The Black Scepter

v3 Chapter 29: Withered Misry family

>The valley with an area of ​​more than three square kilometers is surrounded by a mountain wall with a height of nearly 100 meters on all sides. It is like a huge water basin, with only one exit. This is the place where night elves have avoided the migration of the herd, away from the direction of the herd. The terrain is at least ten meters higher than the forest, so there have been no accidents for hundreds of years.

But all "conventions" were completely broken in a ray of light.

In the field of vision of the night elves, the glory glanced past like a horse, and their eyes were blank, they only felt the impact in front of them wrapped in a huge force!

Thousands of elves flew backwards together.

Sunderland and others who were standing in the front row had shields and were below the level of the explosion, so when the violent impact passed over their heads, they only covered their heads with soil and did not suffer excessive damage-but in reverse The unprotected front row of the elf family, the seven elders were unable to react redundantly from the beginning to the end because of the scepter of the scepter. At this moment, almost no resistance was hit by the shock wave!

They are only 50 meters away from Murphy, which is fatal.

In the light, the entire elder Xi, with all the guards beside him and the guards of nearly 60 or 70 people in front, disappeared in an instant.

The elves at the back have no chance of climbing up under the constant impact, the dazzling light has not stopped from beginning to end, and the violent sound of the ears is mixed with echoes, making them cover their ears tightly !

In the light that no one could look directly at, Murphy was standing where the scepter in his hand was pointing forward, unscathed.

In front of him, the "burning" released with the "El Mantra" is no longer the "burning" of the flame that people understand in the ordinary sense, but the complete change of matter from completeness to collapse-this blow The energy is so horrible that it is no less than the horrible damage that he hit the heretic referee.

Fortunately, his goal pointed out of the valley. If it is inside, no one in the whole valley can escape the fate of death.

When the echo of the roaring sound gradually ceased, the smoke caused by the terrifying heat dissipated, and the entrance to the valley revealed its present horror.

The night spirits who rolled on the ground hundreds of meters away for more than ten circles coughed and raised their heads. The scene in the field of vision instantly made the pumping sound and the sound of prayer.

Murphy's figure and smoke appeared, and there was a tens of meters high "wall" just a minute before him, but now it has completely disappeared with the original narrow entrance of the valley!

The entrance to the valley, which is less than twenty meters wide, was exploded to fifty meters.

Looking far away, the remaining radial impact marks on the ground and the flames that have not been extinguished still burn quietly, but when the dark things on the ground are clearly seen, the whole valley is completely quiet.

Countless charred corpses of Warcraft are quietly smoking smoke, silent, like the ruins of the forest fire.

The sand on the ground is turned into shiny glass because of the high temperature. The high temperature distorts and transpires the distant scenes. The doomed scene brings great visual impact.

The terrifying image of the Warcraft corpse has a maximum length of more than sixty meters and has a Yalong body structure, but these wreckages have only been burned, leaving only barely discernible ashes, and only some parts are still burning flames Behind it, there are dozens of similar human remains, still motionless, and the corpses piled a few square kilometers in radial surroundings are quietly displayed here.

There is no smell of burning corpse oil in the air, because the power of "burning" is far beyond the ordinary flame.


Murphy stepped lightly and disappeared into the dim light like a **** under the gaze of countless lights-because of the shock caused by this shock, the lighting of the entire dome of the underground world disappeared almost instantly, and when Sunderland was out of thin air When stepping out of the earth pit on the steps of the wind element, it was no longer possible to find the figure of Murphy.

He turned his head, and the elves who had just held countless arrows and pointed at themselves had already lost more than a hundred people in this impact, and the elders of the seven villages were completely included-even the few male elves. in this way.

The scene was completely out of control and began to become chaotic.

Varian Consanas and his grandson Minos stepped on the edge of the Lampard territory of the Balice Empire at noon.

The skinny boy Minos doesn’t seem to have any muscles, and only a dirty and wide robe can make him look stronger, but in the words of the old man Varian, this nonsense is not big or big. Naughty teenagers may find it hard to find a wife in the future.

"There are so many beautiful women in Balice, and the **** and thin waists are beyond the continent. I will definitely find the most beautiful woman! Why do you come to this conclusion?"

Minos whispered to the old man's remarks, the straw stick was spit out by him, bent down, reached out to take off his pair of torn shoes that he had nowhere to pick up, slammed the stones in it, and then ran a few steps Walk, keeping up with Varian in front.

"Not all'why's will have an answer in this world. I'll just talk about it. It's your business to listen to it." Varian walked forward with care, the temperature in autumn was not high, but it was still under the sun Some of them are drying, and their backs are still a bit lonely on the road that the team often drives. "It's like you asking me'Why come to Balice in person', will I give you the answer? Because I have no answer myself."

Minos was silent for a long while, looked up at the sun, without fear of the dazzling sunlight, stared at it for a while, then bowed his head and said: "Do you want to interfere in Lampard's war?"

"Interference, uh, this term is not appropriate."

Varian didn’t stop, the crutches hit the road with a rhythm, "Fate made us encounter everything every day as a result of interference, maybe one more second you rest here today leads to many years. Someone died after death, does it sound like a fantasy?"

"It must be bullshit."

Minos continued to whip.

Varian smiled, didn't say much, and looked at the village and town in the distance. This angle was on the northeast side of the Lampard territory. He could not see the shadow of Hegel's army, but he could already see Sicelin in the distance. The tall tower of the city.

"What are you going to do?" Minos stared into the distance, his face eager to try. "Let me dive in to subdue the Lord Lord? Or go to the city of West Sellin and throw the owner down the tower?"

