The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 11: what is this?

   I slept very well this time. After waking up, the exhaustion that had been there since the journey was gone.

   Ye Xi walked out of the cave, a dazzling light coming along with the heat wave. Looking up at the sky, the white sun has just emerged, and the red star is still hanging high in the center of the sky, and its position seems to never change.

   Ye Xi got up late today, and the hunting team has already set off.

   Some of the remaining Tushan people are chopping wood in the open space, some are grinding stone tools on the rocks, and the women are mostly tanning animal skins and drying meat.

   There are many bird-sized small pterosaurs flying around the tribe, opening their mouths to catch small flying insects in the air.

   The tribesmen did not drive them away, nor did they hunt down these little pterosaurs, because their meat was small and sour, and it was very unpalatable. In addition, they could catch bugs, which could reduce the number of bugs in the tribe.

   After watching this strange scene for a while, Ye Xi looked away. When he saw the open space on the right, his eyebrows jumped.

   Where is the bear boy? ! What about their parents?

   The group of children in front of them were fighting fiercely with spears. The sharpened spears of these spears are real lethal weapons. It is no joke to be stabbed. Their fighting posture also reveals a fierceness, not a joke, but the kind that wants to kill each other.

   The oldest of these children is only nine years old. The brutality and wildness in the eyes are reminiscent of beasts, and it is shocking.

   Ye Xi was shocked to see.

The adult working next to    just glanced casually, and continued to do the work at hand as if he hadn't seen it.

   Ye Xi opened her mouth, but in the end she said nothing.

   "Father, come again! The one just now doesn't count!" a naive but fierce voice shouted.

   Ye Xi looked there, a little carrot head that reached his waist, covered in dust and embarrassed, his eyes stared fiercely at the tall tower-like adult in front of him.

   The red totem pattern on the left chest of this adult is vivid-this is a totem warrior.

   "Okay! Come again!" The totem warrior was not irritated by the boy's tone, but was very happy.

   The little boy wiped a handful of dust from his eyes, locked him tightly with his sharp eyes, and pounced on him, holding a bone knife.

   The soldier obviously released the water. After a dozen moves, he deliberately exposed his flaws and was hit by the kid's bone knife.

   The sharp bone knife slashed fiercely on the skin, but only left a red mark.

   "Good boy, this is a good trick. When you meet a beast, remember to..." There are a lot of tall warriors, and the child is not impatient, listening carefully, his eyes gleaming.

   "I will definitely become a second-level fighter like the chief and Uncle Tai!" After listening, the child clenched his fist, his eyes exuding firm gaze.

   His father slapped the back of his head with the fan-like palm of his father. He laughed loudly and said like Hong Zhong: "If you want to become a second-level fighter, I will surpass you, I will say, no, first become a reserve fighter."

   The child was staggered by the big palm, and he said loudly unconvinced: "I will definitely become a reserve soldier before I turn sixteen!"

   "Oh? The most talented cone in the tribe now succeeded at the age of fifteen. You are much worse than when the cone was eight."

   The child clenched his fist and stopped talking, but his eyes became firmer.

   crunch, crunch.

what sound?

Ye Xi looked up, and on the hillside above his head, a bear-like warrior was not sure if his back was itchy or awkward. He leaned against a giant tree, and the giant tree was overwhelmed and groaned. . After a long time, the soldier seemed to finally feel that his back didn't itch, stopped torturing the giant tree, and looked at the ground.

   Ye Xi had a bad feeling and took a step back.


   The next second the soldier jumped straight down from the mountainside. When he landed, he made a loud noise. The ground tremors slightly, and the dust suddenly rose.

  The flying dust made the children who were practicing next to him instantly ashamed. The fight was suspended, and the collective protest loudly: "Uncle Luo!"

   Luo Hehe smiled.

   It's very risky, I'm almost ashamed, there is no place to take a bath here.

   "Ye Xi!"

   Hearing someone calling him, Ye Xi turned her head and turned out to be Yong.

   Luo's physique was already very strong, but he was still a little smaller than Yong, and when he walked towards him, he felt like the ground was shaking.

   "How did you sleep yesterday?"

  Because Yong is too tall, and Ye Xi's body is underage, only to the side of Yong's waist, Ye Xi must look up high to look at each other.

   Ye Xi took a step back calmly, her neck a little better: "Very well, I overslept."

   "Haha, that's good, go, I will show you our tribe."

   Ye Xi's eyes lit up slightly and nodded.

