The Best Small Farm

Chapter 654: Under the custom calf cart

  Chapter 654 Under the Custom Maverick

   There are a lot of calf carts at home, and Dudu told his father that he invited the kindergarten children to come to the farm to play. Michelle, O'Neal, Duncan, Fat Girl, Tom, and Mickey.

  Dudu was very proud and said with his little head raised. "Dad bought the ox cart, it looks good." "But it's so dark." The fat girl bit her finger and whispered.

   "The calf is so good."

   "Pony is fun."

  Dudu's mouth was bulging, but he didn't listen to Dudu's words. "Sister baby, play with the ox cart." Dudu pulled the baby and Maria into the ox cart.

  O'Neill and the little fat guys also climbed into the ox cart when they saw it, but the little guys didn't move at all how to drive the cattle, only Michelle took the fat girl and drove the ox cart to the pasture.

  Li Han and Cynthia were chatting when they heard the cry, and they were stunned for a moment. They hurried over, and only when they asked, did they know that the ox cart was not moving, and the little guys were crying.

   "It's okay, uncle will teach you."

   Li Han just explained to Dudu, although the ox cart is very simple and the calf is very good, but you need to learn skills to drive, otherwise the ox cart will run slowly, not to mention, the calf will easily run crooked when it sees the grass. Li Han comforted the little guys, demonstrated with his hands, and when he saw the calf leave, the little guys clapped and applauded.

  O'Neill drove their ox carts to chase after Dudu and Baobao, leaving only Mickey where he was. "Why doesn't Mickey play?"

   Li Han asked, Mickey made a big gesture, and Li Han was amused when he saw it. "Han, what did Mickey say?" "Hehe, Mickey said it was played by little kids. He's an adult who doesn't play."

  Cynthia looked at Mickey whose face was blushing and said with a smile. "These ox carts used to look like they were going west?" "That's right, just a little smaller."

   Li Han pulled Mickey and gestured, Mickey didn't believe it, Li Han pointed to Cynthia. Mickey then chased Dudu and the others with the ox cart. Li Han saw the little people running away and said with a smile. "Please, I'll drive." Li Han drove Da Bai, driving the ox cart repaired by Houghton and Dinah.

   "Mom, Aunt Xu, get in the car."

   Li Han smiled and called to his mother and Aunt Xu. "Big sister, let's go, let's go shopping, I heard that there are a lot of wild vegetables on the hillside."

   "Big sister, you go, I'll take care of it at home." Aunt Xu shook her head slightly, after all, she was a nanny and was paid.

   "Big sister, clean up the house, I just pick vegetables, it's not enough for this kid to eat alone." Zhang Xiuying took Aunt Xu and got on the ox cart.

   "Okay, sit down and fasten your seat belt."

  Li Han waved his hand, and the seat belt was pressed on with a murmur, which was quite interesting. "Pandora is very imaginative." "Hehe, it's not a kid. He told me that there are as many seats as the car, and he pestered me for a long time."

  The seat belt looks like it, Li Han shouted to Da Bai, who pulled the ox cart and set off. "It's a nice car, it's not bumpy at all."

   After walking for a while, Mom said in surprise. "It's good."

   "Mom, Aunt Xu, this car has a shock absorber, as does the ox cart that Dudu and the others drove. It's much more comfortable than the ox cart in the past."

  Li Han pulled the reins, neither fast nor slow, along the undulating path, surrounded by lush greenery, and the fruit trees on several hillsides were already blooming very beautifully.

The wooden fence is winding and rolling, not far from the big windmill hut on the hillside, turning slowly, a few birds fly by, on two small grassy slopes, black and white milk and white and white alpaca are leisurely eating the delicious green grass, a little black donkey, Quite a mess, looking around for trouble, this donkey seems to be in heat.

  Li Han muttered, it's time to find a donkey to match. "Pandora they are there." Cynthia pointed to the hillside not far away, where there was a pavilion, as if she had been there last time.

  Li Han accelerated, and when he reached the bottom of the hill, the ox cart stopped. "Han, what are they doing with pandora?" A group of little guys pouted their little butts and fiddled with something on the grass.

  Li Han was very curious, and the ox cart stopped. "Maybe dig wild vegetables." "Wild vegetables?" Cynthia was a little puzzled, and Li Han smiled. "I'll put the cows to graze first, let's go over and see later."

   Zhang Xiuying and Aunt Xu were carrying baskets and looked around. "There are quite a lot of shepherd's purse." Zhang Xiuying squatted down and dug two trees and pinched them. "Tender, tender."

   "Dumplings and vegetable buns are delicious at this time."

   Shepherd's purse is fragrant and tender. "There are a lot of them here." "Little Han, you and Cynthia take care of a few children. Your aunt Xu and I will dig some shepherd's purse here and make dumplings at noon."

   There are quite a few shepherd's purse in this place, and the slices are tender and tender. "Mom, I'll take care of Dudu and them." Li Han untied the noose and let go of Dabai to eat grass.

   "Is this really cute to eat?" Cynthia asked, and Li Han nodded. "It tastes very good, I'll try it at noon." "Okay." Xicinthia squatted down a little curiously and picked a few.

   "There are so many, it's a pity not to eat too old." Li Han squatted on the side, looking at the shepherd's purse all over the floor and said. "The supermarket in town might buy these vegetables."

