The Black Scepter

v3 Chapter 48: Strength and rejection

> Minos's arms first touched Murphy's fist, and the indescribable power transmission made him suddenly change his face-and then an invisible wave of bombardment hit his body straight along Murphy's arms!

The scene in front of him suddenly twisted violently, his arms rebounded uncontrollably and hit his chest, bringing a violent shock to his internal organs-then Minos flew straight back...


There was a muffled noise, but it wasn't Minos's body that was in contact with the wall in the distance, but Murphy's foot in the sky after stepping out!

As Minos crashed to the ground, the impact and strength of the explosion immediately added a human-like deep hole to the stone surface.


Two consecutive blows and heavy blows made Minos in a beggar's suit almost become an aborigine. He climbed up from the cracked stone pit. He coughed a few times with his mouth in his mouth, then raised his head. Murphy rushed to the ground just now-this time, he no longer fights with the barbarian fighting style just now, but raises his hands and condenses the elements to release a fifteen "frost blade", the surface of the body suddenly A dark, dull black armor condensed, and the three sharp frost blades attacked Murphy!

At a glance, Murphy saw that this guy's rank is at least a high-level magister-but this does not allow him to have too many fears. Since he fights, he will be happy, and Murphy is not prepared to leave any affection.

He didn't pull out his wand at all, but directly raised his palm. The elements condensed at an incredible speed. Just before the three ice blades were about to hit his body, an exaggerated fireball with a diameter larger than his body condensed and burst out. !

This hand completely frightened the Minos who was ready to attack-"Burst" he can also release, but usually this low-level spell requires him at least three seconds of release time, and it is impossible to have such a horror The radius of the fireball.

But when it was time and time, Minos rushed on the face did not have too much time to think, and even did not have time to avoid, watching the three ice blades annihilated at the moment they hit the fireball, he could only exhaust Fully thicken the black armor of your body again


This was the second blast in a short period of time under Count Cecilin’s castle, but its power was several times greater than the previous one-even the soldiers not far from the castle walls were blown to the ground by the air waves, all around The gravel and dust are soaring into the sky.

When Minos appeared again, it was awkward.

The black armor that appeared inexplicably was broken into five or six places, incomplete, and the original impure face was even darker, and one of his arms was pulled down, as if he had suffered a minor injury, just before he was ready to continue fighting At that time, a slightly old word prevented his movements.

"What do you want to prove?"

Varian stood at the edge of the deep pit on the ground. The old man held a cane and stood in the shadow of the tower, looking at the indifferent Murphys and his grandson. The voice was calm, but it was majestic.

Minos, who was originally in a fighting posture, hesitated for a moment, and finally sighed, "Grandpa, you say he is better than me, I don't believe it."

Varian ignored him, stepped out of the shadows, and went directly to Murphy: "His recklessness does not represent the maliciousness of the Consanas. I apologize for the fright you received."

After meeting with Ashcandi, he never showed up, and even Varian, who did not communicate with Murphy, appeared at the moment. The purpose was not simply to apologize to his grandson. Murphy knew "Consanas". What kind of energy is represented behind the family, he also knows that this family has made a deal with Ashcandi, at this moment it is his turn to negotiate with this family, to be honest, he has been mentally prepared.

"Who is this?"

Murphy was not annoyed. If the unclear one lost, it would be useless, but obviously Minos's strength did not pose any threat to him-the current rank of Murphys has reached the i-level peak. However, according to the comprehensive strength, it has exceeded the i level. If you hold the scepter, you will completely pass the so-called "threshold" of the secular strongman, so after reaching this level, he does not care about the nervous "challenge" of a weak person.

But the other party belongs to the Consanas family, which requires him to pay attention to-a powerful family can bring things that many lords and even monarchs can not do, such as the old man in front of him provides Ashcandy with the "creed" "Balice's intelligence resources, to be honest, giving these things to Byzantium can raise the level of intelligence, and Murphy, who needs to allow the night watchman to "stride forward", is at a time when he needs outside help.

"Minos Consanas, he is a proud young man in the Consanas family," Varian did not say much about his grandson, but continued: "One less than seventeen The i-year-old strong at the age is not uncommon among the strong families in the mainland, but because your surname is Windsor, this may mean a resource that needs to be drawn to me. I think I said this, you should Understand the meaning."

Unlike the humbleness when facing Ashcandy, Varian now stood in front of Murphy as a strong family spokesperson, seeming to be equal, but actually stood at a slightly higher position.

"Let's talk over there. I want to hear about the value of the Windsor family to Consanas."

Murphy did not have any unnecessary nonsense, and went straight to the subject, but he still reached out to the military hall not far from the rules. Brown's cavalry regiment was conducting exercises outside the city. There was basically no one except the guards.

Varian followed Murphys here, but after sitting down, he waved his hand first, let Minos stand outside, then turned his head and said: "The Kanzanas family is full of fighting geniuses similar to Minos. Yes, but it is not Wufu who is more productive, but an excellent politician."

"such as--?"

