The Best Small Farm

Chapter 808: It's hard to say who loses who wins

   Chapter 808 It's hard to say who loses and who earns

   After the children fell asleep, Li Han entered the bedroom and frowned. "Tonight I'll be in the study room and sleep for one night. Let's tidy up here and change things into new ones."

  The whole bedroom was a mess, Dudu and a few little people didn't know what to play, Little Black Black and Pink Ball Bear's paw prints, Ball Ball Mouse, and Big Mouth and Little Mouth all left footprints. The whole mess, Li Han lazily tidying up, there are still some things to do at night.

   came to the study, Li Han closed the door and opened the safe, which contained the green snake potion. "Dilute it, it's almost three or four days that the toxin should be excreted seven or eight points."

   In the room not far away, Liu Man paused and put down his earphones. "Sure enough, this kid deceived everyone. Hey, why is there no movement?" Liu Man didn't expect Li Han to go to the study at night, and he just installed a wiretap here.

  Li Han came to the space. Recently, the space has changed a little, and the area has increased by nearly 30%. The middle part of Li Han is reserved for planting vegetables, and the other places with small slopes are used to continue to grow fruit and grass.

   There was no trouble with Dudu, Li Han spent more than two hours on the seed, clapped his hands, and left the space. "I'm pretty tired." After a bit of activity, after taking a shower, Li Han leaned on the sofa, flipped through a book, and fell asleep in a daze.

   Woke up early the next morning and saw Liu Man's eyes strange. "Sister Man, what's the matter? You didn't rest well yesterday?" "Ah, it's alright, I'm a little tired, by the way, breakfast is ready, Dudu will be waiting for you when you get up."

   "Yeah, I'm a little tired these days, I've slept for a long time, let's go."

   Li Han smiled, always feeling that Liuman was a little weird. When I came to the restaurant, the third child was already seated, and there was a small computer in front of Dudu, playing games. "Dudu."

   "Ah, here comes Daddy."

   said that the villain was protecting the computer and looked at Li Han's father. "Don't play, what did you say yesterday?" "Play games, play for a while." "That's right, don't play for a long time, you know?"


  Dudu nodded vigorously, closed the computer, and prepared to eat, while Maria whispered. "Sister pandora washes your hands." "Forget it." Dudu stuck out his tongue, made a grimace, jumped off the chair and ran to the bathroom, smeared bubbles to wash his hands. "Sir, do you want to eat now?" "Well, the computer is sent back to the pandora room."


  Breakfast is more Chinese style, it is relatively early, it is less than 8 o'clock, and it is not long after breakfast. When Billy and Byer arrived, Li Han was drinking tea when he saw them smiling and standing up to greet them.

   Liuman was holding a teacup and looked at Billy. Sure enough, there was a trace of contempt deep in Billy's eyes, and he was slightly proud. "I don't know, what kind of expression do you have when you know the result? Surprised, shocked or regretful."

   Liu Man couldn't help but glanced at Li Han, this younger brother is also a character now. Liu Man got up early in the morning and did one thing. He took back all the eavesdropping devices and micro cameras. You must know that this morning, Liu Man heard that Li Han's bedroom was going to be cleaned up again. snub.

   "Billy, Byer, welcome, coffee, and tea."

  Li Han smiled and greeted the two of them to sit down. Billy asked for coffee. "This is Miss?" "My sister Manli Liu, this is Croger Billy, the famous bear doctor Mr. Baier." Li Han introduced Liu Man.

   "Your beauty fills the whole living room with fragrance." Billy praised, Liuman smiled. "Thank you for your compliment, you are such a gentleman."

   "Okay, I have to interrupt, Han, I want to meet the giant bear, I don't think you will refuse a small request from a devout bear worshipper?"

   Bayer said.

   "Of course, you are very welcome, Dr. Baier, I have admired it for a long time." This is not a lie. You must know that large livestock veterinarians in the United States are in short supply. There are only two veterinarians on Hank Farm, which is completely insufficient. Now these veterinarians are all veterinarians. Large livestock veterinarians, low wages, high risk, especially with the good profession of pet veterinary. Pet owners are willing to pay big bucks for their pets, and pet veterinarians earn nearly double the annual income of large livestock veterinarians.

  Beyer is quite well-known in veterinary medicine, and it is a good thing to have a good relationship. "Oh, Han, Baier, I think we can go see Winnie the Pooh first." "That's right, I'm so sorry, my friend." Baier turned his head and said to Li Han. "Billy, you're right." "Of course, it may just be too late." Li Han said.

   "Oh, Han, I think there's plenty of time in the morning."

   Billy said.

"No no, I made an appointment with Larry to go to Los Angeles together. I think I can only accompany you to see Winnie the Pooh or the giant bear. Sister Man, bring pandora and the others to prepare and leave at any time." Li Hanyi Face said sorry. "I'm really sorry." "It's really regrettable." Billy was slightly unhappy, perhaps because Li Han was too easy-going and ignorant yesterday, and Billy didn't treat Li Han equally.

   Liuman pouted, Billy's performance was disappointing, although Han concealed a lot, he was the master here after all. "Well then, it's time to fulfill our promise."

