The Best Small Farm

Chapter 634: more farm workers

   Chapter 634 One more farm worker

   "Hey, this is too small."

   Early the next morning, in the tool room, Eve was holding a rubber boot on one foot, looking at the little dudu with depression. "My sister has such big feet." Dudu's little nose twitched and complained. "Where the feet are big, the shoes you chose are too small, too small."

  Eve was really **** off. A few little devils had pink rubber boots and pretty pink gloves, but her own was black and looked dirty, and it was too small to fit her feet at all.

   "Dad, my sister's feet are so big that I can't wear shoes." Dudu Dengdeng ran to Li Han, pulled Li Han's arm and pointed at Eve. "Oh, look, I forgot, here are the rubber boots that Laurenna prepared for you." Li Han took the amount, took the box on the side, opened it, the beautiful high-top rubber boots, and Eve immediately got rid of the black boots. Gray dirty boots, put on beautiful rubber boots, with some suspicion. "Why, I didn't say it just now." Rubber boots, gloves, and several other items, riding boots, and a set of suspender jeans.

   Li Han glanced at Eve, but didn't speak, he really forgot just now. "Forget it, don't run pandora, you just patted the **** when I wasn't paying attention." Eve said and caught it, Dudu slapped Dudu's little butt, and Dudu's short legs kicked a few times. "My sister wants pandora to support her."

   "Sister Eve is going to work."

  Maria pulled Laif and rescued the little dudu. "Understood." Being stared at by Maria's big eyes, Eve felt a little guilty for no reason, it was really strange. "Work, Dudu's shovel." Dudu ran away immediately and picked up his small shovel and small bucket.

   Cleaning up the cowshed, Eve was dissatisfied with Li Han's work arrangement, and finally reached an agreement to join Dudu, Baobab and the others. "First clean up the cow dung around, pile it up, and I'll go to the side to clean up the sheepfold." Li Han said without forgetting to drive out the cows.

   After cleaning the sheep pen and donkey shed, Li Han brought hay and returned to the cow pen. Seeing Eve covering her nose and twisting her neck, she seemed unwilling to look at the cow dung. "Eve, this can't be done, I'll teach you."

  Li Han took Eve's shovel, quickly gathered a pile of cow dung, and shoveled it into the trolley. "If you want to do this, don't think about cow dung, don't think about it all the time, don't care too much, look at pandora and baby, aren't Maria doing well?"

Eve muttered, I'm not a child from the country, there are not many things here, Li Han asked Dudu to take Eve to pick up eggs and drive the ducks into the pond. This is an easy job. The chicken coop and duck cage were just two days ago. Cleaned up, it's not hard to clean up.

  Who knows, Eve is actually afraid of chickens and ducks, so frightened that she screams and dares not approach the chicken coop. Dudu vividly told Dad what Sister Eve did in the chicken coop in the morning, scaring the chickens and ducks to run away.

   "Eat obediently."

Li Han knocked Dudu, little guy, he didn't see Eve puffing up, and Eve would grit his teeth and stare at Dudu and Li Hanwai, and even struggled with breakfast, rice porridge, steamed buns , plus side dishes, dried fish, duck eggs, these are completely unfamiliar things to Eve, and the taste is strange, but if you don't eat them, you will be very hungry, and the small fish are robbing pandora. Eve thought it was Chinese medicine completely, eating small fish and duck eggs in big mouthfuls.

  Dudu bulging and small mouth, sister just said no to eat, after eating, Eve patted it, came to Li Han, and stretched out her hand. "Pocket money." Li Han smiled and handed the pocket money to Eve. "A dollar?" Eve was stunned, a dollar was not enough for a bottle of juice.

   "This is what you deserve today."

   said, Li Han gave Dudu, baby, and Maria one dollar per person. "If you think you're doing better than pandora, you can ask me to apply for more pocket money." Li Han drove Dudu, Baby, and Maria to the training class, and Eve went to school.

   did not go back to the small building, he went to the cattle farm by himself, and Jem was setting up the venue for the reception. "I'll bring the red wine, where is the wine station?" Albert arranged the reception. Li Han didn't intervene, but he also made a special trip to invite the western chef from Chris Manor.

  Li Han didn't intervene in the arrangement of the reception. Jem called a cowboy to help move the wine down. "Jem, this reception will invite the bosses and chefs of several restaurants in the small town of Buton. For cooking, I invited the chef of Chris Manor. Maybe come over before noon, you and Albert, please treat them well. "

  Jem nodded and would tell Albert to tell everyone to hurry up. Li Han helped prepare tables and chairs. Of course, Li Han had to go to the town. This time, it's a beef cattle fair. Some ranchers in the surrounding towns, as well as several large cattle farm companies, were invited by Li Han.

  Li Han is very confident in the beef cattle of his cattle farm. The beef taste and marble pattern, and the age of the cattle are all in line with high-grade beef. If he can get the rating certificate, it is not a big problem to discuss a few orders at the reception. Jem was busy here, and Li Han drove to the town office. "I was looking for you just now, and you came here." Marbury said with a smile, Li Han was a little confused, what's the matter?

