The Best Small Farm

Chapter 572: Under the strange island of Hawaii

  Chapter 572 Under the Strange Island of Hawaii

  Dudu was finished beautifully, dinner was almost over, Dudu pulled Sister Baby and Sister Maria to sit down obediently, put napkins and waited for the dishes. Because there are guests, it is more solemn than usual, except that most of the dishes require a maid to share the meal, and most of them go according to Western food.

  Cream lobster soup, French snails, fried fish pieces, tuna salad, a few side dishes, and two Chinese dishes, accompanied by two kinds of wine, white meat white wine, red meat red wine. Dudu cut the snail into small pieces and put it into his mouth with a fork, while looking at Sister Zhou Dan and Sister Xiaoru next to him. "Have you finished eating the snails?" Zhou Dan said with a smile as he ate the snails in small bites. "Really delicious."

  Dudu's little mouth bulged, and he looked at his small plate and there were no snails. It's true that the fat chef uncle didn't make more snails for Dudu. "Dudu is waiting for the big lobster." Dudu pouted, wiped his mouth with the napkin, put down the knife and fork and took a sip.

  Xiao elegantly turned her head and did not speak to Sister Zhou Dan. "This little devil." Zhou Dan muttered, all the ingredients for dinner came from Hawaii, and the oceans such as lobster and fish came from the waters around the island.

   Usually Li Pinghe catches enough fish for a family to eat. This is not bragging. There are all kinds of fish, and there are even some rare fish that are rarely seen in other oceans, and the taste is very delicious. There is no shortage of fish and shrimp, snails, Li Han began to breed them himself, and wanted to supply Dudu and the baby, two small mouths are enough.

   After dinner, Li Han wiped his mouth, and the maid cleaned up the dishes and served a cup of coffee. "Coffee beans are local. Maybe after a while, we will be able to drink the coffee produced by Pandora Island." Li Han took a sip and greeted everyone with a smile.

   "Professor Seidel, is dinner still to your taste?"

  Li Han invited everyone to the large living room and sat and chatted.

   "It's very delicious, thank you very much for your hospitality." Although Seidel usually studies academics, he is a little dull, and even a little ignorant of affairs, but he is a good person.

"That's good, Dandan, are you okay? If you want to eat Chinese food, I will tell my mother tomorrow. My mother's craftsmanship is very good." Li Han explained with a smile that Chinese food needs to be prepared. They are all for western food.

   "That's good enough."

   Zhou Dan's classmates, Qi Qi said.

   "Brother Li, why are you being polite to us, but next time you come here, you can fry a few vegetables. The ocean is full of meat. If you eat too much, you will gain weight."

  Zhou Dan's words, Li Hanyile, Jennifer and Lingna are quite fond of Zhou Dan. "After all, on a small island, vegetables are a little inconvenient. I'm planning to build a glass greenhouse to grow some vegetables. Next time, I'll invite you to a full-vegetable feast."

   "Ah." Zhou Dan opened his mouth slightly, then lowered his head and muttered in a low voice. "I'm not a bunny, I eat all vegetables, I really have this mouth, seafood is so delicious, what vegetables are you talking about." Zhou Dan whispered in a low voice and heard the little Dudu, who was listening, Li Han was lying on his stomach. Dad whispered in his ear. "Sister Dandan likes to eat meat, but doesn't like being a bunny." "Oh, right? Then next time my dad cooks more meat to greet my sister, otherwise my sister will become a bunny."


  Dudu nodded vigorously, jumped off the sofa and ran to Zhou Dan. "Sister, elder sister, bite your ears." "Bite your ears?" Zhou Dan paused and nodded vigorously. "Well." Dudu asked Zhou Dan to bow his head, and whispered to his father to Dudu to tell his sister.

   Zhou Dan blushed, lowered his head and took a sip of coffee. "Cough cough." "Sister, Dudu helps you pat." Dudu lay on the sofa and stretched out her little hand to help Zhou Dan pat. Li Han was happy and glanced at Zhou Dan, Zhou Dan's face turned even redder.

  Li Han didn't look at Zhou Dan anymore, the little girl shyly smiled and changed the subject. "Professor Seidel, I don't know what your plan is next." Seidel, the little science madman, wanted to keep the island for a while.

   "The situation in the waters around the island of Pandora is a bit special. I plan to stay and observe." Seidel was reluctant to talk about research, he felt a little unworthy of these two words. "I don't know, there are other accommodation here, or a hotel."

"This small island has not been developed for a long time. It belonged to a friend before and was usually used for vacation. This small building has two guest rooms." Li Han said, eight rooms, Dudu and Baobao, Mary Three little people live in one room.

   Parents, brother-in-law and old sister each have one room, Tiffany, Howell, and Jones occupy two rooms. Tiffany is a very particular girl. In the master bedroom, Jennifer and Lingna had just moved in, and now there are only two guest rooms left.

   This small building is quite large, the room area and scale are considered a manor, and the construction time is not long. When Li Han spoke, Jones beckoned to Dudu, Xiao Dudu Dengdeng ran over, and Jones whispered a few words in Dudu's ear.

