The Best Small Farm

Chapter 824: Exploring the Valley

   Chapter 824 Exploring the Valley

Hurley Benjamin, Hansen's mentor, studied under Bell chemist laureate famous biologist Roger Kornberg, commonly known as Little Kornberg, a student of the biologist who also won the Nobel Prize with his father Hurley Benjamin, like Hansen, is also an obsessive. Came to Hank's farm, went straight to the cave, and repeatedly confirmed the type of python.

   "Unbelievable miracle, this is a cotton snake, no, it should be a mutant cotton snake." Hurley clenched his hands tightly, his expression very excited.

   "Hansen, where is the new discovery you said?" Hurley calmed down, turned to look at Hansen and asked. "Professor Hurley, you can see that this big guy is very similar to the extinct yellow lizard python." Hansen was a little excited, and the cotton snake confirmed. If the yellow lizard python is confirmed again, this will be the largest in Montana this year. Find.

   "Yellow Li python?" Hurley's eyes changed, and he walked quickly to Dudu's side. "Can pandora show us?" Hansen said softly, and pandora nodded with a puffed mouth. "No little speck likes strangers."

   "We'll be careful," Hansen said, and Dudu stepped aside a little so that Hurley could see the small speck. "That's right, this is a yellow lizard python. It's really great. It's a gift from God that such a beautiful creature has not disappeared." "Professor Hurley, I not only found the yellow lizard python here, but you must have never imagined what I saw here, two snow wolves, and an incredible black snow wolf."

   "Snow Wolf?" Hurley was a little dumbfounded. Could it be that this is an animal expo? After seeing the White Wolf King again, Hurley was absolutely sure that this was the Snow Wolf, no other wolf could have such a big body. "It's a miracle of nature, you see how robust and great they are, and I think Professor Roger will be delighted that we found them."

"Professor Roger." Hansen was excited when he thought about it. Speaking of which, Hansen had not met Roger Kornberg a few times. After all, Hansen was only a professor in a small town school in Montana, not as famous as Hurley. Professor, even if Hurley wasn't Roger's student, he wouldn't necessarily see Roger when he came here.

"Yes, Snow Wolf, Professor Roger has always believed that the Snow Wolf has not disappeared. I think he will be very happy to hear the news." Hurley said, it's just a pity that these animals belong to the farm, or personal.

   Hurley and Hansen calmed down, came to the living room, sat down, and Li Han poured coffee. "Professor Hurley, it's been a long journey." "No, I don't think there is anything more pleasant than seeing these beautiful animals." Hurley took the coffee and thanked him.

"Han, Professor Hurley and I are going to go to the valley, maybe there will be other discoveries." Hansen and Hurley discussed and planned to take people to the valley. Why did the cotton snake grow so big? Maybe the valley can find it. reason.

   "That's too dangerous." Wei Li said, Li Han Valley has described that there are countless mice, and there may be many snakes in the valley. The valley can be said to be a complete place where the devil lives.

   "Nowhere is safe, I think science needs to take some risks." Hurley said firmly, Hansen nodded in agreement, and the two were determined.

   "Since this is fine, I will send you there, I wish you good luck." Wei Li, said.

   "We need some time, Hansen, I think we need some equipment," Hurley said.

  Hansen is a professor in Montana, and the equipment is very easy to solve. "My assistants will help prepare, Mr. Hurley. I want to participate in this inspection."

   "Of course, I'd love to have you participate." Hurley said happily, Hansen was the first to arrive here, and found a giant cotton snake, a yellow lizard python, and a snow wolf, which Hurley had absolutely no reason to possess.

  Hansen was very happy and called his assistant to prepare equipment and manpower. "Professor Hurley, Professor Hansen, I kindly remind you that what may happen there, I think you should prepare for your own safety."

   "Thank you, Han, we will be ready." Hansen said, taking a sip of his coffee. "Really good coffee." "Yes, the coffee has a strong aroma."

  Li Han saw that the two of them didn't seem to want to talk to him and others about the valley, so he shook his head. Li Han had already done what he had to do. Maybe he wouldn't be willing to believe that the barren valley was full of crises without suffering.

   Li Han did not plan to participate in this inspection. Just thinking about the rather organized mice made his scalp tingle and swell. "Good luck to you." Li Han said softly as he sent Hurley and Hansen away.

   "Dad, the bad guy wants Dudu's little red star." Dudu pouted and pointed to leave the car. "It's okay, Little Red Star is Dudu, who is coming, Dad won't give it."

   "Well, Dad is the best." Dudu hugged Li Han's leg, climbed up, hugged Li Han's head, and gave him a big kiss. "Little bastard, go home and help grandma pack up."

   "Well, Dudu helps grandma dress up." Dudu said, lying on her father's arms.

