The Best Small Farm

Chapter 656: The villain and the villain [seek double

   Chapter 656 The villain and the villain [seeking double monthly ticket]

  The antelope and the deer were bought by a middle-aged man surnamed Zhang and Wang Dao. The two were not stingy. They asked everyone to eat barbecue at noon, and asked Li Han to help them pack up. Li Han agreed immediately. As for the money for seasonings and craftsmanship, Li Han said nothing. "Brother Li, you are really good enough buddy, okay, next time we come over, we will take care of Brother Li's business." Wang Liao, waved his hand, and talked to Li Han's side, curious to inquire about yesterday's hunting, the troubled Ye Fei and Edward both blushed.

  The night before yesterday, the new cowboys like Ye Fei and Edward did not perform very well. Only a few could use shotguns, but faced with big guys like bison and red deer, coyotes and mountain lions, they were completely panicked. Relatively old cowboys are calm and methodical.

  Li Han briefly said about the hunting, and his eyes widened. "Cool, next time Brother Li, call me when you go hunting. This is hunting. Playing on the hunting ground is not exciting at all." Wang Lao's girlfriend pulled Wang Liao. "It's too dangerous." "Cut, what do you know?"

   "Hehe, next time there is a chance."

   Li Han said.

   "Brother Li, can you ride a horse here? I heard that all the ranches have their own horses." Wang Liao made up his mind about horses. This time, Li Han didn't need to say anything, and Ye Fei opened his mouth. "Hank's Farm has its own horse farm with all kinds of horses."


  Wang Liao and a few young people were quite interested. "Brother Li, is the racecourse far away?" "It's not far away." It's just the racecourse, but Li Han didn't plan to open it to the outside world. Pete didn't like to disturb the racecourse outside.

   "If you want to ride a horse, you can actually go to the cattle farm. There are dozens of well-trained riding horses on the cattle farm." Ye Fei quickly added when he saw Li Han frowning.

   "Cow farm?"

  Wang a few doubts. "Hank's farm not only grows crops, but also has its own pasture. The number of cattle and horses raised in Kemixing is one of the best." Ye Fei said with a little pride. "Well, I'm going to see this. Is it like a movie, where cowboys drive the cattle to graze."

  Ye Fei and Edward nodded slightly, begging that these young people were very interested in cowboy life, and kept asking about it, but Ye Fei and Edward talked enthusiastically. Li Han talked to Feng Ye here. "It's okay, I'll take everyone to the front to have a rest."

   "If you don't want to go to the bar, I'll be there later."

   Li Han called Edward and Ye Fei over to help, and even after Wang a few people came to join in the fun. "Gun, so all guns?" Seeing that Li Han got dozens of shotguns and several large boxes of bullets, Wang Liao and the others were very excited. "Can you play guns here too?"

   "These are cowboy guns. It's close to the mountains and not far from Yellowstone Park. There are often coyotes on the grasslands. The cowboys graze for self-defense. Edward, Ye Fei, take them back and practice more."

   Li Han said.

   Ye Fei and Edward nodded hurriedly. "Brother Li, don't worry, we must practice hard." "Okay, let's go." "Wait a minute, can we come with you? We'll pay to play." Excited.

   Ye Fei and Edward looked at Li Han, who smiled. "Well, if you have time, I'll arrange it tomorrow, and I probably won't be able to play today." "Tomorrow is tomorrow." "I'll wait for you to come over and take you on a horse ride."

   Ye Fei smiled and carried the box and Edward carried the bullets and shotgun to the pickup truck, and happily drove the car back to the cattle farm. "Cowboys are so cool, they ride a horse and shoot." Li Han couldn't help laughing and laughing. Cowboys got up early in the morning, and stayed busy until the evening.

  Li Han didn't say anything, just shook his head. "Hey, what kind of pet dog is this, it's very cute." Zhang Yu saw Xiao Hei Hei playing leisurely in the yard, pushing a football, running around and playing with a little wild boar.

   "Come here, Xiao Hei Hei."

   Li Han greeted Xiao Hei Hei with a smile, Xiao Hei Hei obediently crawled over, put his arms around Li Han's calf, and sat on the edge. The little wild boar Hem even circled around Li Han, flattering, this little wild boar was much more powerful than Xiao Heihei.

   "This looks like a bear, right?"

   Another girl asked uncertainly. "Hehe, this is a little black bear, my family's little pet." "A black bear as a pet?" A few were speechless. "There is also a grizzly bear." Li Han said casually.


   "Is there really a grizzly bear?"

"Yeah, but the big grizzly bear followed Dudu to the hillside today, and there was a big wild boar. This is a little wild boar, He He, a very smart little thing." Li Han said with a smile, He He really happily hummed a few times. With a sound, he circled around the crowd and ran back to Li Han. "So cute little wild boar, is it called Hem?" "Yes, usually Hem." "Idiot." "Idiot." "A group of idiots."

  Wang several people were stunned, who is so rude. "The mountains end in the daytime, and the Yellow River flows into the ocean." "If you want to see a thousand miles, it's even more of a story." "The sunset is infinitely good, but it's only near dusk." "These are Big Mouth and Small Mouth, two parrots."

