The Best Small Farm

Chapter 930: Lively small supermarket [delivery dumpl

   Chapter 930 Lively Small Supermarket [Send Zongzi]

  The city people came to play all morning, most of them rushed back at three or four in the afternoon, and they should go to work tomorrow and Monday. On the other hand, Zhou Tong, Lao Zhao, came over when he said that he was free, and asked Li Han to help him find a place to live. He planned to stay in Lijiapo for a while.

  Li Han readily agreed, and when there was news, he called the two of them and sent them away. Not long after that, he received a call from the old man, Li Pingzheng. "Wow, the Little Grandpa supermarket is about to open."

  Dudu heard the cheers and went to find the baby sister to go with him to grab candy. Brother Tiedan told Dudu that he would sprinkle sugar, peanuts and small steamed buns when opening.

   "Sister Dudu, ride a tricycle."

   "Yeah." The two villains changed into small jeans with suspenders, small flower shirts, small cowboy hats, carried a small yellow duck bag, small yellow duck hollow sandals, and rode on a yellow duck tricycle.

   "Dad, hurry up." Dudu rode on the yellow duck car, turned back and shouted to Li Han who was dressed up in the room. "Uncles are so stinky." "Well, Dad is the most stinky."

   "Say what and leave."

  Li Han, a villain, gave XiaotouBeng, Dudu and Baobao, a small mouth, a fleshy little head, a stinky father, and a stinky uncle. Li Han was happy when he saw the two little people pouting.

   "The big horn rang, baby sister is going, let's start." Dudu pedaled hard, the tricycle started, and the baby followed out of the small yard.

   Along the gravel road in front of the courtyard gate, we meandered two bends and descended to the bottom of the slope. "Slow down." Li Han chased after him quickly, escorting the two villains and running so fast.

  Fortunately, when I was building a house at home, I went to the village to repair the road and add a fence. Li Han's small yard is located on the upper part of the hillside next to the renovated old house, which is some distance from the village at the foot of the hillside. The winding mountain road, layer by layer, was built very gently. The two little men rode the tricycle without much effort, and they went down the mountain road for a while and hurt their feet.

  The village is located on a high **** washed out by the river bank. In front of the village, three river beaches are also alluvial to form hillsides. A mountain road goes around the hillside and enters the village from the other end. There is a wide area at the entrance of the village. On one side, the river has formed a large pond. On the other side, there is a forest. There are some open spaces on both sides of the forest. In front of the forest is the only way to go to the river beach.

  The supermarket is located in the woods near the river beach, so the supermarket will be ready. Li Ping is in the loudspeaker, talking. "Villagers, our first supermarket in Lijiapo, Changfa Supermarket, is officially open at 4:30. Today, when we do an event, we will give you a bag of salt, ten yuan and a bar of soap."

   Li Pingzheng was talking with excitement. The wife next to her heard that they were giving salt and soap, and she only gave Li Pingzheng a wink. What kind of **** is this prodigal gentleman giving away?

   "Really, Lao Da, this is not a lie." The fat elder sister-in-law, carrying a basket, said with a laugh hahaha.

   "Lao Da, we are here, why don't you send us salt first?" Sister-in-law three said with a smile.

   "What are you talking about, these mother-in-laws, listen to Lao Da." The third brother Li Kui glared, his daughter-in-law.

   "What are you talking about, what's wrong, I can't say it yet." The third sister-in-law spoke with a look of joy, and she took part in a share in her family, and in the future, the supermarket, whatever, counted as her own.

   "The third one, it's so stingy before it even opened, it's not possible." The elder sister-in-law and the second sister-in-law laughed and said Li Kui.

"What the hell, sister-in-law, sister-in-law, you'll be giving away too many things in the future, why are you stingy." The third brother said with a smile, just now Han Jingjing told Li Pingzheng and Li Kui about the supermarket for a long time, but the two were serious and good-natured student-like.

   "Really, little man, here we come."

   "Little man, you see so much in the world, and you really deliver things every day?" the elder sister-in-law asked.

  Li Han just arrived and didn't know the situation. "Supermarkets, yes, there are usually discounts. Usually members will have some gifts. Most of the festivals do activities and give gifts."

   "Let's just say, someone's stuff is not blown by the wind." After saying this, the sisters-in-law felt more and more that this was right.

"Good afternoon, everyone, I'm Han Jingjing, the manager of Changfa Supermarket's Lantian County Agency Office. This is the first time that Changfa Supermarket has entered the villages since it went to villages and villages. I am very happy. In this way, I personally take out two Ten umbrellas will be given to the top 20 villagers who consume." Han Jingjing said with a smile, and the staff brought a box of umbrellas.

  Han Jingjing opened it, with the words Long Hair Supermarket on it, the umbrella is really nice and beautiful. "Grandma, it's so beautiful." Xiaohua looked at the beautiful umbrella and smiled at how good it would be if she had one. Many people must be envious of it when she goes to school.

   "Really delivered?"

   "There can still be fakes."

   "The boss, can I get it too?" The third sister-in-law liked it.

   "This." Li Kui wasn't quite sure. "Little Han, is it okay for your third sister-in-law to buy things?" "Of course." Li Han said with a smile.

   "Third sister-in-law, you can rest assured to buy it, as long as the top 20 have it." Li Han didn't say, Han Jingjing must have more than this stuff, maybe there are more.

