The Best Small Farm

Chapter 675: Small things at home

   Chapter 675 Small things at home

  Reils flipped through the information in his hand, but he thought about the frequent visits to Xiao Wang's farm these days. Lambton is mysterious these days, and Jennifer is lukewarm and absent most nights. Rails made several reservations at the western restaurant of the Chris Manor Hotel, and invited Jennifer to have dinner together, but Jennifer was unwell and refused. But when I inquired about the news, it was said that Jennifer was mostly Hank's farm these nights, which made Reils a little frowning, and then he thought about Li Han, and he was a little puzzled.

  The entire Hank farm is still in order. In terms of farming, corn, sorghum, wheat and barley are planted, and some remote undeveloped areas seem to be planted with grass seeds. Peter got the news that planting grass seeds in these places doesn't make much sense, which made Reils more and more puzzled. Reils asked about Albert, a real ranch manager. It's pointless and even worthless. "Could it be that Chinese?"

  Li Han's background, the more Rales investigates, the more confused he becomes. It seems that many people have some intersections. Originally, he thought it was relying on the Jennifer family, but now, it is not all. "Peter, what's going on at Hank's farm these days."

  Peter now spends most of his time at Rais Ranch, Rales is a good boss, and he is always satisfied with the money. "Burton Radio mentioned Pinewood Ranch today." "The newspaper also mentioned it." He took out the newspaper. "Miracle squirrel?"

  Reles flipped through it, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. "Haha, it's very interesting." "It's becoming more and more incomprehensible." Rales looked at the photo of Li Han in the newspaper and tapped lightly. Similarly, when Li Han saw himself in the newspaper, he was speechless and pouted. The person who took the photo probably had a grudge against himself, and the photo was too ugly. "Little Han, Niuchang phone." "Oh." Li Han newspaper put aside, Zhang Xiuying smiled and patted it. "It was a good shot."

  Li Han pouted, the little squirrels were cuter than his own, fortunately, the protagonist, the little squirrel, took more shots. "I'll cut out the newspaper and take it back to show your dad." "Mom, is this a big deal, let's talk about Xiaocheng's own newspaper."

   "What happened to the small town newspaper? Ask how many people in our teacher community have been in the newspaper. Your dad has not been in the newspaper once in his life, and he didn't show any joy." Zhang Xiuying took a photo of her son and took the newspaper.

  Li Han shook his head slightly and came to the living room. "Albert, call the cattle farm, huh, yes, it was filmed yesterday, and I didn't expect it to be published today." Li Han took a little pride. When he bought Pine Forest Ranch, Albert advised Li Han, other conditions Needless to say, buying Pinewood Ranch doesn't make much sense for Hank Farms.

Albert estimated that Pine Forest Ranch would benefit from too little. Compared with investing in cattle farms, it would benefit a lot more. But who would have thought that Li Han would come up with something like this? , Perhaps the pine forest does not rely on wood at all, and the benefits are considerable. This is the second time Albert has this strange feeling. The last time he worked with grass seeds, some grasses planted on barren hills have sprouted, and the germination rate is frighteningly high.

   "Grass seed?"

Li Han smiled bitterly. Lambton brought people over early in the morning. There were more than 100,000 catties of grass seeds. Li Han didn't sleep much this week. I made a lot of money, but it was tiring. "Albert, can you wait two days?"

Albert was a little depressed. He saw Xiao Wang's farm across from him early in the morning, reclaiming and planting seeds, black grass seed bags, but Albert could see it clearly. As soon as Albert said, what else could Li Han say? I already have seeds, but my own farm doesn't have them.

   "Okay, tomorrow, let's do it tomorrow."

  The warehouse bought nearly 400,000 catties of seeds, and now there are only 30,000 to 40,000 catties left. Xiaowang Farm has delivered about 300,000, and Hank Farm has used nearly 60,000. This is also because two large crop seed areas are opened. On the one hand, there is a need for winemaking. On the other hand, the cattle farm is expanded. The annual feed requirement exceeds Li Han's imagination. If you buy it, the cost is high. acres, just planted a few days ago.

Li Han also specially invited a group of people to have a drink. The biggest changes were Steve and Colt. It took more than half a month to reclaim and plant, and Colt became more and more sophisticated. Of course, Steve Even Li Han was surprised. Now the director of the planting area has become Steve. I have to say, this skinny little old man is amazing. You said that he is a good man in mobile phone management and farm management. Unfortunately, his net worth is too high, he can’t afford it, and he can’t cure diseases. When the time, free help, Li Han is very happy.

  Albert said with a smile when Li Han agreed. "Han, Dales and the new boys have beaten a few deer and argali in the past few days. I'll send them to you later." Li Han also declined, keeping the cattle farm for extra meals. Burt said with a smile that he was tired of eating these days.

  Li Han was speechless, these guys guessed that there was not a lot of wasted bullets. Forget it, send it over. It just happened that I ate too much beef recently, so I changed my taste. After hanging up the phone for a while, Ye Fei and Martin arrived in pickup trucks with game.


