The Best Small Farm

Chapter 596: Stealing sweet potatoes and looking at t

   Chapter 596 Stealing Sweet Potatoes and Watching the Stars

  Hot pebbles, covered with banana leaves, wrapped in seafood and meat, with some small potatoes and corn, not to mention pretty good. "Where is Dudu's sweet potato?" Liu Ming saw the sweet potato in Dudu's hand, Yixi, this thing is the most beautiful thing to eat when roasted, he hadn't eaten it for some years, Dudu blinked his eyes and shook his head slightly. "Dudu doesn't know either."

   Liu Ming murmured and didn't care too much, Li Han came over. "Dudu." "It wasn't taken by Dudu, it was grown there." Dudu's little hand pointed to the hillside in the backyard, how could it be possible. "No nonsense." Li Han touched Dudu's little head. "Well, Dad, do you want to eat?"

   "Have father's share."

   The sweet potato is quite big, Li Han took it and divided it in half and gave it to Dudu. He kept the half and gave it to Baby Potato and Maria. "Dudu still has." Dudu whispered, and sure enough, two sweet potatoes came out.

   This time it's enough, a little for each person. "Jeff, have you ever planted sweet potatoes here?" "There is a sweet potato field on the other side of the hillside, and I have planted some, but there have been a lot of things recently and no one has been taking care of them." Jeff said. "Look at it tomorrow and dig some back."

   Dudu small mouth bulging, sweet potatoes are very few. "Come and taste, the Alawites' craftsmanship." Opening the leaves, the smell of fish and shrimp came out, and the crowd squatted by the fire and ate it, steaming hot. "It feels interesting."

   Liu Ming peeled a shrimp and handed it to Li Yan. "I'll do it myself." It was the first time that Jennifer and Lingna wanted to come. Paris was a little uncomfortable at first. Seeing Jennifer and Liu Ming seemed very happy, it was really interesting to try it. "It tastes good."

A few people said to Avila that the Avila people were very happy to hear Avila's translation. They dragged Li Han and others into a dance, and surrounded the fire. The little people were even more excited. Tiffany and Hao Will, Jones also joined the ranks of Dudu some crazy kids.

   The fish and shrimp meat, potatoes, and corn are a bit messy by the fire, each with a bit of gray and black on the lips, and the buffet table and drinks are on the side, forming a sharp contrast. "Professor Seidel and the others are here." Originally invited, several professors didn't have time, who would have thought they would come. "Jeff, prepare the food again, Colin, several professors are coming over, why didn't you tell me earlier." "I just heard the laughter here, I've been very tired these days, come and relax, you guys play ."

   Unexpectedly, several professors were very interested in the cooking methods of the Alawites. Fortunately, there were some seafood buns, corn, potatoes, and meat pieces under the cobblestones. "The taste is really good, and this method is also good." A few professors gave Alavila to join the crowd just after padding their stomachs, dancing mysterious and simple aboriginal dances together. Simple steps, you can learn it in a short time, and after a while, everyone dances well.

   This will be a real bonfire night, but it will be a lively party, but the dining table and wine bar on the side will become decorations. "Yan'er rest for a while." Liu Ming was very tired today. He helped a few little guys build a log cabin after a busy day to watch the stars.

   "Dudu and the baby are so cute dancing."

   Dudu and the baby are most similar to each other, but the more they look, the more fun they are. Men dance, Dudu and the baby dance, and they don't realize it together. When they stop, Li Yan and Liu Ming are too happy. "What are you laughing at?" Li Han walked over and sat beside Liu Ming. "Look at a few little guys." "Hahaha." Li Han looked back and was overjoyed. A few little people danced on a stand and watched from a distance, which was really amusing.

Li Yan came back with a drink, Li Han and Liu Ming laughed and leaned back and forth, looked up, almost fell down, Lingna was playing, and the dancing was a bit bigger, making Li Yan feel like meeting a man Like dancing again.

   "Han, Ming, drink."

  Li Yan brought two drinks, Li Han looked at Liu Ming. "What are you looking at, do you think you don't find it a little annoying?" "Liu Ming." "Hehe, it's alright, this guy must have no good words, you guys talk, I'm going to dig some food, I'm a little hungry, this Dancing is really physical work.”

  Li Han said and stood up and left, Liu Ming smiled and said to Li Yan. "This guy still has some eyesight." "You." Li Yan put down the drink in annoyance, Liu Ming took a glass, grumbled, and drank half of it in one go.

   "Colin, what are you looking for?"

   Li Han was happy as soon as he squatted down, and Colin was digging pebbles with all his might. "Looking for potatoes, the small potatoes just tasted good." "Well, let's look for them together." Li Han took the sticks, planed them, and ate them. , the hands are clean and there is nowhere to go. "This way of eating is really interesting." Colin looked at several professors, dancing and having a good time. These days, a group of people are just busy collecting data, specimens, and experiments.

   There is not a quarter of an hour to relax, this will finally have a chance. "Han, take your time, I'm going to prepare a drink for a few professors." "Okay." Li Han waited for Colin to walk, clapped his hands, stood up, took a glass of red wine, and sat beside him The bench is far away from the fire, and I close my eyes and rest for a while, I am really tired.

   "Guess who?"