   After Han Jingjing finished speaking, Li Pingzheng said with a smile. "The auspicious time has come, unveil the plaque." Li Pingzheng invited Han Jingjing to unveil the plaque together. Firecrackers sounded, and the supermarket officially opened.

  Children, adults swarmed into the supermarket, and it was rare for the village elders to come out and walk around. Look at this, touch that, in the spacious prefab, the shelves are full of goods.

  Snacks, oil, salt, sauce and vinegar, beverages, drinks, flour, and some small daily necessities. "Okay, okay, everything is there, we don't need to go to the village."

  Third master and third aunt, touch this, touch that, good stuff. "Old lady, this spoon is good, buy one back, we can't use our spoon anymore."

   "Okay, buy it, look at this pot, it's so beautiful." The third aunt touched the flower pot. "I bought it." Seeing that the mother-in-law liked it, the third master took it down with gritted teeth.

   "This old man, how old am I and still have flower pots."

"Third grandma, the flower pots are beautiful." Dudu raised his head and said, these children are crowded in the small toy area, although there are not many types of toys, such as a small water gun, a four-wheel drive, a small duck, etc., but for the village For children, it is definitely the first time to see so many toys, and they are all looking at the price. Today, the little boy has money in his pocket and earned it by himself.

  Dudu and the baby followed to watch, and the two villains watched for a while and then ran over to the adults to play. "Look, Dudu said it looks good, take it, and let's go." The third master and the third aunt bought a basin, a spoon, and a packet of sugar to the cashier.

   "Third Master, you are the fifth person. I will give you an umbrella and a bar of soap." Li Kui said with a smile.

   "How can this be done, baby, you are not going to lose money." Third Master, why don't you say no. "Third Master, take it, this is a supermarket opening event, it's the same everywhere."

   "Well, old lady, this umbrella is for you."

   "The old thing is not serious. I will use this flower umbrella. I will wait for my son and daughter-in-law to come back and use it for them."

  Li Han smiled. "Third brother, are you still used to using it?" "Not yet, I forgot how to use it when I panicked." "Take your time, iron egg, what are you guys buying?"

   "Toys, Liuda." The little loach, shirtless and dark, grinned and shook his hand, a water gun. "Loach, is your baby rich?" Li Kui glared at his son, Tie Dan shrinking his head.

  I didn't expect that Dada was at the cashier, just the third aunt. "I have money. Today the old man bought my honeycomb and gave me ten dollars." Then he took out ten dollars and put it away.

   "You son of a bitch, five dollars." After looking for five dollars, Li Kui thought about it and handed him an umbrella. Who knew that this boy immediately shook his head when he saw the umbrella. "I don't want an umbrella."

   "This child, why not."

   Li Han laughed out loud. "Third brother, don't give this umbrella to the loach, otherwise the third sister-in-law will not smoke him when you go back." "Hahaha, forget what to eat, forget it, Sanda invites you to have a lollipop, let's go."

   "Guwazi, hide the ball and come here for Laozi." Li Kui snorted, and Tie Dan dawdled over. The boy also took a lot of things, a four-wheel drive car, a water gun, and a small doll.

   "Guava seeds."

  Li Kui took a photo, Tie Dan remained silent. "Twenty-five." Tie Dan, quickly handed over the money, hugged the toy and ran away. "Hehe, third brother, all this money was earned by Tie Dan in the morning."

   "This baby." Li Kui took an umbrella and put it aside, this baby, umbrella and soap are not needed.

  Li Han saw the eldest sister-in-law and the third sister-in-law, and he brought things over here without waiting for a while, and hurriedly let them go. "Dudu, baby, don't you have anything to buy?"

   The two little people shook their heads, none of them liked by Dudu, and the baby didn't like them. "Lollipop?" "Big one." Dudu and the baby nodded, big lollipop.

  Li Han bought two big lollipops, there were more than ten lollipops in them, and they were very beautiful. He also bought some other things, which counted as more than 50 yuan, as a support.

   "Third brother, let's forget about this umbrella. There are many umbrellas at home, so give it to someone else." Li Han is not uncommon, women in the village are very rare, one person gets one, and he is overjoyed.

   "Manager Han, are you leaving?" Li Han walked out of the supermarket and saw the supermarket truck leaving.

   "Yeah, Li Han, if you have time, go back to the county seat. I'll treat you to dinner."

   "How embarrassing this is, I invite you."

   "That's for sure." Han Jingjing smiled, a conspiracy that succeeded.

   "Oh, Manager Han, why don't you tell me to leave and see you off?" Li Ping was rushing out.

   "Village Li, I saw that it was busy inside, so I just said it, I didn't want to disturb." Han Jingjing said to Li Kui, and Li Kui was busy for a while and forgot to tell Li Pingzheng.

   "How can this be done, Manager Han, you've helped us so much, and it's too heartless for us not to send you off." Li Pingzheng said.

   "Thank you, Village Chief Li, you are busy, let's go." Han Jingjing said to Li Han. "Han, don't forget, treat, I can remember it."

   "Hehe, I can't forget it." Li Han said with a smile.

   The supermarket is open. Dumplings are delivered. Come and have it. Hehe, I wish everyone a happy Dragon Boat Festival. The one who didn't have rice dumplings came to Mingyao, hehe.



   (end of this chapter)