The Best Small Farm

Chapter 693: not beautiful child

   Chapter 693 Unbeautiful Child

  Dudu took a small needle and stuck it on the soft flesh of the bear's paw, drew blood, wiped the little bear's paw with a small cotton ball, and blew with a small mouth, and the little powder ball looked pitiful. "It doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt anymore."

   "It doesn't hurt to eat apples." Dudu took out a few apples and stuffed them into the little pink ball while blowing. "dad."

   Dudu touched the small pink ball and handed the small needle to Dad. "Yes, Dudu is really capable." "Hee hee." Dudu nodded his head happily. "Bring a little pink ball to my sister to play with."

  Li Han took the needle and made a call. After a while, the needle was handed over to the person who came. "This time, take me to thank Jeffrey." "You're too kind."

  The person who came took the needle and nodded with a smile, and left after a while. Regarding the pink ball, Li Han and the two lawyers discussed the countermeasures, and it would not be too much of a turbulence.

  The family affairs still need to be arranged. Tomorrow, the children will get up early. Although everyone will come to pick them up, Li Han still has to ask.

   Until after ten o'clock in the evening, Li Han fell asleep and said goodbye to Tiffany, Eve, Howell and Jones early the next morning, asking for power. Maria and Gina, the Tita brothers, and Duble came over. Then, Li Han, some vegetables and mushrooms, and some milk. "Steve asked him to come back these two days."

  Steve's medicine is almost used up, Li Han has prepared some, and then he will have a diagnosis. "I'll tell Steve." There were fewer people at home, but it seemed much cleaner.

Mom and Aunt Xu, went to the town for worship, only Dudu, Baobao, Michelle, and Mimizi were left. They followed Bella and Dinah in the morning, and the four little guys had a good time. , the tourists were amused by a few little guys. At noon, during the barbecue on the lawn, a few little guys showed off their cooking skills, but they shocked everyone.

   Western food, Chinese food, Japanese food, although there are not many kinds, but they all taste pretty good.

   The juices are all well squeezed, and the matching is good, nutritionally matched, and the taste is light, especially Mimizi looks like a little chef.

The four little people actually got more tips than Bella and Dinah. They sent the guests away, and one of them was rewarded with a large glass of fruit and cream ice cream. They sat on the front bench of the bar hut, dangling their calves, singing songs, Mimi eats ice cream. Envy broke Dinah and Bella, and the two had to help clean up the ice cream hut and beer hut. They survived the whole thing, but their income was just about the same as the four villains.

  No way, two-thirds of the ice cream sold is bought by four villains, roasted meat at noon, Dudu and Baby are the most sold, and mushrooms are divided, and Dudu and Baby are the big ones.

   "Dinah, Bella, let's go back to rest when this is over. By the way, Dinah, talk to Jem, Hutton and the others, come to the farm tomorrow."

  Li Han put the milk bucket and said.

  Dinah nodded and saw that the milk pails were placed in the car. "Let's come together tomorrow morning." "No problem, there will be more guests tomorrow and more milk will be needed. Dinah, you have to work harder."

   "It's not hard work, I should have done this."

  Dinah felt that these days, she was not doing her job very well. "Wait two days, I'll buy a few sets of milking equipment, and then it will be easier."

  Dinah felt that it was a bit of a waste, but she didn't talk much, nodded and started the tractor. "Han, Bella, I'm going back first." "Well, I'll just pack up here."

  Bella waved her hand, smiled and went to the mushroom aisle to clean up the baskets and baskets, casually teasing the little dudu who came to the mushroom channel to pick mushrooms after eating the ice cream. "Aunt Bella." Bella smiled. "Okay pandora, these mushrooms are really delicious."

  Bella put down the basket in her hand, put it on the side, and picked a colorful mushroom. "It's really delicious." "Give these to Auntie." Dudu gave Bella some colorful mushrooms in his little basket, and Bella hugged Dudu happily and gave him a kiss. "Aunt Bella is drooling a lot."

   "Thank you, little pandora." Bella happily carried a small basket out of the mushroom passage, took the bonus, and got a small basket of colorful mushrooms, and went back to the town in good spirits.

  Li Han is hosting Mimizi's father, Kazuo Zhongzheng. I didn't expect Kazuo Zhongzheng to have Chinese ancestry. Grandma Mimizi was an international student from China and ended up staying in Japan.

  Mimizi is considered to be a quarter of Chinese descent, and Kazuo Chung knows some Chinese, so it's no wonder that Mimizi can understand some Chinese. "Brother Zhongzheng, drink tea."

  Li Han brewed green tea, brought it over, poured the tea and handed it to Kazuo Zhongzheng. "Thank you. Speaking of which, Li Jun and his mother are considered to be the same surname. My Chinese name is Li Xiong, and Li Jun's Chinese name is fine."

   I didn't expect it to be the same surname, but it was the big surname Li, so I didn't find it strange. "Hehe, let's call each other by name, but it doesn't seem to be born."

   The two chatted for a while, mostly talking about some things in the United States, and inevitably some things in China, after all, there are a lot of implication. Speaking of his daughter, Kazuo Nakasho, with a hint of pride on his face, said with a slight sigh. "Yazi left Mimi for me, but I really didn't take good care of Mimi, I'm ashamed to say it."