   "Of course, Winnie the Pooh will give it to you."

   The corner of Li Han's mouth narrowed in a smile, and there was a hint of coldness in the corners of his eyes. Well, coffee and tea are really a bit cold. "I'm sorry, it's too late, maybe next time, let's talk again, Billy, bye Bye."

  Li Han sent someone to **** the two of them over. Winnie the Pooh, Li Han saw it, and there was no danger to his life in a short time. "Han, it doesn't look like Billy is what you said." "What's the matter?"

   Li Han looked puzzled, and Liu Man smiled. "It's nothing, what are you going to do with the Royal Circus." "Oh, I plan to merge it into the pandora circus, so that some regular circus performances, the pandora circus can also take care of it."

   "That's a good idea."

  Liuman nodded slightly. Although there are many pandora circus programs, traditional programs are not involved at all. After all, a good performance needs to be rich in content. "The car is ready, let's go."

   The car outside was ready, and Li Han helped Liuman carry the suitcase. "Sister Man, what's in your box is quite heavy." "Oh, some wood carvings and so on, Dudu slow down."

"it's okay no problem."

  Dudu pulled the bear-shaped box and ran over quickly. "The box is for Dad, get in the car and sit down." "Yes, RV." "It's more convenient to play in peacetime." Li Han handed the box to the driver.

  The luggage was packed, and the two adults and three children got on the bus. "Sit down, let's go." Li Han caught a few villains who were running around and sat down first, and he became a little crazy girl.

   "Dad, Mom didn't say anything." Dudu thought of something, opened his seat belt, and ran to Li Han's side. "Oh, Dad told Mom yesterday." "But Dudu didn't say it." Dudu pursed his lips.

   "It's okay, call mom now."

   "Dudu's phone was lost." Dudu pouted, all black uncles.

   "Oh, Dad forgot it, let's do it, Dad will help you get the mobile phone from Sister Eve." Li Han took out the mobile phone Steve gave and handed it to Dudu. "Mom's number."

  Beep a little, and the phone will be connected after a while. "Mom." "Pandora?" "Hmm, Mom, pandora is gone." "Now?" "Hmm, pandora is in the car."

   "Mom knows, call Dad, okay?"

  Jennifer was a little angry. She was ready to go there, but when she saw Dudu, Li Han left early. "Dad, mom's phone." "Little devil, children are not allowed to eavesdrop on everyone talking." Li Han was happy, the villain leaned very close, with small ears pricked up, the little devil head elf.

   "Hee hee." Dudu hee hee rolled into Li Han's arms while Li Han held the phone. "Jennifer, forgot to tell you, Billy came over just now, and we chatted a little."

  Li Han just said casually that Jennifer is very smart and the general situation is clear. "Slow down on the road, I've already called the housekeeper at the house in Los Angeles."

   "No, Seth has already booked the hotel." Li Han declined, blinking in his arms. "Dudu wants to live." "Mom, pandora, go live."

   "Pandora likes to eat Mommy's home appliance snacks." Dudu grabbed the phone and said loudly. "Don't make trouble, darling, the car left Billings, I have something to do here, hang up first."

  Li Han caught the troublesome little Dudu, the little guy pouted, got angry, and ignored people. "Dudu came to Auntie, Auntie has a good weapon for you."

  Liu Man took out the computer and started playing games. Seeing the puffed up little Dudu, he smiled and waved. "Don't play Dudu." "Why, who are you angry with?" Liu Man was happy, the little guy had never been so angry before, and his temper came up.

"It's okay, Sister Man, I want something to drink. There's something at the bar next door." Li Han was sitting on the sofa, Dudu carrying his small body, ignoring him. The baby and Maria were still yawning. Good morning. Early in the morning and late at night, I was a little sleepy. "Dudu, do you want juice?" "No." "Really not?" "Well, no."

"Okay, darling, let's take a plane later, Grandpa Larry's big plane." Li Han smiled and rubbed Dudu's little head, and Dudu dodged, crawled along the sofa to the other end, rolled around and rubbed his head. Little black and black collide together. "Smelly Xiao Hei Hei." Xiao Hei Hei was stunned, it was you who knocked me down, but Xiao Xiong Xiong lowered his head wisely and rubbed his head.

  The big devil, the pink ball, and the little wild boar didn't dare to provoke them, let alone Xiao Hei Hei. Dudu fiddled with his little hands, and Xiao Heihei immediately rolled aside, with his feet up in the sky, full of cute and innocent looking at Dudu. "Hee hee, Xiao Hei Hei pretended to fall down." Baby, teasing the little koala, saw Xiao Hei Hei here, giggled and pointed.

   "Little Black Black."

  Dudu pouted and pretended to be a bear, Xiao Heihei got up in a daze, got close to Dudu, and rubbed. "Dudu, don't be angry, come quickly, Auntie is really good at hitting new weapons."

   "Auntie didn't lie?" Dudu couldn't believe it, and his little head stretched out involuntarily. "Wow, that's amazing." "How about it, Auntie didn't lie to you."


   "Play together?" "Dudu take the computer."

   (end of this chapter)