The Best Small Farm

Chapter 785: bear pressure

   Chapter 785 Bear Stress

  Winnie the Pooh failed once or twice, and got up again and again, but the little bear that fell down fell into a big place, and the online comments were extremely hot, completely exceeding John's expectations.

  Although John was very interested in Winnie the Pooh, but if Li Han and Liu Man hadn't come over, John might have brought a photographer with him.

   "Cowboy spirit, tenacity will never give up, people in Montana, take a look, we should think of a bear to pay tribute, we must adhere to this belief, this spirit."

  A rather influential old congressman actually appeared in the square, trembling with excitement, well, although Mike who appeared was a little surprised.

   "That's right, the spirit of Winnie the Pooh is the spirit of Montana. Let's not forget that our ancestors fell down step by step and moved forward step by step. Like Winnie the Pooh, our ancestors had congenital deficiencies and could survive tough."

   Liuman was a little worried when he saw the excited crowd and shouted out Winnie the Pooh. "Han, won't Winnie the Pooh be Montana's new icon?"

   "No, look again."

   The little bear on the stage took a step by step, staggered, fell down at any time, failed again and again and persisted again and again. Li Han looked at the little bear on the stage, and the pressure hit him wave after wave. "Dudu met this time."

  Whether it is the real world or the online world, Winnie the Pooh is more popular than all, and the whole of Montana is completely crazy. "Han, thank you so much."

  John trembled with excitement. Sure enough, Han is my lucky star. John has been studying Chinese culture a lot these days, especially for lucky stars. "What's wrong?"

   Li Han was confused, John was taken aback for a moment, then laughed. "Oh, it's my fault, Han, you should look at this." John passed it to Li Han, and Li Han came over to open it. "This is the Winnie the Pooh video."

"Yes, you must have never imagined that the video click rate has broken this year's record. It's unbelievable." John can imagine the expressions of the editor-in-chief and his colleagues. Now John's position can be said to be stable. It was found in one year that three can be ranked in the list. No one will believe the top three news and videos on the website.


  Li Han click on the comment below the video. "It's unbelievable, an unbelievable miracle." "Yeah, that's what Montana should have. My kids love this tough little guy who isn't pretty as much as I do."

   "God, what should I say, I think I'm a staunch bear supporter now."

   "Ordinary to greatness, this is the American, the American spirit."

"There is nothing to express my feelings, I am a timid guy, I dare not resist the bullying of my classmates at school, and I dare not confess to the girl I love, maybe it is arranged by God, I am a timid mortal, but I just found out today, It turns out that mortals are trying to change, even a bear with a congenital disability like Winnie the Pooh, and bravely face all kinds of things bestowed by God, I have no reason to doubt my life, I want to be a real brave person, Winnie the Pooh, I will always support you ."

  Li Han opened it up, and more and more people spoke in Mandarin like the boy above, but this made Li Han feel more and more stressed. "Han, this is a big trouble. I usually leave a message with a few words at most, but now, this kind of long message shows that these people really recognized Winnie the Pooh from their hearts."

"That's right, I didn't expect to feel the pressure of a bear one day, and it's not too small." Li Han smiled and returned the tablet to John. John's excitement did not diminish at all, and the online video clicks became more and more popular. The higher the number, the more and more comments. The phone on John's side kept ringing. John glanced at it and hung up at will.

  Working now makes John dare to say no to anyone, and there will be no problem at all. Now John is definitely the biggest celebrity on the website besides the president.

  Winnie the Pooh on stage, just finished the balance beam performance, and there was thunderous applause. The host just said that Winnie the Pooh may be completely deaf, but the audience still sent applause.

   "Auntie, applaud." A little boy pulled Liu Man, raised his head and said, Liu Man was stunned, smiled, lowered his head and said, "Children, Winnie the Pooh's ears can't hear."

   "It's okay, Little Bear succeeded." The little boy said innocently, not understanding Liu Man. The little boy's mother beside her was apologetic. "I'm so sorry."

"It's ok."

   Liuman smiled.

   The boy looked at his mother with some doubts. "Auntie doesn't applaud." "Oh, I know." The mother pulled her son, and finally thought about it and stopped.

"Miss, maybe what you are doing is right, but, a bear who persists, succeeds with hard work and persistence, why should he care if he can hear it? We applaud not only for him, but also for his persistence and our own beliefs. , even if it can't hear it, I'm sorry to bother you."

  The young mother took her son to the front, and Winnie the Pooh really took pictures with the audience. He was stupid, and he didn't have the tenacity of the performance.

   "Maybe she's right. I should applaud this little guy who has to be loved. It's better that my hands will not be able to make a sound in the future, because there is nothing worth it to make such a noise."

