The Best Small Farm

Chapter 658: first meal on the farm

   Chapter 658 On the first meal on the farm

  PS: Ask for a monthly pass on the last day.


  Cynthia actually heard that the meaning was different from what Liangliang's mother said, the language difference, and the cultural difference. Li Han was also helpless and couldn't explain it. "I'm sorry." Cynthia hurriedly apologized, and Liangliang's mother snorted. Fortunately, Liangliang's father was not bad. "It doesn't matter, I just talked about American schools. If this is the case, wouldn't it be better in China?"

  Li Han didn't know how much Liangliang's father knew. "In the United States, relatively speaking, the requirements for low-level education are not high, or in other words, low-level education is not very useful. Of course, a doctoral degree is considered an advanced degree. After completing a master's degree in China, you can get a doctorate in the United States. This is a good choice."

  Liangliang's father smiled wryly. "Doctor? How many years will it take? Isn't it easier to find a job after coming out of the Ivy League universities in the United States?" "Only, it's better to be a doctoral student. The Ivy League is more famous than ordinary schools."

   These things are still what Lingna and Li Han said, more or less, Li Han remembers some. "I heard that children are sent to the United States earlier, better?" "I can't say this. In fact, the basic knowledge education in China is better than that in the United States. Now the private kindergarten facilities are even better than those in the United States. Of course, the way of education is different, this It mainly depends on the object, but it is the same everywhere, if you want to go further, you need to study hard by yourself.”

   Liangliang's father and mother, Zhang Qin guessed that he had to figure it out by himself. "I suggest visiting a few more elementary schools, and it's best to find someone to learn more about it." "Thank you, we will seriously consider it." As a parent, saying a thousand words and ten thousand is for the good of the children. Li Han waved his hand and said it was nothing. He came from China. He has been in the United States for a few years. He didn't know much.

   "Wow wow."

   Gulu Gulu, a villain rolled down the hillside and rolled to Li Han's side, Li Han helplessly wrapped Dudu. "Little crazy girl." "Dad, save Dudu, the bad uncle is chasing." Dudu got up, the bag head was all messed up, his little face flushed, and he threw himself into Li Han's arms. "Han, you are here too."

  Wang Le, Zhang Yu, and several other young people walked down the hillside with a smile. "Dad, bad uncle." "Little devil, uncle just wants to borrow your ox cart, how can he be a bad uncle." Wang Lu said. "Hey, Brother Li, this is your daughter, so old?"

  Li Han nodded. "Yeah, Dudu came over and called him uncle." "Bad uncle." Dudu said and ran behind Li Han, grimacing at Wang Liao, pulling his eyes, sticking out his tongue, and humming. "Are you going to play the bullock cart?"

   Li Han asked, nodding a few times. "It looks pretty good." "That's going to be troublesome, these calves all listen to Dudu." Li Han smiled and hugged Dudu. "You're Dudu, Brother Li, doesn't that mean there's a big grizzly bear and a big wild boar here?"

   The girl who didn't speak much just now whispered. "Well, Da Hei Hei and Da Hem." Dudu nodded vigorously and shouted loudly. Sure enough, a loud roar came, and everyone shuddered. "Bad uncle."

  Wang and depressed, I just frightened such a villain, I still remember it in my heart. "Uncle was wrong." "Well, Dudu forgives you." Dudu nodded his head. "Then can we take the ox cart?" asked the young man beside Wang Yu.

   "But Mrs. Xiao Niu La is very tired."

  Dudu tilted his little head, and rubbed his little fingers.

   Wang was a little depressed, this little devil, he can't say anything, his girlfriend Zhang Yu was pulling the bar, and whispered a few words in his ear. "Really?" "That Dudu, let's do it, uncle will give you money to buy more feed for the calf to eat."

   "Well, uncle gives twenty dollars."

  Dudu and the baby who came over, the two little people muttered a few words and stretched out two fingers. "Twenty dollars for a car, it's not expensive." Dudu was stunned and nodded vigorously. Dudu wanted to say that it was only twenty dollars, but uncle gave a lot. Bad uncle is a bad guy. Dudu won't tell bad uncle, don't so much money.

  Li Han stood by the side and didn't say a word, he drew a hundred dollar bill and handed it to Dudu. "Two people in a car." After Dudu and Baobao finished talking, they ran down the hillside and went to the pasture to catch calves and pony horses to pull the cart.

Liangliang's mother and father and Qianqian's mother, just came here, with a hint of surprise in their eyes, Dudu knows how to do business and talk small things at such a young age, especially when Dudu just started to seem to be only twenty dollars, but Wang Liao said for a while. The car was 20 dollars, and the villain agreed without panic at all.

  Although it is a little dishonest, Liangliang and Qianqian absolutely do not have this kind of thoughtfulness, and this is a little guy who is less than four years old. The two couples secretly made up their minds that American education is more like teaching how to adapt to society and become a social person than domestic education.

   In fact, how do they know that not all American children are like Dudu and Baobao. "Uncle, the calf is here." Dudu hurriedly set up the ox cart and came over. "Come on, let's play."

