The Best Small Farm

Chapter 840: Dog bites Lu Dongbin

   Chapter 840 Dog Bites Lu Dongbin

Li Han, Baggio, and John chatted for a while. At this time, John and Baggio were no longer just fledgling. Put it down for the first time, and fight against the foreign media with all my strength. "Han, apart from the giant python, there seem to be other creatures in the lake?"

  John asked abruptly before leaving, Li Han was not very clear about this. "How do you say it?" "Don't look at this shot." John took the tablet from his assistant and opened it.

   Li Han frowned after reading it. "The python seems to be wary of the waters in the middle of the lake?" "Yes, I initially thought it was a giant piranha, but you see, the piranhas fled everywhere in the face of the python, so it can be seen that the piranha poses no threat to the python." John was very curious, but unfortunately he didn't know. The scales of the mutated python are beyond ordinary people's imagination, and it can be invulnerable.

  Baggio stood on the side, his mind was changing, why didn't he think of this, he still looked down on John a little, and now he was a little more concerned.

   "This lake is full of weirdness. Maybe it's not surprising that there are giant lake monsters." Baggio chimed in.

   "Baggio is right, can you give me a copy of John's video?" Li Han and Professor Hurley have a good relationship, and Professor Hurley will definitely be very interested, maybe unravel this mess.

   "Of course, this video has just been sent back to the Grizzlies website, and I can see it anytime I want." John handed the tablet to Li Han.

   "Thank you, I'll return it to you later." Li Han continued.

   "No, I'm fully prepared this time." He said to his assistant. "Bring me another tablet." "No problem." The assistant nodded with a smile. John and this young man had a really good relationship. There was a hint of surprise in his eyes, and then he took out his tablet and handed it to John. John nodded with satisfaction. , this assistant really has some eyesight.

   Compared to Baggio, he is a little helpless. His assistant is a little timid and a little blunt in his work. Fortunately, he is not bad. "Han, come to me anytime if you need any help."

"no problem."

  Li Han held Dudu and the tablet, and watched the video again. "Dad, take a look at Dudu." "Oh, yes, I forgot to show it to Dudu." Li Han smiled and handed the tablet to Dudu, who then held it and looked at it. "Dad, are Jem and Grandpa Houghton home?" "Yeah, we drove back home. There are a lot of things on the farm that need two grandpas to handle."

   "Can Dudu ride back?"

  Dudu knew that there was no more car, Li Han smiled. "Let's go back in Uncle Hurley's car." "But Dudu wants to ride a horse." Dudu pouted, there are many riding uncles, aunts, and children.

  The two riding horses were hung on the cart and brought back, which is a problem. "Go back, Dad will take you to find Grandpa Pete, and sister Connie will ride with you."

   "Yeah." Dudu nodded happily, poking at the tablet video with his little hand. "Wow, big fish, big snakes and snakes are so powerful." Looking at the giant python chasing the piranha, with a cheer, the little girl suddenly froze. "Great eyes."

  Li Han was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to watch the video, without any eyes. "Eyes?" "Big eyes." There was little panic on Dudu's face, as if he saw something scary.

  Dudu pursed his mouth and did not speak, Li Han's face changed, the villain was not enthusiastic, but such a big guy was amazing. Li Han took Dudu to find Professor Hurley, and handed the video to Hurley. "Han, where did this video come from?" After watching it, Hurley's face became a little heavy. "Photographed by John reporter for the Grizzlies website."

   Hurley nodded and said. "Lend me the tablet." "No problem." Professor Hurley led Li Han and Dudu to a camp surrounded by security guards like Kimel.

   "These are the biological authorities from Chicago, and these are from Los Angeles." Hurley introduced in a low voice, relying on Roger Kornberg, everyone gave some face.

   "Video, shot by reporters, maybe he should change the angle."

   "There is absolutely no more terrifying animal in the world than this giant python."

   "Yes, this reporter is misleading us, Hurley, do you believe this kind of video?" A voice that seemed unfriendly to Hurley pointed at Hurley and said.

   "Professor Charles, I think that since there are giant pythons, there may be bigger and more ferocious beasts, I don't know." Hurley said.

"No, no, Hurley, do you and this Chinese want us to get out of here? Maybe you plan to have this python monopoly with China." Charles' student, a biological researcher younger than Hurley, said On the teacher's side, he criticized Li Han and Hurley.

   "Dad only caught the big snake, bad uncle." Dudu's small mouth bulged out Lao Gao and his eyes widened.

