The Best Small Farm

Chapter 639: On the bullock squad

   Chapter 639 On the Bull Cart Squad

  The morning of the second day of the reception, Albert brought back four contracts, and Chris Manor had reached a partnership with five restaurants and cattle farms, which was a good start. Not only that, Albert also contacted several Billings restaurant chefs to come to the cattle farm to watch the whole process of beef cattle raising, taste steak, and perhaps reach some good cooperation. Lots of impetus. The director of the Snow Mountain Cattle Farm had a talk with Albert at the end of the reception, promising to increase the purchase price of beef cattle with excellent quality.

  Li Han didn't care too much about this. At the reception, Li Han had already introduced Albert to his friends and collaborators, and the rest needed to be grasped by Albert. The next morning of the reception, Li Han still got up early, accompanied Max to the town office in the morning, had a meal with Ronald, Max, and Marbury at noon, and returned to the small farm in the afternoon. "Dudu, what are you doing?" Back in the small building, Li Han saw Dudu sitting on the sofa obediently, full of doubts. Dudu rarely sees such a quiet time.

   "Dudu is making a little beauty." Dudu whispered, and gestured with his fingers, shhh, Li Han was happy. "Dudu is already very beautiful." "No, Sister Eve said that Dudu wants to be a little beauty quietly." Dudu's words amused Li Han.

   "Where's Sister Eve?"

  Li Han didn't see Eve, Dudu pointed to the study. "Sister plays the game console." "The game console, then why don't you play it." "Dudu wants a quiet little beauty." Dudu whispered, Li Han sat beside Dudu with his arms around him, picked up Dudu . "Sister Eve is teasing you. Dudu is so cute. When she grows up, she will be like her mother. She is a beautiful woman." "But Dudu is very hard to grow up." Dudu said a little disappointed. "Dudu eats two bowls of rice, not as big as Sister Eve."

"That's because Dudu is less than four years old. Sister Eve is fourteen years old. Let's play. Let's not be a quiet little beauty, but a lively and cute little beauty." Li Han rubbed Dudu. Dubao Baotou, Baotou is cuter than the pagoda head.


  Dudu finished speaking and looked up at his father again and asked. "When will Dudu grow up." "Well, Dudu eat well, be good, and grow up soon." "Oh, Dudu is the most obedient." "Dudu is the best, right, baby What about your sister?"

   "Sister Baby and Sister Maria went to feed Big Mouth and Little Mouth."

  Two parrots, chirping, making noises every day. Last night, in the middle of the night, they shouted to get up and got up, but they were so mad that Dudu was caught with the clip and his small mouth, and he let it go in the morning. "Big mouth and small mouth are not good."

   "Do Dudu help Dad teach Dazui and Xiaozui to be good." Li Han said with a smile. "Well, Dudu is going to teach Dazui and Xiaozui." "Go." Li Han patted Dudu, put Dudu down, and stood up with a smile and came to the study.

   When Eve saw Li Han come in, her eyes were a little dodgy. "What's wrong?" "You know?" "You taught pandora to be a quiet little beauty obediently?" Li Han smiled, but Eve nodded her head. "I just said it casually, I didn't expect pandora to take it seriously."

   "Forget it, don't you need to participate in club activities, didn't Liz say there are many activities?"

  Li Han asked suspiciously.

   "Cut, what are the activities here to participate in." Eve pouted, the activities in the countryside. "That's not right, it looks like I'm going to talk to Steve, maybe Laurena is also related." "Okay, I'll participate."

   Eve was a little impatient, and she was afraid that Laurenna would know that she was going to talk to herself. "But Mi Xing has a good club activity, I have consulted for you, ballet, swimming, and equestrian."

  Li Han said, the introduction book of club activities was handed to Eve, and Eve read it for a while. "I want to join the skateboard, baseball club, and soccer club." "Baseball club, skateboard, and soccer club?" Li Han was stunned for a moment. Compared with these activities, it is more suitable for boys to participate.

   "Can't you?"

   Eve looked like you said no, I won't participate. Li Han was really helpless. Speaking of which, Eve seemed like a little adult, with a lot of thoughts, but sometimes she was a little childish. "Okay, I'll talk to Steve."

   Eve nodded and continued to play the game console. Li Han shook his head slightly and walked out of the study, and came upstairs. Dudu was teaching Dazui and Xiaozui. "When the day ends by the mountains, the Yellow River flows into the sea, and I want to reach a new level."

  Dudu and Baobao climbed the Stork Tower with their backs on their backs. Big Mouth and Little Mouth were dumbfounded. They usually speak English, but now they are speaking Chinese stories. This rare factor in foreign languages ​​comes immediately. "Oh, mygod." Two parrots, covering their heads with their wings, fell off the sofa and onto the carpet. "Hee hee, idiot big mouth, small mouth."

   Dudu and the baby giggled, the two parrots were brought to Dudu, and Dudu plucked out a small feather. "Good or bad." Dazui and Xiaozui knew the tricks of the Great Demon King Dudu, and plucking hair was not a big deal. Li Han was also amused when he stood outside the door. Dazui and Xiaozui were trained to speak English and Chinese since they were young. The difficulty can be imagined.