  Cynthia reminded.

   "That's right, let's go, let's go and see what the pandora are doing?" Li Han planned to catch a small crowd to help dig.

   "Let me ask Chris first. I heard that there were a lot of Chinese tourists yesterday. Shepherd's purse is quite popular in our country." Li Han took out his phone and called Chris to ask. "Shepherd's purse?" Chris didn't react a bit, and Li Han explained it for a while.

   "This, let me ask for you." Chris was dumbfounded. This guy, he didn't say anything about Rales yesterday, this guy didn't respond at all.

   "Thank you so much, if you come and call me, I'll pick it up."

  Li Han hung up the phone and nodded to Cynthia. "Chris said to ask for help, maybe someone will come over, let's go first."

   "Han, why do I think you are a little different today."

  Cynthia looked at Li Han with doubts.

  Li Han smiled. "Hehe, maybe I'm in a good mood." After speaking, he strode towards the hillside. "Dudu, what are you doing?"

  Dudu pouted on the grass with her little **** on her back, next to Maria, surrounded by fat girls. "Hush, Dad can't talk." "Hehe, okay, Dad doesn't talk."

   Dudu nodded, the little guy was holding a piece of green grass in his hand, stirring it in a small hole. "Eat, eat." The fat **** the side clapped her little hands and cheered.

"ran away."

  Dudu bulging and small mouth, don't talk, the fat girl's little head lowered. "Fishing for worms." Dudu changed a small hole and whispered to his father.

   Camel fishing. Li Han did a lot of work when he was a child. He didn't expect that there would be them here. He really didn't pay attention. The three little guys scratched the grass, searched for a while, and found another small hole. "Don't talk." Dudu whispered, the fat girl immediately covered her mouth, and Maria nodded vigorously.

  Li Han smiled, Dudu picked a fresh grass leaf, circled it into a grass stick and carefully stuffed it into a small hole the size of a mung bean, and the grass stick slowly stirred.

   After a while, there was movement, and Dudu immediately pulled the little bug to catch it. The bug was not big, with two little bumps in the middle, like a camel.

  Maria immediately opened the small bottle in her hand, Dudu put the little bug into the bottle, and continued to search the grass. Li Han stood up and shook his head slightly. The little guy was very interested in catching bugs.

  Cynthia actually joined in, and she cried out in annoyance. "Just a little bit." Li Han was happy, this time he originally called everyone to test drive the ox cart, but it turned out to be a spring outing.

   Mom and Aunt Xu were digging wild vegetables and chatting, and a group of little guys were catching snails and camel grass bugs in the meadow and wild flowers sea.

  Calves and ponies are eating grass leisurely, and ox carts are parked on the side at will. "Uncle, the phone is ringing." Bao Bao pouted and looked at Li Han angrily.

  Baby's little bugs were scared away by his uncle, Li Han was complaining for a while, but he got up and walked aside helplessly. "Han, there are more than ten tourists here who plan to go to your place. I have the car ready. You can pick it up. It will take about half an hour to arrive."

  Li Han didn't expect that there were quite a few people. He thought it would be good to have three or five people here. "Okay, I'll go right now." Li Han came to Cynthia's side. "Cynthia, more than ten tourists have come to Chris Manor. I'm going to pick them up. You can take care of them here."

  Cynthia waved her hand, paying attention to catching bugs, Li Han couldn't help laughing and crying. When they came to the bottom of the hillside, Li Han put on a white suit, and Zhang Xiuying asked when she saw it. "Xiao Han, is there something wrong at home?" "Mom, it's okay, I didn't tell you yesterday that there might be guests in the last few days, so it won't come."


   Mom and Aunt Xu are very happy.

   "Well, I want to dig some shepherd's purse."

   "Really, the relationship is good, there are so many here, it's a pity that I can't finish eating and get old."

   Zhang Xiuying said.

   "I thought so too, Mom, when someone comes over, I'll pick it up." "Go, I'll watch with your Aunt Xu, it's fine."

   "Well, Mom, I'm leaving."

   Li Han set off with Dabai and took ten minutes to return to the small farm. Dabai couldn't pull so many people with the ox cart. Li Han changed the tractor and hung a trolley with haystacks on it.

  The bus at Chris Manor stopped slowly, and more than a dozen tourists got off the bus led by a Chinese girl. "Hello, I'm the master here, everyone is welcome."

   "Hello, I'm Feng Ye, the tour guide this time."

   "Hehe, speak Chinese, I'm Chinese." Li Han said with a smile.

   "Really, they said just now, I still can't believe it."

   Feng Ye has come to the United States a lot, and Montana has also been there several times. There are very few Chinese here. "Is the farm here your own?" someone asked.

   "Yeah, I'll show you around."

  Li Han said with a smile, the farm is not big, and he walked around for half an hour. Many of the farm life are very good, and some of the questions asked are very strange.

   Li Han smiled and answered them one by one, answering that on the side of the small building, Feng Ye asked in a low voice about the shepherd's purse. "If you are not in a hurry, have a cup of tea and go over there."

   Ask for double monthly tickets, character tickets, there are characters on the page of this book, click in, and vote for Dudu and Baobao.



   (end of this chapter)