The Cannon Fodder and Villain’s Happy Ending

Chapter 116

Now in this big cold winter, the ground outside is as cold as ice. I am afraid that I will freeze my knees for an hour!

Since Concubine Liu married the emperor, she was backed by the Queen Mother, her aunt, and she has never received any punishment. The first time she was punished, the Queen Mother opened her mouth, and her complexion instantly turned pale.

"The emperor grandmother!"

Gu Jing wanted to intercede for Concubine Liu, but the Empress Dowager Liu was annoyed when she looked at the mother and son and waved her away: "Concubine, Gu Jing, you two go out."

"How is the affairs of the court? The emperor is in charge."

Empress Dowager Liu's tone was very firm, Gu Jing couldn't say anything, and she was afraid that it would make the Queen Dowager even more unhappy. Instead, she pushed the Queen Mother to the side of Queen Wei and Gu.

"Yes, the emperor's grandmother." Gu Jing stood up and gave Concubine Liu a soothing look, meaning that she was wronged this time.

Concubine Liu Gui froze in her heart, hoping that her son could intercede with herself. She closed her eyes and could only bend her knees back.

The moment Gu Jing turned around, the expression on her face changed instantly. The original gentleness and gentleness disappeared, and her expression was gloomy. A court lady next to him glanced at him and was taken aback. She bowed her head hurriedly and did not dare to look at Gu Jing again. .

Concubine Liu Gui knelt for an hour outside Shouning Palace, and was finally carried back by the palace people with shoulders.

Concubine Liu Gui and Queen Wei came to Shouning Palace one after another, but in the end, Concubine Liu Gui was punished to kneel by the Queen Mother. Although the upper and lower members of the palace do not know what happened in Shouning Palace, they can at least tell that Empress Liu is standing at the Queen Mother. Here.

In the next few days, so many pairs of eyes in the palace were looking at Fengluan Palace, and seeing the emperor staying in Fengluan Palace every day as usual, he knew where the Sacred Heart was, and there was a ripple in the harem. It calmed down again, on the contrary, there was a storm in the hall.

In the early court, Cheng Engong reprimanded Wei Xiushi again and asked the emperor to report to the public. He should not be partial because Wei Xiushi was the queen's father. Such injustice would chill the courtiers and the people.

However, his impeachment once again depressed the emperor.

In addition to Cheng En Gong, several courtiers followed and scolded Xiu Shi for colluding with King Yu. However, most of the courtiers held a neutral attitude towards this and waited and watched noncommittal. They had been making trouble around this incident for several days in a row. It must be righteous, and even other court affairs were delayed.

After a full three days of trouble, the early dynasty of the tenth day of the Lunar New Year ended with the emperor's departure.

The emperor was gone, and this early dynasty naturally dissipated. The courtiers bowed and bowed and sent the emperor away. After that, their eyes all looked at Cheng En Gong, with different expressions, scrutinizing, speculating, thinking, and sometimes Wandering.

In response to this, Cheng En Gong calmly walked out of the Golden Luang Temple, his eyes dark and complicated.

He walked forward in a stride, and walked towards the gate of the palace with a clear goal, but he didn't show that calmness in his heart.

At first, when Gu Xi, the third son of King Yu, came to look for him, Gong Engong was hesitant. Although the second prince married Tang Fengchun, a cousin of the Prince Yu’s mansion, as the full concubine, Gong Engong still felt that King Yu was not good enough. The king of Yu hated his bones, and the hatred between the two parties could not be reconciled. Once they took refuge in the king of Yu, they were bound to completely disgust the emperor, and the second prince almost gave up the possibility of getting a seat from the emperor.

This is really unwise.

Therefore, Gong En Gong never planned to cooperate with the Royal Palace of Yu at first, and even wanted to persuade Gu Jing not to get too close to Tang Fengchun. After all, Tang Fengchun's heart must be toward the Royal Palace of Yu.

Until the fire in the Tai'an Palace spread all over the capital a year ago, Gu Xi quietly brought Fang Taifei back to Yuzhou. When he heard the news, Cheng Engong felt that the situation was not good.

Obviously, Wang Yu has always been ambitious. He tried his best to cause this incident, and it must be the Northern Expedition. In other words, he chose to send Gu Xi to Beijing to pick up Concubine Fang at this time, and he thought it was him now. The best time for the Northern Expedition.

