The Best Small Farm

Chapter 624: Familiar farm survive

  Chapter 624 Survive the familiar farm

   "Dudu, come out quickly."

  Li Han and Baobao stood in the yard to move their bodies and practiced the family-style hand posture. Master Wang said that this is a good health exercise. "Uncle, sister Dudu has stolen milk to drink." Bao Bao whispered, and sister Dudu was lying.


  Li Han came out embarrassed when he saw the villain, it was true. "Come here and stand up, let's start." Li Han beckoned to Dudu, and Dudu came to the baby sister's side with a small mouth. "Sister Baobao is a big villain." "Sister Dudu lied first." Baobao also pouted, and the two little guys made trouble again. "Honey, start practicing."

   After about ten minutes, the two little people who were banging their little fists got together again and murmured, talking about the little people, and getting closer, Li Han was happy. "Aunt Xu, I'll go to the cowshed, Dudu, don't run around with you and baby sister."

"Dudu will also go to work." "Well, the baby will also go." "Well, change to work clothes first, this suit will not work." Li Han looked at the time, it was just after half past six, it was still early, Waiting for the two villains to change into work clothes, Li Han rode a quad bike and brought the two villains to the tool room. Plastic boots, gloves, shovels, buckets and other tools were packed into the cart and pushed. The bullpen came with a cart and two little people carrying tools.

  Some old parts of the old-fashioned wooden cowshed have just been refurbished and replaced with new pine wood, which still has a faint pine fragrance. Li Han touched and polished it well, it was smooth and firm, and the cowshed was not far from the pool and half of the pool of clean water. "Dudu draw water."

  The two villains were the most active in fetching water. They carried the small bucket and ran over there. The small bucket threw it into the pool, filled it with water, and brought it out. "Sister Baby, Dudu will help you." Dudu is a little strong man, stronger than the baby. "No." The babies are all sisters. The little guy blushed and carried a bucket. Li Han opened the fence of the cowshed and drove Xiaobai, Xiaobai, and Mavericks out to the outer fence circle.

   "Uncle came to mention it."

  Li Han saw the baby, and took the bucket with a smile. Although Dudu's face was still red, he was very tired. "Yeah." The baby bucket was handed to the uncle, the bucket was put down, and the two little guys ran to drive the calf to the fence next to it.

  The cows were driven out, and Dudu would not run around, Li Han wore gloves, picked up the shovel, set up the cart, and gathered the cow dung into piles, waiting for Dudu and the baby to come back. One big, two small, two small shovels, and put the cow dung into the car little by little. "Dad fell down earlier."

Li Han pushed the cart and dumped the cow dung back. There were many villains in the cowshed. Maria, Colt sent Maria over and went to school together. Li Han said yesterday that his health is recovering well, and he can go to school. When Maria came, she asked Dad to go back, and Colt and Li Han greeted him. "I'll send it here in the future, and it's convenient for me to send it there together." "Thank you so much, Maria, Dad is going back first, darling." Colt also went back to work, riding a quad bike to drive go back.

  Maria put down her small schoolbag, put on gloves, changed her boots, and helped with tools. After a while, she piled up small piles of cow dung, faster than Baby and Dudu. "Sister Maria is amazing." The two little guys were full of adoration. Maria used to pick up cow dung with her father Colt every day. "Maria, leave it to Uncle." Li Han's cow dung was put into the car, the cow dung was cleaned up, and Dudu carried the bucket. Maria helped the baby to carry the small bucket and rinse it.

   Clean it with a broom and spread it with hay foam. The cowshed can be cleaned in three days. There are no horses in the stable, and the ponies have been moved to the island and the horse farm. There was a lot of hay piled up inside, Dudu and the baby, and the three little people of Maria dragged small straw bales and pulled them to the cowshed. "Dudu go and drive the calf back." "Well." Dudu nodded his head vigorously, and brought the baby sister together. "Don't even run away, sister Maria."

  Mary was still not cured, and she had to run around to drive the calf. Li Han took apart the straw bales, added them to the food trough, and filled the water trough. In this weather, cattle ranching was not enough. After the cowshed is busy, the milk side, milking, filling, sterilizing, the chickens, ducks and geese were cleaned yesterday, and some food was sprinkled.

  Li Han took the three villains back to the small building, changed clothes, and cleaned them up. Aunt Xu's breakfast was almost the same. "Little Han, Dudu, baby, Maria, let's eat soon." Aunt Xu smiled and greeted the family playing on the sofa while placing the tableware and chopsticks.

   "Grandma, Maria has eaten it all."

  Maria shook her head and said, Mommy made bread. "Sister Maria has delicious little fish." Dudu said, pulling Maria, twitching her little nose. Maria looked at it, lowered her head and shook it.

