The Best Small Farm

Chapter 438: mini cow

   Chapter 438 Mini Cow

   It was almost noon when he came to Maria's house. Li Han brought Dudu and the baby with fruit. Before he came, he had called Dubuer. "I haven't seen Maria going to play in the past two days." Li Hanguo handed it to Dubuer and asked.

  Dubul said. "Maria is sick, maybe she has a fever." "Have you contacted the doctor?" Li Han asked. Dudu and the baby went into the house to see Maria, and the little girl was pouring drinks from a kettle to greet Dudu and the baby.



  Li Han only blushed a little when he saw Maria, it was nothing serious. "Colt has contacted the doctor and will come over tomorrow to help Maria do a checkup." "So, if there is anything you need, let Colt tell me that Maria needs to take her medicine on time."

  The little guy is sensible, cute, and he does not forget to entertain guests when he is sick. Dubuer looked at Maria with love, and for the past two days Maria was sick at home alone. Both Dubuer and Colt had to go to work. Maria could usually go to Hank's farm, but she had a fever like a cold, so she didn't go for fear of infecting Dudu and the baby. "Pandora, baby, we're leaving." Seeing that it was late, Li Han waved to the two little guys.

   When he got home, Li Han tidyed up the fruits, frowned, and delivered them for a long time. At least there are thousands of kilograms of fruits. How can several people in the family eat them, and there are still some fruits in the space that have not been picked.

  Watermelon and strawberry are the big ones. Li Han smiled bitterly. He didn't expect to be troubled by the fact that there are too many fruits to eat. "Dudu, is Mr. Glassman back?" Although this old-fashioned old man is a good person, he brings Dudu some gifts every time he goes out.

   "Grandpa Whitebeard said he wouldn't come back until after Christmas."

  Dudu said with a small mouth, and Dudu can't play with the dogs anymore, and grow vegetables happily. "That's it, let's go play." Li Han was thinking of sending some fruit to Glassman, by the way, send some to the cattle farm. "Mom, I'm going to the cattle farm, you don't have to wait for me."

  Li Han packed hundreds of jins of apples, watermelons and cherries and drove a pickup truck to the cattle farm. "Hi, Han." Dinah was trimming the lamb's toenails when she saw Li Han and waved. "The weather is nice, didn't you go out for a walk?"

  Dinah smiled. "I like to stay with these little guys, Han, what did you bring, do you need me to help?" "Some fruit." Li Han opened the box and carried the fruit down. "Wow, what a beautiful apple."

  Sara listened to the movement, walked over, and was immediately attracted by the big red apple. Li Han threw one to Sarah and said with a smile. "It tastes very good, Dinah, you can try it too." "Thank you." Dinah then came over and thanked her. She took off the holster and scissors without being too particular about it. After taking a bite, it was fragrant, sweet, and hydrated.

   "It tastes great."

  Sarah praised.

   "I ordered these from out of town. Sara helps me. These have to be moved to the office." Li Han pointed to the pickup truck apple and watermelon.

  Sarah didn't say anything to help, and after a while Hughton and Henry came over with a few young cowboys. "Hutton, help distribute it, these are Christmas apples." "I will, really nice apples, Henry, here's one."

  These cowboys were polite and gnawed without washing. "It's delicious." "Oh, by the way, Houghton, you'll talk about it later. I'll pick up the turkeys at the farm tomorrow after get off work." ."

   The young cowboy shouted Li Han's name, and the turkey seemed worth it. "Hutton, I'll leave it to you and Henry. I'll go back first." "No problem." Li Han greeted Dina after delivering the fruit, and drove his pickup back to the small farm.

  Dudu and the baby, after lunch, the two little people are playing the piano, and Jennifer and Lingna are guiding by the side. Mom and Aunt Xu, cutting leather, plan to make another set of clothes for Dudu and the baby.

   "Little man, I'm back, I'm going to help you cook."

   Aunt Xu saw Li Han coming back, got up and said.

   "Aunt Xu, you're busy, I'll do it myself."

  Li Han saw that he was cutting a lot of things and was afraid of delays, Zhang Xiuying said. "Let this child heat up by himself, big girl, help me pull it."

  Li Han cooked two dishes, cut some braised beef, and ate a bowl of rice. His belly was full, and Li Han's bowls and chopsticks were packed. Making a pot of tea, holding this farm management book, leaning on the sofa while reading a book, drinking tea, I heard the piano tune played by Dudu and the baby. The two little guys played this tune, and it seemed too familiar.

   Before finishing the pot of tea, the phone rang. "I'll go right now." "Mom, the mini-cow and the pony are here, I'll pick them up from town." "Slow down on the road." Snowflakes are fluttering outside, and it seems that this Christmas will be accompanied by snow.

  Dudu and Baobao's two small ears are very smart, and the two little guys ran after them. "Dad, Dudu will also go." "Good, Dudu will help Dad to see if the cowshed and stable are cleaned, and Dad will come back with the car."

  Jennifer and Linna were pulling the two little guys. "You go first." Li Han walked out of the small building and drove his car to the town square. The carriage for the ox and horse had already arrived. "Hey, Matthew, you've worked hard." "Han, it's as cold as Iowa here."

