The Best Small Farm

Chapter 566: in paradise island

   Chapter 566 Paradise Island

   "Dad, Dudu saw Grandpa."

  Dudu turned back to Dad with a small telescope in his hand and said with a smile. "Where is grandpa?" "Grandpa is fishing, Dudu will also be fishing for a while." "Okay, Dudu is also fishing, Jeff, let's put the boat in the dock first." Said the dock to build a awning, which is considered a The small pier is far away from the fishing spot on the pier, and the underwater fish cannot be disturbed from a distance.

  Jeff pulled the boat to the dock with some doubts. It is not easy to go ashore here, and a plank needs to be erected. Usually, Li Han rarely brings Dudu and his baby here. "Dudu, slow down baby." Li Han went first, followed by the two little guys, waiting for Jeff to come up. Li Han helped to remove the plank and went ashore. Li Han looked at the woods. "It's only been a few days, and Avila is very good." "Miss Avila brought all young people with good physical strength." Jeff has been in touch with the island these days, and the servants at home have been busy recently. .

   Even the chef came to help. Without Jeff, the housekeeper, Kojima’s work has always been a little messy, but I persevered.

"All the food has been delivered?" "Yes, sir, the food has been delivered to Miss Avila's tribe two days ago." Jeff was actually a little worried, knowing that aboriginal women are very low, like Avila. This is the first time Jeff has seen such a woman as the leader.

   "Jeff, go back first, I've been bothering you these few days."

  Li Han led Dudu and the baby, the gifts were put away, the footman drove the car over, and Jeff's belongings were loaded into the car. "Sir, these are what I should do." "Let's go shopping, you go back first." "Yes, sir." Jeff and the footman went back first.

  Li Han took Dudu and Baobao and walked towards the dock. The dock was still two or three hundred meters away from the dock. "Pandora?" "Sister Tiffany, Brother Howell, Brother Jones." Dudu cheered and ran over. "Wow, so many wild fruits."

  Dudu stretched his head to look at the fruit in the basket, widened his eyes, wow, that's amazing. "How, have you taken the medicine on time these days?" "Take it." Tiffany murmured. "Where's Maria?" The little man, Maria, was not with the three children.

   Maria is picking wild vegetables with a small basket at this time. Recently, there are many wild vegetables growing in this forest. Zhang Xiuying, Li Mei, and Li Pinghe all love to eat them. Maria took it in her eyes and kept it in her heart. The little girl felt that she would eat her uncle's house every day, and she couldn't help her uncle to do things. She didn't plan to pick more wild vegetables and give them to grandma, aunt, and grandpa to eat. "Maria is digging grass in the woods over there, little girl, what a idiot, how delicious are those weeds, and she said to dig more, really, it's not delicious at all, her little hands are broken, I said go back and bandage it, little devil I still don't want to. I don't know what the kid is thinking." Although Tiffany said, she was still worried about Maria, and she didn't plan to send the fruit back, so she took the potion and helped Maria to bandage it.

   Maria is a little big, but a little careful. "You guys go back first, I'll take a look." "Dudu also went to see Sister Maria." Dudu shook Li Han's hand, and Li Han pinched Dudu's little nose helplessly. "Baby, you and your sister go back first, tell grandma, we will go back in a while."

   "Well, uncle, the baby will bring the potion for sister Maria." The baby raised his head and said. "It's good, but no need, uncle takes Maria back." Li Han led Dudu and walked towards the grove. After a few days of walking, there was a light rain, and the forest and grass were full of water droplets.

  A small floral dress, a Hawaiian special dress, bought by Dudu for Maria, the corners of the little man’s skirt have been wet, and he carried a small basket on the side, and the fresh shepherd’s purse in the basket. "Sister Maria." Dudu Dengdeng ran over.

  Maria blinked, stood up full of joy, and suddenly saw Li Han behind Dudu, her small hands shrank behind her. "Sister pandora." "A lot of vegetables are grown by my elder sister." Dudu looked around with pride.

   No wonder, there are so many shepherd's purse and some cabbage here. It turns out that the doodle is grown. Wherever the little guy goes, he can't change the habit of growing vegetables. "Sister Maria, what are you doing picking such vegetables?" Dudu pulled Maria and asked curiously.

  Maria whispered, nodding as she listened. "Dudu is here to pick too. Grandma, grandpa, and aunt like to eat. Dudu picks a lot." "Dudu, these are enough to eat. How is Maria's hand? Does it still hurt?" The guy hid his little hand, and Li Han saw the little move just now.

   "It doesn't hurt anymore."

  Maria blushed and whispered.

   "Sister Maria, your hand is broken. It hurts a lot. It hurts when Dudu has an injection."

  Dudu's vaccine, the little guy called him, shouting Dad for help, it was earth-shattering at the time. Dudu pulled Maria's little hands, the two little hands were full of muddy water, and the index finger of the right hand came an inch to the Changshan Pass, and there was still some blood.

   "Maria, this is enough for today, let's go."

  Li Han carried the basket and rubbed Maria's little head. This sensible little girl always made Li Han feel angry. "Sister Maria, let's go, my sister has bought a lot of gifts for you." Dudu pulled Maria and jumped in front of Li Han.