Now that the King of Yu has an excuse for the Northern Expedition, and there are no hostages in the capital, it can be said that the trend of the King of Yu's Northern Expedition has been difficult to stop.

Over the years, the king of Yu has been hoarding soldiers and food in Yuzhou. He has both money and soldiers. It can be described as a combination of time and place.

The king of Yu and Yuzhou were at their peak, but what about the court?

After more than ten years of foreign wars and civil turmoil, natural and man-made disasters, the imperial court was somewhat deficient in its military strength.

Fighting is the most expensive. If this battle is fought, hundreds of thousands of taels will be less than a million taels at every turn. It may even take several years for the two sides to fight. The national treasury can draw up enough military pay to support this. Fight? !

Just thinking about it, Cheng En Gong felt heavy in his heart.

He knows the best. Last year Jinzhou suppressed bandits, the emperor had to compromise with the second prince in order to collect money.

The treasury is so empty that if it really fights against the king of Yu, the court's winning rate may not be high.

This forced Cheng Engong to seriously consider Gu Xi's proposal, and he also secretly discussed it with Gu Jing several times.

Gu Jing eloquently persuaded him: "Grandfather, once my father established a prince, I was completely hopeless. The prince of this dynasty was difficult to establish, and it was difficult to give up. Even if the emperor's grandfather favored Yu Wang so much, he couldn't resist it in the end. The group of officials opposed the abolition of the prince and the establishment of the king of Yu."

"Are you still not sure about this?"

Indeed, Cheng En Gong was very clear.

There was such a big turmoil for the first emperor’s abolition of the prince. For a few days, even he thought that he would not be able to keep the prince’s position, but in the end the first emperor compromised under the advice of Qin Xu and the officials. , Can only exile Qin Xu into Minzhou.

Gong Engong thought over and over for several days, did not sleep well for several nights, and opened his eyes till dawn.

He had to admit that Gu Jing's words were not unreasonable. Once the emperor made Gu Jing the crown prince, Gu Jing would be completely out of touch with the throne.

It is precisely because of this that Duke Cheng En made up his mind to impeach Wei Xiu Shi, even though he was not sure in his heart.

In his thoughts, the carriage he was riding in stopped, and the coachman's respectful voice came from outside: "Old lady, here it is."

Gong En returned to his senses, pushed the door and got off the carriage. He entered the restaurant familiarly, until he came to a private seat at the end of the corridor on the second floor.

Gu Jing was already waiting in the lounge, looking at Cheng En Gong with scorching eyes.

"Grandfather, sit down and talk." Gu Jing personally got up to welcome Cheng En Gong in, and left a servant dressed as a small servant to guard the door outside the lounge.

Gong Engong sat down solemnly.

Gu Jing personally poured a drink to Cheng En Gong and asked eagerly: "Grandfather, how about today's morning?"

Grandpa Cheng En didn't mind drinking either. He roughly talked about the situation in the early dynasty, and finally said: "The emperor still ignores..."

Father Cheng En rubbed the white porcelain wine glass with his fingers, and said hesitantly: "Second prince, I don't know if King Yu is reliable."

Gong En Gong was always a little uncertain about the cooperation with the King of Yu. King Yu had a bad heart. To put it bluntly, he was a rebellious courtier, and was King Yu really reliable? Will Gu Jing choose to cooperate with the King of Yu for his skin?

Gu Jing did not have so much entanglement with Cheng En Gong. From the time he decided to marry Tang Fengchun as his concubine, he had already made a decision and decided to cooperate with the Royal Palace of Yu.

It is true that wealth is sought in insurance.

The father is partial. If he follows the crowd like the three emperors and others, he can only live a mediocre life. He is not convinced. He is obviously better than the six emperors. He wants to fight, and if he wins, he will have The world.

This plan was made by them before Gu Xi left, but Cheng En Gong had been hesitant. It was not until the emperor decided to establish a prince a few days ago that Cheng En Gong was promoted.

As they planned at the beginning, everything went smoothly, only one more step, Queen Wei can be dragged from the Phoenix position.

"Grandfather, I don't want to wait any longer." Gu Jing looked at Cheng En, who was sitting across from him, said in a fair manner.

Originally, he thought that as long as he worked hard, his father would see him, but his father never saw him, even if he made great contributions in Jinzhou;

Originally, he thought he had Qin Xin at least, but now he knows that he knows people and does not know his heart, Qin Xin is not what he thinks, this woman is despicable, greedy for power, and the person she admired has never been herself. , But the identity of the second prince;

At first, he thought he still had time to prove himself to his father and courtiers...

