The Black Tech Life of Scum

Chapter 161: Bei Bing Dilemma 2

People will have a comparison mentality, more or less, in what way.

Ruan Jian is the same. After contacting Wang Beibei and Zhang Yifan, he felt that his life had embarked on another road.

Especially after receiving the news from Teacher Xu Lin of the Teaching Department, he felt that he had become a better person among his classmates;

Yes, even if they are students of the same class, few of them have this kind of leave which is specially approved by the school, and then come to the company for internship;

This is a down-to-earth internship, not like the previous seniors said, go to the enterprise, and then train for a few months, and finally be divided into a small department .....

This is also impossible. In fact, corporate recruitment requires that applicants have corresponding work experience, and work experience is not something that can be obtained in a vacuum;

Many experienced people are right in saying that the first job after graduation will have a great impact on personal career.

Because the first work experience is accumulated in this position, and future accumulation will start from this foundation.

On the production line of Xincheng Electronics, Ruan Jian learned a lot of things, many things are unheard of in school, however, he is used to it here.

Because in a place like the production line, everything is practical, and those things that are tall but cannot land, there is no room for survival at all;

Ruan Jian was extremely excited when he heard classmates said that he might enter an internship in a military enterprise;

The place of the army is an extremely sacred place in the hearts of men, but many people scold mothers;

If you ca n’t be a soldier, going to the military industry for a period of time can be considered as a military experience.

However, at the last moment, Ruan Jian received a notification that he would be left at Xincheng Electronics instead of going to the North Weapons Factory for an internship.

When Teacher Wang Beibei personally told him this fact, he could hardly accept it. The difference was too great, giving hope, but cruelly taking away hope in front of himself.

"Mr. Ruan Jian, in fact, the company is not doing charity, and the original intention of the company is to make money. At Xincheng Electronics, all of us are gone. We must leave individuals to take the big picture. We cannot afford any problems." Wang Beibei said earnestly.

In fact, he knew very well that this guy was going to be sent to the North Weapons Factory. Who ordered the order over there was several times higher than Xincheng Electronics, and everyone knew that the price was expensive? .

But this kid's life is not good. When playing games, this kid is a good player, a Han Xin jumps east and west, almost turning the super **** .....

Wang Beibei was a bit sorry. If the boy was sent to the North Weapons to practice again, basically, once it was out, it would be no problem to be an engineer on the production line.

But now, this kid's political trial cannot be passed, and he doesn't know what his father thinks, leaving such a stain, that is, the child will be affected if he wants to take the civil service or join the army.

But such a big truth must not be spoken, it is too heartbreaking.

"Ms. Wang, am I doing well here, can I go to the northern weapon?" Ruan Jian asked with eagerness.

Impossible, you are impossible in this life. Wang Beibei knew very well, but couldn't say it.

"Yes, as long as you get this straight, I will find someone to replace you. We have eight people here, and now you are the only one left. The pressure is really a bit high. You work hard. I ’ll find the boss Here is your processing capital, "Wang Beibei said arrogantly.

He didn't know that at this time, he finally started to take up the leadership position, and then ... in the future, he would only speak more and more if he violated his intentions.

"Thank you Teacher Wang, but I have been in the assembly section before, and I am not familiar with it elsewhere ..." Ruan Jian said a little slyly.

"So you have to study harder. The quality of the company depends on you alone."

Wang Beibei said: "This place is like the old nest, and the northern weapon is just a new nest. If we can't keep the old nest, the new nest will be useless."

"Mister Wang, I will work hard and won't embarrass you," Ruan Jianxin vowed.

"That's good, I'm actually optimistic about you, otherwise I won't try my best to keep you." Wang Beibei patted his shoulder with a smile.

Whoever does it knows that Wang Beibei did not discuss it with anyone at all, because there was no negotiation at all over the northern weapons, and no contact was allowed if the political review failed. This is a mandatory requirement.

However, when future generations talk about this dark history, they will all mention Yifan Technology's god-making ability.

It is such a company that has caused some graduation life to be a myth in the manufacturing industry. What is more frightening is that it is not one or two, but a group of ...

At that time, the second generation of the water snake ‘Xiao Qing’ was actually like a modern elderly machine, barely able to use it;


When entering the 3015 factory of North Weapons ~ ~ Li Qiang, they were all curious.

Soon after, they found themselves out of step with the factory.

If Xincheng Electronics is a friendly environment, at least the outside world is a culture of acceptance and tolerance.

Well, in the 3015 factory, they are completely excluded and questioned, even hostile.

A group of people in their twenties who are passionate and have not experienced any hardships will definitely find it difficult to survive in this environment.

Even aunts who are cooking, when they see these raw faces, the frequency of hand shake is much higher than usual ...

The factory is full of colleagues who have been together for many years or even decades. Everyone has been like this, but they can still eat and wear warmth anyway;

But now, such a group of little babies suddenly came to the airborne, and it is said that it was still the deputy general manager who would not get benefits in the factory ...

In this case, it is not bad without directly stabbing people.

Who will give them a good look? This is obviously a bad job for everyone.

But no one expected that what would happen to those people who had not been exposed to social pollution after entering the production line.

What they bring is not much, just a standard, acceptable and unacceptable standards approved by Zhang Yifan!

So the various processes started normally, because they can sign directly at the MRB meeting. This kind of bad appearance is acceptable in itself, but the supplier needs to improve things.

In the production line, there is no need for so many fault-finding places. The quality cost of civil products must be controlled within an acceptable range .....

Even Jiang Huai didn't expect that Wang Beibei's trick really worked because he used a group of students who were not afraid of anything ...