The Best Small Farm

Chapter 449: Under the endorsement of the angel of ch

   Chapter 449 Under the endorsement of the Angel of Childhood Leukemia

   "Dumplings are here, it's time to eat."

   At most one dumpling came up, Li Han greeted everyone to eat, Dudu and Baobao had been waiting for a long time, aiming at two big drumsticks. The baby looked at the big drumstick, and secretly glanced at his uncle, who robbed the baby of the drumstick last time.

  Li Han was happy, nodded the baby's little nose, Dudu held the chicken leg in a circle, and nibbled happily. "Maria, drink some chicken soup." Li Han's chicken soup was packed in a few small bowls. Maria, Jennifer, Dubuer, and Colt, the family has not had a good time these days.

  Lingna didn't need Li Han to say it, she did it herself, originally wanted to invite Houghton and others, but Jem and the others had a party, Georgina and others went back to New York, and there weren't too many people this time. Although there are not many people, there are a few children, which is very lively.

Li Han sandwiched big dumplings, dipped in sauce, beautiful and beautiful, a few little people didn't eat much and were making noise around the Christmas tree, little black black, two little raccoons, ball and meat ball, little fox, two little The koalas, all caught by Dudu and the baby, put on Santa Claus clothes and a small hat. Neither Millie nor White Wolf escaped. The funniest thing was two turkeys and two little parrots. They were all **** by their clothes and couldn't move, but the little wild boar was broken.

   came to the side from time to time, overturned the turkey and the parrot had a lot of fun, humming cheerfully, who made the four guys not treat Mr. Pig properly. The living room was very lively. Small animals, small people, and adults laughed. Maria leaned against Milly, stroking Millie, and clapping her hands happily. Cheering on Sister Dudu and Sister Bao, Li Han and Colt were drinking wine and talking about the weather and some economic topics. Li Han was not interested in politics, and Colt was even more reluctant to talk about it.

  Jennifer and Lingna, Dubuer, Aunt Xu, helped my mother clean up the dishes. The lanterns were lit outside, and Li Han had just forgotten to turn them on. The two big Christmas trees and the snowman were very beautiful when the lanterns were on. Dudu and the baby stopped fighting and ran to the window.

  Dudu turned around and waved to Maria. "Sister Maria, come quickly, she's so beautiful." Maria wanted to go, but she didn't have the strength right now. "Dubuer, let's come here, you accompany Maria."

  Jennifer said to Dubuer, Dubuer thanked him, picked up Maria and came to the window sill. The snowman is shining with colorful lights, and the two Christmas trees and decorations on both sides are shining with colorful brilliance, which is very beautiful. Snowflakes are falling from the sky, and the snowflakes of various colors are shining, adding a touch of agility to it.

  The fireplace is burning brightly, the small building is warm, and you can enjoy the beautiful scenery. Dudu and Baobao started to perform today, and the two little guys were sitting by the piano. "Sister Maria, let's play the piano together." Dudu said to Maria, who was surrounded by Dubuer's arms, with his small head tilted.

  Maria lowered her head slightly. "Maria can't play." "It's okay, pandora will teach you, but it's easy." "It's okay, Dubuer asked Maria to play." Li Han said as he walked over with a smile.

The three little people were sitting side by side by the piano, and the song they played turned out to be Christmas carols. Maria just pressed it every now and then. Dudu and the baby were really in perfect harmony, a Christmas carol and Jingle Bells. .

  All the musical instruments at home have been displayed, such as guitar and saxophone. They were very excited to play. Li Han held the guitar and played with Colt for a while. Of course, Li Han didn't know much about the violin. Jennifer and Lingna brought Dudu and Bao Bao, but the two little guys didn't seem to be very skilled and made frequent mistakes. "It's okay, let's learn slowly in the future." Li Han comforted the two little guys and led everyone to the small living room with a smile to make coffee and some snacks.

Dudu and baby, find new fun with Maria, unpack gifts, find your own name gift from a bunch of gifts, Dudu and baby are a complete set of boxing suits, and there are two tumbler sandbags that are slightly taller than Dudu and baby .

  The two little guys happily took apart the big box and placed the tumbler, Maria gifted a full set of school utensils, and a set of beautiful clothes and deerskin boots. There are only three little guys in the family, and there are many gifts prepared, each of them has several copies, and it is a joy to play with them.

  Dudu finished unwrapping his present, remembered wrapping it himself, thief smiled, and gave it to his father and mother, Aunt Lingna. "Mom, Aunt Lingna, a gift." The gift box was slanted with the names of Jennifer and Lingna written.

  Lina was very happy, and as soon as she opened it, a clown jumped out, shivering with fright. Jennifer is a big spider, unable to smile bitterly, Dudu screamed and ran away. "This brat, Han, why didn't you have a present."

  Li Han rolled his eyes and looked at Lingna. "When I was wrapping the gift, I was on the side. Do you think Dudu would give it to me?" "No wonder." Lingna pouted and played with the clown in her hand. After a while, the clown's hair turned into a bang.

   Dubure and Colt sounded, and Lingna and Jennifer also laughed. "Pandora, it's too naughty." Mom said, carrying the fruit. "Hehe, I usually have no one to play with. I'll be happy. Mom, take a rest."