  Liu Man was slightly absent-minded, his eyes were straight, and he said lightly.

   "This is a little guy who deserves everyone's love, if some people do it on purpose." Li Han glanced at Croger, where Billy was standing in the office, looking at the plaza stage. "Boss, it's amazing, I think tomorrow's performance will definitely impress the Big Apple circus skills."

The assistant    watched the video and applauded for a minute just now. It is hard to believe that a street performance in the United States can win such a long time of applause.

   "Boss, I have something here."

   "Oh." Billy turned his head and glanced flatly at the assistant who had just come in. "Boss, take a look." "Oh, Winnie the Pooh?"

   "That's right, I just received a call from an employee, boss, you mustn't guess who shot these videos?" Billy snorted with a smug look on the assistant's face.

   "I'm sorry, boss, me." The assistant was a little flustered and ended his speech.

   "Go ahead." Billy waved his hand, a little impatient.

   "John, John who shot the giant bear roast and squirrel." The assistant felt proud. "And came with Hank."

   "John and Han." Billy was a little surprised, and asked, "Are you sure it's Han?" "Yes, boss, I specially found the video, it's Hank."

   "I know, how does the video look." Billy's eyes flashed with a hint of doubt.

   "Unexpectedly good, boss, look at the message, it's just a matter of time before it surpasses the giant bear barbecue at this speed." The assistant opened the message excitedly. "And you see, it's full of long messages." "Oh, yes, John, help me get a little present, no, get a few more for Walmart."

   Billy inquired about Li Han's situation, and several children came over to know very well. "Children's gift." None of these assistants dared to perfunctory Billy's explanation.

  At the same time as the video caught fire, on a farm in Billings, old Tom sighed. "Kevin, now that you have decided, I have no reason to object, and I want to withdraw from the alliance temporarily."

   "Old Tom, I heard right." Beside Wade, you look stupid.

   "My supermarket has been closed, maybe it will be sold, this time, I will not participate."

   "Well, since you wish to do so."

  Kevin replied lightly.

  Kevin snorted and looked back at old Tom. The two left, and on the way, Kevin's face was full of lust. "Look at Wade, our friend Billy is doing well."

   "Hahaha, unfortunately it can't think of the relationship between the head of the Royal Circus and you." Wade smiled very treacherously, and Kevin smiled. "Winnie the Pooh has become the spokesperson of our supermarket, maybe Billy will regret it."

   "That's right."

   At the same time, Lingna turned off the computer. "Did you say Han took John there?" "Yes." "I know, what is Han doing?"

  Lina was lost in thought.

   Li Han felt a little disappointed at this moment, and sighed slightly. "Han, are you telling the truth?" "Yes, it's all Billy's design."

   "What a cunning guy, why didn't you expose it on the spot." Liu Man angrily, suddenly remembered something staring at Li Han, and asked.

"No, I think anyone would do this. Winnie the Pooh didn't deceive everyone. The problem of props should not be counted on Winnie the Pooh. It's unfair." Li Han really likes the one who walks step by step by himself and doesn't stop when he falls. , got up and continued to walk as a bear, that perseverance is moving.

   The main reason why Li Han did not reveal it was that he was moved by Winnie the Pooh. "That's right, everyone should hurt this cute little guy." Liu Man's mind flashed that acrobatic bear that clumsily crawled much slower than ordinary bears, and that sweat was exchanged for things that ordinary bears could do at will.

  It took a thousand sweats to get on the stage, not qualified to hurt it, not even Billy. "Han, you did the right thing, but pandora and the others?"

   "Hehe, we have to have more confidence, oh, are they the little devils outside the door?"

   Li Han said with a smile.

   "Hee hee, Dad found out."

  Dudu showed the small head first, followed by the baby and Maria, and two little bear heads. "Xiao Hei Hei, don't push the baby." "Well, Xiao Hei Hei was moving around, and my father found out."

   "Come here, it just so happens that Grandpa Milton just made some cakes and baked some bread." Li Han pointed at Wilson, and Wilson nodded.


   Dudu came running after his stomach was growling. "Of course, drink some juice first." "Well, thank you Uncle Wilson." "Miss, today's rehearsal must be very exciting."

   "Well, Big Mouth will sing "My Sun"." Dudu said proudly.

   "Puchi" Liuman coughed for a while. "Aunt Man, what's the matter with you?" Dudu blinked his eyes, while the baby innocently touched the drink on his face. "I'm sorry, baby."

   Liuman said, holding a napkin and helping the baby wipe his face. "Dudu, that "My Sun"." "Uncle Bearded can sing." Dudu thought about it, Uncle Bearded Pavarotti.

   (end of this chapter)