The Best Small Farm

Chapter 393: Niu Niu psychology expert

   Chapter 393

  Li Han suddenly thought that Dudu is not the best candidate for psychological comfort, Li Han said to Dudu. "Dudu, let mom answer the phone." "Well, then dad will take Dudu to the cart." "Okay, dad will pick you up tomorrow."

  Dudu nodded and handed the phone to Jennifer. "Mom, Dad wants you to talk." Jennifer answered the phone and asked a few questions about the current situation of the Alpine Ranch. Li Han said, and Jennifer reminded about the cattle. "Han, although the cattle breeds in the alpine pastures are good, but such a big avalanche, the disturbance will not be small, and the cattle herds will be frightened and frozen, which may affect the health of the cattle breeds."

Li Han paused for a moment. This is not bad. The health of the breeding cattle is bad, but it is useless. It is no wonder that several ranchers here did not intend to buy this batch of good cattle. Frightened can be a big problem. More than 1,500 cattle breeds, at least three to four times the price of ordinary beef cattle.

   But this time, the whole beef cattle price is sold, and no one cares. It can be seen that everyone does not have much confidence in the recovery of the cattle herd. Li Han just told Ronald about this, Ronald's opinion can be bought, but the price should be lower, too high and too much risk.

  1,500 cattle, especially more than 1,400 cows, and less than 50 bulls. As long as one-third of the cattle breeds can be recovered, Li Han can make a small profit. Of course, in such a weather now, it is understandable that the owner of the alpine ranch is outside, and the price is suppressed without the next family accepting it. After all, the price of fodder and feed will continue to rise. There is still a long way to go from the town of Kemising. It is impossible to transport cattle and sheep. Unless snow is shoveled all the way, the workload is too much and it is completely uneconomical.

It's best to rush the cattle and sheep, but all the way to feed, drink water, and in the wind and snow, the cattle and sheep must have bad temper. . Just now, Henry and a few others also listened to it and planned to call the owner to explain the situation and see if the price can be lowered a little.

  Actually, this avalanche has not only suffered a lot from the owners of the alpine ranch, but the cowboys like Henry are even more desperate. The alpine ranch is gone, what should everyone do? In the big winter, the blizzard hits, various living expenses increase, and there is no salary. How will I live next month?

   Don’t look at these cowboys who have been working for most of their lives, maybe their pocket money is not as much as Dudu pocket money, a little money is almost the same, no credit card overdraft is required, which is already pretty good. I don't have money, what should I do? It's hard to find a job with such heavy snow.

Li Han and Henry talked about it. If Henry wanted Hank Farm, it would need some people. Henry didn't give a clear answer at the time, but Li Han felt that it was almost possible. It was not just before calling Jennifer, Li Han called Jem. He got on the phone, talked about the situation of the alpine pasture, and planned to hire Henry and buy cattle. Jem is very in favor of hiring Henry. Henry has no less experience than Jem, and has experience working on large-scale ranches. Compared with Jem and others, family farms, from small ranches, are more suitable for the management of Pearl Flower Ranch.

  Li Han is very happy. Next year, the ranch will finally be staffed. Li Han told Jennifer about this. "I have some solutions for the cattle herd. By the way, I plan to hire Henry and these cowboys. The cattle herd has increased. Next year, the Pearl Flower Ranch needs someone to help manage it. Jem is indeed not as good as Henry's. experience."

Jennifer thinks this is good. Hank Farm and Pearl Flower Ranch have separate registrations. Jem's management on the farm side can also handle it. As for the ranch, Jennifer also told Li Han to find a new manager. All right. "That's good. Large-scale ranch management requires experienced people. The Henry you mentioned seems quite suitable."

"Yeah, Henry's ability is very good, and this time something happened to the alpine pasture, maybe the owner will sell it at a low price, after all, avalanches will cause a lot of losses, and the cleaning fee next year will definitely not be low, the melting of the snow-capped mountains may cause the grassland to soak, The grass is dying, and the grass planting needs a lot of money." Li Han said this is also the reason why Henry and others are desperate, the reconstruction of the alpine pasture requires a lot of money, the ranch owner has no intention of paying the money, and the sale can be said to be a certainty.

   "Alpine pasture, the place is pretty good."

Jennifer wrote it down and handed it to Lingna. Lingna didn’t need to speak to Jennifer, she understood the meaning, called the investment company, prepared materials, lawyers, and accountants to evaluate it. Jennifer planned to buy the Alpine Ranch, especially after seeing the surrounding area of ​​the Alpine Ranch. The environment is quite good, and Jennifer still has two pastures close to the alpine pastures. If they are purchased, they will be connected together. The living area and the deep area of ​​the alpine pastures will be moved down the mountain, and the alpine pastures will be transformed into real pastures. It's definitely worth a try.

  Li Han and Jennifer were talking about the cattle herd. Before Li Han could speak, the other end of the phone beeped. "Pandora helps daddy drive the cattle. Pandora is the best at driving cattle." Jennifer smiled and handed the phone to the little guy who had been eavesdropping on her ears.

"Okay, pandora is the best. Be good. It's getting late. Dad will go back to pick you up tomorrow." Li Han hung up the phone, called Gilberg, and was about to come over. At the same time, Henry negotiated the price. Because of the eagerness to sell, the price of this batch of breeding cattle is even 10% cheaper than that of ordinary beef cattle.