However, the father refused to give him a chance!

That being the case, then he was desperate.

Gu Jing's body was tensed, tightly squeezing the wine glass in his hand, the darkness in his pupils was like a bottomless abyss, and the air in this elegant seat was drenched.

Anyway, he now has nothing, his only request is the throne.

Once it is done, it will rule the world.

By then, he wants nothing! ?

By then, all the people who had been sorry for him would kneel humblely at his feet begging for mercy!

"Grandfather, will you help me, won't you?" Gu Jing's eyes showed brilliance, and his whole body released a compelling determination, as if he had seen the day he ascended the throne.

"..." Gong En's eyes darkened, and of course he was also anxious. Of course he wanted to help Gu Jing ascend to the throne.

After all, the emperor had to make a decree to make the six princes crown prince. If he missed this time, Gu Jing would have missed the throne. Then, the hard work he had put on Gu Jing over the years was wasted!

Gong Engong rubbed his eyebrows and said solemnly: "Second prince, you also know the emperor's temperament. It is impossible for him to abolish the queen and convict the guardian family just because of these few letters."

not to mention……

Cheng Engong raised his head and drank the contents of the cup, and hid a word without saying.

If they want to force the emperor to abolish, the few courtiers alone are far from enough, but because of Gu Jing's repeated defeats before, many courtiers are just like a wall of grass and start to wait and see. Now Chengen Gong can use it. There are not many people.

Cheng Engong sighed and said helplessly, "Now, I can only take one step and see one step at a time." Doing his best and obeying the destiny, Cheng Engong feels that the possibility of this matter is probably less than 30%.

Gu Jing's eyes flashed, took a red lacquered wood carved box from the side, opened the box himself, and said: "Grandfather, if there are not enough letters, how about adding account books?"

Gong En Gong opened his eyes slightly, looking at the blue book in the box, his heartbeat quickened, and said: "Account books? Second prince, where did you get the account books?"

The corner of Gu Jing's lips twitched and pushed the box with the account book to Cheng En Gong, and calmly said, "This was brought by Tang Fengchun yesterday, so I made a special appointment with my grandfather today."

"As long as Wei Xiushi is convicted of King Yu, even the emperor can no longer protect the queen."

"Isn't Feng Yushi from my grandfather? How about letting him take these evidences and hit a pillar on the Golden Luan Palace?"

"Father, this person always wants to whitewash the peace. It has to be forced."

Gu Jing stared at Cheng Engong like a beast staring at its prey. He was a pun. His words were not only for Cheng Engong to force the emperor, but also to force Cheng Engong.

Gong Engong still looked at the account book, and under his seemingly calm eyes, many emotions flashed through him, including hesitation, struggle, weighing, thinking, and so on.

He also knew that he had impeached Wei Xiushi this time, and he was bound to have completely offended Wei Jia and the queen... One of his feet had already stepped into this round.

Gu Jing took Cheng En Gong's entanglement in his eyes, and no longer urged, the corner of his mouth shook out a sneer at the arc that the other party could not see.

Most of the people in this world are grassroots, not only those courtiers who once claimed to be loyal to him, but also his grandfather.

He knew very well that his grandfather wanted to fight for the merits of Conglong, but he always hesitated and refused to do his best to help him. Since his grandfather still hesitated, then he would push his grandfather again.

There is a saying in the old saying, one blast, then decline and exhaustion.

If you want something to happen, you have to move forward!

Gu Jing looked up and drank the drink in one cup.

After a while, Gong Engong finally picked up the blue account book from the box and turned it slowly, page after page.

He read very slowly, carefully as if to memorize every word on it.

This account book is about firearms.

The imperial court set up a firearm manufacturing workshop in Jiankang City in the south of the Yangtze River, specializing in the manufacture of all kinds of firearms, such as rockets, tribulus fireballs, thunderbolt fireballs, tuxedo, poison smoke balls, and so on.

The account book records how many firearms Wei Xiushi has secretly moved from the firearms manufacturing workshop to the king of Yu under the name of "waste" in the past few years. The notes are clear and reasonable.

This account book is beautifully done, and Cheng En Gong can't make mistakes at all.

Even if he knew it was fake, he felt that the account book looked like the real one. It is conceivable that Wang Yu spent a lot of thought on it.

With this account book...

