The Best Small Farm

Chapter 668: among the attacking villains

   Chapter 668 Attacking villains

  Jennifer was sitting on the balcony, holding a somewhat worn book in her hand, with a sweet smile on her face, thinking that she liked the stories in the book very much. "I'm back." Seeing Li Han and Liz carrying turkeys and buckets, they came back and smiled sweetly.

   "Jennifer, you see Han dug a bucket of silt, and I asked him what he did."

  Lisi asked all the way, Li Han smiled every time, but he didn't want to say it, and started to sell off. Later, Li Han remembered that there was no lotus leaf. "Silt." Jennifer closed the book in her hand, carefully put it aside, and walked down. "Han, are these for cooking?"

  Li Han was a little surprised that he didn't tell Jennifer about this dish. "Yeah, but I have to look for it, and I need one more thing." Li Han clapped his hands and said, putting down the small bucket and hanging the turkey on the side. "It's really cooking. It's so strange. What else do you need, I'll help you find it." Liz was a little curious and asked Li Han. "There are banana leaves here." Unexpectedly, there was a banana tree in the corner of the yard. I thought it was transplanted by Bob and Mary.


  Jennifer and Liz were puzzled when they saw that Li Han carefully opened the thermal insulation black gauze and cut off a few leaves. "Do you cook with leaves or silt?" Liz was impatient after all, and followed Li Han's side, asking this and that from time to time, Li Han would not have time to elaborate. "You'll understand when you look at it."

There are round pits stacked with stones, which are usually used for bonfires or barbecues, primitive grills. Li Han wrapped the small turkey in banana leaves and put them in the pits. He lifted the mud bucket and poured out all the mud. Go in and level up. Under the suspicious eyes of Liz and Jennifer, they came to the back of the house, where pine firewood was piled up neatly. Li Han came back with a bundle of firewood, used pine wood to build a pile of firewood on the silt, and moved it over the iron shelf. , hang the pot, add the turkey, pour the water, put the seasoning in, stew the chicken soup, and light the pyre. "You're done." "Is this all right?" Liz didn't understand, that's it, silt coconut, just stuff a bunch of seasoning in the turkey's belly.

  Li Han smiled. "You'll know after a while, by the way, why Lingna hasn't come back yet." Li Han went back and forth for more than half an hour, but he didn't see the little guys come back. "I'll take a look." Liz was a little bored, and Jennifer was also a little worried. "Han, go with Liz."

   "Alright, you can go into the house and rest for a while."

  Li Han came to the pine forest with a shotgun and Liz on his back, and he wasn't there. "Aren't you going to fight squirrels?" Li Han shook his head, how could Lingna follow, and looked around. "Han, come here quickly, there are pine nut shells here." Liz shouted loudly, Li Han trotted over, and sure enough there were some pine nut shells. "There is a path here, go."

   These little guys won't really run to hunt squirrels, squirrels are not easy to provoke winners, Li Han was a little anxious, and trot rushed over. "Dad." Unexpectedly, just after running for a short distance, he met a group of little guys Dudu, and Dudu was holding a little wild boar in his hand. "Lina, what's going on?"

   Before Lingna could speak, Dudu rushed to speak. "Dudu playing, the little wild boar ran out, Dudu chased and caught it." "Really?" Li Han asked hurriedly seeing Lingna nodded. "Only this one?" "Well, only a little bit."

  The little wild boar is a little flower, very beautiful, and Dudu has been named. "Let's go back first." On the way back, Lingna explained what had just happened in detail. These little guys chased the deer and ran into the pine forest, but the deer disappeared in a blink of an eye.

A few children were very depressed. Who knew that a little wild boar ran out of the bushes. Dudu and the baby, Michelle, and Gina chased and followed the little wild boar into the pine forest. Lingna couldn't stop and took Tiffin. Ni and Eve followed after.

   "The little wild boar was really caught by pandora."

   "No, the white wolf caught it."

  Lingna said with a smile, the little guys don't seem to run very fast, but it is impossible to follow the wild boar. In the end, the white wolf caught the wild boar, and Dudu used his backpack to tie the little wild boar with a rope and pulled it back. "No wonder."

   Back at the wooden house, Eve and Tiffany, Liz and the three girls encouraged Dudu, and the little wild boar roasted and ate. "Don't." Dudu didn't dare, he hugged Xiaohuahua and ran to find his father. "What's the matter?" Li Han was angry when he saw Dudu, who provoked the little guy again.

  Dudu told Dad about the three bad sisters roasting a little bit. "Dad, don't bake a little bit, okay, a little bit smells bad." "Don't bake, my sister is playing with you." "Really?" "Of course."

   "Oh, that Dudu gave my sister pine nuts to eat." Dudu tilted her head and thought about it. "Sister Tiffany, do you want to eat pine nuts?" Dudu said and ran to Tiffany's side. Little Fatty held a handful of pine nuts in his hands and blinked his eyes.

   Tiffany was stunned for a moment, then nodded subconsciously. "Pandora will give you something to eat." "Thank you." Tiffany said, stunned, what happened to pandora. "Sister, don't you want to eat?" "Yes, thank you pandora."


  Dudu put his arms around the little wild boar and sat down beside Tiffany with a laugh, took out a handful of pine nuts, and teased the little wild boar while eating. Li Han smiled when he saw it from afar, the chicken soup in the pot seemed to be ready. "Dudu went to get a bowl and drink the soup."

