The Best Small Farm

Chapter 788: panic debut

   Chapter 788 Panic debut

"Do not."

  Li Han immediately rejected Liuman's suggestion. "I think Steve and the others don't like this." "But, pandora and the others will be under a lot of pressure."

   Now Walmart Plaza is like a powder keg. The audience waiting to watch the circus performance and the protesting team gather more and more, the space on both sides is getting smaller and smaller, and the protests are one after another.

  The patience of the audience is gradually lost, especially a group of hip-hop audiences, who did not have much patience at first, and their good moods were all wiped out, and then there will be big troubles.

   "Don't worry, I believe pandora can do it well."

   Li Han said, and walked towards Lingna, Liuman followed closely, and came to Lingna's side. Liuman just told Lingna what Li Han said to himself. "Han, I don't have time right now, can you wait a minute?"

   Sure enough, Lingna looked suspicious, but Li Han didn't say much at this time. "Okay." Li Han turned to leave, Lingna hesitated and said nothing. "Everyone calm down."

   Liuman glanced at Lingna, who persuaded the audience and demonstrators, sighed, and followed Li Han to leave the center of the square. "I'll go tell Pandora to start." Li Han walked too quickly, without saying a word, Liu Man glanced at the expressionless Li Han and whispered. "Excuse me, Sister Man." "It's okay, why don't you take a rest first."

   "No, I'll go upstairs and talk to Steve and the others."

  Li Hanbao came down to a private club restaurant next to Walmart, where Steve, David, Howard, Bill, and Larry all rested. Coming upstairs, Li Han hugged the crowd. "Han, would you like a drink?" "Thank you." Li Han took the beer from Kent, Hank's Farm, and Larry and Howard asked Li Han to send it.

  Although the beer here is good, the big brand high-end beer costs dozens of dollars a bottle, but the taste is much worse than that of luna and orchid. Larry and Howard are not polite to Li Han.

  Li Han drank a beer and said. "Because of some accidents, the show started two hours earlier." "This is not good news, well, for Luna." Larry didn't seem to wake up at all.

   Beside Bill, holding the teapot, poured Larry a cup of tea. "Have a cup of tea, it tastes very good." "Of course, this is another good thing I found." Larry is very interested in oriental culture. His first wife studied oriental culture. Larry has always been interested in oriental culture. Tigers have special hobbies.

On the other side, Dudu and baby, Maria is playing water gun battle with sister Eve who just arrived, Dudu, baby, Maria three plus soybean diced a few big squirrels pk Eve, Tiffany, two big Sister, they all had a great time. "Pandora." Liu Man shouted with a helpless expression, showing his little **** at the corner, and shrank back to the villain, who was not Dudu.

   "Hehe, Aunt Liuman."

  Dudu showed his little head, screamed sweetly, his two little hands shrank behind his back, and the water gun was still bubbling. "Little naughty devil." Liu Man wiped his face, glared at the little girl, and pinched Dudu's little nose.


  Liu Man snorted, and a small man holding a water gun was shaken out. Zhou Baobao planned to strike a second time, and the water gun was ready. "Dudu, come here, don't hide so far."

   "That auntie is not allowed to pinch her nose."

  Dudu covered his nose and pouted Lao Gao. "Think about it, Auntie." Liu Man teased the villain, and sure enough, his little mouth pouted even higher. "Don't go over there, Dudu."

   "Okay, auntie promises, don't pinch Dudu's little nose."

   Liuman raised his left hand and assured. "Okay, Dudu believes Auntie." "Auntie lied." "Hee hee, Auntie didn't lie, now she doesn't pinch her nose, it's more fun to have a small face."

   "Dudu is going to be angry."

  Dudu's small mouth bulged high, Liu Man was happy, and the little man threatened himself to come, but Liu Man was really threatened, and he let go of Dudu resolutely and decisively. "Hehe, I've let go of your master."

  Liu Man raised his hands, one after the other, two giant wolves, exhaling breath, made his neck itchy, and the tall astonishing big guy grinned and showed his canine teeth, the stench, Liu Man almost fainted from fright. "White and white, black and black, be good."

Dudu stood on tiptoe and patted the two giant wolves with their heads lowered. Liu Man breathed a sigh of relief. These two giant wolves don't give anyone any face at all. Li Han can at most command them. Except for a few babies, no one will give face to anyone who approaches. .

   It was so terrifying, Liuman's legs were slightly weak. "Auntie." "Oh, Dudu, I almost forgot about business. Your father asked you to go out and perform now." "Why?"

  Dudu hasn't finished playing yet, and he hasn't even defeated Sister Eve and Sister Tiffany. "Dudu, my mother's supermarket is in trouble and needs help. Would Dudu help?"


  Dudu tapped his little head hard. "Well, help Dudu." "You're very sensible, so can you act now?" "Okay." "Sister Eve, Sister Tiffany."