   Yong first took Ye Xi around, and then came to the edge of the tribe.

   There are rows of sharp wooden thorns inserted on the ground here, and the wooden thorns are stained with blood. It seems that many creatures have been recruited.

  Beside these wooden thorns, there are many black feces-like things.

   "This is the dung of the Tyrannical Beast. Creatures with intelligence will be afraid of the Tyrannical Beast and dare not approach here. However, it does not rule out the appearance of some creatures that are not wise, or are powerful and do not fear the Tyrant Beast."

   Ye Xi knew that the people here called dinosaurs a terrifying beast. This tyrannical beast... Ye Xi pondered that it should be a very powerful and terrifying species of dinosaurs.

   pointed to the ground bravely and said, "These wooden thorns are mainly against creatures that are not wise and weak. You should be careful. Some wooden thorns are buried deep, so don't step on them."

Ye Xi stepped back slightly, and she saw that there was a row of wood that was almost the same color as the dirt nearby, with only a few pointed wooden thorns. If it were not for Yong reminded him, he would have not noticed it, and stepped on it... To be pierced.

   "This is the edge of the tribe. Inside, you are safe. Do not go out of this range."

   Not far from here, Ye Xi also saw a pile of white corpses like a small mountain. At first glance, it made the skin chill. He even saw human skulls inside.

   Yong watched Ye Xi looking over there, and explained: "The leftover food in the tribe is thrown there. It will stink if it piles up next to the tribe."

   Ye Xi was silent, remembering the horrible cannibalism scene on the first day after crossing over.

   Seeing that Ye Xi was not in high spirits, he said courageously: "Let's go, I'll take you to the mountain to see."

  The mountain that Yong said is the mountain on top of their cave-Xiaotu Mountain.

on the hill.

   Yong shuttled through the bushes and fern leaf forest extremely fast, Ye Xi clenched his teeth and followed Yong closely, pulling out his legs and running wildly.

   At this time the sun rose again.

   Ye Xi followed Yong with a heavy breath, feeling that he had reached the limit of his physical strength, the heart in his chest was beating violently, almost jumping out of this skinny chest.

   has been running at such high speed for almost a quarter of an hour. If he had a heart attack in his previous life, he is already lying on the ground. Although this body is thin and can count his ribs, he can barely support himself with willpower.

   Ye Xi forced himself to run a few more steps, and finally couldn't keep up.

   "Go slow!" Seeing that Yong's figure was about to disappear on the mountain, he couldn't help shouting.

   Stopped bravely, and turned around to see Ye Xi sweating profusely, panting heavily, and suddenly returned to his senses: "Hunting is used to this speed, and I walk fast without knowing it, forgetting that you are an ordinary person."

   Ye Xi only felt his eyes blink, UU Reading Yong appeared in front of him from a few tens of meters away.

   "But you actually followed me without a word for so long, what a kid, tough enough!" At this moment, Yong forgot the identity of Ye Xiwu's disciple and only regarded him as a descendant of the Tushan tribe.

   "I've been... I've been rewarded." Ye Xi panted heavily, and sweat rolled down. "But... if you go so fast, I won't be able to keep up."

  Yong saw that Ye Xi was tossed like this, and finally felt embarrassed in hindsight, and then later realized that Ye Xi thought I was tossing him on purpose? ! The ancestor is here, he really didn't mean it!

   gritted his teeth, Yong dropped a water bag from his waist and handed it to Ye Xi.

   Ye Xi thought it was water, but didn't care too much, opened the lid, and a **** breath filled his nose.

   Yong looked at the water sac reluctantly, watching Ye Xi watching him, and pulled out a dry smile: "Drink, this is a good thing, but your body can only take two sips."

   This smile... is even more bitter than when I grilled him last night.

   Could it be that this is a good thing? Ye Xi looked at the water sac. Although his throat was thirsty, the blood in the water sac was so rich that it was several times more fishy than the wild boar blood he had drunk, causing him to frown.

   Ye Xi hesitated for a moment before taking a sip.

   The blood was in the mouth, it really made him want to vomit it out.

   The blood was originally cold, but after sliding down the throat and into the stomach, it suddenly became hot and hot, and suddenly there was a small fireball burning in the stomach. Immediately afterwards, a thin warm current surged from the limbs, and the limbs that had been exhausted suddenly gained strength.

   Ye Xi opened his eyes slightly, and asked Yong incredulously.

"……what is this?"