  Li Han was happy, a pair of small hands covered him, the fleshy little fat hands were warm, and the small hands were released, and there were laughter behind him. Li Han grabbed his small hand and said with a smile. "Baby?" "No, hee hee." "Dudu?" "Not Dudu."


  Li Han touched his little hand and knew right away, Little Dudu. "No, no, wrong." "Really?" Li Han turned around to catch the villain, held it up, and threw himself into Li Han's arms with a smile. "Dad is getting stupid."

  Li Han pinched Dudu's little nose. "Yeah, who made Dudu so smart, baby, Maria, don't hide." When Li Han turned around, a few villains, Maria, baby, Jones, and Howell came out with a smile.

  Li Han took Dudu's little hand, Dudu blinked his eyes, and the little hand immediately shrank. Li Han didn't know whether to laugh or cry, Dudu's little hands were dirty, he really couldn't help holding the little devil's head. "Hee hee." Dudu grinned and jumped off the chair, running behind the chair and making a little face.

   "Where's Mom and Aunt Lingna?"

  Li Han stood up, the little people didn't know what to do here. "Aunt Lingna is still dancing. Mom and Aunt Paris are chatting." Dudu saw that his father was not angry, and he ran back, and the baby and Maria also came. Only Jones and Howell were a little dodgy.

   The little guys must be secretly trying to do something, and sure enough, Maria is honest after all. "Dig sweet potatoes?" "Let's go tomorrow." "But there's no roasting tomorrow." Jones said, Howell and the two made sure to pay attention, Dudu was the lead party, and the baby and Maria went with Dudu . "It's okay, I'll bake some for you tomorrow."

  Dudu was lying on Li Han's arms, his little head raised, and his little hands grabbed Li Han's fingers. "Dad has never baked before." "How do you know." Li Han reached out and wanted to scrape the tip of Dudu's nose, but suddenly froze for a moment, his hands were dirty.

  Dudu's little nose was already dark, and there were finger prints on his little face. Only then did Li Han remember that he had just been digging potatoes, his hands were not washed at all, and Dudu's white face was a little dark. "Dudu knows it." The little man puffed out his mouth, and the baby crawled to his uncle beside him. "Mom said that my uncle was the most naughty when he was a child, and he even stole sweet potatoes and baked them." "Wow, Dad stealing sweet potatoes is not a good boy." Dudu wow, his eyes widened, and the villain Maria also looked at Li curiously. Chinese.

  Jones and Howell are full of weirdness, stealing sweet potatoes, Dudu digging sweet potatoes, Jones digging sweet potatoes, although they are stealing, they are not stealing. It's really hard for Li Han to explain. Stealing sweet potatoes in China and roasting them is a childhood pleasure, not what a few villains think.

   Li Han talked for a long time, and a few little people seemed to understand and nodded their heads. "Dudu wants to steal sweet potatoes." Dudu waved his little hand, imitating his father to steal sweet potatoes, Li Han hurriedly stopped him, and Jennifer heard this, maybe he should talk to Li Han about Dudu education. "Dudu, let's not steal. Dad will take you to dig sweet potatoes tomorrow."

   "Well, but Dad has stolen it." Dudu lowered his head and kicked with his feet. "No Dudu." In the end, the villain wants to be like his father.

  Jones and Howell, this will be more wanting to dig sweet potatoes, these sweet potatoes are now owned by Li Han, and they can steal them. "Dudu is going too." Jones and Howell said that they were going to steal sweet potatoes, and the little dudu followed.

  Baby and Maria were not to be outdone, Li Han was a little helpless, Jennifer and Lingna, Paris happened to come over. "Pandora, what are you doing, sneaking." Lingna likes to play with Dudu, Dudu's eyes are bulging. "Dudu steals sweet potatoes."

   "Steal sweet potatoes?"

  Lina was a little puzzled, this small island is not your home, why would you steal it. Several villains said they were going to steal sweet potatoes. Li Han seemed to have something to say next to him, and Li Han explained with a smile. "Is that so, Han, your local lord will come and arrest us."

  Lina thinks this game is very interesting, it would be too early to go to bed, otherwise she will play the game of stealing sweet potatoes. "Dudu also plays." "Baby also plays." "How can I be missing." Tiffany also shouted to join, Paris smiled. "It's very interesting, and I count as one."

  Jennifer looked at Li Han with a smile at the corner of her mouth. Lingna messed up this matter, and Jennifer really couldn't say anything. "What are you talking about, it's very lively." "Uncle, Dudu is going to steal sweet potatoes, are you going?" Dudu Dengdeng ran over and said.

   "Steal sweet potatoes?"

  Liu Ming was a little puzzled, looked at Li Han, looked at Lingna, Jennifer, what the **** is going on in this family. Lingna explained it, and Liu Ming's eyes lit up. "When I was a child, I was very envious of children who could steal sweet potatoes. I've only read about it in books, so count me in."

  Li Yan didn't stop her and wanted to join. "What's so fun about this game?" Li Han couldn't help laughing and crying. He stole sweet potatoes when he was a child. He didn't have any sweet potatoes at home. He was greedy. Children, poor games, stealing sweet potatoes, Liu Ming still looks envious, so Li Han really doesn't know what to say. "Landlord, are you ready? Well, we're going to start stealing."

  What's the matter? You have to be a thief and tell the owner if you're ready or not. Let Li Han see it and let it go. Let's play.

   (end of this chapter)