The Best Small Farm

Chapter 456: small animal house

   Chapter 456 Small Animals Divide Houses

  Li Han hung up the phone and saw Jennifer and Lingna looking at him. "I didn't expect this patient to have some relationship with Pfizer. It's really the wrong person."

   Although Li Han is not a bad person, he is not as good as his enemy, and he can't cure him. "Pfizer?" Jennifer sighed, Li Han's personality is easy to go to extremes sometimes.

   The last Youlan beer, Li Han went to extremes, these few days, even though Li Han didn't respond much, his anger never came out

  Professor Khazashi is really, this time, it seems that Li Hanzhen has no possibility of any treatment. "Pandora, show Dad the little plane."


  Dudu and the baby helicopter came over, Li Han looked at it, it was much smaller, and there were some special marks. Li Hanxin said that this would not be made by Josh from the army, but there seemed to be a lot of things missing on it. "Did you say thank you to my uncle?" "Dudu said it." Dudu rubbed against Li Han's arms.

   "So good."

  Li Han pinched Dudu's little nose. "The little house is ready. Sister Tiffany and Brother Howell are helping Dudu put it away." "Dudu forgot."

   said that, Dudu jumped from Li Han's arms and ran out of the small building. I don't know what the little guy and Tiffany, Howell said, the two actually helped Dudu, and the little house moved to the direction of the little man's house.

   This will be fine, Li Han followed, intending to take a look, and help the little girl move the little mushroom house there. It was the first time Tiffany and Howell saw the small house dug out like this, and they were very curious. "It's so beautiful." Tiffany looked around, found the bedroom, and ran in in surprise.

   "Pandora, can I live here?"

  Tiffany liked it all at once, and said it was prettier than The Lord of the Rings. "But here is the pandora and the **** little man's house."

   "Who is Da Hei Hei?"

   Tiffany was a little curious and didn't see anyone else. "Da Hei Hei is a big grizzly bear, so big, help Dudu to defeat the big wild boar, and the big bad wolf."


   Tiffany's face was full of disbelief. "Liar." "Dudu didn't lie." "Hehe, pandora, is your name Dudu? It's a strange name, and pandora is also very strange."

   "Hmph, Dudu is angry, not with my sister."

  Dudu twisted his little ass. "Brother Howell, can you help pandora set up a house?" Dudu pulled Howell and acted like a spoiled brat. Sure enough, Howell nodded stupidly and followed Dudu out of the house, but Tiffany couldn't keep up. "Howell is a big idiot."

  Suddenly, Tiffany was stunned, and a big grizzly bear stood in front of her. "Hee hee, Sister Tiffany, this is Da Hei Hei." Dudu pulled Howell out from behind Da Hei Hei, grinning and making a face at Tiffany. "Yeah, Dudu didn't lie, it's dark, this is Sister Tiffany, I want to live in a small house."

   The grizzly bear didn't know if he understood, so he roared, patted his chest, shook the fat bear's butt, crawled past the stupid Tiffany, and pushed open the wooden door of the villa.

   Tiffany clearly saw the grizzly bear, shook the snowflakes on her body, patted her paws, and even wiped the bear's paws with something like a rag on the side.

   Watching the grizzly bear climb into the little man's house, Tiffany finally reacted, and saw that Little Dudu had run away early, and Tiffany, who had a pale face, gritted her teeth and chased Little Dudu. "If I catch it, I'll spank your little ass."

Tiffany hummed and said, but after chasing Dudu, Tiffany was stunned again, the huge wild boar, really dragged the scooter and pulled the small mushroom house over, and in the car sat Li Han, Dudu, baby, Maria, Howell. "Sister, do you want to take a tuk-tuk pumpkin car?"

   Tiffany was reluctant to get on the wild boar car and went back to the small house again. Seeing the Li Han family, it seemed that they had never seen a grizzly bear. Even Dudu had brought small animals and was not afraid of a grizzly bear at all.

   Tiffany looked at Li Han, who kicked the grizzly bear, this big liar, and has some skills. "Would you like to drink some wine?" Li Han placed the little mushrooms and clapped his hands. Bao Bao and Dudu moved the little guys' nests over, and the little fox chose a small mushroom house with his little bed in his mouth.

   pushed open the small door and got in, the little fox that shocked Tiffany did not forget to close the small door and open the small window. Originally Tiffany felt that designing small doors and windows was a bit unnecessary.

   But I met these little animals, closing the door and opening the door, closing the window and opening the window, rubbing his eyes, that's right. "The ball is not good."

   Dudu gasped and slipped out the little ball that wanted to occupy two houses. "Qiuqiu and Meat Qiuqiu are a family and want to live together." Dudu just finished teaching Qiuqiu when two little raccoons had an accident again.

   Occupied two cabins and couldn't come out, Dudu was furious. It was the first time for Tiffany and Howell to see such a scene, and Howell was full of curiosity.

   In addition to being curious, Tiffany was surprised, such a smart little animal. "The big lazy and the little lazy are the best." Dudu sleeps and the little koala stuffed into a small mushroom house and patted.

   As for the two turkeys and parrots who joined the fun and got into the little mushroom houses to cause trouble, the two turkeys and parrots pouted their mouths.

  Dengdeng chased and ran around the turkey, and the whole small house became more lively because of the little turkeys and parrots. "Wow, run away."

  Two parrots flew to the chandelier, flapping their wings, like applauding two little turkeys, and wailing from time to time. "Dudu, Dudu, behind."

