The Best Small Farm

Chapter 594: Try the capsule cabin [30 monthly passes

  Chapter 594 Try the capsule cabin [Thirty monthly tickets plus more]

Early the next morning, Oahu Island sent two sets of edible capsule cabins. One set is rather odd in shape with a modern sci-fi color. The price is $50,000. The bathroom can be exposed to sunlight without dead ends, and all the accessories in the house have anti-vibration design.

  The whole facility is very modern, as long as you connect water and electricity, you can move in immediately, no need to worry, but the price is expensive. In addition, it is much cheaper, 1250 US dollars, wooden, fixed type, without any supplies, but all log color, and the cabin is very simple and has a fairy tale color.

  Because it is a trial, it is equipped with a set of wooden furniture, and the price of the furniture is similar to the price of the cottage. "Put it on the lawn first." The water chestnut-shaped hut is placed on the lawn like a work of art. "Han, the export price of this kind of hut is more than one hundred thousand dollars."

   "Oh, that's taking advantage of it."

  Li Han followed Lingna into the hut. The design of the hut is very novel, because the diamond-shaped lighting is very good, and the glass can be converted into two modes. Of course, it is better not to use glass, or even bulletproof glass. "The bed is quite big."

   In addition to a bed, the entire bedroom has a table and a twitching chair, which takes up no space at all. "Bathtub?" "Of course, there must be a bathtub in small places. It is essential for women." Sure enough, the dressing table, bathtub, bed, and lighting are also very beautiful. "Hey, can the roof be opened?" "Yes, how is it, not bad, you can still see the stars at night." Of course, there is another kind, the price is higher, the roof can be opened in sunny days, and it is no problem in rainy days, because there is a layer of glass .

  This glass-free model comes standard. "How does it feel to try the bed?" "Massage? $50,000 really isn't expensive." With such equipment, $50,000 is not too expensive, and it can even be said to be cheap. "This company has been working with Walmart for a long time, and the previous job was to make massage tables and massage chairs."

   "This doesn't affect Jennifer, does it?"

  Li Han got up and asked, Lingna smiled. "Hehe, how can it be, Jennifer's work is public and private. This company first made capsule cabins. Now it is in the trial stage, and the price is set at a lower price, and some long-term partners have given it as a free trial."

  Li Han understands that this is a regular product. Although it has been registered, it will not enter the market on a large scale in a short period of time. "No problem, order ten sets of this kind, and the rest of the ordinary capsule cabins are fine, and the wooden cabins can be ordered more."

  Dudu came back from cutting bamboo, saw the diamond-shaped glass hut, and shouted, it was so beautiful, there was no accident, a few villains immediately occupied the hut, Dudu stood on the bed, and said loudly. "Dad, Daddy, Dudu sleeps here at night." "Well, uncle, the baby sleeps here too."

   Even the villain Maria whispered that she would sleep with Sister Dudu. The bed here is really not small, and there is no problem with sleeping three villains. It's just that Liu Ming and Li Yan agreed early to watch the stars together at night. This is not easy to do.

  Li Han used the cabin to coax Dudu and the baby out. There was no way, so he quickly erected a tree cabin, Jones's tree cabin, just for playing and reading. You can buy a capsule cabin with Li Han. Unlike Li Han, the capsule cabin has wooden toilet equipment, and you have to lift the water with a pulley sling. You need a lot of things to stay in the cabin. Fortunately, the package is delivered. "Jeff, go to Alawi's to borrow a gasoline saw." "Sir, the warehouse has it."


   Li Han really didn't know, but only when he followed Jeff to the warehouse did he realize that there really was everything here. "Small plane?" "Yes, sir." Li Han rolled his eyes, this guy didn't mention it once, and there were two beach motorcycles.

  Not only that, there are some good things in it, such as paragliders, hot air balloons and other equipment, Jeffrey can really play. "Ladders, saws, nails and toolboxes, can this thing still drive?" "No problem, sir."

   "Give me the key."

  Beach motorcycle, this kind of quad bike is the favorite of half-cowboy like Li Han. Ladders, tool boxes and saws are all put on the quad bike. "The power is really good, Jeff, you should have told me earlier." "Sir, I delivered the list of items used in the warehouse to your study a few days ago."


   Li Han didn't seem to have been there a few times, and he didn't pay any attention to the list. No wonder Jeff was surprised just now. "Sorry, Jeff, go get busy." Li Han didn't divert his mistakes like other bosses, and admitted it frankly. "Yes, sir, let me know if you need anything."

"I will."

  Li Han drove a quad bike out of the warehouse, Dudu, baby, Maria is very familiar with quad bikes, and Dudu even climbed up and sat down. "Wait a while, when Uncle Liu Ming comes back, let's put the cabin on the tree."

   "The workers should not have been sent back just now."

   The workers who were originally sent to build the hut, Lingna told them to go back. At that time, Li Han didn't think about sending the cabin to the tree, so he didn't take it seriously. "What are you calling us back in a hurry, I'm accompanying Yan'er to bring warmth to the poor bunny."