Wang Liao still has a bit of childish temper. The two of them are in a car, and they set off after rushing. The calf is very good. Dudu followed Xiaobai and Baobao's sister. The little guy said it was okay. Twenty dollars.

  Wang drove the ox cart along the path, and several old couples who were digging wild vegetables even thought about it, and Dudu immediately stopped Xiaobai. "Grandpa, Dudu's ox cart is only twenty dollars." Dudu said with a crooked head.

   "Twenty dollars, not too expensive, let's try it."

  Dudu and the baby took the money, ran before and after to catch the calf, put on the rope and pulled the calf cart to the grandparents. "These two little girls are really clever." A couple of old people are very fond of touching Dudu and the baby's head, but the two villains serve well, teaching how to drive the ox cart and patting the calf. , to be obedient. The two villains were still following behind, exactly like escorting a convoy. The two villains started a calf cart business and earned $200 in no time, and split the money on the ground.

  The two little guys happily divided into three parts, Dad's money, Dudu, and baby sister. Li Han received a hundred dollars, but the two villains were smart. They said that for the calf raised by their father and the calf cart they bought, they would share more money. Wang and a few were amused by the theory of the two little guys.

   "What a smart kid."

  Although Liangliang's mother felt that it was a little wrong for children to love money, and reliable labor to get money, not all adults do this, and the same is true in society. "Do you want Liangliang to take the ox cart?" Liangliang's father asked with a smile.


  Liangliang just watched it attentively, but the child was too obedient to speak. "Does Qianqian want to play?" "Sister just played." Dudu whispered and cried, but Dudu didn't say anything. "let's play together."

   Li Han said with a smile, the ox cart is not big, there are at most three members of the family, and Li Han was pushed into the ox cart by Dudu. "Dad, Dudu is driving the car." "Okay, you come." Li Han was sitting in the ox cart, and Dudu was driving the car in front. "Sit down, Dad, I'm leaving."

   "Understood, Dad is seated."

   On the other two sides, Liangliang's father and Qianqian's father drove the ox cart, while Qianqian's mother and Liangliang's father were sitting in the car with their two children in their arms. Li Han is here with Dudu and Baobao to drive the car, and Li Han is sitting in the Dudu car as a big baby.

  Baby's calf car loaded with the baby to catch the villains, Maria and Michelle, two villains. "Baby's leaving." The baby was the first to run away with the ox cart, Dudu chased and set off, Liangliang's father and Qianqian's father slowly followed behind with the ox cart.

  Liangliang and Qianqian were full of envy watching Dudu and the baby running away, and Li Han was sitting leisurely in the ox cart. "Dudu slow down." "Baby sister has run away so far." Dudu chased the baby, where would you like to slow down.

  Li Han was helpless, and the two villains started again, making a fuss. Fortunately, the speed didn't get out of control. "Isn't this speed too slow?" Dudu just said all the way to slow down, little devil. "Liar liar."

   Wang said with a smile.

"so cute."

The girl next to her was begging, and she said with a grin, if others were begging, they would definitely refute a few words. This one doesn't talk much, but in the crowd, her status is not low. First, this girl's family status is higher than others, and the second girl In itself, don't look at talking, not much, play racing, play a lot of things, and play well, no matter how capable, usually do not speak, cold, especially, this girl is more ruthless. "It's cute, but let's go down first."

"What's wrong?"

  Wang looked at the young man beside the girl, the two were of equal status. "There are really bears here." "You see?" "You look back." He said with a wry smile. Wang turned his head, and when he saw it, he almost fell to the ground. A giant bear was chasing the little fat girl, and a group of children even ran towards Wang and a few people. "This bear should be Dudu's pet." Wang Liao's girlfriend, Zhang Yu's eyes flashed a trace of panic, and then calmed down.

  Shui Xuan glanced at Zhang Yu, Wang Liao's girlfriend chosen this time was not bad, much better than the last time she brought her. "That's right, didn't you find out? That teacher wasn't flustered at all." Shui Xuan said, and sure enough, Cynthia was still lying on the ground fishing for grass and insects.

   The grizzly bear roared a few times, waved its paws to frighten the little fat man, turned his head and ran towards the woods. Recently, there have been a few wild bees in the woods, and Da Heihei was attracted by the smell of honey. "I really did go back." The Grizzly Bear turned his head back to the woods, and everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief, although they knew that this was a Dudu pet, it shouldn't hurt anyone. But after all, with such a big man, a bear's paw can shoot a big man, and if he is really ruthless, it will really hurt people's lives.

   "The big wild boar should also be true, it's strange, and there are giant bears and big wild boars as pets."

   The young man beside him murmured.

   Shui Xuan glanced down the hillside and ran away from the ox cart. "Don't you feel that Li Han is quite unusual?" "Chris Manor is not small, but it is not easy to cooperate with it." Shui Xuan whispered.

  Wang and the others nodded secretly, this is true, but I have just met Li Han's mother, she is quite ordinary, a small citizen, I don't think there is much background, Li Han is so young. "You said, Li Han won't be near a rich woman, right?"

   Shui Xuan smiled and looked back at the speaker. "When I didn't say it." "Idiot." Shui Xuan turned her head, ignoring the blushing guy.

   (end of this chapter)