The Brocaded Tale of The Girl Si

Chapter 171: motivation

Uncle Yong Chang was shocked by the madness and hatred in the damselfly's tone, and he rushed angrily: "Don't want to be silly, how can my wife and I treat you so much that makes you vicious?"

The sight of everyone staying on the body did not make the damselfly panic. Instead, she burst into laughter: "Hahaha, even if you don't ask, I have to make it clear, so as to teach the world what kind of dirty Uncle Yong Chang is a gentleman. man of!"

"Don't insult my father!" Xie Qing paled with anger.

Uncle Yong Chang pulled his daughter back: "Let her say it!"

The damselfly raised her hand and wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes, and said bitterly: "Seventeen years ago, Mrs. Uncle was pregnant, and she wanted to pick a room for Uncle Yongchang. At that time, many maids were ready to move, and I was one of them. One."

Speaking of this, the damselfly laughed at herself: "No one in the house knows that Uncle Yong Chang treats his wife well, is gentle and polite on weekdays, and is clean and self-conscious. Except for his wife, let alone a concubine, he has never even had a room girl. How many maids would not be tempted by a young man with a good character, a distinguished status, and a young man?

The damselfly choked, her eyes full of hatred when she looked at Uncle Yongchang: "But who could have imagined that this commendable uncle would be so nasty, and he obviously coaxed me to occupy my body, but turned her head to deny it. , I pretended that nothing had happened and let Mrs. Bo arrange Chunmei. Hehe, I was too stupid when I was young and couldn’t figure it out. What is the loss for a man to sleep more than a woman? I’m not willing to run I went to Mrs. Bo to argue, but Mrs. Bo accused me of unscrupulous attempts to climb up to Yong Chang Bo and ordered people to drive me out..."

"Is that why you killed Mrs. Bo and planted your uncle?" Zhen Shicheng ignored Yong Chang Bo's increasingly ugly face, and said lightly, "Hate is something that can make people lose their minds and make impulses, but hate tends to grow over time. Elapsed and lessened, you chose to take revenge after seventeen years. Could something have happened?"

The damselfly pressed her lips tightly, trembling like fallen leaves in the autumn wind.

Zhen Shicheng clapped his hands: "Yes, the change should be caused by the death of your son and man two years ago!"

After hearing Zhen Shicheng's words, the damselfly couldn't help taking two steps back, looking at him like a ghost.

Does this Master Zhen have a mind-reading skill?

At this time, the damselfly also lost the thought of concealing. Instead, she had the urge to vomit and sneered: "Yes, but the root cause has to start seventeen years ago! I was sold to the Bofu since childhood. I had no relatives and no support in the house. After I was driven out of the house, I was even more desperate. I chose to go to the river in despair. God could not see that I just left so comfortably and was rescued by a passing trader. At that time I was rescued. Frustrated, and grateful for the merchandiser’s life-saving grace, he married him and returned to his hometown of Nanhe to live with him..."

Thinking back to the past, there was a bright color in the eyes of the damselfly. It was obvious that the days with the merchandiser were not lacking in joy.

But soon the damselfly changed her tone: "Who would have thought that soon after marriage, I was pregnant!"

Everyone listened and couldn't help looking at Uncle Yong Chang.

In this situation, almost everyone's first reaction was that the child in the damselfly was Uncle Yong Chang. Only Uncle Yong Chang had a calm face and looked cold and could not see what he was thinking.

The damselfly trembled violently: "Although I married him soon after being rescued by the merchandiser, the child was not his at all according to the date. Sure enough, I had a seizure after eight months of marriage. After three days and three nights of dystocia, I finally gave birth to my son. As my son's eyebrows opened day by day, there was nothing similar to my man. I could no longer deceive myself with the idea of ​​fluke. Fortunately, my man thought. My son was born premature, and I didn’t doubt it. I thought I would give birth to him again, and caring for him for the rest of my life would be regarded as making up for my guilt. Who would have thought that I would never be pregnant again. The doctor who came in said that I hurt my body during delivery, and I can't get pregnant. I really hate it!"

The damselfly stared at Uncle Yong Chang with round eyes, and said with a trembling: "It was him who wanted to harm me for a while, shouldn't I hate it!"

Zhen Shicheng was noncommittal and continued to ask: "Then what does the death of your son and man have to do with this matter?"

It's just because she can't have children for her husband, this kind of hatred is not enough to make a woman with a pretty good life plan to retaliate and kill.

Hearing Zhen Shicheng’s question, the damselfly pulled her untidy hair hard, and the pain made her remember the past without going into madness due to pain: "This secret has been hidden in my heart for too long, too long. Seeing my son grow up day by day, his appearance and temperament are completely different from my man, I became more and more panicked until one night—"

As the damselfly paused, the courtyard was silent.

Everyone wanted to know what terrible thing happened that night.

"I had a nightmare that night and couldn't help but tell this secret in my dream!"

There were bursts of exclamation in the crowd, and it was obvious that the secret exposure would be like this.

A different color flashed in Jiang Si's eyes.

Speaking of dreams to tell the secret, it sounds incredible, but it is not surprising.

A terrible secret has been concealed for too long, and it will become heavier in that person's heart, and one day he will find a vent because he can't bear it, either actively or passively.

"Hearing this secret, my man was crazy at the time, and his red eyes forced me to tell the origin of the dragon, and then—" Damselfly opened her mouth, tears running down the corners of her dry eyes, "He rushed into my son's room, I choked my son to death in anger!"

"Hiss——" Everyone couldn't help but sucked in air, and they looked at the damselfly with sympathy.

In any case, the only son was strangled to death by his own man, which was a bit tragic.

"You didn't stop it then?" Zhen Shicheng asked.

"I was beaten by him, and when the reaction came over, my son had died. My man calmed down, tied a stone to my son and threw it into the river, pretending that his son was drowning and didn't get the corpse... …"

Zhen Shicheng was silent for a moment, then asked: "Then how did your man die?"

The damselfly fell silent as well, and when everyone was waiting for her to answer, she smiled and said every word: "I killed him."

Looking at the damselfly smile, everyone suddenly felt a chill in their backs, and no one made the slightest noise.

"From then on, he would beat me every night, pumping the soles of my shoes, burning them with fire tongs, as long as it was a torture method. I knew I would be beaten to death by him in no time, but I Not reconciled, it’s not reconciled to be beaten by him, this is what I owe him. I’m not reconciled to being so miserable by Uncle Yongchang, and the people who hurt me are still living a rich and happy life. This is not fair!"