The Best Small Farm

Chapter 667: attacking villain

   Chapter 667 The attacking villain

   "Han, what's wrong?"

   After walking for a while, Li Han stopped abruptly, always feeling that something was wrong, as if something was missing, Lingna almost bumped into Li Han. "Something's wrong, I always feel weird." Li Han frowned and said. "Hey, it seems a little too quiet." Lingna whispered, and a flash of light flashed in Li Han's mind. "That's right, it's too quiet. I won't talk about other animals in the pine forest. We encountered at least hundreds of squirrels along the way. There's no reason not to be here."

  There are tall Korean pine trees all around, all of which bear pine nuts. It's strange that the squirrels have not been seen for a while. "Millet is a little uneasy." Jennifer touched the restless Xiaomi, and said it was strange that Xiaomi and Jennifer were very close. The white wolf roared from the front, and there was a problem, "Jennifer, Lingna, be careful, I'll go ahead and take a look." Li Han took off the shotgun on his back, and walked forward quickly. The bear's roar interrupted Li Han's plan.

But before Li Han called back to the villain in front, there was trouble ahead. Dudu a group of little guys, carrying small backpacks, singing children's songs, jumping and jumping, touching the pocket bag with one hand, one person made a big one. Packed with pine nuts, it's a pleasure to eat. Dudu waited for the little squirrel, sent the pine tower down, Dudu small stone hammer, and waved it twice. But who knows, squirrels are appearing, there are too many, there is darkness, and a group of villains are completely surrounded by the trees and the ground. The roars of the white wolf and the big grizzly bear are completely useless. , a small group of squirrels, a few hundreds of them, gathered in the bushes on the edge.

   "A lot of little squirrels." Dudu blinked his big eyes, the small stone hammer waved his hand, the pine cone, a few pine cones fell from the tree, Dudu picked it up and put it in the bag. This was a disaster. The little squirrels squeaked the pine tower's attack, and a rain of pine towers attacked a group of villains.

   "Hide to the side." The voice fell, and the rain-like pine tower smashed down at the crowd. Li Han was helpless with his backpack on, protecting Jennifer and Lingna.

   These squirrels seem to have just met a lot of them, and they really hold grudges. Li Han quickly took Jennifer and Lingna to hide, there is no way, such a small squirrel, the shotgun is useless at all. The little guys like Dudu and Baobao, the little steel cap was smashed, it didn't hurt, but the little ears couldn't stand it. The villain yelled, threw away the pine tower he picked up, and ran away. Fortunately, he was carrying a backpack and a small steel hat, so he couldn't get hurt, but it still hurt a lot when it hit him.

  Li Han pulled the shotgun and fired a few shots at the tree, in exchange for more pine cone rain, which came from the squirrels, why didn't Hughton say anything. "Put your clothes on first." Li Han opened his backpack, took out his clothes and handed them to Jennifer and Lingna, asking them to hide by the bushes. Li Han is going to take a look ahead, little guys, don't get hurt.

The   dudu villain was really angry, he threw away the small stone and hammer, his mouth was full of anger, and he pulled the little steel hat. "Sister baby, run away the bad squirrel." Dudu took out the net bag used to make the little wild boar, and pulled out the telescopic rod. "Tita, Brother Tita." The little dude got angry. A group of little guys put down all their backpacks, took out their net pockets, and they all rushed towards the little squirrel under the pine cone rain. "Catch the little squirrel." "Rush." ​​Dudu waved the small net bag and took the lead. Eve, Tiffany, and Liz had been rushed to the front by Dudu's group of villains. Li Han just arrived in the rain of pine towers when he saw Dudu leading a group of villains rushing towards the squirrel group, shouting wow.

   "Dudu, come back soon."

  Seeing helplessness, Li Han took the clothes and ran to the front. How many pine cones these little squirrels brought, the ground is full of pine cones. Dudu, Baby, Michelle, Gina, Maria followed Taita and the Titan brothers, fighting back against the rain of pine towers, holding the net bag in one hand and the pine tower in the other, and threw them at the little squirrel.

Not to mention, one or two frightened little squirrels fell from the tree from time to time, all of them were caught in the net pockets, and all the way, a few little guys were smashed I don’t know how many times, and the quality of the small steel caps of the national army passed the test. . Li Han was wearing his clothes and fired a shot from time to time to attract firepower.

  Eve, Liz, Tiffany, Jones, and Howell also joined the defensive counterattack team. From time to time, squirrels were shot to the end, causing a commotion, and the pine tower rain gradually decreased. Dudu and the little ones have caught a lot of squirrels in their net pockets.

Li Han’s shotgun banged and the villain counterattacked, the white wolf and Millie, the grizzly bear roared, the squirrel finally frightened away, looking back, the ground was full of pine cones, tooting a few villains in their net pockets, a few The squirrel squeaked. "Dudu, let go of the little squirrels quickly." Li Han said, these squirrels kept screaming, maybe they would attract a group of little squirrels later, Songtayu Li Han didn't want to do it again. Dudu bulged and pouted, but he didn't want to, but when he saw his father, with a stern face, Dudu and a few villains obediently caught the little squirrel and released it.

