The Best Small Farm

Chapter 632: a bite of grass

   Chapter 632 One bite of grass

  Li Han accepted Cynthia's invitation to give a lecture to a group of little guys, Oceanic. "Morning, Cynthia, the weather is really nice today, isn't it suitable for outdoor classes?" Li Han greeted with a smile, sat down and waited for a while to go to the classroom with Cynthia. Cynthia smiled and poured a cup of coffee and handed it to Li Han. "This is not a good idea, I think you must not have read the weather warning." Cynthia pointed to the weather sign hanging on the side, there is heavy rain today.

  Late winter and early spring are the rainy seasons in Montana, especially in spring, when the weather changes greatly. It may be sunny one moment and rainy the next. "Oh, I forgot to check the weather, what a bad idea." Li Han got up in the morning and was busy sending Dudu and baby, Michelle, and Maria to school, but he really didn't bother to check the weather forecast. "It's not early, I think it's time for us to pass." Cynthia just wanted to talk a few more words when she looked up and saw that it was time.

   "Really, I think I need to prepare something." Li Han smiled and took a box, which contained some cartoon sea creatures and some shells. Cynthia didn't expect Li Han to be so well prepared, and of course there were some photos, which Dudu and Baobao helped pick out.

   "Oh, man these props are awesome."

Cynthia took over some props prepared by Li Han, which was an unexpected surprise. This class will be very exciting. Li Han smiled and brought the box to the classroom with Cynthia. More than 20 children sat obediently and marked with each other. on a mat of sea creatures. Dudu and Baobao were very excited when they saw Li Han come in and waved their little hands. "Dad." "Uncle." "Sit down." Li Han waved his hands with a smile, and handed the props to Dudu and Baobao. They will help in a while.

  Li Han put the box away and started talking with a smile. Li Han has seen these villains, and most of them are familiar with them. Li Han talked about his experience of diving into the sea for the first time, especially when he saw sharks, he drew pictures of sharks and described the sharks' ferocity. Dudu and the baby, Maria had all changed into shark clothes. The three little sharks opened their mouths wide and cooperated with Li Han to make a fierce look. A group of children screamed with a little fear.

Dudu, baby, and Maria, the three little guys giggled proudly, stepped back, ran out, and changed into a set of clothes. Li Han put the shark picture aside and started talking about some interesting marine things, such as second-hand crabs. , sand fish that hide their ears and steal bells, as well as color-changing octopus, stone fish and so on.

   Talking about the stupid turtle, Li Han greeted Dudu and the baby, and Maria came in. The three villains dressed in turtles, imitating the swimming posture of turtles, made the villains laugh, and Cynthia also covered her smile. Li Han talked for about an hour and a half, and then the get out of class was over. There were two sessions in between, and Li Han was a little dry at the end.

   "Han, your experience is really wonderful, this class is great." Cynthia said with a hint of surprise.

   "Thank you, I really didn't expect that I could say that. It's a surprise." Li Han felt a little surprised himself. Maybe facing the little guys, he didn't have too many ideas and just wanted to talk about what he saw and heard. "Oh, my time is up, I'll go first."

   Li Han and Jem made an appointment to go to the cattle farm. Today, a group of calves will be slaughtered for the first time. Li Han wants to go over and take a look. Cynthia sent Li Han away. As for the props, it was a small gift for the children when the spring break came. The pickup crosses the street, with rock music in my ears, there are not many pedestrians on the street, I happen to encounter one or two horse-drawn carriages, or ox carts, with tourists sitting in the cars, I think they are some hunting tourists from Chris Manor, relax and stroll around Cowboy style town.

  Kimixing Town is not an exquisite American town, but a cowboy town with a bit rough style. Most of them sell saddles, riding boots, and some cowboy products, especially all kinds of beef bones, deer bones, antlers, etc., the most. The decorations in front of the street shops are mostly hunters, cowboys, dogs, horses, deer, etc. Of course, there are also some hunting decorations, wolf heads, cougars, and a small number of black bear and grizzly bears, bars and fast food shops. Gas station.

  The carriage and the ox cart are quite a bit of a western cowboy style. Li Han saw that there were tourists taking pictures, and the cooperation between Chris and Liu Ming was really good. Li Han slowed down, crossed the street slowly, and turned onto the road toward the farm.

   went back to the small farm and changed into a set of clothes. I just went to the kindergarten to give a lecture, and I was still wearing more formal clothes. When I came to the cattle farm, it was just in time for the second batch of calves to change the barn. These are calves born in winter, and they will be separated after weaning. Each calf is extremely strong. "Han, this batch of calves is really good." Andre and Lambton were both there. The two seemed to have some intentions for this batch of calves. Li Han smiled. "It's all to Jem, Henry, Hughton."