   "It's so good." Li Han pinched Dudu's little nose, said with a smile, and returned to the small building. "Sister Dudu is shy." The baby saw Dudu lying on his uncle's arms, shaving his face with his little hands. "Sister Dudu is still hugged by my uncle." "Good child." "Not Dudu." Saying that, he asked his father to put Dudu down, and Li Han put Dudu down.

   "Dudu is an adult." Dudu has a small mouth, a little big and small, and always acts as an adult. "Don't hold it, adults." "Sister Baby was held by grandma yesterday." Dudu said with a small mouth.

   "Be good, don't be noisy, come here to help grandma pack her luggage." Zhang Xiuying carried the suitcase and greeted the two little people with a smile. "Well, Dudu folds clothes." "Baby helps grandma carry things."

   "Dudu can also move very well." Dudu pouted and refused to give in. The two villains were noisy, while Zhang Xiuying was busy packing up, laughing at the noisy and diligent two villains.

   "Little man, there's a lot of noise outside, what's wrong?" He asked his son while folding his clothes.

"It's okay, Mom, I just sent Wei Li and the others away. Mom, I want to talk to Jem about the family. I'll go to the cattle farm first." Li Han handed the box to Dudu and Bao Bao. said.

   "Go ahead, or invite the family to dinner in the evening. Jem and the others are very nice and can help you a lot." Zhang Xiuying said.

   "No, I'll go with a few barrels of beer, Dudu, please don't make noise." Li Han smiled and rubbed the little heads of the two little people.

   "Dudu is an adult, not noisy."

   "The baby is older than Sister Dudu, so she doesn't quarrel with Sister Dudu."

   The two little people and little adults seemed to be, Li Han smiled. "Okay, I'll bring you a gift when I come back." "Well, Dudu will be very good." "Baby help grandma fold clothes."

   "So good."

  Li Han squatted down, kissed one by one and told his mother, went out, came to the garage, drove a pickup, and left the farm. The pasture was green and green, and two white snakes circled the rutted path, through the endless pasture, and over the hillside, until it was full of cattle and sheep.

  The dust was flying, the pickup truck ran fast along the winding white, bumped all the way, splashed all the way, free and easy, Li Han let go of the speed. "Oh, Dinah, I was looking for you."

   On the way, I met Dinah with a horse-riding team, more than ten brown quarters, all of them were young people on the horses, all Asian in appearance, and I thought they were tourists. "Hi, Han."

  Dinah waved to Li Han, who stuck his head out of the pickup window. "This is Han, the owner of Hank's Farm." "Hi, everyone, I'm Hank Lee, welcome to Hank's Farm, and I wish you a good time."

   After Li Han finished talking, he told Dinah that he planned to travel, and the animals on the small farm would be handed over to Dinah. "No problem, Han, I'll take care of Xiao Hei Hei and them."

   "If you need anything, you can go to the zoo, they will help you." Li Han also has a zoo, which is being renovated and will wait for the opening in September. He is very experienced in caring for animals.

   "I think I will."

   "Okay, Dinah, see you tonight." Li Han started the pickup, left from the side, and waved to the knights. "Good young farmer,"

   "Yes, it seems to be from China."

   The two girls discussed, Dinah smiled, Li Hanpika couldn't see it, only the dust was left behind. The pickup was speeding across the endless grassland, with blue sky and white clouds, green grass and colorful flowers, driving the car, and Li Han comfortably hummed a song.

   The cattle farm came to the cattle farm in a short time. The cattle had already left. There were not many people left in the cattle farm.

   "Han, Jem is in the office."

   "Thank you, man." Li Han and the young cowboy bumped their fists. "What's wrong with this big guy?" "This is a big guy who is going to be a mother, and he has a big temper."

   "Yeah, that must be a healthy little guy." Li Han patted the big cow, and sure enough, he had a great temper and grunted a few times. "Good luck, big guy."

   Li Han said, left with a smile, and came to the office. Jem was busy with the forage accounting. "Oh, Han." "I'm sorry to interrupt your work, Jem."

  Li Han sat down and poured a cup of coffee. "Want another drink?" "No thanks, Han, I was just about to tell you something." Jem took the papers. "This is the pasture harvest on our farm in the first half of the year. You will never believe it. It's all true."

  Jem documents to Li Han. "Oh, that's great, Jem, you've done a great job." "No no, that's your credit, man, you got the magic grass seed, and I think we can buy more cattle and sheep."

   "I'll tell Albert, it's great, it's time to have a drink to celebrate." Li Han said with a smile. "I brought Hank Manor." "That's wonderful, delicious Hank Manor, I want to celebrate with it, it will be a wonderful thing." Jem, said with a smile, in a very good mood. (A good event to drop pie in the sky, the cool mobile phone is waiting for you! Pay attention to ~ point / Chinese net public account (WeChat add friends - add public account - enter qdread), participate now! Everyone has a prize, now immediately Pay attention to the qdread WeChat public account!)

   (end of this chapter)