The Black Scepter

v3 Chapter 56: coward

>Blood dyed robe.

The black cloth became moist and sticky, and the knight who was beaten to death after half death made the air smelly and bloody, and even Murphy's feet were covered with visceral debris.

Twenty-seven people didn't have time to make the second attack and became fragments on the ground.

Murphy's fist was still clenched, and he moved forward. He reached out and set his scattered hair aside, looked up, and looked at the knights who raised their swords more than ten meters away but did not dare to approach.

"Are you knights of the Holy See?"

This question seemed to bring a strong sarcasm, so that the Cavalry Regiment no longer advancing in front of Murphy was silent.

"Answer me, who are you?"

Murphy lowered his head, and a **** knight was groaning painfully at his feet. His voice stopped the opponent from struggling, reaching for the broken sword closest to his body.

Bending over, Murphy picked up the broken long sword for him and narrowed his eyes to observe the blade once stained with civilian blood.

He reached out and threw it to the knight with the last breath at his feet.

"Holy Knights? Oh, I only saw the dregs that should rot in the cemetery. Even if you are holding a sword, you are no longer worthy of being called knights."

Murphy said this softly, watching the other party pierce his calf with all his strength, but nothing happened.

"Come on."

After the sword fell to the ground, the knight who was unable to hold the sword knew that he had reached the limit. He reached out and wanted to make a prayer, but his arm could no longer be raised.

"Do you think that prayer before death will allow you to be forgiven for the sins you committed?"

Murphy asked aloud in front of countless knights not far away.

"Maybe you think God can, but here now-I don't agree."

Stretching his hand to pull the opponent, Murphy threw it effortlessly in front of countless knights with swords in front of him, and said with a deep voice: "I, Murphy? Windsor, will no longer allow you in this land Be fooled."

The name of Murphy has already spread throughout the sacred Gabriel Empire-even if the official did not publicize the deeds of Murphy, but the loss he caused was unbearable by the empire and the Holy See, so the hatred of Murphy The Gabriel Empire had no control at all, and there was even incitement.

"That Devil"


There was an irresistible whisper in the team, as if Murphy's name gave them an irresistible fear-Murphy standing in the pool of blood was indeed like the devil in myth drinking blood in hell.


Murphy took a deep breath, and suddenly looked a little trance-he suddenly noticed a problem that could not be ignored.

Should fully human beings be called devil?

In order to possess, the knights in front of them committed shameful acts of insulting women and burning and looting. They were completely engulfed in their minds-but who should be punished for their sins?

Is it yourself?

Murphy suddenly discovered that although he possessed absolutely powerful power, in a sense, he was not nobler than the knights in front of him-in order to vent his sullenness, he was also a The devil manipulated by his heart.

Is it right to stand at the vantage point of morality and wantonly crush others?

Perhaps many people will say that Murphy did nothing wrong, because "the knights are sinful, and you are just"-but Murphy understands deeply that the word "justice" never hides his own truth. The shield of ideas will never be a pass for killing oneself with the power in one's hands.

Only when faced with these choices, Murphy discovered that many concepts that he didn't pay attention to were not as easy to cross as imagined.

Such as murder.

Another example is sanctions.

This is a time when the law is up to the lord. After breaking away from the law, the strong respects it—compared to the wild history, this is already a symbol of civilization. Will only be a simple law.

But now?

Murphy raised his head violently, and the knights in front of him raised their swords in horror.

The vision turned, and the villagers in the distance hid helplessly in the room, and until now there was no Lampard's army to do anything-because Ashcandi did not send elite cavalry to rescue, Just wait for the rescue of the nearby city of Pass to arrive, and it will take two days at the soonest.

Where is the law?

Murphy found sadly that before the war, the so-called law and the so-called human nature had become worthless shit.

"Come to kill me."

He suddenly shouted at more than two hundred people in front of him: "Is it possible to get my head to see your pope and get a reward unimaginable in this life?"

"Is it your so-called God who is chanting the slogan of sanctioning heretics, driving you to point your sword at my chest?!"

"Where is justice?"

Murphy's questioning became louder and louder, eventually becoming a roar...

It was night, outside the village of Pargo, a cross-shaped beam of light appeared directly toward the sky, vast, like a miracle.

Lampard is still quiet.