   A group of young cowboys are guarding the fence gate, and the three fences can easily separate the calves. "Henry and Jem are both old cowboys, nothing to say." Andre nodded in praise. "These calves are of good quality, and Xiaowang Farm wants to buy them."

   Lambton saw that Andre had made friendship with Li Han, and explained his intentions directly. "I think you need to discuss this with Jem, Henry, and Houghton. I've long since given up on the cattle farm." "Oh, this is not a wise decision."

  Andre and Lambton said in surprise at the same time, Li Han smiled, Li Han really didn't have much arrangements for this batch of calves, and now his mind is on pastures and farm transactions. Before going to bed yesterday, Lingna sent a message to Li Han. Recently, someone bought a large number of farms and pastures around the oil field. Jennifer has been found and the bid is half the current market price. This is not a small amount. Li Han's current farms and pastures are generally counted, not to mention Mi Xing, and even Buton can be ranked first, and it will take a long time to find him.

Lingna revealed this news, not because she was worried that Li Han would sell the farm and ranch, but the people who bought the ranch in large quantities this time, with extraordinary origins, these Li Han are not worried now, but this Jennifer suitor seems to have an interest in Jennifer. Perseverance.

   "Jem, Lambton and Andre are interested in this batch of calves, what do you think?" Li Han said, and Jem thought about it. "At most half of this batch of calves can be sold. I don't think there can be more. By the way, Han, there are 2,000 beef cattle on the farm that can be sold."

  Jem said that the winter has just passed, and most pastures have just sprouted. Some places in Lihan Ranch have grown nearly ten centimeters. The entire pasture is yellow and green, and it can be used for grazing calves. "How is the bull market now?"

The cattle farm now has more than 7,000 cattle and more than 1,500 calves. Some beef cattle should be sold. It was a good idea to sell before the winter. The beef cattle will lose fat in winter, and the price of forage this winter is higher than in previous years. Twenty percent.

   "Beef cattle prices are now five cents higher than fall."

  Jem said, Li Han calculated in his heart, the beef cattle on the cattle farm are about 1,110 pounds, and the forage used during the whole winter growing period is eight cents a pound of forage. After calculating it, a cow will use about 120 dollars for fodder for three months, and other fodder will cost almost 200 dollars, and only three months of fodder. The value of beef has risen by less than forty dollars, of course, this is not counting how much meat the beef cattle grow in three months.

Andre and Lambton thought together, Li Han would lose nearly 80 dollars on this one head, Li Han muttered, fortunately, for three months, Jem has recorded the growth of beef cattle, and the growth will slow down in winter, but even if It's nearly 180 pounds so long, and in general, there is still some profit.

   Of course, Li Han wouldn't say that. "It seems that the market is not bad, so many, did you say hello from the market?" "It was listed a few days ago, and I will come to see it in the next two days." Jem said. "There are not enough cowboys in the cattle farm, so Albert and I discussed the temporary recruitment of ten young cowboys." "This is not possible, so, I will tell Albert later, don't be temporary, the ranch development side also needs to employ people, don't There were no hands at the time.”

Li Han said that Andre and Lambton, who were on the side, were discussing the calf issue. Neither of them participated in the topic of beef cattle. After all, they lost a lot of money. words come. Li Han didn't know what the two were thinking. After talking to Jem, he said with a smile. "Jem, about the calf, discuss it with Lambton and Andre."

Li Han took Jem's horse and turned around and chased Houghton's group. The pasture here is ten centimeters long, which is at least two weeks faster than other pastures. The calf now eats its first bite of grass, which is tender and fresh Grass. "It's really beautiful here."

  Li Han stood on the hillside, looking at the yellow and green pastures, not far from a small river like a white ribbon, one end was tied to the snow-capped mountains, the other end was tied to the pasture and cattle and sheep. "Why are you here?" Dinah rode down the hillside with a flock of lambs. "This pasture is very beautiful, isn't it?" "That's right." The pasture has just grown, and the sheep can't come over. Of course, it doesn't matter if the lambs are so big, and the number is not much like a calf.

  Dinah was in a good mood, humming a song, chasing the lambs to graze, turning over and dismounting to accompany Li Han to sit on the hillside and look at the Yellow River and the pasture. "Is it okay with Lulu?" "Lulu is very grateful for your help. Albert has already helped with the formalities. Jem said that Albert is very experienced."

   "That's great, I have a present at the small farm, go pick it up tomorrow, it's a nice piece of leather."

  Dina's birthday is coming, it's the first birthday at Hank's Farm, Li Han prepares a good deerskin. "Thank you." Dinah thanked. Hank's farm is developing well now, and Dinah likes to herd sheep very much, especially a group of lambs, and a group of cute quarter horses and a group of enthusiastic cowboys live together. It is also one of the reasons why Dinah quickly stepped out of the emotional shadow.

   (end of this chapter)