  Li Han took the fruit and put it on the table. "Try it, I'll go talk to Colt and Dubuer about the afternoon." "I'll call them." Lingna got up and walked out of the small living room. Dubuer and Colt were accompanying the three The little guy is having fun.

  Dudu is distributing gifts to the small animals at home, let alone the little raccoon jumping up in fright, making Dudu giggling. "Han, I really bought so many tricky little gifts." Lingna said with tears in her eyes, some strange things.

  Dudu and Baobao don't think so, they're too happy to play, they've become crazy girls. Lingna and Dubuer, Colt said, and Maria Lingna took care of them. Colt and Dubuer came to the living room, and Li Han told them about the Childhood Leukemia Research Foundation's request for Maria's endorsement.

  Dubuer hesitated. "Maria's health is now?" "This matter must wait for Maria to recover. Don't worry about this." Li Han actually disagreed, but he didn't say it. The opinion of Dubuer and Colt is the most important thing. .

  Korte nodded and said. "I agree with this matter. If I can do something for these children like Maria, I think Maria will definitely be willing." Dubuer listened to her husband and agreed. This is easy to say.

   Li Han said. "I'll give you my phone number at that time, and I'll call before ten thirty tomorrow morning. People from the Foundation want to come over and have a detailed talk with you. By the way, I hired a lawyer for you. This is him. business card."

  Li Han's phone number and lawyer's business card were handed to Colt. "If you have something to discuss with the lawyer." "Thank you, Han." Colt took the business card and thanked him. It was getting late. Dubuer and Colt planned to go back.

   It was not the first time that Maria spent the night on the small farm. The two had a few words with Maria and left. After a while, Jennifer and Lingna also left, and Li Han sent them back, it was getting late. "Dudu, baby, stop playing, sister Maria is tired."

  Dudu got up. "Dad, grandma said, grandpa and aunt will talk to baby sister and dudu later." "So, be good for a while, don't make trouble for grandma, I'll take sister Maria upstairs first."

  Li Han's medicine bottle and warm water are ready, and Maria finishes her medicine. "Go to sleep." Maria fell asleep, and Li Han came to his mother's room. Dad, old sister, and brother-in-law were all there. This holiday, which father may not pay much attention to, will be celebrated.

  It was a day off, so my sister and brother-in-law rushed over early in the morning. "Baby and Dudu have grown taller and chubby. Why do they wear so little clothes." "Mom, there is heating in the house, so it's not cold."

  Baby said, the two little guys were sweating from playing, and only the sweater was taken off. "Then you can't wear so little." "Sister, it's okay, it's not cold, sister, you and dad, brother-in-law, what are you doing here?"

  The old lady said helplessly. "It's still early, this year's holiday may be later." "Can't I take a few days off?" Li Han rubbed the baby's head, the little guy missed his mother.

   Brother-in-law held the dish and shook his head slightly. "This year's teaching task is quite heavy. Many teachers have canceled the holidays arranged by them, so it is not easy to ask for leave." "This child, you are busy, it is snowing here, there is not much to do here, and it is not easy to go out."

   Mom patted Li Han and whispered. "Your sister and your brother-in-law have just received their professional titles in the past two days, and it's time to show their grades." My mother supported my sister and brother-in-law in their work, and my father doesn't need it anymore, and will be a teacher for life.

  What else can Li Han say? After chatting for a while, Baobao and Dudu both yawned and haven't had much rest these days. "Go to sleep, I haven't slept well for several days." "I've been busy these days, I haven't slept too much, that sister, I'll take Dudu and the baby to sleep, huh, Merry Christmas." "Go, Christmas Happy Holidays." Li Mei said with a smile.

   Li Han said with a smile, and led the two little guys back to the room. Li Han was so sleepy that he lay on the bed and fell asleep for a while. In his sleep, Dudu's exchange of traditional Chinese medicine to treat leukemia was leaked for some reason, and a group of patients chased after him.

   Li Han was in a cold sweat, sat up suddenly, checked the time, it was six o'clock in the morning. I slept well, if only I didn't have such a disturbing dream, Li Han washed and dressed and went downstairs. "It's snowing really hard."

   There was more than half a foot of snow on the windowsill, and when the door was opened, the cold wind blew in, and Li Han shivered. The yard was completely white, and the lanterns were still shining brightly. Li Han turned off the power of the lanterns, rubbed his hands, turned on the snow blower, and let out the snow in the yard.

   drove a road to the cowshed, and cleared a space at the entrance of the farm. After a lot of work, Li Han was sweating on his forehead. Back in the small yard, Bao Bao and Dudu were carrying small shovels to clear the path to the small house. Just as they were about to enter the house to rest for a while, the car of Webb and Principal Churchill arrived.


  Li Han stopped to say hello.

   "Morning, Han, the snow was really big last night."

   Churchill is much cuter than Webber.

  Li Han smiled and nodded. "Yeah, the weather has been so bad recently." "Want a cup of coffee? It's just made." Li Han invited Churchill, along with Weber. "Thanks, we've prepared coffee."

"OK then."

  Li Han returned to the small building, poured a cup of hot coffee, drank coffee while resting, and turned on the TV. I really didn't watch TV some days, so I first checked the weather. "Oh, what a terrible day."

   Ask for full subscription, the light of the great god, the monthly pass, and the event of catching rabbits and sending moon cakes. If you are interested in participating, the moon cake list has fallen. There is one more chapter today, three more.



   (end of this chapter)