"This gentleman, I think you have misunderstood, I just kindly remind everyone that there may be other huge creatures in Jonah Lake. As for this gentleman's capture of giant pythons, it's ridiculous $500,000, maybe for my daughter. Buying a toy isn't enough, gentlemen, I think you should listen to Professor Hurley."

  Li Han was a little unhappy and said rather unhappily.

   "God, who this is, don't care about half a million dollars." The security company and staff on the side were dumbfounded. Some of them said with a smile, looking at Li Han as if they were looking at a fool.

  Li Han and Dudu are dressed in denim, which is no different from ordinary farm employees. "This is Montana. I thought it was on Wall Street in New York. It's incredible. Are the Chinese always so arrogant?"

   A black man with a gun laughed and said, Griffin beside him, although he was very upset with Li Han, he was even more upset by the **** guy on the side. "Yeah, it's not New York, it's not Washington, it's not Los Angeles, it's not Tokyo, it's just Montana, but I think you should get your head around it, another name for Montana."

   "Montana has other names." The **** man laughed.

   Griffin couldn't help it. "You really should read more books, idiot." "Damn, what did you say?" "Griffin." Kimmel came over to see the conflict here.

   The **** captain, Georgie Li, a hot mixed-race girl, twisted his waist and walked over. Short leather pants, leather boots, a waistcoat with a leaky upper body, pistols hanging on both sides of his shorts, and bulging leather boots. It was either a knife or other sharp weapon. "Oh, who is this, our lovely Kimel." "Georgely, you shouldn't be here." Kimel seemed to be familiar with Georgely.

   "Big grid, what happened." Georgily ignored Kimmel and asked the **** man beside him. "This **** guy, even calling me a fool, I'm going to tear him to pieces."


  Georgely's smile tightened, glancing at Kimmel and Griffin. "Kimir, give me a reason." "Griffin, what's going on?"

"Isn't it, half a million dollars, Kimmel, what do you mean to Han?" Griffin just said it again, and Georgily said, half a million dollars is absolutely for them. is huge wealth.

   "Georgely, maybe you should apologize." Kimel gestured for Georgi to apologize to Li Han not far away. "Who is he?" Georgley, with a little disdain. "I, Georgily, have no fear."

"Hank Lee, the owner of Hank's farm, has a great influence in the small town of Kemising, of course, these are nothing, he has a close relationship with the Walton family, and celebrities such as David Rockefeller once baptized his daughter in person. Visit, congratulations." Kimmel, finished. "Hank's farm is now worth over $100 million."

"Besides that, Han owns a private island in Hawaii, three yachts, and two helicopters." Griffin finished, snorted, big black, and realized that he had just laughed at a billionaire for not having Saw half a million dollars.

   "Georgely, maybe you don't care about this. If you are not here, Han can help you avoid many disasters. No one knows this place better than him." Kimmel reminded kindly.

   "Big grid, let's go."

  Georgely didn't apologize in the end, and Li Han didn't care what the **** guy said. "Professor Hurley, I think we should have done it."

   "Han, I'm so sorry."

   Hurley took everyone to apologize, and Li Han shook his head slightly. "Professor Charles, I hope your decision is wise, goodbye." Li Han intends to leave this place, the existence of the lake makes Li Han feel nervous.

  pandora has never been so resistant to lakes as it is now, but compared to pythons, how terrifying the big guy lurking in the lake is. "Of course, Hurley, I don't think Roger would want to see his student as a coward."

   "No, Professor Charles, the truly brave person knows what he should do, and avoids danger in the face of danger. That is a wise decision, not a coward to back down." After Hurley finished speaking, he turned and left.

   Li Han's treatment is much worse than Hurley's. After all, Hurley's teacher and his son both won the Nobel Prize, even though they are rare in the United States.

  Li Han's ears had some unpleasant words, and Xiao Dudu beside him was angry. "Dad." "It's okay, pandora, these people will pay for their words."

   Li Han frowned when he saw the sky darkening. "Professor Hurley, I think we should stay away from the lake." Li Han found Hurley and expressed his thoughts.

   Hurley immediately instructed Kimel to transfer the station. This camp is the best place on the hillside near the lake. "It's ridiculous that stupid Hurley believes that Chinese."

As soon as    Hurley left, many people came over immediately, and the camp became a place for others in an instant. Hurley's motorcade retreated nearly half a mile and stopped.

   Looking at the hillside by the lake from a distance, the lights were on, Li Han turned his head and looked at the place where he had just stopped. Baggio, John and others were all there, smiling and holding Dudu and walked over.

   In the center of the lake, the water of the lake flipped and bubbles appeared, and the dark lake surface seemed to change. Suddenly, a terrifying scream sounded, shattering the quiet sky.

   (end of this chapter)