Dudu let go of catching the red squirrel, it's nothing, he really didn't have the consciousness of being a prisoner at all, he squeaked, as if he was scolding Dudu and others for their crimes, Dudu waved the small net pocket in his hand, the red squirrel, this He was so frightened that he ran away, not forgetting to hold a pine tower in his mouth.

   "This little thing is quite cute."

  Jennifer and Lingna came over and happened to see it. "Bad squirrel." "Are you all right?" Li Han breathed a sigh of relief, the squirrel was driven away, and he was finally safe. "It's okay." "Pandora, you're not hurt, are you?"


   Dudu waved his little hands.

   "Fortunately there is a small steel cap."

  Li Han smiled and tapped the little steel hat of Dudu.

  The squirrel was beaten away, the people were fine, and the little people were immediately attracted by the pine tower on the ground. One by one, they squatted down and picked up the pine tower cheering, but after a while, the little guys' faces became bitter. "Dad, so many pine cones."

   Dudu pointed to the piles of pine cones, which could not fit in a small backpack. "It doesn't matter, the little squirrel will come and pick it up." "No." Dudu was angry, and the other little guys were the same. The little squirrels beat people, bad squirrels.

  Li Han squatted down and Dudu, Bao Bao and a few villains said. "The pine tower was originally a little squirrel. It's hard to pick it off. You can take it all. The little squirrel will starve to death." "Dudu don't want the little squirrel to die." Dudu shook his head vigorously. "Okay, take some of the rest and put it here."

  Li Han said, a few villains smashed pine nuts into their pockets with small stones and hammers, and followed Li Han down the mountain. It was too dangerous here, and the plan to catch the little wild boar was stranded. "So many squirrels, how many pine nuts are eaten in a year."

   On the way back, Li Han and Jennifer, Lingna talked about pine nuts, Lingna said something casually. "How many squirrels are there, at least we have to find out." Li Han also scratched his head a little, so many squirrels, he can't beat them all.

   If I promise Bob and Mary to try not to hurt animals in the pine forest, rabbits, owls, deer, etc., Li Han can accept them. Li Han has no plans to do anything about the squirrel, but so many, it is always a problem.

Li Han doesn't care about the money of the pine tower, but when he grows truffles, he has to guard against stealing these small things. The wild boars are easy to deal with. There are not many groups, so just catch them. Hundreds or more.

  Three hills, how many squirrels, Li Han was distressed, but what to do, suddenly saw a little squirrel secretly caught on the Dudu Road, a flash of inspiration. "Hehe, maybe these squirrels will be a good resource." Jennifer and Lingna clapped together, a little puzzled. "Squirrel Resources?"

   "That's right."

  Li Han bought Guanzi, and he has to find Dudu villain for this matter. Maybe the squirrel should have two more squirrel kings. A team without a leader is not a good team. After he figured it out, Li Han smiled more and was happy. There were so many squirrels, and the development was good. Maybe it would cause quite a stir.

   Both Jennifer and Lingna are smart people, but they have thought about all kinds of possibilities along the way, squirrel park, maybe squirrel paradise, etc., but how can they not think that Li Han intends to use squirrels as labor. Back at the hut, the little guy ran out to play and didn't catch the wild boar. The little people were a little disappointed at first, but when they returned to the hut, they saw a few deer haunting the pine forest. The little man got excited and chased the deer. went to the woods to play. White Wolf and Millie were sent to follow the little guy, and Li Han warned the little guy not to leave the hut too far.

   Tiffany, Eve, and Lingna followed, but Liz didn't go, Li Han couldn't help Li Han. "Let's rest first, I'll go catch some pheasants and eat them at noon." Li Han looked at the time, it was still early, he just came back and saw pheasants in the pine forest, and planned to catch a few pheasants for the main course at noon.

  Jennifer was very tired all the way down, resting, Liz didn't want to stay with Jennifer. "Han, I'm with you." "Okay, let's go." Li Han said, Liz took the shotgun and was very happy that Pi Dian followed behind Li Han.

   Not far from the pine forest, Li Han gestured to Liz. "Quiet." Li Han listened to the surrounding movement, grunting, and there was movement in the bushes not far away. "Don't move, I'll go take a look." Li Han gently moved to the other side.

On the edge of the bushes, two wild turkeys grunted and pecking at pine nuts. Li Han held a shotgun and aimed at a bigger pheasant. He pulled the trigger. Gotta get into the bushes quickly, with a bang.

  Li Han was stunned for a moment, Liz stood up with a smile, a turkey lay beside the bush, needless to say, Liz got hit. "The marksmanship is good." Liz smiled. The two of them were carrying two pheasants, which were big enough to eat at noon, one roasted, the other stewed, and the food they brought was absolutely sumptuous.

   Back to the wooden house, Li Han and two pheasants took care of them, cleaned their internal organs, and when they were cleaning, Li Han rolled his eyes when he saw the mud by the creek. "Han, what are we doing with so much mud?" On the way back, Liz was a little puzzled when she saw Li Han carrying a small bucket of mud. "You'll know in a while."

   (end of this chapter)