  Li Han rolled his eyes and told Liu Ming that Dudu, baby, Maria wanted to live in the diamond-shaped hut. "That's not possible, I can make an early reservation to watch the stars at night with Li Yan and talk about life." "I know, so I promised a few little guys to send this cabin to a tree, and a few little guys promised not to rob you. the stars."

   "It's not an easy job to send to a tree."

   Liu Ming looked at the hut. Although he was not big, it was very difficult to send it up like this. "It's okay if you don't give it away, your Xingxing Hut will be given to Dudu and them." Dudu nodded vigorously on the side, and Dudu also wanted to live in the Xingxing Hut.

   "Okay, send it, can't you send it?"

   Liu Ming hurriedly agreed. "Don't worry, the tools are ready, Alawi will call two clansmen to come over, and then install a simple pulley block. Now we will find a tree around the small building that can follow the hut." "This is easy."

   But after a while, Liu Ming was a little dumbfounded. "Why are there so many palm trees?" "This is a holiday villa. What kind of trees do you think should be planted? There are banyan trees here."

   "Measure it."

Li Han and Liu Ming took the tools, Dudu and the baby, the villain Maria followed to help, the thickness of the tree, the height of the main pole, the growth condition, Dudu and the baby, Maria was responsible for finding the little bugs on the tree, plus observing the banyan tree In terms of health, Dudu is a little expert in this area.

   After a while, I secretly told my father that there were little bugs on the side, thicker ones with fewer bugs, healthy trees. "Let's do this one." Li Han pointed out that there are some small bugs, and it doesn't hurt to cut it down. The main pole is fine, the support is sufficient, and it is safe.

  Come on, Li Han pulled the saw and quickly cleaned up the twigs around him. Liu Ming took it with him, Dudu villain, baby villain, and Maria villain to clear the twigs. "Dudu, stay away." After the small branches were cleaned up, some larger ones were not easy to clean up. Li Han and the little guys rushed to the safe area.

   "Liu Ming, pay attention, don't touch it."

  Li Han did a good job, Liu Ming was the real young master, and he didn't do much of the physical work. "Why don't I come." "Forget it, take some Dudu and take a rest first." The saw buzzed constantly. It took about half an hour to finally clear the branches of the banyan tree, leaving enough space to put them chalet.

Li Han was too tired. He was finally busy. He walked to the lawn and saw Liu Ming, Lingna, and a group of villains. The lawn was covered with tablecloths. A group of people were drinking coffee and eating snacks. bunny. "What are you doing?"

   It's like having a dinner in the wild, Liu Ming said with a smile. "The little guys are in a hurry. I think you'll be tired after a while. When you're thirsty, ask Jeff to prepare some drinks." "Han, what are you making a fuss about? When the workers were here, you didn't want to Install, how did you remember to install it?"

  Lingna teased the little rabbit, took a sip while holding the coffee, and smiled at the depressed Li Han. "Jennifer and Paris, why aren't Li Yan here?" "Oh, sure enough." Liu Ming said with a smile, and Lingna snorted.

   "Have a rest and work. Since Lingna is here, don't be idle."

  Li Han handed the tool to Lingna and said. "Give us the tools and parts later." "Got it." Lingna said a little weakly, and Dudu was in charge of packing up the tablecloths and dessert plates and sending them back to the small building. "Why did Alawi come from you?"

  Avila and a young clansman sent a simple pulley block. Li Han roughly estimated the distance, installed the pulley block, and transported the wooden house by car. "Jeff, just stop here." Li Han, Liu Ming, Alawi, plus clansmen, Lingna, and Jeff lifted them down from the wooden house and pushed them to the tree. "Fix it first, then remove the wheels." The wheels on the cabin are easy to move, so they need to be removed during installation. Use tools to support the cabin, and the wheels can be easily removed.

  The whole process only takes about ten minutes. Hang it up. There are hooks on the top of the wooden roof to hang ropes. "Come here a little more, yes, Liu Ming uses some strength." Standing on the tree, Li Han supported the wooden house and said.

   "Come and try, this thing is not light at all."

  Liu Mingxin said it was easy for me, and I almost didn't get tired of farting just to look at the stars.

   "Come on, Uncle Liu Ming."

  Dudu stood on the side and was warned by his father not to get close. The villain clapped his hands to cheer Liu Ming and his father. "Come on, uncle." "Come on, uncle, auntie." Baby and Maria also shouted loudly, and Lingna would be arranged to help Avella and secure the cabin.

  Li Han has measured the position on the banyan tree and leveled it with tools. The wooden house is stuck, and it is enough to fix it with nails and staples. "Okay, put it down slowly, slow down, Liu Ming pushes hard to the left." Liu Ming held the wooden stick and pushed hard to the left. "It's been a while, come back."

   "You're trying to exhaust me to death."

   Liu Ming was full of sweat, but Li Han was not much better. "Who knows how hard it is to install a cabin."

   (end of this chapter)