  Li Han punched both Ye Fei and Martin in the chest, and the leather sounded. "I'm still getting used to the farm life recently." "Hey, we've been out every day to practice guns and herd cattle, and it's only once every two or three days."

   Ye Fei patted the shotgun on his back, Li Han was speechless, Doles and Albert were really good, no wonder Ye Fei and Martin were so happy. "The gun practice looks good, and the prey can't be eaten." "Don't say it, it's really different from home here, pay some money, and wild animals can be shot at will."

  Li Han was dumbfounded. "Who said to play casually, this is because there are too many this year, you can try it casually, Martin, you should learn more from Doles and the others, recently grazing has not been frequent, and in a few days, the weather will change. Warmer, but that's not the case, don't say we remind you."

   A few days later, grazing for a whole day, or even a meadow for several days is a common occurrence. "Don't worry, we've already gotten used to it. Brother Li, we still have something to do. Let's go first." Li Han shook his head.

   Li Hanlu and the sheep dealt with them, and sent one as well, as well as a few leg of lamb, Li Han simply kept some, and marinated the rest and hung them to make air-dried meat. Mom and Aunt Xu came back from shopping and saw a lot of meat hanging. "Little man, why is there so much meat hanging in the yard?"

   "This is some game, deer, turkey, and rabbits from the cattle farm. There are too many. I kept it in the refrigerator, and marinated the rest to make air-dried meat." Li Han said. "I think there is a pig's leg, is it a wild boar?"


  Li Han didn't know, peeled off the skin, and the way Doles and the others dealt with it was simple and quick. "Originally, my eldest sister and I bought some pork belly. We planned to make braised pork, and we also wanted to buy two pork legs to make ham. Now we don't have to."

   Braised pork in oil, Li Han heard Aunt Xu talk about it several times. "I'll help when I make it in a while." Braised pork in oil is quite simple. The fat pork is boiled into lard, and then strips of pork belly that are **** wide and **** thick and half a foot long are marinated and deep-fried into the pork. golden.

  Use a large jar, put the fried pork belly in, pour it with fried pork belly lard, cover the pork belly with the lard, seal the jar and take it out when waiting to eat. "In our place, everyone has a chicken jar with braised meat that has been in oil for three or two years."

   Aunt Xu said to Li Han and Zhang Xiuying while sealing the jar. "It's the same as our air-dried meat, but it's kept for a longer time." "It's passed down from the older generation. Nowadays, people in the city don't make it very much. There are refrigerators at home, and meat supermarkets can buy them at any time. Meat, a year of meat dishes."

   Aunt Xu said.

   "These traditional things actually taste pretty good. It's a pity."

  Li Han said, and helped his mother fish out the boiled soybeans. These soybeans were planted by Li Han himself, harvested, and made by himself. He usually makes tofu and sprouts. It's not warm anymore, my mother is picking up potatoes in the warehouse, and I can see that there are a lot of soybeans, peanuts, and beets in the house.

   Actually, Li Han didn't grow many sugar beets. After all, the farm expanded last year, and the small farms did not take much care of them. He harvested beets and peanuts, but not many soybeans. "Put it outside to dry, this pot of soup, don't pour it over, keep it for the cows."

  The water used to boil soybeans is yellowish and oily, and both calves and ponies like to drink it. Li Han mentioned the soybean water in the cowshed and came back to help his mother. Divide the soybeans into two parts, make soybean paste in half, dry them, wrap them in flour, put them in a bag and put them in a cool place, waiting for mold.

Part of it is stewed beans, soybeans, crispy raw peanuts, chopped garlic cloves, diced winter melon, diced carrots, diced red peppers, minced ginger, watermelon juice and salt water, put them in a jar and seal it, and you can eat it after a while .

  At noon, there were few people in the family, so I cooked fish head tofu, bean sprouts, pandora island marinated sweet potato sticks, full of chili red, and it was really a meal. After lunch, Li Han made a pot of tea and picked up a book. Recently, I went to Hamilton Social School twice, picked up some books, and came back to ponder on my own. There are many things that I didn't know very well before, and now I put them off for a long time. Time, learning, it's really hard. Leaning on the chair, I looked a little confused.

   "Han, are you reading or sleeping?"

  Li Han rubbed his eyes and put down the book. "Hehe, watch and sleep, sit down."

  Dinah sat down, Li Han got up and poured a cup of coffee. "Dinah, did Albert tell you about Lulu?" "Is it done?" Dinah asked with surprise on her face. "After finishing it, I wanted to tell Lulu directly, but who would have thought that he would go to the mountain so early."

   "I'll go there early tomorrow morning and tell him."

  Dinah and Lulu, the first batch of employees of this gang have a good relationship with Li Han. "Don't worry, how's the milk production of the cows recently?" "It's not bad." The matter of the cows, at Hank's farm, is a small joke. For the sake of Dudu's milk, the matter of buying ten cows, but Mi Xing is not. It's quite famous and makes a lot of jokes.

   (end of this chapter)