The Best Small Farm

Chapter 565: Paradise Island

   Chapter 565 Paradise Island

  The volcanic scenery of Hawaii Island has left people with more shocking power of nature. Relatively speaking, other scenery is not as good as Oahu and Maui. The trip to the Big Island came to an end soon after watching the volcano in the morning. At noon, I had lunch on the yacht, and in the afternoon, everyone rested or enjoyed the Hawaiian sunshine.

  Dudu and the baby arranged the photos they took and filled the whole lounge. "Rui Rui, Dudu didn't mean to send you a photo, why didn't you go." Li Han was lying under the sunshade, saw Gao Ruirui sitting beside him, and asked with a smile.

  Gao Ruirui raised a stack of small photos in Yang's hand. "I just went to get it, brother." Gao Ruirui leaned on Li Han's shoulder, and the little girl was a little depressed. "Why, I still can't bear it." Li Han rubbed Gao Ruirui's head.

   Usually Gao Ruirui was going to be angry, but he didn't say anything this time. "When I have time, I'll go back to China to see you." "Really?" Gao Ruirui was in a better mood, and Li Han nodded. "Almost forgot, go to Los Angeles tomorrow, don't book a hotel."

   "Brother, don't you have a house anywhere?" Gao Ruirui stared at Li Han with wide eyes. "It's not mine, Dudu, the little guy is more capable than my dad." The house in Los Angeles was given to Dudu by Josh, and no one usually lives there.

   Gao Feng, Zhou Xue and the others went on a trip to the United States. The first stop happened to be Los Angeles. Li Han had a house, at least it was more comfortable than staying in a hotel. "Brother, tell me what Dudu's mother does?" Gao Ruirui was quite curious, what did Dudu's mother do.

   "See you next time, I'll introduce you to you, and I'll write you the address later." Gao Ruirui and Li Xueer are both little sisters in Li Han's heart. The two little girls are now grown up. "Thank you, brother." Gao Ruirui smiled, but Li Han's changing the subject didn't seem to be of much use. "I must have been introduced to you. I want to see what the most beautiful woman in Dudu's mouth looks like. She's not beautiful. I don't recognize this sister-in-law."

   "Rarity, don't talk nonsense."

   Gao Feng handed the drink to Li Han and Gao Ruirui. "The juice squeezed by Cher." "Thank you." Li Han took a sip, and the sweet and sour tasted good. "Where's the fat man, is he still asleep?" Li Han didn't see Li Xiao, the guy was drinking at noon.

   "I just got up and drank a glass of juice, this guy, let him drink less and don't listen." Gao Feng looked at Duan and Duan who were following the yacht, and shook his head slightly. "If you don't let the fat man stay here for a few days, this guy hasn't been to places like Los Angeles."

   "Don't, I don't want to stay on the island to accompany you to fish and catch shrimp." The fat man staggered over and sat on the edge, with Gao Ruirui's little hand waving in front of his nose. "Really, I smell like alcohol. I'm going to find Sister Xue'er, and I won't accompany you to make trouble."

   "This girl."

   Gao Feng shook his head helplessly. "Fatty, the plane at night is fine." "There is a problem with farts, and it's less than a pound of liquor, so it's a fart." Fatty grabbed the drink on the side and drank it in one gulp. "I'll give you my cup too, if you can't, I'll leave tomorrow."

  Li Han handed the juice to Fatty, who waved his hand. "It's okay, I don't fly." "It's just that this time is too tight. Next time, take more time and play a few more days." Gao Feng, Zhou Xue and the others originally planned a ten-day vacation, not only in Hawaii, but also in Hawaii. Native American.

   I’ve been playing in Hawaii for several days. If it doesn’t pass, it’s really too late. There is still a cooperation project to discuss when there is a peak. "If you don't tell me, I'll come back too. We're arranging our honeymoon here. I'll use your little island."

   "No problem." Li Han agreed immediately.

   "This saves a lot of money. It's really cool to have a local tyrant as a friend." The fat man laughed proudly for a while, and Li Han and Gao Feng gave him a slap and patted him. "Next time you come to the island, maybe the island will change." Li Han planned and implemented it step by step.

  In the waters around the island, coral reefs are piled up and transported from various sea areas. A lot of submerged seaweeds are planted on the seabed around the island, plus coral reefs, fish and shrimps come here, and the scenery and fishery resources around the island of Pandora have undergone tremendous changes.

   On the small island, Li Han started planning and opened a small pasture to raise some cattle, sheep and horses. As for the primitive tropical forest, Li Han planned to put some animals in it. "That's better, it must be more beautiful." The fat man smiled and put down the empty cup.

  Li Han patted Fatty and Gao Feng. "It will be like a fairyland by then, don't worry." "Then I will join in the fun and go to the island for my honeymoon." "Cut, you little capitalist, don't get involved in the affairs of the public."

   "Why, can't I, Li Han, you say."

  Li Han watched as he and Fatty got into a rush, like when he was back in high school, years had passed in a blink of an eye. "Brother, what are you doing?" Gao Ruirui brought a plate of fruit and gave his brother an angry look. "Hehe, what are you up to, Gao Feng?"