When Murphy threw away the blood-stained black coat and wore a pair of trousers and returned to the city of West Sellin, Ashkandi stood above the tower, watching the vast territory as usual, for this return by flight What the "Governor's Assistant" did not seem to care.

But when the scouts of Pars City reported the information, the chief consul suddenly realized what happened last night.

She guessed the end, but not the process.

The cavalry regiment of more than three hundred people seemed to evaporate. Only the huge, indescribable deep pit in front of the village of Pargo left some traces of charred corpses.

The previously destroyed villages were completely deserted villages, and all died without exception from the cavalry blades and blazes. However, when the scout arrived, these villages were buried by quicksand without exception.

The village sank underground and became a huge tomb, burying all unfortunate misery.

As the initiator of everything, it was not long before Murphys received the order from the chief consul to meet immediately.

Walking up to the tower step by step, when he faced Ashkandi again, his expression was cold and abnormal.

"How does it feel to be a hero?" Facing Ashkandi was a straightforward irony, "Saved a village, gimmicked, bloody?"

Murphy, who was just about to sit down, narrowed his eyes, squeezed his fingers slightly, and then said quietly, "What's the matter with me?"

"What's the matter? Your unauthorized actions disrupted my deployment. According to Lampard's law, you should be dragged out and hanged now."

"Lampard's laws still target the "night watchman"?

Murphy bowed his head blankly, staring absently at his nails: "Or, the law here does not protect civilians?"

"Oh, protect the civilians, you are right," Ashcandi took an elegant step in front of Murphys, and the black robe was gently thrown up, "protecting the civilians is to protect the civilians, not slap all the invasions. Or, you let Gabriel Empire and Forddin suddenly feel that they have encountered a hard stubble, and the consequence is the adjustment and change of the entire strategic policy."

"Do you know that because of your actions, perhaps the entire territory will pay a greater price to win the war?"

"Seven hundred people died in the village today, but the whole war may lose 3,000 people for this reason, but your behavior will cause these three thousand people to splatter the battlefield, heroes, can you stop it? If not, then Please stay in Sisrin honestly in the future."

Wasn’t this the original Ashkendi who followed Murphys in Murren’s territory to admire the Earl’s Palace, she was the Archon, the current leader of the night watchman, and the founder of the night watchman, Murphy? As the "assistant" of the great consul, at the moment, he was reprimanded by his superiors as a common visible sad reminder of his subordinates.

Moreover, there is no doubt to refute.

Murphy was never a person who had great confidence in his talents. Without Irindal, he could not build an intelligence network. Without Brown, he did not know how to command the cavalry regiment. Without Hegel, diplomacy was messed up, without Sand. Lan, the mages can only be used as decoration.

He knew that the art had specialization, and he knew that he couldn't take everything into account-and killing all the invading knights was his emotional behavior.

Is he right?

At the moment when he raised his hand to destroy everything, he thought he was right, but in Ashcandy's view, his mistakes were simply ridiculous.

"Hah, I can understand your anger after seeing those scenes-but where is your source of anger? Can it bring you answers? Or does it bring you justice?"

Ashcandi opened his hand in front of Murphy, "You, but a child who is powerful but does not understand the world at all, do you think you can see the truth of the world through your life experience in less than 20 years?" "

"True wise men will never let emotions dominate."

"I am not a wise man, I am not a hero, I am nothing."

Facing Ashkandi's accountability, Murphy lowered his eyes and answered calmly, but revealing the unspoken negative.

Where is the moral bottom line?

When this problem is really hit by reality, it is far easier to distinguish it than imagined-the person holding the butcher knife is not only a knight, but also himself.

Today, more than three hundred knights can be instantly evaporated by anger. Tomorrow, three thousand people may also disappear in the world for this reason.

When hunting Murphy didn’t have much moral guilt for his sake, but when he killed people for his own emotions, he didn’t feel the pain after sanctioning evil, but more Strong confusion and pain.

"I won't do redundant things. If this is your intention, I want to say that you succeeded."


This is Murphy's only mood after a killing that may be regarded as absolute justice by others.

He got up, sighed softly, and stepped away.

"Ready to escape? A child who is unwilling to face the reality will never be able to bear the burden. His Excellency Windsor, do you understand what you are after?"

Ashcandy's sarcasm pierced Murphy's heart like a blade-he did feel the pain, a severe pain after values ​​and morality were relentlessly impacted by reality.

He did not respond, disappeared to the staircase of the tower, and his steps were calm.