But even so, many people didn't expect Li Han to be so courageous. The contract was done quickly. The next morning, the contract was signed. Here are the authorized lawyers and Henry of the owner of Alpine Ranch, and here is Gilberg. , an accountant sent by Jennifer, Li Han.

   As for Jennifer, she also got in touch with the owner of the alpine ranch and is drafting an acquisition plan. The efficiency here is not lower than that of Li Han. Several small farms raised the issue of feed costs, for which Li Han had to pay more than 10,000 US dollars for feed and various expenses.

Two days of light, completely vampire, Li Han drove the mining truck directly when he went back. The two drivers were very skilled. When they came, they could easily return to the town of Kemising. First, they went to the Hank Farm cattle farm, Jie. Tom and Hutton, Doles, Colt and others began to work hard, preparing for work, forage, fodder, these are enough, but there are still shortages in some places, and this batch of newly purchased breeding cattle and farm cattle should be separated in two areas. area.

   Li Han has long said that these breeding cattle have experienced so much, and it is necessary to add some protein feed for disease prevention and epidemic prevention. Fortunately, there was a lot of earthworm powder last time. Li Han took a look and came to the feed factory without stopping to pack feed and some green fodder. On the way, the cattle should eat more feed to maintain their physical strength and body temperature.

On the other side, Dudu and Baobao put on thick denim suits, small leather jackets, thick cowhide trousers, big hats, scarves, and carried bags. body temperature.

   Of course, with hot milk, chocolate and other high-calorie foods in the bag, Jennifer hurried to drive the cow, but Jennifer couldn't help it. Li Han arrived at Xiaowang Farm, and Dudu and the baby were ready. "Han, this is the phone number of the supervisor of a slaughterhouse closest to the Alpine Ranch. If it doesn't work, you can call him and he will arrange it for you."

Lingna handed a business card to Li Han. Even Jennifer was not very optimistic about Li Han's adventure. At this time, not many people in Mi Xing Town knew about it, and it slowly started to spread in the bar. After all, Li Han hired people to clean up the farm.

  Many people think that Li Han's thankless behavior is stupid, and many are waiting to see the joke. Even Grey Wolf and George, who are in a lawsuit with Li Han, heard about it, and they are rarely happy. As for the relationship between Chris and Li Han, it seems that the relationship between Chris and Li Han is even more tense. There is no news of Chris returning to Los Angeles, but Li Han always feels that Chris will not give up like this, but at this time, Li Han has no time to think about it. An extra day outside can cost thousands of dollars.

  Dudu and the baby hugged them into the car. The two-story tall truck made the two little people excited. "Dad, White Wolf." "Understood." Dudu meant, Li Han understood that this was going to bring White Wolf to be a shepherd dog.

Finally, the white wolf got into the car, the driver drove, thousands of horsepower, more than 100 liters of displacement, the sound of starting, the huge is not comparable to a small car such as a Hummer, more than four meters high wheels, start up, along the old road Pressed aside.

  I didn't expect a car to follow behind, this guy, after a few back and forth, he really pressed a path for people to walk. Dudu and the baby were lying by the window, watching the people on the ground getting smaller, the cars getting taller, and the small houses getting shorter.

   The speed of the car was neither fast nor slow. When we arrived, it was almost four o'clock in the afternoon. Henry and others were taking care of the cattle, sheep and horses. Some cowboys did not plan to go to Kemising and went home. After all, Kemising is a long way from here.

   Little Dudu, got out of the car and rushed to the cowshed to start counseling the frightened cows. Of course, Henry stopped him. "Han, the cows have just been frightened. You can't see strangers. It will hurt people." "Henry, it's okay, pandora is very animalistic." Li Han can still guarantee this. Sure enough, Dudu sneaked into the cowshed, The cows started to be startled, and with the little slap of Dudu, they patted the buttocks of the cows, and from time to time they sprinkled a handful of green cabbage leaves.

  The restless cattle suddenly quieted down after a while. Henry was dumbfounded and couldn't believe it. He saw Dudu proudly raised his head and walked out of the bullpen to the next bullpen for psychological counseling. In less than two hours, the frightened and restless herds were much quieter.

Li Han led the Niu Niu heart comfort expert Xiao Dudu, who was completely regarded as a legend and a miracle by Henry and others, and was completely worshipped by Henry and others, a natural Niu Whisperer. With spring water, the taste is much better. "Han, this is really unimaginable. Perhaps, half of this batch of breeding cattle can be recovered."

Li Hanxin said that half of them can't make much money. Dudu just told Li Han secretly that there may be 80%, or even more cattle and cattle can recover. Li Han just added some spring water to the warm water, added earthworm powder to the feed, and also removed some green materials. , Unexpectedly, the farm owner actually looked at the green material and kept wanting Li Han to sell him some.

The green materials of Hank’s farm are absolutely of high quality. However, Li Han has no plans to sell them. Now the farm has more than 2,000 cattle and sheep. There are almost 4,000 cattle and more than 1,000 sheep in the entire farm. The green materials are only enough. Yes, there is not much more, who knows if there will be snow in April, but I dare not sell it casually.

   (end of this chapter)