The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 147: Rush out of the grass

()What should I do?

Ye Xi pursed her lips slightly.

If there is something that can be used to block it, if there is something like wood or stone around, you can also make an umbrella-like tool so that it can be placed in front of it for shelter.

correct! Ye Xi thought of something, his eyes lit up, and one hand touched the bow and arrow on his back.

Ye Xi's bow was broken once during a big hunting, but now this bow is specially made and the wood used is very precious, both in hardness and toughness.

He looked down at his gloves.

The gloves of the Huosui tribe not only make the flint flames if rubbed a little bit, but also insulate it, so that holding the fireball doesn't feel hot, only a warm feeling.

The most important thing is that it is not easy to break. When he was in the tribe, he heard that someone had tried to cut it with a stone knife, but found that it could not be cut.

——I don’t know what material it is.

Ye Xi took a breath and decided to trust this glove.

"Sable, how many pairs of gloves do you have in your package?"

Diao was taken aback and replied: "Just one pair."

Ye Xi supported the fireball with one hand, and handed him a glove with the other: "You put it on first."

It is obviously impossible to wear gloves with one hand. The mink can only put the bone knife on the waist first, and then quickly put on the gloves.

Ye Xi held the fireball in his left hand, and quickly pulled out the bone knife with his right hand to chop down the praying praying mantis.

After Mink put on his gloves, Ye Xi handed him the fireball: "Hold it."

Mink received the fireball with one hand, and slashed the mantis with the bone knife with the other.

Ye Xi found the pair of gloves from the mink's package and put both gloves on his right hand.

Although the material of this glove is tough enough, it is safe to wear a few more layers.

After putting on the gloves, Ye Xi took the time to sprinkle insect repellent powder into the fireball, then took a piece of animal skin out of the package, cut it into strips with a knife, wrapped the hands in circles, then held the bow, and jumped. When he reached Jiao Jiao's head, he greeted Diao: "Come on!"

Mink immediately sat on Jiao Jiao's back. He saw Ye Xi holding a bow, somewhat inexplicably: "This is..."

Ye Xi didn't explain: "Hold my waist and be careful to be thrown off later."

Diao Yiyan hugged Ye Xi.

Ye Xi took a breath, sat cross-legged on the head of the Jiao Jiao, pressed down his waist, straightened his arms, holding the bow with his right hand, and grabbing the eye bones of the Jiao Jiao with his left hand, and ordered: "Jiao Jiao, don't worry about us. Forward!"

Jiao Jiao heard the order, flicked its tail, and dashed forward!

Ye Xi sat on Jiao Jiao's head, holding up the bow to block the endless grass like cutting them.

Sawdust was splashing.

Countless knives cut the bow and made a toothy sound.

Jiao Jiao was swimming forward.

Behind them, the praying mantises are chasing them, some pattering on the water to chase behind them, most of them flap their wings and want to catch them.

Over time.

Ye Xi saw that the animal skin he wrapped his hands gradually shattered until his brown gloves were exposed.

The hand holding the bow became tighter.

Ye Xi looked at that layer of gloves with fear, for fear of being scratched.

What made Ye Xi breathe a sigh of relief was that the gloves actually held on without being cut.

The Jiao Jiao rushed forward, and Ye Xi noticed that Jiao Jiao seemed to be a little bit painful. At first glance, he saw that Jiao Jiao's mouth was cut by a knife and it was dripping with blood.

After all, Jiao Jiao was only a flesh and blood body, and could not always resist such a sharp blade and grass at high speed.

Ye Xi shouted to Diao: "Bend down a little bit!"

After the mink fell down a bit, Ye Xi also bent down, then stretched out his arm and raised the bow in front of Jiao Jiao's triangular mouth to block the blade for it.

Stretch your arms to the limit.

It was surrounded by green that kept passing by, and the tip of his nose was full of the smell of grass juice.