  Dudu looked up at Eve and Tiffany who came over. "Pandora is going to perform, so don't fight." "Now, isn't there two hours left?" Eve and Tiffany looked puzzled.

   "Sister Eve, this is Aunt Liuman."


   Eve nodded and listened to Dudu. "Is it really possible?" Eve and Tiffany had never seen Dudu's rehearsal practice, so they were a little worried. "Yeah, I just saw that the other two circuses have invited performers. It's amazing."

   "I like Justin."

   Tiffany waved her water pistol. "Tyler isn't bad either." "Tom, I've met him a few times, and he's a nice old man," Eve said. "Pandora, there are no performers."

   "Maybe we should go get Uncle Bill."

  Bill is no less well-known than these people in the United States, and of course Larry and Steve have good reputations. "No, Uncle Howard, he can bring in the Spider-Man that Maria likes."


   Maria asked with a little surprise on her face. "certainly."

  Liu Man is helpless, these little girls don't care about these guests at all, saying that they like it, in fact, just like playing with toys, they throw it away. "No pandora, Xiao Hei Hei and Dou Ding will be very powerful."

   "Okay, let's trust pandora once."

   Liuman said, it's not early, so we can't delay any longer. "Pandora hurry up and get ready, let's start." "Well, baby sister, Maria sister, let's go."

  Dudu climbed on the back of the white wolf, and with a pat, the white wolf stood up and ran into the warehouse quickly. The baby and Maria climbed the Black Wolf King and followed, leaving behind Liuman, Tiffany, and Eve.

   "We're going to help too."

   Said that Tiffany and Eve hurried to the warehouse, Liuman was stunned for a moment, riding the giant wolf Xiaodudu and the baby villain, so that the appearance would shock a group of people.

   Liuman suddenly gained some confidence, maybe Dudu and the others can really succeed. Li Han and others came out, and the Royal Circus performance has begun, attracting many audiences.

  Lina's side is very anxious, and the most urgent is Paul. The Big Apple Circus is fully prepared to perform, but there are a group of protesters outside, which seems to be very unfriendly to the Big Apple Circus.

   caused some Big Apple fans to clash with demonstrators. "Paul, what to do now." "What to do, acting, other things have nothing to do with us."

   "Is this really good?"

   "I think Han will understand my difficulty."

   At this point, Paul must continue to act, otherwise he will lose not only the reputation of the Big Apple Circus, but also his own persistence. "What's the matter?" Lingna panicked, and the Big Apple Circus show started.

   The gorgeous stage, the Black Eyed Peas, followed by the Oscar winner, the performance arrangement and the stage are better than the Royal Circus opposite. I have to say that the world-renowned circus is very impressive as soon as it is shot.

  The audience was enthusiastically mobilized, and the conflict with the parade team increased for a while. "Call the police." Lingna reluctantly calmed herself down, the police force at the scene was not enough.

  The conflict was about to break out. Suddenly, the parade seemed to have received some information and left after a while. In less than two minutes, dozens of police rushed to the square.

  Lina wiped away the cold sweat, then called, Jennifer called and said a few words lightly. "I see, oh Jennifer, Han seems to have found something."

"I see."

  Jennifer said lightly, hung up the phone, and stood in a high-rise office in New York. Li Han's performance had just started, and the square had undergone tremendous changes. For a while, both Li Han and Liu Man were stunned. "I was overly worried." "What's the matter?" "The police who rushed over didn't explain the problem." Jennifer's solution was simple and straightforward.

  Kevin gritted his teeth. "Jennifer, you are cruel." "Kevin, let's just forget about it, the old guys are watching." Wade saw the evacuated parade.

   "We'll wait." Kevin's eyes flashed with anger, trying to calm down.


  Wade is not a quiet person. "Do I need to use some other means." "No, at this time, I think Billy and Jennifer will be on guard."

   "Okay, I'll listen to you."

  Wade is completely headed by Kevin. "Then we'll just wait." "No, Winnie the Pooh, we still have cards. Billy wants to stand by Winnie the Pooh, why don't we help it."

   Kevin's eyes flickered, the head of the Royal Circus was a good friend of his father, which not many people knew. "Yeah, Billy couldn't have imagined."

  Wade was in a good mood instantly, Billy didn't make a wedding dress for others in the end after doing so much. "Hehe, online publicity, you do it, I will arrange some people here, Winnie the Pooh is destined to be the protagonist today."

   "Oh, Kevin, there is a newly established circus on the other side. I heard that the giant bear is in this circus." Wade suddenly thought of something and said. "Hehe, that's just a Chinaman who coaxes children to play, leave him alone."

  Kevin curled his lips contemptuously, completely ignoring the pandora circus. "That's right. Since it's an open-air performance, we haven't invited a single guest. Would you like me to give them a little more memory."

   "Well, be careful not to make too much noise."

  Kevin didn't have a place in his heart to get out. It's a good idea to find trouble with this Chinese guy.

   (end of this chapter)