The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 123: 1Instantly Winter

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"Ye Xi, come in quickly! The big cold wave is coming!" The chief yelled to Ye Xi while holding the slate.

Ye Xi moved his stiff legs, trying to move himself towards the stone house as quickly as possible.

Almost when Ye Xi had just entered the house, the chief hurriedly put down the slate and blocked the door.

Entering the stone house, Ye Xi quickly dug up the ice that had spread to his chest and threw it away.

There was a sudden crackling of ice.

The lower body covered with ice is numb and has not recovered consciousness.

Ye Xi looked up and found that the frost had spread to the house.

The flame that was burning in the fire pond was also affected by this frost. The flame that was 30 centimeters high suddenly shrank to the size of the tip of a candle. It was faint and weak, and seemed to be extinguished at any time.

Putai and the soldiers who stayed in the stone house are hurriedly adding hay to the fire pond, bowing their waists and blowing air at the fire, trying to make it more prosperous.

Women like Shuiwen, Ling, and Tao, the child shrank and shivered on the animal skin blanket, showing only one face, their noses were red with cold, and the breath they exhaled became white mist.

Ye Xi also felt a little cold. He took off the thin animal skin cloak and quickly took up a brown bear coat and wrapped it around him. After wearing the bearskin, Ye Xi felt a chill on his scalp. After putting on the animal skin cap, he breathed a sigh of relief.

It took a lot of work for them to finally re-energe the flames in the fireplace.

A few soldiers leaned against the fire, spreading their palms close to the red-yellow flames to keep warm.

Just now Hoarfrost came too suddenly, they didn't have time to change into thicker clothes, they were licking firewood for the fire pond, and their hands were frozen.

The reckless fellow, Zhuo, tried his best to put his hand near the flame, his hand almost being licked by the tongue of fire.

He trembled and said authentically: "This year's big cold wave is coming early. I was freezing to death."

The dolphin’s teeth trembled: "Yes, yes, the fire almost went out."

Several people bake for a while, and after their hands regain consciousness, Yong said to the woman and the child: "You guys come here quickly."

After a few women and children shivering with cold, wrapped in a thick blanket of animal skins, they moved stiffly to the side of the fire, while Yong and the others retreated back and gave them their place.

Ye Xi suddenly remembered the star algae. The big cold wave came suddenly, wouldn't all the star algae freeze to death, right?

This pot of star algae is now his heart.

Because he knew that after all this pot of star algae was consumed, he was unlikely to have such a good opportunity to get the star algae from the White Turtle Tribe.

Thinking of this, Ye Xi couldn't stand still, wrapped in a thick coat of animal skin, walked quickly to the firepit to see his pot of star algae.

The stone basin with star algae was placed closest to the firepit.

Ye Xi looked down and found that a thin layer of ice had formed on the surface of the stone basin, and the nineteen star algae inside were motionless as if frozen.

Two star algae dimmed quickly.

Ye Xi stunned, piercing the thin ice layer with his hands, and quickly picked up two star algae from the stone basin, stuffed one for Tao and the other for Duo: "Hurry up and eat!"

Tao is the only child in the stone house, and Duo is the oldest woman. They are the two weakest people in the stone house.

Tao He Duo immediately swallowed the star algae.

"Cough cough cough..."

Duo swallowed successfully, but Tao, the child had not fully developed his esophagus and was very thin, but he was anxious, but he swallowed the star algae whole in his throat without chewing, and then it suddenly got stuck.

Shui Wen picked up Tao and patted him on the back to help him swallow.

Pu Tai and other adults immediately got up, removed the stone slab blocking the door, and walked outside the house.

As soon as the stone slab was removed, a biting cold wind blew in immediately, causing the people in the house to shudder.

Shuiwen quickly wrapped Tao into her animal skin blanket.

Pu Tai came back quickly and moved them in the big water tank at the door.

At this moment, the water in the large water tank has completely frozen, and a thick layer of white ice is accumulated on the surface.

Seeing his son coughing constantly, Pu Tai was anxious. He held a handful of Bing Ling in his hand, leaned to the fire pond, and roasted it with flames.

The ice melted and turned into ticking ice water dripping from the fingers.

The water pattern patted Tao's back: "Come and open your mouth."

Tao flushed with a cough, and immediately opened her immature mouth.

Putai's two palms were separated a little, and a large pool of ice water poured into Tao's mouth along the gap between the palms.

The ice water stimulated Tao Tao's whole body to shake, and with a grunt, he swallowed the ice water. He finally swallowed the star algae stuck in his throat.

Tao stopped coughing, raised her small face, the horse healed his scar and forgot the pain, rubbed his belly, and said with a full face: "When this thing called star algae is swallowed, it feels so comfortable, it doesn't seem so cold. Yeah."

Duo: "I also don't feel that cold anymore." Although I felt a bit cool when I swallowed it, I quickly felt a comfortable feeling in my body, and even the ice cold seemed to ease.

Hearing what the two said, everyone's eyes on Star Algae became even more intense.

——It really is a good thing!

Ye Xi: "According to the people of the White Turtle Tribe, Star Algae has the effect of enhancing physical fitness."

He thought for a while, the reason why this star algae had little effect on strengthening his physique was probably because he had swallowed flowers before and had strengthened his physique.

For ordinary people like Duo and Tao with weaker bodies, as well as old people like Wu with unpredictable strength but poor physical conditions, the effect is even more remarkable.

As for the fighters, Ye Xi hadn't swallowed Star Algae for the fighters yet, so he didn't know how much it would do to them.

Chief: "This star algae has a very good effect on the witch. If you eat these two, let's send the dying star algae to the witch."

Everyone naturally had no objections.

For them, it's fun to eat for the witch or for themselves.

Of course, Ye Xi had no opinion anymore. After all, Wu made this look just to save him.

But although other people can no longer eat Star Algae, Star Algae has once again proved that it is a good thing!

Everyone has heard Ye Xi said that it is possible for star algae to reproduce if they are well raised, and the more they grow, the more they grow.

I don't dare to think about how many more star algae can be grown if they grow well? After eating all of them to Wu, will Wu's body recover better?

But now the star algae in the stone basin looked sluggish, and everyone couldn't help but worry.

But fortunately, the vitality of the star algae is still tenacious. As the ice layer in the stone basin gradually melts, the originally haunted star algae begins to become active in the stone basin again.

The ice in the large water tank gradually began to melt over time, leaving only the transparent ice. The large frozen fish in the tank are clearly visible. They are of different colors and have tails, like a fine resin painting.

The days of "winter" started like this.

The days of being trapped in the house are very There is no entertainment in primitive society. Everyone has nothing to do all day long. Couples like Zhui and Ling are constantly engaged in human-creation activities.

There is a small cubicle in this stone house, which is specially set up for couples, and those who need it take turns to use it.

But don't think that primitive people will make a special cubicle, how shame they are!

In the daily life in winter, Ye Xi is sculpting wood carvings with a sullen expression while listening to all kinds of unbearable sounds coming from the cubicle.

Over the past few days, he found desperately that primitive people didn’t know what impliedness was. The people in the cubicle were very moving. All kinds of shouts and roars were endless. There were both male and female voices, so loud that he suspected that they were outside the stone house Can hear.

Ye Xi felt that his ears had been raped.

He shrank under the covers and severely chipped off a piece of wood. I vomit viciously in my heart, Nima, my body is still a minor, don't you feel ashamed to pollute the ears of future flowers like this!

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