  The little turkey, I don’t know if he understands it, so he ran immediately. Dudu didn’t catch the little turkey, and stared angrily at the chandelier’s big mouth and small mouth. "Wow, Dudu is angry."

  The two parrots immediately dived their heads into their wings and secretly aimed at Dudu. "It's so interesting." Not to mention Tiffany and Howey, the first time they met, even Jennifer and Lingna who had met a few times were amused.

   "The most annoying things in the house are these two parrots and two turkeys."

  Other animals, the little wild boar is very flattering, and is usually a good comrade. As for Xiao Hei Hei, he has something to eat and is too lazy to make trouble. He is a complete otaku bear.

   Qiuqiu and Meat Qiuqiu usually make holes, but they don't have time to participate in the game of little brats, although for Li Han, it is very troublesome for these two to dig holes on the hillside.

  Xiao Baibai, decisively has a noble blood Falabella, elegant, quiet, usually likes to listen to music or something, and also likes to listen to elegance. This is what Lingna found, she was surprised at the time, and now she still wears MP3s, switches and selects songs, and learns everything. Totally astonishing, this guy always has it whenever Dudu and Baby learn the piano.

Relatively speaking, Li Han prefers small **** and plays drums well. This guy is very smart. Li Han began to see **** jumping on and off the drum from time to time. Usually, Li Han plays drums and is quite Love Minato, I didn't expect that after a long time, something really happened. One day, Li Han heard the sound of drums coming from the small living room.

  I thought Dudu and the baby were playing, but who knew that when he entered, Li Han was dumbfounded. Qiuqiu and Meat Qiuqiu actually imitated Li Han, squatting on the drum and beating.

  Li Han listened to it for a while. Isn't this the song he usually plays? Although there are many flaws, the song can still be heard. At that time, Li Han was stunned, this mouse has become a sperm.

From there, Li Han took two mice with him every time he played drums. Not to mention he learned very quickly. Now Qiuqiu can play three songs. Meat Qiuqiu is even more powerful. To be better than the ball.

In order to improve the musical accomplishment of the animals at home, Li Han also assigned tasks to Dudu and the baby, and taught Xiaoxiaobai to play the piano, not to mention Dudu is really happy to pull Xiaoxiaobai to learn together. Say, it's a beautiful job. But after a few days, Dudu stopped teaching and complained angrily. It was said that Xiao Xiaobai cheated and used four hoofs to play the piano, but Li Han didn't believe it at the time.

   looked dumbfounded, this guy really used four hoofs to play the piano, he was not big and stepped on the piano, and he seemed to play better than Dudu. No wonder Mr. Dudu is angry, how can he be better than Mr. Dudu?

  The animals in the house and the music cells were all mobilized. Li Han was also happy. He didn't see Dudu and the baby working harder than usual. The two villains are determined to defeat Xiao Xiaobai.

  Jennifer said with a smile. "Actually, Big Mouth and Small Mouth are pretty good. Don't Big Mouth and Little Mouth learn Bel Canto recently?" Li Han couldn't help laughing when he mentioned this. "Who came up with this idea?"

  Lina raised her hand with a smile, sticking out her tongue mischievously. "Han, I see that the little animals in the house are quite musical. No one can play the piano. Big Mouth and Little Mouth are born with language skills. Isn't it a waste not to learn bel canto?"

   Li Han hummed. "Xuemeisheng, I have no opinion, but every day I get up before dawn, and my mother complains a few times. If Dudu and the baby didn't stop me, I would have made soup for the two guys."


  Jennifer and Lingna smiled and bent down. "Haha, the big mouth and the small mouth are so cute." "Hateful." Li Han snorted, and Lingna patted Li Han with a smile. "How nice, listen to music every day."

   Li Han really didn't want to pay attention to Lingna, and finally found the culprit, but there was no way to punish him. Li Han had no choice but to accept it except humming a few times. "Dudu, divide the house between Dazui and Xiaozui."

  Li Han rolled his eyes when he saw the big mouth and the small mouth that landed on the mushroom hut.

   "But Big Mouth and Little Mouth are in cages."

   "House, house."

  Big Mouth and Xiaozui immediately pushed their heads away from the house, got in, and pouted their bird's buttocks, but they didn't want to come out. Dudu little mouth pouted Lao Gao, hum.

  Dudu doesn't want Dazui and Xiaozui to live in houses. Seeing that Dazui and Xiaozui have houses, the big fire and the small fire are gone. The two turkeys are the only animals that don't have a fixed place to live. If they don't want to, they will circle around Dudu and won't leave. "Pandora, give the big fire a small fire, how pitiful."

  These two turkeys, who didn't know who they learned from, sat on the ground, so pitiful that Jennifer couldn't stand it. "Okay, no need to **** in the tiny house."

  Dudu lit a big fire and a small fire and said.

   Tiffany chuckled. "Dudu, they are turkeys, how could they possibly understand." Who knew that just after the words fell, the two turkeys nodded their heads.

  Tiffany opened her mouth in shock, pointing to the big fire and the small fire. "They nodded?" "Well, Da Huo and Xiao Huo are very smart, but they are so timid, they will be stupid when scared."

  Dudu touched the turkey's head and said.

   The Internet cafes can’t stand it anymore, the famous kilns are dying, and the smoke is too thick. For non-smokers, it is definitely comparable to poisonous gas. No, everyone, please understand, thank the book friends such as Sightseeing Travel and Bullet Stars for their rewards, and I will try to add another chapter tomorrow. Thank you.



   (end of this chapter)