Fearing that the knife that slipped through the net would cut his eyes, Ye Xi simply lowered his head and closed his eyes, and only told the Jiao Jiao to charge forward.

I don't know how long it took, it seemed that it was only five minutes and half an hour, Ye Xi's eyelids suddenly lit up.

I opened my eyes and found that they had come out of the slash forest, and there were normal grassland all around. And ten meters behind him is still grass.

Ye Xi looked back and saw countless praying mantises standing on the edge of the blade grass and looking at them unwillingly, but did not chase them.

——It seems that they can't or don't want to cut the grass.

Ye Xi breathed a sigh of relief, put down his straight arm, and got off Jiao Jiao.

Even with such a good wood, the bow has been drawn horribly, and the skin is peeled everywhere, and the two ends are directly cut off.

And it found that its gloves had actually broken two layers, and the outermost layer was even more sloppy. In other words, there is only one layer short, and his hand will be cut.

Although there is no scratch, the hand has been so impacted, and the back of the hand, especially the knuckles, is also painful.

Ye Xi took off the last layer of gloves and found that the back of his hand was full of bruises and bruises, blue and red, because his original white skin looked even more shocking.

Diao frowned, he stopped talking, paused, and said, "I can do the same thing just now. Let me do something dangerous next time."

Ye Xi was startled, and his heart was slightly warm, neither saying good nor bad.

Ye Xi's hand was injured here, and the Jiao Jiao didn't look very good either.

After all, the Jiao Jiao is a flesh and blood body, although it is protected by hard scales, but after rushing down this way, a lot of blood has been cut from the body of the python, and several scales have been cut off, revealing pink flesh.

Ye Xi felt distressed. He took out the panax notoginseng powder from the animal skin bag and sprinkled it evenly on the wound.

Mink looked back at the blade bushes, and said with a lingering fear: "We'd better go around this place when we come back."

This blade of grass is so terrible, I would rather detour more in the future.

Ye Xi had no objection. Now that he knew the danger, he would naturally not be guilty of asking for trouble.

The two of them hadn't walked for a long time. The sky was dark and they couldn't find the cave. They found a big tree for the night.

Fortunately, the clouds were very thick tonight, covering the red moon, so the insects were not very active at night, and the two of them had a good rest with one python.

Wake up the next day and continue to set off.

Getting closer to the snow-capped mountains, there are more and more creatures in the jungle.

In the jungle, you can see snow-white furry rabbits, small herbivorous or carnivorous dinosaurs, and giant dragonflies that keep gliding.

Afraid that there would be such unpredictable hunters as giant spiders in the jungle, Ye Xi and the others slowed down a bit.

Hunting while rushing.

Needless to say, Ye Xi's strength, as long as he doesn't encounter powerful beasts, groups of beasts, or tricky poisons, he is generally not his opponent.

Mink's strength is not weak.

The two hunted together, fruitful. The two let go of their stomachs to their heart's content.

Finally, they came to the big river that cut off the road ahead.

From the top of Xiaotu Mountain, the river is very beautiful, like a beautiful blue ribbon embedded in a green mirror.

But when the waves of such a big river were rolling in front of him, Ye Xi did not marvel at its beauty, but felt the endless danger.

The water of this big river is dark blue, and the bottom is not visible. The river is very wide, and the narrowest channel is nearly one kilometer in length.

The river is very turbulent, the waves are rolling, white waves are bursting, roaring and flapping the water bank from time to time, splashing water.

Ye Xi didn't rush into the water. He walked along the river for a while, found the narrowest section of the river nearby, and then stopped.

Mink tacitly took out the tentacle from the package and handed it to Ye Xi.

The two tied themselves tightly to Jiao Jiao and tugged at each other to make sure that Tendon would not loosen halfway through.

Ye Xi reminded: "Be careful that the package falls into the river."

Although Mink had already tied the package again, but when he heard Ye Xi's words, he conditioned to pull the belt: "Don't worry."