The Best Small Farm

Chapter 894: The little pigeon's traffic promo video

  Chapter 894 Little Pigeon's Traffic Promotional Video

   "Director Qin, it's great to find the little girl." Gao Zhen said to Hao Li. "Hurry up and prepare, the video needs to be further processed, Hao Li, this time you will be the host."

   "Yes, it's up to you whether our newsgroup can get this month's bonus this time." Gao Zhen said, Hao Li nodded vigorously. "Director, don't worry."

  Hao Li took the video and went straight to the production department for post-production. This time, it was the Information Office of the City Propaganda Department who spoke, and the production requirements were very meticulous. "News at six o'clock in the evening."

  The news center, the time is directly determined. Of course, the city also plans to do a special feature and broadcast it at 7:40. Hao Li didn't have a vacation this time, but she was very excited. This time the topic was directly given to her.

But it really made the limelight, and colleagues in other departments were envious. Even though many people in this section are very envious, the topic, you must know that this is a topic named by the city leaders, and the attention will definitely get 12 points. Support, maybe Hao Li can become a news anchor this time, it will really make a lot of money.

   Even if you don’t become an anchor, at least leave an impression on the leader, which will definitely be of great benefit to your future work. Besides, as long as you are not a fool, you can see that this video will definitely cause a lot of repercussions.

   Qin Feng received a call from the station, and he agreed without saying a word. At this time, the entire press office and the radio news center cooperated fully. Qin Feng has already found Li Han and his party through his wife and left a phone number.

   Qin Feng planned to visit in person, Li Han drove back to Lantian at this time, and Dudu fell asleep with his small head tilted. In the afternoon, I ran up and down with Zhener, and played all afternoon without rest. It would be a bit tiring.

  Jennifer and Lingna were chatting, Lingna bought a box of finger-sized bronze terracotta warriors and horses. Jennifer buys some gadgets, handicrafts, wooden floats, ducks, and a small scattered little thing. Of course, the biggest buyer is sleeping sweetly and blowing bubbles.

   Back just after six o'clock, my mother prepared the meal. "Didn't my sister and brother-in-law come back?" "Your brother-in-law is going to stay at home for two days. Your sister brought the baby back and passed again."


  Li Han patted his head, how could this girl forget, sure enough, the baby was sitting on the sofa, puffed up, seeing his uncle coming, he snorted, wiped his tears, turned around, and ignored his uncle.

   "Baby, my uncle forgot about it. If I didn't pick up the baby, my uncle should be punished. Well, baby said, what do you want, a doll, or something delicious?" Li Han teased the baby with a smile.

   "Uncle is a big bad guy."

  Baby, with tears in her eyes, she said she was going to pick up the baby, but she didn't pick it up. The little girl was making a fuss about looking for Sister Dudu. Li Mei was always angry when she saw that she couldn't send it back.

   "Baby sister."

  Dudu rubbed his eyes and stuck his head out of his mother's arms. "Sister Dudu." Seeing Dudu, the baby burst into tears and ran over, and Dudu came down from Jennifer's arms.

   "Sister baby, why are you crying, don't cry, don't cry." Dudu wiped his tears and said. "Sister baby, Dudu bought a lot of gifts for you."

   said, the villain was going to get the bag, Li Han quickly handed it over. "Don't cry, will my uncle take you to Happy World tomorrow to play." "Dad, what is Happy World?"

  Dudu villain opened the bag, bought a lot of soldiers and gave them to the baby sister. "A playground, there are a lot of fun things to do." "Wow, Dudu is going to play."

   "No problem, baby don't get angry, okay? Take sister Dudu to the playground tomorrow, okay?" Li Han said with a smile, the baby wiped his tears and nodded. "All right."

   "Sister Baby, Dudu will take you to Little Bird."

  Dudu gift is sent, think of the bird. "Little bird?" "Well, it's good, the little fat man is not good." Dudu took the baby's hand and looked at the little pigeon.

   "How to buy such a pigeon back."

   On the way back, Li Han bought two folding cages, which would be placed in the corner of the living room, fortunately the house was big enough. Zhang Xiuying complained, Li Han smiled. The milk pigeon and the mother and father talked about it, and the two old people were amused.

   "Hey, isn't this our Dudu?" Li Pinghe, who was watching the news, exclaimed in surprise, calling for Zhang Xiuying to come over. "No, these little pigeons."

   Zhang Xiuying opened her mouth slightly, this is Anxi News, why is her family on TV? "Little man, come and have a look, Dudu is on TV."

   "Beep on TV."

   Dudu heard Dengdeng running over, and the baby ran after him. The pigeon cage was opened, and the little pigeons jumped out of the cage and ran into the living room sofa with Dudu and the baby.

   "What did you say?"

   Li Han looked at it, and it really was a toot. "Speaking, Dudu obeys traffic rules, and pigeons, combined with the recent traffic problems in the city, the reporter expresses some opinions."