   Dudu bulging mouth, small fish are really delicious, and duck eggs. Li Han pulled Maria over and sat down, filled a small bowl of rice porridge, and Dudu and the baby ate together. "Let's eat at Uncle's house tomorrow." Colt and Duble played early. The breakfast was very simple and not delicious, but I didn't worry about nutrition. "Mom cooks." Maria whispered, and Li Han smiled. "Uncle knows, it's better to eat more. Uncle will send you to school in a while."

  After breakfast, Li Han drove the three little guys to the kindergarten. Sure enough, when he saw his little friends, Michelle, O'Neill, and the fat girl, they were excited and hugged each other. "Han, are you back?" Cynthia was a little unhappy, no wonder she had decided to attend the Buton Kindergarten party, Dudu and Bao Bao had talent shows, but it's been almost a month since they went to Hawaii. Didn't catch up with anything, and didn't participate in the boxing match. Cynthia was told by the boxing teacher several times.

   For this matter, the principal has even taken him to the office. Li Han only asked for leave for a week, who would have known it would take so long. "I came back yesterday, and this time I went out and encountered something. It was delayed. By the way, tomorrow night, I have an appointment with Willy, Kady, and Bill for a drink together."

  Cynthia said angrily. "Are you not going to say anything about pandora and the baby?" "Oh, thank you for asking for leave. By the way, I brought some coffee from Hawaii, but it still doesn't taste good." Li Han said thoughtfully.

   "Thank you, I'll go to class first, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Cynthia took a group of villains into the school, Li Han looked at Dudu and the baby, Maria walked into the classroom, turned to leave, drove to Kady's side and chatted a few words, the police station, Weili went Patrol, didn't see it.

   Back to the small farm, and after a while, Albert, Jem, Houghton, Henry and Dinah came together. Li Han hugs Jem, Houghton, Henry, etc. "Aunt Xu, just leave the coffee pot." "Okay, call me if you have something."

   Li Han and the others invited them to the small living room. Although they often talked on the phone and knew about the farm, they were still a little worried. "Drink coffee, Dinah, did you have a rest?" Dinah was a little nervous, and Dinah looked up at Li Han. "I had a drink yesterday."

  Drinking, Li Han reacted suddenly, Dinah might have an emotional problem. "Then let's drink less today, Dinah, try the coffee in Hawaii." "Thank you." Dinah took the coffee and thanked.

  Li Han poured coffee for a few people and sat down on the sofa. "Albert, the seeds can be bought now, and try to plant them as soon as possible." "No problem, a few places have been cleaned up now, and we can start when the weather is warmer."

  Albert said something about the ranch, and then Jem said the situation on the cattle ranch, all very well. Albert left early, leaving Jem and the others behind. After all, Albert was not here for a long time, so he always wanted Li Han to listen to Jem and his friends. "Albert managed very well."

   "It seems that you can rest assured that you can leave the ranch to you."

  Li Han smiled, holding his coffee, and heaving a sigh of relief. There is Albert on the ranch, the cattle farm is in good condition, and the calf is growing well. "Cow breed cultivation, you have to be more cautious." Henry said, Henry put a lot of thought into breeding cattle breeds.

   "Henry, you are familiar with this aspect, and you need to tell Jem directly." Cow breeding is not an easy task. Hank's farm conditions are relatively simple, but there is spring water, at least the breeding conditions are there. Henry is welcome, and some people from the Alpine Ranch have invited over.

  Comparative breeding of cattle breeds are all re-researched by large-scale pasture companies. After all, many biotechnology research institutes are not capable of being supported by ordinary farms and pastures. "Let's do this first, take your time." Li Han has a lot of time, and if he has time to take his time, he will always cultivate a good breed of cattle.

  The matter of the cattle farm will not be finished for a while. Henry and Jem, Hughton will go back, and Dinah will stay. "Lulu's wife and son are coming over?" Li Han was stunned when he heard Dina's words. The two have come over now, which is similar in nature to Li Han.

   "In this way, people are on the farm side first, I'll think of a way."

  Li Han rubbed his brows, this is really hard to do, but find someone to try. "Tell Lulu, don't worry, if the two want to work, the salary is the same as that of an ordinary cowboy, you tell him." "Thank you, Han." Dinah did not expect that Li Han would arrange such an arrangement.

   You must know that Li Han will be in great trouble if you smuggle over and find out. "Thank you, by the way, do you need my help with your business?" "I'm fine." Dinah shook her head, Li Han didn't really care about these private matters.

  Dinah seemed to be fine. Li Han sent Dinah away. It was still early. He rode a four-wheeled bicycle to the racecourse. Pete was not busy. "Pete, these horses look good." Li Han was in the taming ring, and he only found Pete here. It is the greatest happiness for horse whisperers and horse lovers to stay together.

   "Han, come back."

   Pete and Lee Han hug. "These horses are the ones that just arrived." "The ones you want?" When Li Han was chatting with Pete, he didn't notice a little girl of seven or eight years old who was secretly looking at Li Han curiously.

   (end of this chapter)