The Boss Wears a Book To a Woman

Chapter 272: Where did the thief come from?

Nan Jun came back within less than a stick of incense, stood at the door, stomped the snow on his feet, shook the snowflakes on his body, and then opened the door curtain and walked in.

"But what happened?"

Qiao Yun moved in to make room for Nan Jun.

"It's Qiao Erniang's two sisters. When they went out to play, they found Er Gouzi at the west end of the village frozen to death."

Nan Jun didn't show any expression when he said this, as if hearing about it was like hearing about someone's missing a chicken.

Qiao Yun was startled for a moment, then sighed and said: "Oh! That Er Gouzi has always been incompetent, and it is pitiful to have lost her mother and father since she was a child, but she herself is too lazy, and she doesn't know how to prepare for winter. some firewood, and froze to death.”

Qiao Yun couldn't tell what mood he was in now, those two dogs had hurt Nan Jun once, and he definitely would not forgive her in his heart.

It's just that if he said that he was looking forward to Er Gouzi's death for this reason, then Qiao Yun really couldn't do such a thing.

"Everything is fate. She lives so carelessly, she might as well be born again for the first time."

Nanjun took off his shoes and got on the kang again. In this era without heating, the only way to avoid freezing to death is to lie on the kang.

Even Nanjun's martial arts is strong, but he can't stand the cold of this winter.

"I just hope that she will join a good family in the next life, be a good person, and stop causing harm to the village."

These two dogs didn't even have a family, and they couldn't even find a body collector after they died, so there was no need for the village to make funeral arrangements for her.

"Eh? I heard that San Maozi, who has been with her all this time, has gone?"

Qiao Yun suddenly thought of the little girl who had always been following Er Gouzi and behaving mischievously regardless of right and wrong, Qiao Yun couldn't help asking.

"That's not what they said. If you don't learn well, you will end up like this."

Nan Jun really didn't care, she saw everyone rushing to the west of the village, and she came back after hearing a few ears.

Those two dogs were always sorry for Qiao Yun, but Nan Jun forgave her just because he couldn't do it.

But when a person dies like a lamp goes out, everything is over.

Even so, Nan Jun doesn't want to argue with her so much anymore, let all of this disappear with Er Gouzi's departure!

Qiao Yun was still weeping over Er Gouzi's departure, but Nan Jun had already fallen asleep hugging his waist.

The matter of Er Gouzi soon became the past among the people in the village. The appearance of this person did not seem to be so popular, and no one would miss her departure.

On New Year's Eve, no matter how cold it is outside, it can't stop people's heart to keep watching the year.

Nan Jun and Qiao Yun were sitting on the edge of the kang making dumplings and talking and laughing, when suddenly there was a rustling sound outside the room.

"You wrap it first, I'll go and freeze these outside."

Nan Jun's expression changed, his ears moved, and then he stood up pretending to be calm, and said to Qiao Yun who was seriously rolling out the noodles.

"Okay, remember to cover the dumplings tightly with a cloth, so that those night cats won't take them away."

Qiao Yun nodded slightly, and instructed softly.


Nan Jun walked out with two curtained dumplings in his hands, striding vigorously.

If you carefully observe Nan Jun's expression, you can see the killing intent flashing in her eyes.

In Qiao's Village for so long, there has never been a thief other than Qiao Ergouzi.

It's just that the footsteps outside today are too light. If it wasn't for the heavy snowfall outside, Nan Jun might not even be able to notice that someone came in the yard.

Standing outside the courtyard, Nan Jun put the dumplings in his hand on the incense stand, then looked at the dark night, and whispered in a voice mixed with internal strength: "Come out!"

If this person is just asking for money today, then Nan Jun will consider sparing her life, but if she wants to hurt Qiao Yun, then this person must not be kept.

The figure in the dark paused, she never thought that this girl who grew up in the mountains could find her coming.

A woman in a black dress came out from the darkness wrapped in a black cloak. The man had strong steps and a strong figure. Just by looking at the fabric on his body, he knew that he was not an ordinary person.

With the help of Xue, Nan Jun stared at the face that appeared in the darkness, and before the man opened his mouth, she already knew who it was.

"Ah Jun..."

The woman was obviously very excited. She had been looking for this child for nearly ten years, and finally found that she was still alive and well.

Nan Jun took two steps back, looked sideways at the candlelit window behind him, and deliberately suppressed his voice.

"I don't know who is your lord? What are you doing at my house in the middle of the night?"

After so many years, why did she come to bring herself into the vortex of power?

"Ajun, are you blaming your mother for not protecting you and your father?"

The woman saw the disgust in Nan Jun's eyes, and she knew that she was the one who was sorry for the child.

A lady from the noble family who grew up with a golden spoon in her mouth has fallen into such a situation.

"I'm afraid you have mistaken the person. My mother and father passed away many years ago."

Nan Jun said without changing his expression, thinking about it, the "Nan Jun" in the book is here, so he probably doesn't want to go back to the house that eats people and doesn't spit out bones!

"Ajun, mother has been looking for you for a long time, and she will definitely not admit her mistake..."

Nan Yi took another step forward, his voice raised a little, and he raised his hand to touch Nan Jun's arm, but Nan Jun dodged it sideways.

"It's Chinese New Year, please don't spoil other people's interest. My husband is still here, if you disturb him, don't blame me for being ruthless."

Nan Jun's face became more and more ugly. If Qiao Yun knew that her mother was looking for her, she would definitely not feel good. That child is very sensitive and fragile.

"Husband? Are you married?"

Nan Yi's brows were tightly furrowed, she checked Nan Min for a long time, but she didn't hear that she was married, besides, isn't that child less than fourteen years old this year?

"What does it have to do with you?"

Nan Jun became more and more tired of this woman who appeared for no reason, what was her expression?

Could it be that the incompetent woman in front of her had the final say on whether or not she, Nan Jun, would get married?

"No, mother didn't mean that..."

Nan Yi hurriedly shook her head, she didn't mind who Nan Jun liked.

She had already inquired clearly about Nan Jun's experience. This child had a hard life, but thanks to Qiao Xiucai's help, as long as Nan Jun was still alive, she didn't care how many husbands he married.

"Nanjun, why don't you come in?"

Qiao Yun, who waited in the house for a long time but didn't see Nan Jun entering the house, was worried, so she came out to look for her wrapped in a thick jacket, but when she opened the door, she saw the strange woman standing in the courtyard.

"Nan Jun...'s mother?"

Qiao Yun murmured, "It's not that he's so smart, it's just that the faces of the mother and daughter are carved out of the same mold, and it's hard for him to pretend that they don't know each other.

"Yun'er, you go inside, it's cold outside."

Nan Jun walked a few steps quickly, tightened Qiao Yun's jacket again, and urged him to go in.