   "Good thing." Li Pinghe clapped his hands and said to Dudu. "Good boy, do it right, if there is a car or not, we all have to obey the traffic rules."

   "Well, Grandpa, Dudu is very good and doesn't run red lights." Dudu said, Li Pinghe nodded with a smile. "Our family's Dudu is the most sensible." "Grandpa and grandpa, the baby will not break in."

   "Baby is also sensible."

   "Hey, why did the pigeon escape?"

  The news is not long, and the time to talk is finished. The family will find that the little pigeons have all jumped into the living room. "Little Fatty." Dudu pouted and caught the little Fatty on the jumping sofa.

   The little hands beckoned, and the little pigeons swayed to Dudu's feet one by one. "Line up." "Wow, Dudu sister, the little pigeons will all line up." The baby's eyes, wow.

   Zhang Xiuying and Li Pinghe saw each other for the first time and were stunned. "I just crossed the road, and the queue was like this." "Mmmm, grandma, the little fat man is the most naughty and will lead the way."

   Dudu knocks the little fat man, and the other little pigeons are very well-behaved. Dudu used the spring water to lead them, and immediately lined up obediently, and followed people slowly. "This pigeon is really fat, how can it be fed and can it still fly?"

  Zhang Xiuying sees the little chubby, Le, and the ball seems to be too fat, how can this fly? "Grandma, the little fat man can only fly so far." Dudu gestured and spread his hands.

   "It's not easy to be so fat and still fly." Zhang Xiuying touched Dudu and held up the little fat pigeon, a lump of flesh. "Okay, Dudu, baby, go wash your hands, eat, and play after eating."


  The little pigeon was brought back and locked up. The two little people held hands to wash their hands, washed it in vain, applied hand sanitizer, and the washing was full of small bubbles. Li Han quickly banned it from playing.

   Annoying Dudu and Baobao, with a bulging mouth, Li Han personally went to battle to wash the two villains. "Okay, wash up, eat obediently." The dinner was very rich, and I even cooked western food.

   The belly of the two villains is bulging. "Dudu is so full." "The baby has eaten two bowls of rice." The baby touched his belly, bulging. The two little guys had a good meal, and it was delicious. Zhang Xiuying couldn't be more happy when she saw it. "Don't sit, get up and go yo-yo with grandpa." Li Han patted the two villains.


  Dudu got up and jumped off the chair. Jennifer and Lingna were very tired all day, so they didn't go out, so they helped mom clean up the dishes. Li Han and Li Pinghe, Dudu, the baby went out with thirty-two pigeons, plus a small fat man in the shape of a ball.

   "The elevator is coming."

  Dudu and Baby Dengdeng ran into the elevator, and Li Han and Li Pinghe came in. "Uncle, wait a minute." The young man who was about to close the elevator door paused. Isn't there anyone?

  In the elevator, a couple of men and women were a little puzzled, until a spherical pigeon jumped in and one after another small pigeons lined up to enter, the young men and women understood why Dudu said and so on.

   Both of them were a little dumbfounded, staring blankly at the pigeons that jumped in. "One, two, three, ... Thirty-one, thirty-two, um, no less, thank you uncle, close the door."

   "Ah, good." The young boy was stunned for a moment, then closed the door, his girlfriend was leaning against her boyfriend, and there were many pigeons in their footsteps, one by one, lining up, a bit scary.

   When they got out of the elevator, neither of them moved. They rubbed their eyes while waiting for the pigeons to jump out of the elevator one by one. "I seem to see a lot of pigeons." "I saw it too."

   The two of them looked at each other and felt a little bit that this world was very strange. The pigeons would line up and get on the elevator, without making any noise or making a fuss. "How come those pigeons just now look like what's shown on TV?"

   "Yes, that little girl who talks is not a mixed-race little girl, I said it looks familiar, it's really cute." The girl said. "I didn't expect to live in the same building with us."

   "It's amazing, let's go and see."

  The two hurried out of the elevator, trotted a few steps, and followed Dudu and his group. Sure enough, Dudu and Baobao held hands, followed by a group of pigeons swaying their butts, lining up, Li Han and Li Pinghe chatted as they walked.

   I didn’t walk very far, and there were many children around, watching the pigeons. Some children were coquettish and wanted pigeons. Li Han was asked several times whether to sell it or not, but Li Han refused all of them.

  Some of the residents who have seen the news have inquired about whether they are on TV. Every time they beep, they nod their heads proudly, and make two ummmes to show it.

   "Really, little boy, you are awesome, win glory for our Lantian."

   "No, Anxi is the most particular about us Lantian people," said a young man in his twenties.

   "I don't know if they will come to our community for an interview. If the children come, they should call their uncle. Uncle will applaud you."

"That's right, we're all cheering you on." A group of people, thinking, pigeons are living in the water garden. According to the TV station, there is a follow-up. It is very likely that they will come to the community for interviews. Many young people are thinking, Sometimes I can mix a scene on TV, follow my friends, and say, but it's a big face thing.

   (end of this chapter)