Father Cheng En squinted his eyes, his eyes darkened and his heart beat faster, even the blood in his veins boiled little by little.

Gu Jing could see that Cheng Engong had intentionally moved, and the corner of her lips twitched. He added drinks to both himself and Cheng En Gong, while continuing to say: "Grandfather, this is the'sincerity' given to us by King Yu."

Gu Jing's eyes were brighter, as if two flames were burning.

He believed in the sincerity of King Yu, as long as King Yu could help him win the crown prince, he would naturally return to King Yu, and both of them would get what they wanted.

As for the future...

"Grandfather," Gu Jing stared at Cheng Engong with scorching eyes, "I know my grandfather is worried that once King Yu succeeds, I will do nothing for nothing."

"But, don't forget, the father is the righteous monarch. If King Yu doesn't want to be infamous for thousands of years, he must help someone succeed to the throne for the sake of fame."

"Since King Yu made Fang Taifei's stand-in die in Tai'an Palace, his Northern Expedition must be under the guise of'Princess Qing's side.' As a result, he will not take the position by himself."

Once King Yu himself came to power, it would be treason, not Qingjun.

Gu Jing's remarks seemed reasonable, but Cheng Engong felt very uncomfortable.

He put down the account book in his hand, his eyes gloomy, and said grimly: "Second prince, you worked so hard to be a puppet for King Yu?"

If Wang Yu was in charge of the court, then why did he spend so much effort for the second prince? !

"Grandfather, do you think I would be so stupid?" Gu Jing asked indifferently.

Cheng En Gong: "..."

Gu Jing took another sip of his drink, played with the wine glass in his hand, and said calmly: "You don't want to think about it, but I am willing to be this puppet. Do you think King Yu will tolerate me as a puppet?"

Gong En's eyes widened, and he also wanted to understand.

Yes, if the king of Yu can really hold the emperor to make the princes in the future, then his next step is to kill Gu Jing silently, and then let Gu Jing's son ascend the throne, and the king can make him himself The regent really controls the government in his hands, and no one in the world can fault him.

Gu Jing put down the wine glass and said sternly: "Grandfather, you won't break or stand!"

"At that time, the overall situation of the court will be determined, and the king of Yu will definitely be greatly injured. I will fight with the king of Yu again. How can it be better than letting Gu Yu win this country now!"

"It's better than hopeless now!"

"Grandfather, this is our last chance!"

"Don't miss the opportunity, time will never come again." When it came to the last eight words, Gu Jing almost stopped talking.

In fact, Gu Jing had told Cheng Engong before and persuaded him about these things. However, Cheng Engong always felt a little uneasy. He always felt that he had overlooked something, so he had always been very cautious and had reservations. If you cooperate with King Yu, you will get your family in if you are not careful.

Gong Engong stared at Gu Jing quietly, quietly in the lounge, the needle drop could be heard, only the noise of pedestrians on the street outside came in through the window.

After a long time, Gong Engong looked at the account book on the table again. Finally, he moved. After drinking a sip, he "slapped" the glass on the table.

"it is good!"

Gong Engong nodded in agreement, and silently read the words of Gu Jing just now-don't break or stand.

Gu Jing felt relieved, and solemnly said to Cheng Engong: "My grandfather has worked so hard, and everything will bother my grandfather." He also poured wine to Cheng Engong himself, looking like grandparents and grandchildren.

"His Royal Highness, don't worry." Cheng En just responded, calmly accepting Gu Jing's gift.

He has the handle of Feng Yushi in his hand, which is enough to make the Feng family exiled for three thousand miles, and three generations cannot be officials. Feng Yushi will certainly not refuse to crash and die for the sake of the family.

When this was set, Cheng En Gong didn't get entangled anymore, and his eyebrows stretched out as he continued to flip through the account book.

After his mentality changed, the more he looked at it, the more he felt that this account book was very beautiful.

This time, the queen and the Wei family are settled!

Naturally, the road to seizing a protagonist was full of blood. Since the Wei family wanted to be named a marquis knight based on the outside family of the Sixth Prince, this was also a risk they had to take.

While looking at the account book, Cheng Engong drank a drink, and said casually: "Second prince, you still have to pay more attention to the queen mother."

"The queen mother likes children. This is your greatest help. After the emperor abolishes the queen, you have to rely on the queen dowager to speak for you in front of the emperor if you want something to happen."