   Along the way, Dudu's small mouth told the story of playing all the way, and Maria looked at Dudu with envy. "Sister Maria, get well soon, sister pandora will take you to play in the sea, it's fun, there are so many beautiful little fish."

  Maria nodded vigorously. "Yeah." Back in the small building, Li Han gave the wild vegetables to the maid, took Maria to wash her hands, put on the potion, and wrapped it with gauze. Zhang Xiuying and Li Mei heard that this was both touching and distressing. This little girl, who usually rushes to wash dishes, serve dishes, clean up, and order the adults, went to the maid to learn how to make beds and wash things. But Maria has learned to do a lot. "Mom, it's okay, just let Maria do what she can, so that the child will feel more at ease."

   When Li Han was just bandaging, he just said not to do this in the future, but the little girl's eyes were a little flustered. "Hey, this child." After listening to Li Han, Zhang Xiuying sighed, no wonder. "Mom, sister, I bought some gifts for you."

   "You kid, you have no money to spend."

   Zhang Xiuying took a photo of her son.

   "Little man, what gift did you buy? No, I don't want it." Li Mei likes these little gifts. "You, how can you look like a sister." Li Mei laughed a little after being nagged by her mother.

   "Mom, my brother and I are playing around."

   "You guys, Dudu, the baby is coming to grandma, let me see if I have lost any weight these days."

   Zhang Xiuying waved to the two villains who were playing with Maria. "Grandma." "Grandma." The two little people flattered each other. "Grandma, grandma, Dudu misses you so much." He said, hugging Zhang Xiuying and kissing her. "Grandma, baby misses you so much, baby bought a gift for grandma."

  Baby found a big gift from a pile of gifts and gave it to Zhang Xiuying, Dudu not to be outdone and took out a few gifts. "Grandma Dudu bought a lot of gifts for you." "Two little devils." Li Mei was delighted next to her, squatted down and pinched the noses of the two little sycophants.

   "Mom, the baby misses you so much." The baby immediately put his arms around Li Mei and gave him a kiss, his milky voice was amusing. "My darling, my mother misses you too." Li Mei just got jealous, Zhang Xiuying and Li Han couldn't do anything about Li Mei, this girl.

   Zhang Xiuying can't laugh or cry, and there is a daughter who eats her mother's vinegar. "Auntie, Dudu's gift for you." "There's auntie too, so good." Li Mei is happy, but Dudu has prepared gifts from many people, including the baby.

   "Sister Tiffany, a gift from Dudu."

  Dudu has a lot of small gifts, so I bought a bunch of them.

   "Scented candles." Li Mei couldn't be more happy, these two little devils thought they were sending small things, but unexpectedly they were gifting scented candles, as well as very beautiful and distinctive silk scarves. "Little man, did you pick these for them?"

"Sister, I didn't choose these. These are the two little guys who managed to choose them. We were all surprised at the time." Li Han thought of seeing Dudu and Bao Bao picking items in the spice shop, himself and Fatty. are quite surprised.

   "Kiss." Li Meili hugged Dudu and the baby happily, and one of them got a big bite.

   "Grandma, don't you look at the present?"

  Dudu was kissed a lot, his big eyes were full of smiles, and he looked at his grandma with his small head tilted. "Pillow?" "Mom, this is a vanilla pillow. There are many kinds of spices in it, which are good for sleep." Li Han explained with a smile that Dudu exchanged the nautilus he caught for his father.

   "Grandpa has it too."

  Dudu took the other one out and handed it to Zhang Xiuying. "Dudu is really sensible." "Hee hee, Dad, grandma is all complimented." "Grandma, look at the baby's gift." The baby quit, the little girl's gift is very interesting, a few strings of black stone bracelets and necklaces.

   "Baby, what is this?"

  Li Mei saw her mother open the box and looked up, full of doubts.

  Baby said proudly. "Uncle, tell the baby, the baby can't remember a lot of words." "Hehe, this is an energy magnet, and it is a rare volcanic energy magnet. The thread is woven with vanilla fiber, with a light fragrance. This energy Wearing a magnet is very good for the body, especially for the elderly." In fact, there are quite a few, such as the benefits of the three highs, Li Han doesn't quite believe it.

   "Uncle, still, still."

   Bao Bao was unwilling and shook Li Han's arm, and Li Han had to continue. "There are so many benefits, baby, do you have to buy more and send it back to grandparents?" "Well, the baby is gone, and the baby's money has been spent. I borrowed my uncle's money to help my uncle do a lot of work."

  The baby nodded vigorously and took out a bunch of small boxes. "Little Han, your uncle is incompetent, and your niece's money is still in arrears." Li Mei smiled and looked at Li Han.

   "Mom, uncles give baby pocket money, baby spends money on gifts. Teachers have said that you have to earn money by yourself." The baby unexpectedly helped Li Han to speak. "Baby said it well." Li Han smiled and rubbed the baby's head.

   "Okay, you little traitor." Li Mei grabbed the baby and scratched it, and the baby giggled and hid behind her grandma.

   (end of this chapter)