beer has indeed become a huge temptation. What Chris didn't know, George didn't know about Pandora's life experience.

   And David, an insider, is completely arrogant, and maybe a little gloating in his heart, Li Han is unlucky, and Jennifer is unlucky. As for Liu Ming, David didn't take it to heart at all, and was really worried that Georgina didn't seem to be there.

   (end of this chapter)