According to Cheng Engong, Qin Xin's identity is a bit short after all, but now she is also pregnant with the emperor's grandson, and Tang Fengchun is ultimately involved with the Prince Yu's mansion, and it is not appropriate to get too close to him.

The word "child" was stabbed into Gu Jing's heart like a knife. His face was not very good, and his eyes were like Yasha from hell, but after all he promised: "Grandfather, I understand."

"And Tang Fengchun..." Cheng Engong wanted to remind Gu Jing, but Gu Jing didn't want to listen.

"Don't worry, grandfather, I have a sense of what happened to Tang Fengchun. However, the imperial grandmother has a bad temper recently, and even the concubine has been angered." Speaking of the punishing concubine Liu Guifei on her knees a few days ago, Gu Jing also felt distressed for her. Suffering for nothing, afterwards, he also asked Tang Fengchun to visit Concubine Liu Gui several times and sent nourishing medicines into the palace.

Duke Cheng En sighed deeply, and said in a deep voice: "The Queen Mother has a bad temper recently, and you don't want to think about it. After all, Fang Taifei fled back to Yuzhou, like today the Emperor Gao is far away..."

and many more!

Grandpa Cheng En's eyes widened suddenly, and at this moment, he suddenly understood what he had neglected all these days.

What's wrong is that Queen Mother Liu's reaction is not quite right.

The person that Empress Dowager Liu hates most is Fang Taifei. If Fang Taifei really escaped from her birth and went to Yuzhou, with the hatred of Empress Dowager Liu’s opponent, how could she let Fang Taifei go to Yuzhou to enjoy the blessing without any will. It should be furious, or even sick with extreme anger.


From the fire in the Tai'an Palace to the Chinese New Year, rumors about Fang Taifei in Beijing have been raging, but the mood of Queen Mother Liu did not seem to have been affected. Not only did she not declare a doctor because of her illness, she was also very interested. It’s so unusual that a troupe of Zhonggu Division has been hired to sing.

The more he thought about it, the more he felt wrong, and he asked sternly: "Second prince, when you and your mother and concubine went to Shouning Palace to see the Queen Mother, how did you feel about the Queen Mother?"

Although Gu Jing didn’t know why Cheng En’s father suddenly asked this question, he still answered truthfully: “I think the emperor’s grandmother was in a good mood at first, but then, for some reason, she suddenly angered her mother and concubine and punished her for kneeling outside the hall. It's an hour."

Cheng En Gong: "..."

Cheng En Gong's expression became more and more solemn, and a possibility emerged in his heart: Could it be that the one who died in Tai'an Palace was the real Concubine Fang?

If this is the case, Cheng En Gong suddenly felt that the account books in his hand were a bit hot.

"Grandfather..." Gu Jing felt that Cheng En Gong's expression was a little wrong and wanted to ask a question. But at this moment, there was a rush of messy footsteps in the corridor outside, and it seemed that a group of people ran towards this side.

The servant guarding outside the door let out a nervous whisper: "The hall..."

The sound stopped abruptly, and after hearing only a "bang", the door of the lounge was roughly kicked open from the outside.

Outside the gate of the lounge, the commander of Jin Yiwei Yuan Minggang appeared outside the lounge with several Jinyiwei, each of them looks majestic and aggressive.

The complexions of Gu Jing and Cheng En Gong changed, and they stood up almost at the same time, Cheng En Gong's bulging belly accidentally hit the table, and a wine glass rolled off the table and shattered on the floor.

The liquor and broken porcelain splattered in all directions, a mess.

However, Gong Engong no longer cared about these details, and was shocked: How could Jin Yiwei come here? !

Yuan Minggang walked in without a smile, casually arched his hand at Duke Chengen, and said coldly: "Duke Guo, the emperor called Duke Guo to enter the palace."

When Cheng Engong came on board, he felt that the account book in his hand seemed to be covered with charcoal fire, and it was extremely hot.

"Commander Yuan, my father just drank wine, his manners are improper, it is not suitable to enter the palace." Cheng Engong tried to find excuses to shirk one or two. Enter the palace."

How could Yuan Minggang be fooled by Cheng En Gong in a few words? He didn't even bother to talk nonsense with the other party, and he raised his hand casually and made a gesture, "Take it away!"

"Master Guo, you are offended!" The two Jin Yiwei immediately stepped forward to get someone, and his men were not polite at all. Not only did they take people, they also took the account books from Gong En Gong and presented them to Yuan Minggang.