   Ronald stood up with a smile, poured coffee, and explained with a smile when he saw Li Han with a puzzled face. "Yesterday, the mayor of Hamilton Town asked me to say that I was thinking of turning down the establishment of the Cattle and Sheep Association. After all, there are not many beef cattle in Mixing Town."

The small town of Mixing is mostly farms, and there are relatively few pastures. Moreover, because of the high cost of raising beef cattle, most of the pastures choose to raise sheep. Compared with the small town of Hamilton, there are several larger pastures and a large farm company that owns In a large cattle farm, the number of beef cattle is dozens of times that of Kem. "Andre and Anderson brothers intend to raise beef cattle, and the combined farms formed by the merger of several Yuerkodi farms are also planning to buy beef cattle for breeding today, but the number of beef cattle in Mixing Town will nearly triple. "

When Marbury said this, Li Han understood that Ronald intended to agree to it. Li Han raised the most beef cattle in the entire Kemising town. Li Han's opinion was very important, and the Andre brothers seemed to be interested. Buying calves from Li Han Cattle Farm, Li Han joined, representing Brother Andre, Xiao Wang Farm, there is no problem here, but this accounts for nearly half of the beef cattle in Kemising Town. "That's good, but the Snow Mountain Cattle Farm in Hamilton Township won't agree to become the Cattle and Sheep Association?"

  Xueshan Cattle Farm is responsible for the purchase of beef cattle in the surrounding small towns, and is a representative of several large agricultural companies in Montana. "Hamilton's beef cattle breeding has been restricted by Snow Mountain cattle farms in recent years. Especially in the past two years, the price of beef has been low, and the purchase price of Snow Mountain cattle farms has been lower than that of Wall Street. Many ranchers have opinions and established Cattle and Sheep Association, find buyers by themselves, the price is higher than selling to Snow Mountain cattle farm, and establish a stable supply channel, so as not to be restricted by Snow Mountain cattle farm, and it is difficult for the pasture to develop greatly.”

   This is not bad. Li Han is not against the Snow Mountain Cattle Farm this time. Although he didn't say it, it can be seen that the manager of the Snow Mountain Cattle Farm refused to invite him. He still has opinions and is not happy. "I have no problem, this is a good thing. At the evening reception, the managers and chefs of several restaurants happened to come over. Let's talk more, maybe we can open up a good market."

  Beef and mutton were directly supplied to restaurants, which was the best at that time, and there would be less exploitation by large agricultural companies in the middle. "This is a good idea. Chris Manor and Chalet Villa Manor are going to become large holiday estates. I heard that a standardized golf course will be built."

  Li Han didn't expect that all of this had already come out, so he nodded with a smile, and didn't say any more, Li Han didn't give up this market so generously, how could he give others what he had in his pocket. "By then, there will be more tourists, and maybe we can follow the example of Yellowstone."

  Ronald has been looking for the development of Kemising. Compared with other mayors, Ronald is very enterprising. "Uncle Ronald, you told me about this, but you found the wrong person." Marbury chuckled, and he was right. He knew more about this than Chris, and Ronald and Chris were related.

  Li Han had forgotten the time for this chat. Seeing the little guys who followed Dudu had a lot of time, he said with a smile that it was time for the reception, hurriedly left the office, and went to Dudu and the baby, Maria. In front of Mrs. Augustus's ballet hut, Dudu and Baobao stretched their heads out on their feet and looked at the street, but their father was still here. "Sister Dudu, uncle is on the phone." The baby looked at Dudu, and Dudu had a phone. "Yeah." Dudu took off his schoolbag and took out his small phone. The three villains squatted on the side of the road and called Li Han.

  Li Han was driving when he heard the phone and the car was leaning on the side. "Dad, why haven't you come yet." "Dudu, Dad is coming soon, just wait." Li Han hung up the phone, turned the car around, and arrived shortly after.



   Dudu and the baby waved their little hands, and Maria followed, and Maria used sister Dudu's clothes and shoes to teach for free. Although Mrs. Augustus was old-fashioned and serious, she was kind. This meeting saw Li Han coming, and the window on the second floor was closed.

  Li Han nodded to the window when he heard the movement. "Get in the car, it's cold, Dad, will you go get some hot chocolate?" "No, Dudu wants milk." "Well, baby wants juice."

   "Where's Mary?"


  Li Han drove to the dim sum hut and asked for hot drinks and snacks to bring. "Dad, Sister Eve didn't leave school." "Let's go to see Sister Eve." The baby said while eating a snack, waving his little hand.

On the first day of class, Eve was a little uncomfortable. These country children are stupid, especially Liz. The two of them were arranged to sit together. Liz was explained by the teacher and brought Eve to get acquainted with the campus. .

   These two girls who don't look at each other will be staring at each other and fighting each other. "Don't follow me." "Hmph, you promised to show me the school." The two were one after the other, and Eve followed Liz closely, and she was a little happy just seeing Liz's depressed expression.

   (end of this chapter)