  Dudu nodded his head vigorously, ran to Li Han's side and whispered into his father's ear. "I almost forgot that there are two wooden houses not far from the small building, but they may be a little more shabby." The mobile prefab house on Sarah and Gordon's side is relatively simple compared to the small building and the wooden house. They are used to living in a small On this side of the building, I may not be used to it. Li Han did not mention the servant's room here, after all, it is a guest. "A single cabin, that's great." Seidel wasn't too particular about where he lived.

   It is quiet and independent, and you can place some equipment. "Professor, your friend seems to be coming too." The assistant had to remind the overexcited professor. "Yeah, Han, and the wooden house, I'm willing to rent it out."

   "The wooden house cannot be built in a short time, but there are still a few temporary prefab houses."

  Li Han is planning to build a group of wooden houses and develop a small island of Pandora. In the future, it will be lively and the issue of food and lodging. Li Han and Liu Ming mentioned this matter, and this guy plans to come and have a look. With Jennifer and Liu Ming, there is not much problem in cooperating to develop a resort. Jennifer and Liu Ming have good contacts, and it is not difficult to find talents in this area. "The board room, it doesn't matter, as long as there is a place to put the equipment, there is no problem living on the boat."

   Sure enough, Seidel didn’t pay much attention to the prefab houses. Among these people, there were a few who studied sharks. Sometimes many stayed on the boat or in the sea, which was quite good compared to the prefab houses on the shore. Li Han was a little embarrassed. After all, scientists still respect Li Han very much.

   "Okay, then, Dandan, you and Xiaoru live in one room, and the rest of the male classmates live in one room. I'm really embarrassed and neglected."

  The two rooms are allocated. Dandan and Xiaoru are nothing to do with two girls. There are a few male classmates. I think boys don't care much. "Haha, you're too polite." After all, several male classmates were not familiar with Li Han. Li Han's hospitality was very good here, and being polite was not considered negligence.

   "Let's do this first, Jeff, take Professor Seidel to see the room." After Li Han instructed Jeff, he called another maid to take Zhou Dan and the others to the room. Tell the maid if you need anything. "Toiletries, Jeff, arrange it."

"Yes, sir."

   Jeff is quite experienced in this area. You must know that Jeffrey often holds some cocktail parties and greets some friends when he is on vacation. "Han, I'm a little curious. Why hasn't Jeffrey discovered the coral reef circle in the surrounding waters for so many years? I mean, is he hiding it all the time?"

   Waiting for the guests to make arrangements, Lingna asked with some doubts while holding the coffee. "Our family rarely dives, and Jeffrey has always been afraid of water." Jones said in a low voice, Li Han just lifted his heart and relaxed slightly. "Jeffrey hasn't developed this island for a few years, right?"

  Jones nodded. Although this place belongs to Jeffrey's father, it can't really be developed for four or five years. It's because the climate here is helpful for Jones' illness. "That's true." Lingna continued with a smile. "In this way, it is not a loss."

   Compared to Steve's shares, Jeffrey's Kojima is relatively dwarfed, but now it seems that it is not too much of a loss. "The scenery here is very good. It is a good place for vacation, leisure, and winter. I think it is more cohesive than the shares."

Dudu on the side also nodded her head vigorously. The little girl doesn't know much about shares. It's not fun. It's all fun here. eat.

   "Pandora, why are you nodding?"

  Lingna was happy, grabbed Dudu and pinched her little face, Dudu's small mouth immediately bulged, like a bun, and her eyes were disgusting. "It's getting more and more cute." "Don't talk to auntie, mom, pandora will take you to see the little bugs."

  Dudu pulled Jennifer and grimaced at Lingna. "Pandora wait for a while, it's not dark yet." There is a firefly road on the island, which extends from the small building to the fruit forest, almost a kilometer.

   Countless fireflies will gather on this road at night, which is very beautiful. Of course, these are not naturally generated. Dudu and Li Han fiddled with it, the road of night light. "Little bug, what's going on?" Lingna was curious.

  Jennifer touched Dudu's little head. "Pandora, is there anything special about the little bugs you're talking about?" "The little bugs can light up lights, and they light up their little buttocks at night, and they're very beautiful." "Really?" Lingna had seen fireflies.

"is it a lot?"

   "A lot, a lot."

  Baby and Maria took out a stack of photos and handed them to Jennifer. "It's really amazing." "It will appear once a week, and today is just the day." Li Han said with a smile, these fireflies are not difficult to cultivate, but they die very quickly, and they will die the next day.

   Cultivate a batch of two or three energy crystals. For Dudu now, he earns at least ten energy crystals a day, and he is lucky to have dozens of them. He even encounters rare marine creatures. The highest record in one day has reached hundreds of energy crystals.

   Even if these are not counted, the space planting area is expanded, and you can steadily earn five to eight energy spar a day. "Well, it's beautiful, sister Dandan, sister Xiaoru, do you want to see the little bugs?" Dudu was about to pull his mother when he saw Zhou Dan and Xiaoru who were going downstairs, and shouted happily.

   (end of this chapter)