   "pandora, pandora."

   Big Mouth and Small Mouth, covering his eyes as he spoke, took a peek at him, and saw that Pandora was not there. "Pandora, pandora." This time it was much more cheerful, and the two parrots even shouted idiot, idiot. Li Han smiled and explained a few words, making a few girls laugh.

"Let's go first, meet everyone, and I'll take everyone to the hillside for a stroll. The scenery there is much better than here." Li Han said that there are many places around the farm, all trees, repaired roads, or livestock areas, Stables and cowsheds, warehouses.

   came to the bar, and everyone took pictures while drinking tea. They were very interested in many small decorations in the bar, and asked Feng Ye if he could buy some. "I'm sorry, all of them were given by friends. The souvenirs sold in the souvenir street of Chris Manor are not expensive, and the quality is quite guaranteed. You can go shopping there."

  Li Han did not forget to help Chris Manor Souvenir Street to attract guests. "When you have time to go shopping, Xiao Li said it's good, you can't go wrong." "Thank you, everyone, let's go, I'll take you to the hillside, where the scenery is good."

   Feng Ye called everyone to follow Li Han to the place where the car was parked. "Tractor, it's so cool." Li Hanle, what's so cool about this. "Everyone, come up, you can sit on the haystack." For the first time, the two children broke free from their mother and father and climbed onto the trailer. "Mom, come here." "Haystacks are really interesting as stools." Everyone was seated, Li Han started the four-wheel tractor, and the tractor set off along the winding farm road.

  There are wooden fences on both sides of the road, winding up and down like a long dragon. Wild flowers are dotted along the fence. Walking out of the farm life and livestock area, entering the small grassland, the surrounding scenery is more beautiful, with blue sky and white clouds, green grass and colorful flowers. The winding and uneven farm road has some different feelings. "The wind is fragrant, Director Feng, why didn't you bring us here in the first place?" Feng Yexin said, how did I know that the pastures on the farms here are so lush, and the other large pastures are still withered and yellow.

   "There are so many calves and ponies ahead, so cute."

   A group of ponies and pet calves were leisurely eating green grass in the pasture. They were attracted by the sound of the tractor and looked over. "Hehe, everyone is ready to get off, we're here." Li Han's car stopped by the side.

   Everyone got out of the car and looked at the surrounding scenery. "It's really beautiful here." The ox cart was parked on the side of the hill, and a group of little guys were playing on the grass, shouting toot, and these little guys were rolling down the hill. The grass was growing well, like a mat Same, no pain at all.

  Rolling, rolling grass, sliding grass, fishing for grass seeds, picking flowers, catching snails, and occasionally running over to help Zhang Xiuying dig wild vegetables. Several middle-aged and elderly couples first noticed the tender shepherd's purse under the hillside. "Little man, what are these?"

   Zhang Xiuying saw Li Han bring a group of people over and stood up. "Mom, this is a guest from China." "Well, welcome." Mom clapped her hands, digging up the shepherd's purse full of mud. "Good auntie." "Okay, this kid is handsome."

  Wang and happy. "Thank you, Auntie, Auntie, are these all shepherd's purse?" Wang Liao, who doesn't know shepherd's purse at all, but Zhang Yu next to her actually knows her. Shepherd's purse is unknown to many people in the city. "These are shepherd's purse, everyone, don't go back at noon, let's eat dumplings together."


   All the elderly people squatted down to help dig shepherd's purse, and the young people couldn't help but run over when they saw clusters of beautiful wildflowers on the hillside. Dudu is playing roll, this girl is bold, rolls big slopes, rolls and rolls, gets up, scratches her head. "Miss."

  Dudu saw the girl squatting in front of him, bigger than Dudu. "What are you doing." "Dudu is playing with rolling, Miss, are you playing?" "Rolling?" "Well, it's fun." Dudu rolling and rolling, rolling was a little dizzy, and the little head shook his head , I'm afraid my body is a little dirty.

   "But it's so dirty."

   The little girl shook her head slightly and pouted her mouth. "But it's fun." "Mom won't let the clothes get dirty." Dudu oh. "Qianqian, this is?" "Mom, this is Dudu." "Dudu?" The young mother saw that Dudu was covered in grass and foam, and her hair was messy. Although it was cute, it was dirty.

   "Hello Auntie."

   "Ah, Dudu is good." Zhang Qin squatted down and greeted Dudu with a smile. After a while, there were a few more children on their feet, and they all rolled down. "Dudu, what are you playing?" "God, it's fun."

  Dudu was very happy and told Zhang Qin that Zhang Qin heard that rolling down the hillside was dangerous and dirty. "Qianqian, we won't play, thank you, Dudu." "Oh, Miss, goodbye." Dudu waved his hand.

  Li Han had a conversation with his mother here, came over, and saw Dudu was full of dirt. "Little naughty, don't climb too high, your little **** hurts." "Hee hee, Dudu is very good at rolling." "Yes, you are the best, what about Teacher Cynthia?"

   "Mr. Cynthia is fishing for bugs, the teacher is stupid."

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   Double monthly passes, just vote for some, it’s a pity not to vote at the end of the month.



   (end of this chapter)