There are a lot of dishes, spoons and forks made of pine wood left in the wooden house. Bob said that the newly made ones were never used and gave them to Li Han. There are many cupboards in the whole cabinet. Usually Bob likes to carve some small things out of pine wood, and the small animals are tooted. Separated from the little ones with the baby.

  Lisi looked at the fire with the bowl in hand. "Han, is the turkey in the mud still edible?" "The turkey in the mud?" Tiffany and Eve looked at Liz in confusion. They forgot to drink the chicken soup. Li Han opened the braised beef and beef belly, Insulation box, take out the big pancake and boiled corn. "Drink some soup first, and make it later."

   Liz snorted, but this time, Tiffany and Liz's curiosity was lifted and asked. "Is silt turkey delicious?" Dudu asked his father, nibbling at the corn, tilting his head. "Delicious." "Really?"

  Li Han nodded. "Dudu wants to eat." "Han, can you eat?" Jennifer asked softly when Dudu was full of want. "Almost, you wait." Li Han took the pot and bucket down and removed the iron shelf.

The pine wood on the top of the    was cleaned to the side, and iron hooks were used to pry open the mud in the pit, and a big round ball of mud was exposed. Dudu and the baby group of little people blinked and blinked their eyes. "Dudu has eaten ball chicken."


  Michelle and Maria, Gina, Brother Tita, and Liz were all around, especially Gina wanted to poke with her fingers, but Dudu stopped her. "Sister Gina can't touch it." "Why?" "It's so hot." Dudu said, remembering something, and ran to the side with a small stone hammer and ran back. "Dad, Dudu smashes the ball and chicken." "Slow down." Li Han pulled the mud ball out of the pit and placed it in the wide area on the side. Dudu waved a small hammer and slammed it.

  The mud ball was smashed open, the browned banana leaves were exposed, and a strong fragrance was scattered. "It's so fragrant. It's really edible. It's amazing." Liz saw with her own eyes that the turkey was buried in the mud.

  Li Han took the knife and plate, carefully moved the turkey to the plate, and cut it into small pieces. "Try it soon." "It's hot, it's hot." Dudu grabbed a small piece with his little hand, it was hot, and he threw it left and right, making the crowd amused.

   "Sister Dudu, Dish."

  Maria handed Dudu her own plate. "Well, it's delicious. Sister Maria, you can eat it."

   "It tastes good."

Liz took a bite, and it tasted pretty good. Tiffany also tasted it and nodded in agreement. Only Eve tasted it. It still had a strange taste, but it was not greasy at all. It was strange. It was really made of leaves and silt. Is it right? Eve was a little suspicious. After lunch, Hughton brought someone over after a while. "Squirrel, I saw it, but I didn't pay much attention." Doles brought people into the pine forest at the time, but saw the squirrel, but ignored it. Li Han smiled bitterly and seemed to be picking up pine towers to make trouble.

   "The little wild boars are locked up?"

  Li Han didn't expect that when he said yesterday that he brought a few little guys to catch wild boars, Doles actually brought people to catch them. "So, let's go over and bring out the little wild boar in a while." "Uncle, the baby will go too." "Dudu will also go."


   Two little guys can't be brought, maybe something will happen. "Dudu accompany mom, otherwise mom will be bored." "Oh, then dad will help Dudu pick up a lot of pine cones." "Okay, come back, dad will bring you a bunch."

  Li Han, Hugh Dales, Edward, Ye Fei, Martin and others rode along the path to the depths of the pine forest. The big wild boar had been knocked out, and the small wild boars were all locked in the simple fence. "Here, why is it gone." The fence was destroyed with a big hole.

   "Look around."

  Wandering around in the woods, I really found a few little wild boars. These guys are very powerful, and the fence was destroyed overnight. "Go back first." Back at the hut, he caught three little wild boars and gave them to Dudu to play with them.

  Dawles took Edward, Ye Fei rushed to the cattle farm to continue training, Li Han saw that it was getting late. "Let's go back." The little guys didn't seem to have enough fun, especially when the little squirrel attacked the Dudu villain, Xiaozui looked at Songlin and didn't know what to do.

  Li Han drove a tractor and left the wooden house with a group of people. The sound of the tractor, accompanied by the humming of the little wild boar, all the way back to the small farm. The four little wild boars become Dudu, Baby, Maria, and Gina pets.

   Dudu Dian, the baby's second treasure, Maria's Otti, Gina's Jira, the arrival of the four little wild boars, the little black bear, the little black bear, and the little prince of the wild boar, Xiao Hem, are a little unhappy. At dinner time, the four were tied to the little wild boar, and they were rewarded with a bear paw by the little black and black pig, and they fell to the ground.

Xiao Heng took the opportunity to go up to a pig and kick a few hooves, then ran away, and finally when Dudu came out, Xiao Heng hummed leisurely in the nest, and the little black bear, Xiao Hei Hei, was also for good buddies, good buddies, Xiao Hei. humming out,

   Xiao Heihei was caught by Dudu, the meaty bear's butt, was given two slaps by Dudu, baby, Maria, and Gina, the little black bear was pitiful, and it was not clear that Mao himself was punished.

   (end of this chapter)