   "Yes, I'll treat everyone to a cup of hot coffee."

  Li Han handed the hot coffee to everyone. After drinking the coffee, the car followed the pickup to the small farm. Dudu and Bao Bao were waiting in the cowshed early. Twenty ponies were put into the stable first. The little guys were a little uncomfortable with the unfamiliar environment and kept walking along the fence.

  The ten little miniature cows are a little slow, and they looked around, but they were not chaotic. Li Han settled the final payment. Matthew and two drivers and a cowboy didn't stop. They had to rush back. Christmas is coming.

  Li Han sent some fruit to Matthew's three children, sent Matthew and his party away, and returned to the livestock area. Dudu and Baobao are chasing the pony, shouting and playing happily. The little pony runs along the fence, running in front, and two little people are chasing behind.

   What makes Li Han speechless is that Jennifer and Lingna actually got some green vegetables and were teasing the miniature cows. Li Han felt that the whole family was full of children's temper. "Han, these little cows are really interesting." Lingna smiled and threw a handful of vegetable leaves.

   A group of calves are obviously not as good as Xiaobai at home. Dabai is smart and gets teased around, and the chubby miniature Hua Niu is completely cute. Li Han rubbed his little calf, opened the shed, and drove the calf to the shed. There was only one little calf, and he acted like a coquettish beside Jennifer and Lingna, holding a vegetable leaf in his mouth. Cute and funny. "This greedy little thing." Li Han didn't have time to accompany Lingna to play with the calf.

   Came to the stable and caught the two naughty villains first. Dudu and Baobao really had a good time with Xiaobai and a group of pony horses. Li Han grabbed one and lifted them up, and the two little people kicked their calves.

   "Don't pedal around, you fell down, go and daddy to get some pasture, the pony is hungry."

  Li Han and the two little guys put them down and said.

Sure enough, when they heard that they were moving pasture to feed the ponies and calves, the two little people were no longer resisting. They obediently followed Li Han to the warehouse and carried the forage and fodder. Li Han drove a small tractor and a horse-drawn carriage to transport the forage and feed, and the two little people returned. bullpen.

   Opened the straw bales, added the forage to the trough, carried the feed bags and scattered a group, turned on the warm water device, and poured some spatial spring water while no one was seeing it. Dudu and the baby are also holding small feed bags one by one to feed the calves and ponies.

   The youngest calf just now, stretched out his little tongue and licked the palms of the two little people. "Giggle, it's so itchy, don't need Xiaohua." Dudu immediately named the calf. As for the number of little flowers, Dudu didn't care.

  Li Han saw that the herd of cattle and horses had no problem eating, so he was relieved and it was fine. Playing with Dudu and the baby for a while, the two little guys Li Han slipped out, and Farabella Xiaobai was also slipped out of the stable by Li Han.

   This little thing has also begun to learn to be naughty. "It looks good," Jennifer said. "It's better than expected, and the adaptability is very good." Li Han said with a smile when he got out of the bullpen.

   "These calves are good pets too."

  Lina clapped her hands and teased Xiaohua Niu for a while. "Many parts have become pets. If you like it, when it breeds, I will give you one." "Thank you, I don't have time to raise it." Although Lingna was a little moved, she finally shook her head.

  Dudu and Baobao are quite active, while they are shouting about raising calves, Li Han chose to ignore the voices of the two villains, which made the two villains get angry. "Oh, didn't Mr. Webb have a digging mission this afternoon?"

  Jennifer and Lingna looked very busy, Li Han asked.

   "Mr. Weber and Principal Churchill needed to find some information because of the dinosaur fossil issue, so the excavation mission in the afternoon was canceled." Lingna said, no wonder. "Since you have time, let's have a drink." Li Han said.

  Li Han and Jennifer, Lingna came to the bar, the adults were drinking, and the two little guys were drinking and eating fruit. Jennifer talked about the Chinese medicine beer incident, and now things have become more chaotic with the addition of the Chinese Medicine Professional Association.

   But Li Han was forgotten by everyone. The sale of Chinese medicine beer is prohibited in more than ten states. Li Han just frowned. Originally, the amount of Chinese medicine beer was not much. It's just that George's gang might have to laugh at this. Because Chinese medicine beer involves Chinese medicine, some people subconsciously object to it, which is helpless. Just when Li Han wanted another beer, Colt came over. "Is something wrong with Colt?"

   "Han, I want to take a leave of absence. Maria is ill and there is no one to take care of at home." Colt was a little embarrassed. "It's okay, it's getting late, you go back first, by the way, take a turkey back."

  Dudu and Baobao heard about catching turkeys, and the two little guys followed. Li Han picked a big turkey and handed it to Colt. "Drive my pickup, it's more convenient." "Thank you, Han." "Dad, when will sister Maria's illness get better? Sister Maria said that she can't play with Dudu anymore."

"It will be fine after few days."

  Li Han smiled, who knew that the second Li Han received a call from Colt and was stunned.

   (end of this chapter)