"I won't give too many specific examples. If you have thoughts, check how many economic lifelines of the Fording Empire and the Byzantine Empire are in the hands of Consanas, and you will understand the meaning of the words "excellent politicians". "Varian blinked slowly, his tone was flat, and he seemed a bit slow. "If there is a strong army that does not return to the lord in the Lampard territory, the Buttigian royal family will not sit by and ignore it. It is a good way to hide. But in the end, it will lead to disaster, the only solution is to become stronger than the other party before the other party finds you in trouble."

"What do you need? Chips?"

Murphy was not interested in sawing anything. He was not a politician and didn't need that set of rules.

Varian also seemed to understand the young man's intentions, and what he wanted to say was redundant, which eventually turned into a sentence. - "The creed of my men, someone is staring at your scepter."

After he finished, he smiled and shook his head to continue: "Or, there are countless people who stare at your scepter, but after being stared at by the creed, it means that you are in much greater trouble."

"Shall I hand over the scepter?"

Murphy's back leaned against the back of the chair, and his body leaned back.

"Don’t get me wrong, I’m different from those people, the scepter...he--I haven’t gotten to the point of grabbing such a thing, but the only thing I need is that at some point you can use it to help me deal A person."


Murphy narrowed his eyes at the old man for a long time, and finally asked softly, "My strength is not outstanding in your eyes, why choose me?"

"Everyone who tries to control the scepter is dead, but you can easily exert its powerful power," Varian pointed to Murphy, and said seriously: "This is not a matter of luck, it can take you to no one. The position, and it seems to me, is destined."

Murphy could not understand why the old man in front of him would be so sure that he would be stronger in the future, but after thinking about it, he finally said: "Even if the conditions you give are rich, if the so-called tasks are vaguely described, then I will not agree ."

"The current controller of the dark order." Varian was silent for a while, and finally said the answer.

Then he pointed to the North Road "as a "deposit", I will take out two thousand horses of the Hayden Army of the Gilman Empire, with a horse trainer and stern, and 500 blacksmiths with heraldic surnames. 'Deposit', your promise is fulfilled, and I will add the same number of horses and blacksmiths."


Even if Murphy doesn’t understand these military matters anymore, he understands what these resources Varian just said casually mean-Gilman’s Hayden horses are today’s excellent military horses that have a perfect balance between continental front and endurance. Although the number is not rare, only the Knights of the Gilman Empire are qualified to use it. It is never exported abroad and is regarded as one of the symbols of national strength. "Blacksmiths with heraldic surnames" are by no means the ordinary blacksmiths. By comparison, it was given a surname, proving that the blacksmith’s level of forging satisfied the local lord and placed it on the warrior, and having a coat of arms meant that the blacksmith’s work was one or more excellent Used by knights.

Five hundred blacksmiths with heraldic surnames mean that the knights in the territory no longer have to worry about the problem of weapon armor, and the large number of excellent military horses lay a solid foundation for the establishment of excellent knights.

Four thousand military horses, one thousand excellent blacksmiths, everything, but need Murphy to kill the blood Prince William Ke? Raymond?

"I'm not a bounty hunter, and I wouldn't be a mercenary for money."

Murphy shrugged. He did not confirm whether Varian in front of him knew Ashkandi's ultimate purpose. Even if the temptation in front of him was full, he did not intend to agree.

"For now, I don't doubt it." Varian raised his hand slightly, and a black dagger appeared almost silently in his palm. "Some things will gradually decay with time, such as me The big family behind me, such as the'creed' under my hands, is a fact and cannot be denied."

"But there are things that last forever, such as this dagger that has been around for thousands of years, or a leader with a dark scepter."

Varian’s eyes were on the dagger in his hand, and the non-reflective blade had no trace of rust. The layered lines left by the forging appeared faintly at the handle. It seemed that the only trace of time was the same-this is "creed "The founder's dagger is a symbol of supreme assassin.

"I won't agree easily because of a few bewilderments."

Murphy finally gave this answer-it was not that he did not want those horses or blacksmiths, but that he began to understand whether the power in his hands should do this lowest level thing.

The atmosphere was deadlocked again.

"Learning to refuse is far harder than learning to accept, and Windsor may have a chance to win the first serial family."

Varian nodded and stopped talking He didn't say a word for the request he just made, and politely retreated.

The Minos at the door suddenly said to Murphy: "The next time I touch you, I will not lose!"

This sentence made Varian slap his head, and Minos, who dared not resist, immediately lost his momentum and obediently followed behind Grandpa and walked away.

Murphy looked at the back of the two, sighed, looked at the hillside outside the castle where the great knight Jeanna was buried, and walked.

In the other direction, the conversation between the grandfather and the grandson is still brief.

"Grandpa, is he a fool? You all said that you would give him so many things in advance, why don't you accept it first? It's a vested interest to regret it later."

"Vested interests are always vested interests. When you reach a certain level, you will find that some things are more important than the so-called benefits," Varian looked up at the high mountains in the distance. "It is not difficult for the strong to profit from killing Even take it for granted-but there are too few people who can refuse it, and often such people can go further."