The Caveman Made Me Awesome

Chapter 159: Sweet little flower

Under Ye Xi's gaze, gradually, the huge flower disk of the little flower became lower and lower, and the leaves drooped down, and the whole flower exuded a pitiful atmosphere.

After a long while, Ye Xi said coldly, "Do you know it's wrong?"

The little flower hummed faintly as she hung the disc. The two troublesome vines hung on the ground, moving back bit by bit like a cover, and finally hid completely behind them.

"Will it be like this in the future?" The tone was severe.

Xiaohua's head was lowered, and the vines behind her were rowing on the ground uneasy.

In fact, Ye Xi was not so angry anymore.

After all, Xiao Hua didn't mean it. When he was taken by the Wing Man in the sky, he saw Xiao Hua anxiously chasing behind him. And just now, he risked his life to break into the Wing Man's lair alone and stole himself out.

It's just that Ye Xi must let Xiaohua understand that it did something wrong this time, and things like daytime must be eliminated in the future.

At this time, Xiao Hua suddenly slammed the vine aside.

The vine threw it out, immediately made the crisp sound of a whip in the air, and then immediately retracted it.

I saw a struggling giant centipede firmly **** in the vine.

This giant centipede is dark red and is very fat. It is constantly twisting its body, paddling like an oar.

As if to please Xiao Hua, handed the giant centipede to Ye Xi.

This huge centipede was less than five centimeters away from Ye Xi's face, and the long head tentacles almost swept his face. Ye Xi's mouth twitched, and he took a step back.

Is this... apologizing for yourself?

What made it mistakenly thought it was eating bugs?

Ye Xi rubbed his forehead with headache thinking about the behavior of taking the lead in eating giant insects after the infestation.

"You can eat it yourself."

The little flower was quite motionless, but suspicious green translucent sap overflowed from her mouth.

Ye Xi: "..."

"Let's eat." Ye Xi said irritably.

The little flower did not hesitate anymore, the center of the stamens opened and opened into a ball, swallowing the struggling giant centipede.

The picture is so beautiful, Ye Xi turned his head.

The appearance of this giant centipede also reminded Ye Xi that he found that they were surrounded by weird giant insects. Under the cover of the red moon, these giant insects all crawled out of the ground or hidden places and moved around.

Ye Xi just remembered now. When I was in the Wing Man’s Lair, there seemed to be no giant insect on the grass in the valley?

At that time, Ye Xi was worried that Yiren would find them, and he didn't notice.

Thinking about it now, it seems that there are very few giant worms going down the mountain, until they reach the flat ground, the giant worms gradually increase. And Xiao Hua also began to avoid the unmatched giant bugs.

Don't bugs actually like to visit that valley?

Ye Xi's eyes moved slightly.

At this moment, a caterpillar covered in spines fell from the branch above his head, and Ye Xi's eyes flashed to the side quickly.

Dangerously avoided.

Looking around, they were already surrounded by bugs, and a few giant bugs found them and were crawling towards them.

Ye Xi glanced at these giant insects, and said to Xiaohua: "Let's go, let's find a place to spend the night."

Xiao Hua stretched out the vine, trying to pick up Ye Xi.

Ye Xi stopped it with a black face.

You should know that Xiaohua hugs people with princesses. Although she runs very fast, if it is not a last resort, this kind of self-esteem holding method Ye Xi is still insensitive.

One person, one flower, strolling in the sea of ​​worms, finally found the tallest tree and decided to spend the night on it.

Ye Xi held a dagger in one hand and lay on his back on the trunk, while the roots of the small flowers were wrapped around the branches and stood behind his head.

At this time, a black beetle with a large palm fell from the branch above its head.

Ye Xi just waved his dagger, but saw a green vine swung past, and with a snap, the beetle was slapped away.

Ye Xi raised his eyes.

A begonia-colored flower was hanging from the flower tray to look at him, and the huge flower almost occupied half of the sky.

When has Xiaohua been so caring? The corners of Ye Xi's mouth curled up unnoticeably, put down the dagger, and folded his hands comfortably behind his head: "Little Hua, I will leave it to you to watch the night."

"I slept."

Speaking of it, it didn't take long to fall asleep.

Xiao Hua stayed in a daze, recognizing her fate to shake off the vine to drive away the insects for Ye Xi, sometimes giant insects climbed onto the tree to attack Ye Xi, and there would be a bitter battle.

God knows that Xiaohua is a plant, I have never bothered so much for the night.

Ye Xi woke up when the first ray of sunlight came down the next day.

He stood up and sat on the tree trunk in a daze, with haze in his lowered eyes.

I didn't sleep well this night.

There are women with strange faces everywhere in the dream, their big stomachs are moaning in pain in blood, and with the flapping of their wings, the huge and exaggerated stomachs split like a watermelon...

Ye Xi looked up at the direction of the Wing Ren's lair, feeling down.

Although he escaped, so many miserable women are still in hell.

But Ye Xi knew that there was absolutely no way to rescue them by herself and Xiao Hua. Don't look at Xiaohua's effort to save herself this time, after this time, Wing Man will definitely be more vigilant and will never let such things happen again.

Ye Xi jumped down from the tree.

Looking up to Xiaohua, "Let's go."

Xiao Hua didn't rest all night, and the whole flower was a little withered. Hearing Ye Xi's words, it slowly climbed down the tree with its roots, its head drooping.

Seeing Xiaohua's appearance, Ye Xi regretted it, and shouldn't let it stay all night.

He touched the back of Xiao Hua's head to apologize.

"Humph~" Xiao Hua made a coquettish hum, lowered her head to make it easier for Ye Xi to touch.

Ye Xi coaxed: "You did a good job this time, thank you for your hard work." The voice was gentle, and he was not alone with the harshness of last night.

After hearing the words, Xiao Hua shook the whole flower, and regained her spirit.

One person and one flower rushed to the direction of the snow-capped mountains.

Ye Xi didn't know where the mink was, but he knew that the Jiao Jiao should still stay in the prairie under the snow mountain. He planned to meet the Jiao Jiao first, and by the way, he could also ask the wild about where the Jiao Jiao was.

When he was captured, Mink and Ye were together.

After walking for a full they finally returned to the foot of the snow-capped mountains.

Along the way, Ye Xi found that the small stream in the valley was one of the sources of the big river that ran across the Black Ridge Mountains. So there is no need to remember the way, just walk along the edge of this big river.

Standing at the foot of the snow-capped mountain, Ye Xi closed his eyes and sensed, and then was shocked to find that Jiao Jiao was not nearby.

Ye Xi was a little worried.

There are many beasts in this grassland, including wild beasts. The Jiao Jiao will not be eaten by other beasts or dinosaurs?

As soon as this thought came up, Ye Xi laughed to herself.

Caring is chaotic, and the owner cannot feel it if the pet is dead. If his body does not respond, it means that Jiao Jiao is well.

Ye Xi and Xiao Hua came to the Xi tribe again.

When standing outside the fence of the Xi tribe, the man from the Yi tribe who was drying the cordyceps outside the cave looked at Ye Xi and opened his mouth in amazement, as if seeing a ghost in the day, his eyes straightened.