   Zhou Xue grinned and held Dudu in one hand and the baby in the other. The two little guys carried a small basket and washed the fruit in it. "Nothing, where's Xingwen?" Gao Feng saw everyone coming out, why didn't he see Zhou Xingwen. "Brother, I'm busy sorting out the photos in the camera. Yesterday, my sister-in-law called to ask for photos."

   "Brother Fatty, Sister Xiaoying said she wanted to see the photos, have you sorted them out?"

   Gao Ruirui's words made the fat man eat and drink. "When did Xiao Ying say that?" "Yesterday, I told Xiao Ying sister that we took a lot of pictures, and they were very beautiful. Xiao Ying wanted to see it, so I said it."

   "Gao Ruirui, you want to kill me."

   Where did Fatty take pictures along the way, this guy forgot about it long ago. "No, Rarity, you have to help me. Send me some of the pictures you took." "No, it's tiring to take pictures." Gao Ruirui snorted.

   "Go back at most and I'll treat you to dinner."

   Fatty gritted his teeth and said.

   "Che, I don't care about a meal." Gao Ruirui curled his lips in disdain.

   "What do you want to do?" Fatty looked like a dead man, Gao Ruirui really didn't know what to do for a while.

   "Uncle Fat, Dudu sent you a photo."

  Dudu took it down with a small bag on his back and took out a stack of photos. "Uncle Fat is here for you." Dudu and Bao Bao have sorted out the photos, kept them for themselves, and gave them away. Not only Fatty, but Gao Feng, Zhou Xue, and Zhou Xingwen have them.

"Thank you, Dudu." Zhou Xue took Dudu and the baby to take pictures. The pictures taken by the villains and the adults are different. There are many places that the adults have not found, or animals, or a butterfly, or a pile of stones. , of course, there are also pictures to amuse, or to eat, or to laugh and take pictures, many of which make people smile.


   The two villains were very happy and chose a few pictures that seemed precious to Gao Ruirui and Zhou Xue. "Sister, give it to you." The photo is of Dudu riding Xiaobao and taking pictures, galloping across the sea. "What a place this is, it's so beautiful."

  Undersea photos, taken by Dudu, Dudu covered his mouth, Dudu got it wrong. As soon as Li Han looked at Dudu, he knew that this little troublemaker. "It may have been filmed earlier, and there is an underwater camera at home."

   "No wonder."

"The ship is coming soon, the plane is still at 8 o'clock, and there is still time. When I come to Hawaii, I always want to eat a special dish. I have already ordered it. Try the special roast pig here." Hawaiian roast pig banquet, this local original The local specialties are very popular. The practice of roasting pigs is to dig a big hole in the ground, then surround a circle of stones, first heat the stones with fire, and then put some hot stones into the pig's stomach. Wrap the whole pig in a large banana leaf, put it in the pit, cover it with soil, and keep it stuffed for five or six hours, so that the roasted pork is fragrant, tender, and not fat.

   It was almost five o'clock when I came to Oahu. Li Han made a reservation for the roast pig a few days ago. This thing is quite popular. For this reason, Li Han also packaged this restaurant for one night, and the roast pig was roasted at noon. Now is the time to eat it.

   Roast pig, some other Hawaiian delicacies, Samoan fire knife dance and Samoan slap dance on stage. And, of course, the graceful dance and swaying hips of the hula hula dance, which is an integral part of the Hawaiian roast pig feast.

   "The twist is really exciting."

   Fatty Hehe watched the girls writhing on the stage, and Gao Feng was speechless. "It's getting late, Fatty, let's go." The luggage was brought over. It was almost time. Li Han brought Dudu and the baby to take Gao Ruirui and the others to the airport.

   "Goodbye sister."

  Dudu and Baobao were very reluctant to part with the two big sisters, Rarity and Zhou Xue held their arms around the two little people and didn't let go. "Dudu, baby, come here, have a good time." After seeing Gao Feng and others away, Li Han took Dudu and the baby out of the airport. Although it was night, the airport was still lively.

   It's still early, it's not even eight o'clock, and Li Han doesn't plan to go back so early with Dudu and the baby. "Simon, go back." After walking around for a while, Li Han took Dudu and the baby into the car. Back at the hilltop villa, Li Han took a shower.

   "Sir, Miss Jennifer is on the phone." Simon came behind Li Han and said softly.

"I see."

  Li Han got on the phone. Jennifer had just returned to Montana from a Walton family gathering. Montana had a few heavy snowfalls recently, but fortunately it was not as severe as the previous two. "The animals have been brought in, thank Kent for me."

   Li Han doesn't know much about friends here in Australia, but not knowing Li Han doesn't mean other people don't know him. I owe Li Han a lot of favor last time. Kent has a good network in Australia. This does not help Li Han to buy some small animals, of course, this purchase is somewhat hidden.

   However, after reaching Hawaii, it will become legal, and Australia will not pursue it. "Han, the effect of the grass seed experiment is good, and Lambton is already in a hurry." "Don't worry, I have almost prepared the grass seed, and the weather is not suitable now."

  Li Han bought a lot of grass seeds, until he was soaked in spring water and promised Jennifer grass seeds, in addition to buying, plus space exchange, almost seven or eight.

   (end of this chapter)