  The two parrots received the baptism of Chinese culture. Compared with plucking, the mental damage was more severe. The big mouth and the small mouth were tied to the window sill, and there was a small tape recorder next to them, and they dudu recorded the climb to the Stork Tower. "Learn well, and Dudu will check at night."

   Decisively Dudu and the baby, Maria walked out of the bedroom. "Dad, play baseball." Li Han was also amused by Dudu's educational methods, big mouth and small mouth. These days, he was noisy every day, and it became more and more outrageous. , I really don't know where to learn it. "Okay, change clothes."

   It's after four o'clock now, and it's still more than an hour before it gets dark. Li Han went to the room to get baseball equipment, thinking that Eve just talked about baseball. "Dudu and Sister Eve said, do you want to play baseball together." "Can my sister play?"

  Dudu has all changed clothes, wearing a baseball cap, a white striped baseball uniform is very cute, and the three little baseball players are ready. "Of course I will." Eve snorted in the study, disdainful of Dudu's doubts.

   There is no clothes for Eve to change, but there are baseball gloves and baseball bats. Sure enough, Eve really has a few boys, bluffing, baby, Maria clapping her hands. "Sister Eve is amazing." "Mmmm, just as powerful as Brother Mickey."

   After the baby finished speaking, Dudu nodded vigorously. "Who is Mickey?" "Brother Mickey." Li Han held back his laughter. Mickey was much smaller than Eve. Eve snorted when she saw Li Han smiling and looking at herself. He must not be a good person.

  Father and daughter, plus Eve, played in the yard for about an hour, knowing that the sky was getting dark, Steve would not be back today, and Aunt Xu called for dinner when dinner was ready. Eve grumbles about Steve's stay at the racecourse. "Dudu, baby, where are you going, come over for dinner soon."

   "Dudu to see if Dazui and Xiaozui are good."

  Dudu pulled the baby sister and turned around. "Eat first, after dinner, Dad will go to see with you." "Yeah, come here, I made your favorite noodles today." Saozi noodles are Anxi's special food. Zhang Xiuying has made it many times. Aunt Xu has learned.

  The noodles are cut thicker, and the new wheat is grown in the space, which is full of strength. The saozi is made of diced carrots, corn kernels, green and red pepper tops, peas, and cooked beef tops are fried and poured over the noodles. Then there is mustard, fried peanuts, coriander and chili oil, and a pot of fish head tofu soup.

  Li Han couldn't wait to get a bowl of noodles, topped with sangzi noodles and fish soup. "How is Xiaohan?" Aunt Xu made it alone for the first time, and was afraid that it would not taste good. "It's delicious, Dudu, hurry up. Daddy will take you to make the beef belly, beef liver, beef heart, and beef tongue from yesterday. Tomorrow, Dad will make beef offal noodles for you."

"Mmmm." Dudu and Baobao both had a big bowl. Maria had also learned to use chopsticks. Only Eve looked at the big wrist in front of her in a panic. She didn't know how to eat noodles. She held a knife and fork in her hand. Watching the dudu villain skillfully add sauerkraut, fish soup, ground peanuts, coriander, and chili oil, my sister took a mouthful of noodles and a mouthful of soup.

Eve picked up the noodles with a fork and used the pasta method Guo Chengqiu, but the noodles were unexpectedly long and had no taste at all. Du, the baby's family sucks, the food is so delicious, Eve gets more depressed, picks up the chopsticks on the side, learns the way of Dudu, adds sangzi, adds seasoning, stirs it, but does not add fish soup, it becomes noodles .

   Eve snorted. Although the chopsticks were still held like a fork, the noodles finally seemed to be mixed with noodles. After tasting it, the spicy Eve blushed. "Sister Eve wants to add soup." Dudu scooped the fish soup with a big spoon.

   Eve reluctantly thanked her and added the fish soup, which was not too spicy, and the taste seemed to be pretty good. Eve thought about it while learning how to toot, drinking soup and eating it, which was very fun. After a meal, it made Eve a little more curious about Chinese food.

Especially after dinner, the dishes and chopsticks were cleaned up, and Li Han was setting up a tinder in the yard with a super cauldron on it. This was the biggest pot Eve had ever seen, and it was a very strange one. This is different from the usual frying pan, which is an old-fashioned Chinese cauldron with a diameter of one meter.

  Li Han boiled the stewed soup all afternoon and poured it into the pot. There were still a few big stick bones in the bucket. Li Han fished it out and handed it to Dudu and the baby, Maria. "Bone?" Eve was a little puzzled and took a big bone. Seeing a few Dudu villains on the side, they began to nibble, and learned to nibble a few bites. "Sister, bone oil is delicious." Dudu used a small skewer, jumped out a bone marrow, dipped it in the seasoning of the noodles just now, and stuffed it into his mouth.

   It was the first time that Eve ate something in the bone, and she was curious and strange. Seeing the things in the cauldron, she became even more curious. "It's so strange to cook meat in such a big pot and put bags."

   (end of this chapter)