This made me laugh at Varian, who was serious, and took a slap to give this boy a staggering step and said, "I really think the guys here are all waste? You have beaten Hegel, I don't doubt it, but The one in Sicillin City, you’re not half a star."

"Why do you say that? Uncle Sebaro said last time he couldn't beat me!"

"Why would he be a bully of a round table to bully you little kid, and don't tell me about the duel between you and Lothar. The old men of the golden compass have asked me several times to ask me to go back and beat you a few more boards."

"Who makes them look down on me, cut."

Minos made a grimace disdainfully, wiped his dirty cheeks, and took out the rabbit meat left last night from his arms, "You-"

"Just eat it yourself, what your kid made is quite delicious, much better than my old man's bread."

The young man laughed when he heard this, and ate the remaining rabbit meat in a few bites. He seemed to have forgotten what he had just talked about, and he hummed a little tune proudly—drying with the round table knight, and the old master of the golden compass council Dueling, to tell the truth, he has this strength at a young age. He has not used too many words to describe his talents, but no one knows why he was arranged for Balice wandering after he walked out of the mountains of Osgeria with Long Jing.

"Did you do anything else here in the past few months?"

"Arandis's investigation is almost complete. The pig-head lord of Sisrin once went in once. After he came out, he looked a little bit worse, but he was killed by a group of people," he said with a grin. "That day, I was in a nearby village and town, and it was scary to see the collapse of the castle tower more than ten kilometers away."

Minos came to Balice, precisely the order that the old man himself had in front of him, and the task was naturally closely related to his current actions.

"Oh, it may not take long, we will face these people."

Varian's footsteps stopped slightly, squinting and turning his head back, "If the talk collapses, I'm not sure if I can live to the next day's sunrise. You still have time to think about it, will you continue with me?" "

Minos, who was originally fearless, dumbfounded after hearing this sentence.

West Sellin.

Ashkandi narrowed his eyes and looked at the forms and sheets of parchment in his hand. The information was complicated and complicated. It stands to reason that the entire night watchman can only be watched by Compton in a short period of time. These messes involving different aspects Information, dozens of thick stacks of parchment were placed on the desk in front of Ashcandi, containing nearly all the current information of the entire Lampard territory.

Including the number of civilians in all villages and towns, the number of soldiers, the number of cavalry, the surname and composition of the nobility, the weapons reserves, food reserves, terrain advantages and disadvantages in the entire territory, etc. Many dusty materials have also been searched from the archives by Irindal He came out and placed it in front of Ashcandi, and the current chief consul looked at the entire three or four kilograms of data overnight, and ordered without a break the next morning.

Emergency conscription.

In addition to the original Earl of Garde, Lampard’s territory has a total of 13 viscounts, 37 barons and nearly 100 lords. In addition to the three barons and ten lords in the seven occupied villages, there is still one remaining A large number of nobles available for dispatch.

In Balice, all the sources of a territory except the lord’s own private soldiers were recruited from the subordinate nobles-exactly as the order issued by Ashcandi was: each viscount provided one hundred infantry and thirty Knights, each baron provided fifty infantry and seven knights, and the Lord provided fifteen infantry, so a large number of soldiers directly gathered under the name of Ashkandi, the "lord".

In fact, the nobles had already made preparations for fighting. Now Ashcandi’s conscription order, the people of all walks of life almost did not need extra time to put together a tidy, everyone knows the name of Lord Hegel, face With regard to Ashcandi’s tough command of beheading if he didn’t obey, a few lords who had thought of the rebellious escape could only courageously join forces.

So Lampard quickly gathered a total of 4,300 infantry, nearly 650 knights, and a thousand horsemen.

These sources, including the 5,000 elite infantry that Garder himself originally owned in West Sellin, plus his own 2,000-person cavalry and the "Dark Blade Knights" under Murphys, a total of nearly 10,000 infantry With more than 3,000 cavalry troops, Ashcandi froze in three days-and this number still has room to dig.

What kind of character is Ashkandi?

Murphy may never know, but if he mentions "Hasting", he is expected to have some more intuitive concepts-Hastings Detal, the **** of Gilman who fell from the altar , It was Ashkandi who broke into hell!

More than three hundred years ago, this brave, blood-blooded general led his army into the Forddin from the Gilman Empire. With only 10,000 initial troops, it was all the way into the empire and caused great losses to the empire. The city was killed and more than five counts were captured. Henry II, who was in power at that time, was furious and gathered nearly 100,000 troops to encircle and suppress, but the entire army was turned by the invaders of Hastings in his empire. Three At the end of the month, more than 30,000 troops were lost and more than five important cities were lost!

And Hastings expanded its strength to 80,000 people under the reinforcement of the Gilman total of less than 10,000 people lost a vast fifth of Fording's territory.

The miracle he created began to cause collective fear for the nobles of Fording.

It was in this situation that the Misri family, who was facing the scourge of war at that time, tried their best to enlist with the emperor, but after a sudden change in an assault mission, this army of lords with less than 10,000 troops was actually in a woman’s Under the leadership of a commander who openly disobeyed the king’s orders, he rushed into the enemy-occupied area without a soldier.

When Henry II and even all the nobles thought that the army had gone, the frontline had continuously heard the news of Hastings withdrawal within two weeks!

Unknown Henry II sent troops to observe, but found that the frontline Hastings army was beaten by a haunted army. There was no morale. The king who learned of this news directly pulled the entire force and successfully pushed back. Steen’s army, but against the Misry family who has made a lot of contributions, he gave the harshest sentence


The Misri family, who lost more than 3,000 soldiers to serve the country loyally, fell. All the nobles were executed, but only one escaped.