   After understanding it, Li Han has a little more admiration for the woman who didn't have a self-examination photo. Mimizi's parents have been lovers for many years. It was a happy event to enter the marriage hall, but Mimizi's mother Masako is a breast cancer patient and had just undergone surgery before marriage. The recovery period for cancer is usually five years, and after five years, the possibility of recurrence is much smaller.

  The doctor suggested that after five years, when considering childbirth, Kazuo Nakasho also discussed with his wife, and prepared for the health of his wife and not having children. But who would have thought that Mimizi's mother concealed her husband, was pregnant with a child, and didn't tell Zhongzheng Kazuo for three or four months. Kazuo Nakasho didn't say anything at that time, but since then, he would accompany his wife to eat breakfast every morning, and rush home at night no matter how late he worked overtime.

  The two of them are anxiously looking forward to welcoming the arrival of something new. Knowing that Mimi was born and their life was originally a happy family, they still have not avoided the claws of the disease.

  Mimizi was about ten months old, Masako's cancer recurred, and uninterrupted treatment failed. Kazuo Zhongzheng and Masako had to face the reality. Masako thinks more about what to leave for the children and live well in the days without a mother. Masako's family is not that rich and cannot leave huge wealth.

  Kazuo Nakasho was a little rude, but it was the first time we met. "It's so rude." Kazuo Nakasho, his eyes were slightly red.

   Although Li Han didn't quite understand this kind of feeling, he also knew that Kazuo Zhongzheng had a lot of things in his heart. "If you don't recommend it, you can talk more."

  Kazuo Nakasho, sat down, drank tea, and rarely talked about these things. After all, he left Japan and was too familiar with the environment, and it was easy to think of his wife. After all, I still have Mimi to nurture. Fortunately, Kazuo has some abilities. For the development of the Montana oilfield, the partner is Kazuo's company, and Kazuo chose to travel on business.

   It’s just a longer time, two to three years, the salary is still quite generous and you can change the environment, whether you or Mimizi is a good choice.

The oil field has Japanese participation, which is not surprising to Li Han. When it comes to some aspects of technology, Japan is even more advanced than the United States. Of course, there may be more political needs. In this oil field in Montana, China, Japan and South Korea are not involved. It's weird. Although the economic crisis has just passed, it is still too early to say that it is completely over. The United States has begun to make arrangements.

  Li Han doesn't know about these things and doesn't plan to understand them. With Liu Ming and Jennifer here, Li Han doesn't need to worry about these things. After chatting for an afternoon, Li Han said some of his own experience, it is not easy to carry a child alone.

In the evening, I sent the father and daughter away, thinking about Mimizi's mother, she was really an amazing woman. In order to leave her daughter with a lifetime of useful wealth, she was ruthless. At the age of two, she began to teach her daughter to do her own things, to teach her to cook, and to do laundry. , clean the house, learn to take care of yourself.

Think of a two-year-old child who washes his socks in winter, rubs red with his little hands, stands on a small stool and holds up the socks that were not cleaned, the socks are full of bubbles, and hangs out in the sun, next to a mother, holding back tears and laughing I encourage my daughter, don't say a word, don't help, don't speak, just leave the two-year-old child to think alone and do what he can, because he wants to teach the child how to think for himself, and leave the wealth that can be used for a lifetime.

  Mother was suffering from illness, and taught Mimizi to learn simple housework, learn to do things, and learn to cook. For the sake of her daughter's future life, she endured the distress and pulled her child up at five in the morning. She handed the kitchen knife to a three- or four-year-old child, and watched as a daughter was lying on the stool, holding the kitchen knife and cutting potatoes with frozen hands. She loves her daughter and mother, closed her eyes with difficulty, and held her hands tightly. She didn't dare to look at her struggling to hold a kitchen knife. She didn't dare to think about what to do with her small hands. The four-year-old daughter didn't say a word. She learned to cut potatoes meticulously. Sweaty daughter. What was the mood at that time, Li Han had to say, this is a great mother.

Mimi did not live up to her mother's expectations. She still insisted on learning at a young age, learned to cut vegetables, learned to cook, cook soup, and even learned to go to her own kindergarten. She used a small camera to photograph her mother's cooking and cook by herself. , I don't need my mother to teach me, just ask my camera mother to learn how to make miso at the age of five.

   Zhang Xiuying listened to her son, her eyes were red. "Hey, this child, Dudu, the baby will invite Mimizi to the house a few more times in the future."

   "Older child, it's hard for her to experience so much." Zhang Xiuying said.

   "Well, Dudu also cooks a lot of dishes."

   Dudu whispered. "Dudu is not afraid of being tired." "Good, Dudu is already great now, let's not learn from Sister Mimizi." Li Han smiled and rubbed Dudu's little head.

  What a good boy, but in the end, Li Han didn't want Dudu to learn from Mimi and have his own protection. Mimizi's mother is right. She can cook and her children can live wherever they go. She is afraid that Mimizi will not take care of her, and that she will not be able to live alone. "Oh, sister Mimizi makes lunches for Dad every day."

   "That's it, on the weekend, Dudu will make it for Dad." Li Han smiled and put some dishes into the Dudu bowl. "Well, Dudu has prepared a lot of dishes."

   If you have time, you can read the book "Children who know how to cook can survive wherever they go", which is very good.



   (end of this chapter)